50+ Messages / Page

  Mike Levin · [email protected]
June 5, 2021 at 6:45 PM

The effort to remove nuclear waste from San Onofre is not over.

  John -- I wanted to make sure you saw my interview with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC's The Last Word about the urgent need to eliminate radioactive waste from the now closed Nuclear Generating Station in San Onofre (SONGS). You can watch the interview here, and if you're able, plea…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
June 3, 2021 at 6:12 PM

SD Union-Tribune: How San Diego's Veterans Benefit from the American Rescue Plan

  John, Yesterday, I had the opportunity to tour the San Diego VA Medical Center alongside Mayor Todd Gloria and other veterans' advocates. We met with doctors and hospital officials about how they're using the additional resources provided by the American Rescue Plan to support vete…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 31, 2021 at 5:58 PM

Honoring their sacrifice

  Happy Memorial Day, John. I hope you had the opportunity to spend time with friends and family this weekend, or found another way to mark this important holiday. Every year, Chrissy and I take a moment to pause and pay tribute to the sacrifices of Americans who lost their lives in…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 30, 2021 at 5:45 PM

Bad idea.

  Hello John, I hope you're enjoying the long weekend. Many people don't know this, but we're one of the few campaigns in the country running a year-round field program. Our thinking is pretty simple: We can't expect to win if we're reaching undecided voters at the last minute befor…
  Team Levin HQ · [email protected]
May 29, 2021 at 6:00 PM

John, here's what we have our eye on.

  John, With the end of the month closing in, here are three things Team Levin is watching closely: 1. As it stands, the coming midterm election could end up being our most difficult yet. 2. Redistricting is going to make things even more challenging. California is losing a House s…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 28, 2021 at 11:11 PM

Utter hypocrisy

  I almost can't believe it, John. This morning, Senate Republicans used the filibuster to quash the January 6th Commission to investigate the facts of the Capitol insurrection. Before I get into my thoughts on this, we need to be very clear about facts: What happened on January 6t…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 26, 2021 at 10:22 PM

re: a quick favor.

  I have a quick favor, John. We're coming up on our end-of-month fundraising deadline and we're falling short of where we need to be. We did expect a slowdown with Memorial Day weekend approaching, but we definitely need some help making up ground. Can you chip in a donation of $3,…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM

📎 Enclosed: Our May newsletter.

       Mike Levin doesn't take a dime from corporate PACs! To support Mike's campaign consider making a grassroots contribution here. To volunteer on Mike's campaign, sign up to volunteer here. To receive fewer emails from Mike Levin's campaign, sign up …
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 20, 2021 at 6:58 PM

ADD YOUR NAME: Tell the Senate to investigate Jan. 6

  John -- Yesterday I cast my vote in support of an independent commission to investigate what led to the violent insurrection at the US Capitol earlier this year. The bill passed with bipartisan support -- 35 Republican colleagues joined every Democrat. Yet Kevin McCarthy and Mitch…
  Team Levin · [email protected]
May 17, 2021 at 8:29 PM

UPDATE: McCarthy's handpicked candidate files to run against Mike.

  John, Breaking news: We just got word that yet another Republican has officially filed papers to challenge us in California's 49th District. Will you chip in $3 -- or whatever you can -- to help us defend our seat from Kevin McCarthy and national Republicans?   Donate $3 He…
  Team Levin HQ · [email protected]
May 14, 2021 at 9:51 PM

Game on...

  Here we go, John. We just got word that the Republicans unleashed their grassroots fundraising platform -- WinRed -- directly at Mike's district in CA-49.   They're hoping to attract thousands of far-right donors to support the eventual Republican nominee against Mike. We knew th…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 12, 2021 at 8:44 PM

This morning (re: Liz Cheney)

  John -- This morning, Rep. Liz Cheney -- one of the few Republicans standing up to Trump's election fraud lie -- was removed from her House GOP leadership post. It's likely that her replacement will be a strong Trump ally. I know Rep. Cheney from our work on Natural Resources. We …
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 10, 2021 at 5:37 PM

