From Mike Levin <>
Subject Earth Day 🌎
Date April 22, 2021 6:40 PM
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Happy Earth Day, John!

Not only is this a day to celebrate our planet's beauty, it's a day we urge global action and awareness of our climate crisis.

We may take this for granted now, but it wasn't that long ago when factories could spew endless black clouds into the air, or when there were zero restrictions on vehicle emissions. If you're my age, you may remember the smog alerts here in California that kept kids in schools because the air quality was so poor.

It was activism on Earth Day back in 1970 that led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.

It's hard to imagine, but when we came together as a country to implement these higher standards to protect our planet, we did so with overwhelming bipartisan support. Our air, water, and land should not be left or right issues, and it's a tragedy that our ability to earnestly legislate on this crisis has been all-but abandoned by Senator Mitch McConnell and others.

This Earth Day, let us recommit to protecting our planet however we can. With your help I have cosponsored two bills that would prohibit offshore drilling along the California coast. And I introduced the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act alongside Senator Jeff Merkley to gradually end the sale of gasoline-powered cars and move our country to a clean energy future.

We have a golden opportunity under the Biden Administration to make historic progress on these issues and more, but that's going to take renewed commitment and activism:

Before Earth Day ends, sign this pledge as a way of telling me that you are committed to tackling this climate crisis and protecting our planet. No more kicking the can down the road.

Sign the Earth Day Pledge → [link removed]

Thank you,


Paid for by Mike Levin for Congress

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Mike Levin for Congress
P.O. Box 2112
Capistrano Beach, CA 92624
United States
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