My bill to permanently ban offshore drilling in Southern California

  John -- I'm thrilled to let you know I just introduced new legislation to ban offshore drilling along the Southern California coast. I'm optimistic we'll get it out of the House and to the Senate -- where Mitch McConnell can no longer prevent it from being heard.   After the past…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 7, 2021 at 3:33 PM

The GOP's alternate reality

  John, You may have seen that Rep. Liz Cheney is reportedly being ousted from her party leadership role for refusing to endorse former President Trump's outright lies about election fraud. Kevin McCarthy has supposedly "had it with her." During my time in Congress, I have disagreed…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 5, 2021 at 8:53 PM

This is a huge win for our veterans.

  John, I wanted to make sure you saw the news that we secured nearly $400 million in the American Rescue Plan for a rapid retraining program for veterans who lost their jobs due to COVID-related challenges. The program just launched this week!   This is a huge win for our veterans…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
May 4, 2021 at 6:00 PM

Sign the petition: Tell Biden to roll back Trump's dangerous nuclear weapons policies

  John -- Last year, the Council for a Livable World endorsed my campaign. I was honored to have their support and would like to tell you a bit more about their current mission. The Council promotes policies to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear threats and minimize the risk of…
  Mike (personal) · [email protected]
May 1, 2021 at 2:08 AM

What comes next?

  John -- My team and I spent this week shining a light on the new challenges we're facing this year. It comes down to this: History tells us that next year's midterm will likely be tough for Democrats, and with California losing a House seat for the first time in history, our distr…
  MikeLevin.org · [email protected]
April 30, 2021 at 3:51 PM

re: Mike's big deadline (tonight)

Republicans only need a handful of seats to take the House majority and all roads lead to Mike's district in CA-49.   If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: Chip in $10 Now Chip in $35 …
  Team Levin HQ · [email protected]
April 29, 2021 at 7:59 PM

Here's what you need to know, John:

  John -- With our April end-of-month deadline hitting tomorrow -- and fundraising slowing a bit this month -- here are three things you need to know about our efforts to keep CA-49 blue: » Mike's making incredible progress on our shared priorities -- from securing funding for local …
  Team Levin UPDATE · [email protected]
April 28, 2021 at 5:12 PM

This is concerning (redistricting)

  Redistricting could favor GOP candidate in CA-49 - The Orange County Register Team Levin is laying groundwork to launch our field efforts early to prepare for new district lines. Can you chip in an urgent $3 to help us respond?   Chip in $3 John -- Redistricting might …
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
April 27, 2021 at 12:29 AM

Our district lines could change. Here's what that means:

  John -- In a moment, I'm going to ask you to chip in $3 toward our April fundraising deadline, but first, I want to bring you up to speed on a new challenge we're facing this election cycle. History tells us next year's midterm election could be tough for Democrats, but we're also…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
April 22, 2021 at 6:40 PM

Earth Day 🌎

  Happy Earth Day, John! Not only is this a day to celebrate our planet's beauty, it's a day we urge global action and awareness of our climate crisis. We may take this for granted now, but it wasn't that long ago when factories could spew endless black clouds into the air, or when …
  Mike Levin HQ · [email protected]
April 19, 2021 at 9:52 PM

Supporting middle-class families [SALT]

  Hey John, We wanted to make sure you didn't miss this important update: Mike is leading the effort to lift the former Trump Administration's cap on deductions for state and local taxes (SALT).     Read the article → In addition to fighting for good-paying jobs and higher wa…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
April 16, 2021 at 10:27 PM

A personal request:

  I'll cut to the chase, John. I'm asking you to make a $3 donation to help us reach our mid-month fundraising goal. I hate to be so blunt, but there's an important reason why: We've now run two very competitive races here in CA-49 -- first when we flipped this seat in 2018, and the…
  Team Levin HQ · [email protected]
April 12, 2021 at 11:49 PM

Update: Mike rated among “most effective” Congressmembers.

  Hello John! There’s been a lot going on -- both on the campaign trail and legislatively. But we wanted to make sure you saw the news that the Center for Effective Lawmaking recently rated Mike one of the “most effective” freshman members of Congress last year, and the “most effecti…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
April 7, 2021 at 10:20 PM

Our work continues.

historic $2 trillion American Jobs Plan to rebuild America’s infrastructure.   John -- Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, aid is continuing to reach the American people in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Billions of dollars in stimulus checks have been delivered, and hundreds of m…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
April 1, 2021 at 8:21 PM

Orange County

  Thank you, John. With your support, we met the mark on our first FEC fundraising goal of 2021 -- I’m so grateful. As an important reminder, it’s your donations toward these fundraising deadlines that enable me to stay focused on the crucial work that we are tackling in Washington. …
  Nate Shutman via MikeLevin.org · [email protected]
April 1, 2021 at 1:30 AM

Checking in with John.

  Hey there, John. It's Nate here -- Mike's finance director. I'm reaching out because TONIGHT marks our first end-of-quarter fundraising deadline of the 2022 midterms and, unfortunately, we’re coming up short of our goal. The truth is we’re relying on online grassroots fundraising …
  Team Levin HQ · [email protected]
March 31, 2021 at 5:20 PM

Can you make sure your name is on this report, John?

  John -- As you probably already know, our first major FEC deadline of the year hits tonight at 11:59 pm. We set out to raise $35,000 in online contributions, and the good news is that we are well within reach -- only $12,084 left to raise. If you haven’t had the opportunity to con…
  Mike, Nancy (2) · [email protected]
March 30, 2021 at 5:10 PM

fwd: I’m reaching out to Mike’s supporters:

  John -- I wanted to make sure you received this email from Nancy Pelosi. It means a lot that the Speaker of the House would take the time to personally reach out for your help. It also underscores just how critical this FEC deadline is for our campaign! Read the note below, and i…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 29, 2021 at 4:20 PM

I’m reaching out to Mike’s supporters.

  I’ll get right to the point, John. I need your help with a $3 donation to Mike Levin’s campaign before his first FEC end-of-quarter deadline of the year comes to a close in 2 days. Here’s why: I’ve been in this position before: the White House, Congress, and the Senate all under…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
March 28, 2021 at 6:15 PM

There’s more progress to be made. Much more.

  John -- I’m writing to ask you to make a contribution to my campaign before Wednesday’s FEC fundraising deadline. We’re coming up a bit short of our goal, so I want to let you know why your donation of $3 is so important -- especially right now. As March comes to an end, it’s incr…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
March 26, 2021 at 9:40 PM

re: Georgia

  John -- In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to split a donation to support Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight, but first I want to speak on the brazen voter suppression tactics we’re seeing deployed across the country, because we cannot let this go unchecked. Thanks in large part to org…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
March 24, 2021 at 9:15 PM

Please sign my petition urging swift, bipartisan action in the Senate to pass gun safety legislation right away.

  John -- I'm deeply saddened for the communities of Atlanta and Boulder after this week's tragic and terrifying mass shootings. As family members still grieve, more details are emerging about the circumstances that contributed to these brutal attacks. In Atlanta, we learned the sho…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
March 20, 2021 at 5:30 PM

We need the Dream Act signed into law.

  John -- Last night, Democrats and Republicans in Congress came together once again to pass the American Dream and Promise Act -- landmark legislation that offers a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers as well as those with temporary status. As I cast this vote, I couldn’t help but …
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
March 15, 2021 at 11:47 PM

Fighting for working families with the PRO Act

  John, Last week, Democrats in Congress voted to pass the PRO Act -- protecting the right to organize on the job. It strengthens protections for workers negotiating for higher wages, benefits, and safer working conditions. I’m proud to say I cosponsored the bill. If the COVID-19 pa…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 26, 2021 at 5:16 PM

Tough month.

  John -- I’m writing to ask you to make a contribution towards our February end-of-month goal. But before I do, let me tell you why your support is so important -- especially right now. It has been a tough and very busy month in Washington. I've been working overtime to make sure o…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 25, 2021 at 12:54 AM

Sign on: We need to raise the minimum wage to $15 >>

  I'll cut to the chase, John. I fully support raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. If you're with me, I am asking you to add your name here. Between rent, utilities, food, and transportation -- there is no place in this country where a full-time worker making $7.25 an h…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM

📎 Enclosed: Our February newsletter.

       Mike Levin doesn't take a dime from corporate PACs! To support Mike's campaign consider making a grassroots contribution here. To volunteer on Mike's campaign, sign up to volunteer here. To recieve fewer emails from Mike Levin's campaign, sign u…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 19, 2021 at 11:05 PM

We’re back. (Paris Climate Agreement)

  It's official, John. As of today, the United States is officially back in the Paris Climate Agreement thanks to an executive order from President Joe Biden. I will never forget the time I joined a Congressional Delegation to Madrid for the 25th annual United Nations Convention on …
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 16, 2021 at 8:10 PM

The SD Union Tribune reported on our race:

  San Diego Union-Tribune “GOP Hopes to Flip More House Seats in California” Rep. Levin among 4 targeted by party fundraising group John -- In case you missed it, National Republicans just announced their list of targets for the 2022 midterm election. According to the San Diego Unio…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 14, 2021 at 6:15 PM

This bill would save lives

  John -- Today is the three year anniversary of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen innocent lives were cut short in a senseless act of violence. It’s a painful reminder of the very human cost that the gun violence epidemic has wreaked on our country. But aft…
  Team Levin · [email protected]
February 11, 2021 at 9:45 PM

fwd: BREAKING: GOP memo confirms I’m a top target in 2022

  John, we wanted to make sure you got a chance to see Mike’s email from yesterday. National Republicans just announced their list of “top offensive targets” for the 2022 election. CA-49 is on the list. We’re responding with an emergency $25,000 fundraising drive to counter this. …
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 10, 2021 at 7:55 PM

BREAKING: GOP memo confirms I’m a top target in 2022

  BREAKING: House Republicans list Mike Levin as “top offensive target” to unseat in 2022. I'll cut right to the chase, John. This morning, the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) released a memo announcing that CA-49 is on their list of “top offensive targets” in the 2022…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 5, 2021 at 8:20 PM

WATCH: Now’s the time to make progress on immigration reform

  John, In case you missed it, I recently spoke with Inside California Politics about the urgent need to make progress on immigration reform.   Watch the interview → There’s a lot going on in Washington, but we can’t lose sight of this opportunity to pass much-need reforms t…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
February 2, 2021 at 9:22 PM

Re: Biden’s American Rescue Plan

  Thank you, John. We met our fundraising goal for the month of January, and that’s credit to you. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that I can count on your support during our critical fundraising deadlines. We are all facing new and difficult challenges, but your commitment…
  UPDATE via Team Levin HQ · [email protected]
January 31, 2021 at 7:08 PM

McCarthy and Trump plan to take the House

  John, We’ve long speculated what Trump’s future plans might be. Kevin McCarthy may have just given us the answer, at least for the next two years. Last week, Kevin McCarthy went to Florida to meet with Donald Trump. The purpose of their meeting? Make sure Trump is helping to lead…
  Team Levin · [email protected]
January 29, 2021 at 8:50 PM

Laser-focused on the work ahead of us >>

  Our end-of month fundraising deadline is this week and we are still short of our target. Can you chip in $3 to help us reach our goal? Goal: $21,000 Raised: $11,081   Donate John, With January coming to a close, it's clear that 2021 is going to present its own host…
  Nate Shutman via, MikeLevin.org · [email protected]
January 28, 2021 at 11:30 PM

It’s been a tough month.

  Hey there, John. It's Nate here -- Mike's finance director. I'm reaching out because this week marks our first end-of-month fundraising deadline of the new year and, unfortunately, we’re coming up short of our goal. I'll be honest, it's been a difficult month trying to fundraise w…
  Mike Levin · [email protected]
January 25, 2021 at 10:30 PM

“Conspiracy Caucus”

  I have to admit it, John. It’s been refreshing to wake up in a country with a President who respects the truth and understands the importance of uniting our great nation. Many days I woke up exhausted by the sheer number of lies and abuses pouring out of the White House under Trump…