50+ Messages / Page

  Dame Emma Thompson & Greenpeace · [email protected]
October 22, 2020 at 11:57 AM

Corporate monsters

Hi John,   Firstly, thank you for opening this email. I know there's enough to worry about in the world right now. But today I'm writing from Greenpeace on a subject I care deeply about. And hopefully I can share some hope with you too.   This year, we've lost huge swath…
  Jack Bullett, Greenpeace · [email protected]
October 15, 2020 at 11:22 AM


Watch the new video and spread the word. Hi John,   I want to tell you a story about the soya bean. South America grows around 50% of the world's soya and huge areas of forest are being burnt or cut down to make space for its plantations.   Who's eating all this soya thou…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
October 13, 2020 at 1:58 PM

Activists stop a supertrawler

Hi John,   Yesterday afternoon, activists stopped a supertrawler from fishing in a UK Marine Protected Area. Climbers boarded the ship and dropped a banner reading "Ban supertrawlers now", forcing this giant vessel to stop fishing in the protected area. But this was only a …
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
October 5, 2020 at 2:35 PM

Special delivery for the Environment Secretary

Hi John,   Right now, we’re making a special delivery to Environment Secretary, George Eustice.   Over the past two weeks we’ve been placing boulders on the seabed of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the North Sea, to stop it being ripped up by destructive bottom trawling…
  Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace · [email protected]
October 4, 2020 at 8:47 AM

Stay Connected: The most northerly youth strike ever

With September coming to a close, it's time for us to update you on all the latest news and some of the things that you may have missed. Hi John, Welcome back to the latest edition of your regular round-up, Stay Connected. We’ve got everything from campaign updates, important environment news t…
  Flo, Greenpeace · [email protected]
September 25, 2020 at 10:36 AM

Amazon on fire

Hi John,   Fires are raging in forests around the globe. You’ve probably seen the devastating photos of climate-fuelled wildfires in California. [1] But did you also hear about Argentina, Australia... and the Arctic? [2]      Fires are quickly becoming a devastating symbo…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
September 23, 2020 at 5:03 PM

Yesterday in the North Sea

Hi John,   Yesterday, in the North Sea, activists started placing natural boulders on the seabed to prevent fishing boats from destroying it using a technique called bottom trawling. Bottom trawlers rip up the seabed with their nets - and the government lets this happen in …
  Jack Bullett, Greenpeace · [email protected]
September 18, 2020 at 4:53 PM

Alarm bells

Call on Boris Johnson to act on the climate and nature emergencies now. Hi John,   Our planet is suffering and it’s showing. Record-breaking fires have been raging across the world. Entire towns have been turned to ash in the western USA and abnormally warm temperatures in e…
  Priya S · [email protected]
September 16, 2020 at 4:12 PM

RE: transform transport

Call on the government to invest in sustainable and more affordable travel. Hi John,I emailed you last week about the UK government's plan to spend billions of pounds building more motorways and roads. This will only create more traffic [1], more air pollution [2], more emissio…
  Sam, Greenpeace · [email protected]
September 10, 2020 at 2:08 PM

Time to transform transport

Hi John,If you've ever waited in the rain for a bus that never arrived, tried to cycle along a dangerous route, or walked your kids to school along a heavily polluted, traffic-filled road - you'd know that our transport system needs a lot of work. But instead of focusing on fi…
  Flo, Greenpeace · [email protected]
September 7, 2020 at 10:22 AM

From the heart of the Amazon

“Tesco, do you know the impact that your business is causing the Indigenous People and the environment here in Brazil? The Amazon is burning, the environment is at risk. We are living in one of the worst crises of all times. We want to know if you are willing to fulfil your p…
  Flo, Greenpeace · [email protected]
September 3, 2020 at 2:44 PM

Tesco's hilarious response

Hi John,   Over 165,000 people have now signed the petition calling for Tesco to take action on the forest-destroying meat companies they do business with. So far, Tesco’s response has been almost comical!   Tesco started running ads on social media saying that they suppo…
  Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace · [email protected]
September 1, 2020 at 6:25 PM

Stay Connected: a breakthrough

Stay Connected - a round up of all the latest environmental news. Your support makes everything we do possible so here's a few small things to keep connected to the nature we love. Hi John,With August coming to a close, it’s time for us to update you on all the latest news and some of the thing…
  Flo, Greenpeace · [email protected]
August 12, 2020 at 4:13 PM

Tesco and our forests

Hi John,   I emailed you last week about Tesco and deforestation.    Here’s the bottom line: the meat industry is the biggest driver of deforestation in the world - destroying the Amazon and other South American forests. Tesco promised to tackle this in its  supply chains…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
August 10, 2020 at 1:24 PM

Supertrawlers: Political unity

Hi John,    Right now, it can seem like there are very few things we all agree on. But a recent poll shows that people from across the country, and political spectrum, want supertrawlers banned from fishing in UK Marine Protected Areas. [1]   The government claims to be a…
  Flo, Greenpeace · [email protected]
August 5, 2020 at 12:04 PM

Tesco and deforestation

Industrial meat is destroying our forests Hi John,   I hope you're well. From the climate emergency to the destruction of the natural world - and of course, this global pandemic we're living through - these are not easy times.   But did you know these three emergencies ar…
  Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace · [email protected]
August 1, 2020 at 7:12 AM

Stay Connected: In case you missed it

Welcome to your July edition of Stay Connected. From night diving and a kids book about an orangutan to a green economy and fast fashion - it's packed full of some of the things you might have missed Hi John, Welcome to your July edition of Stay Connected. From night diving and a kids book abou…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 2:56 PM

Supertrawlers: Your MP

Hi John,    I was in touch with you last week to see if you could tell your MP to sign an open letter calling for a ban on industrial supertrawlers in UK Marine Protected Areas. Since then, supporters across the country have managed to get their MPs onboard.   Can you …
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
July 24, 2020 at 3:07 PM

Supertrawlers: Your MP

Hi John   Just a few weeks ago, we exposed that industrial supertrawlers spent nearly 3000 hours last year fishing in parts of UK waters that are supposed to be protecting vulnerable marine life. [1] In the short space of time since, over 200,000 people have signed a petiti…
  Flo, Greenpeace · [email protected]
July 13, 2020 at 11:35 AM

Your thoughts on this:

Hey John, As you know, our planet is under threat. The only way we’ll protect it is with input from individuals like you. Please could you spare about 7 minutes to give your thoughts and help shape our new campaign? Here’s the first question: What's the most important issue Greenpeace shou…
  John Sauven, Greenpeace · [email protected]
July 10, 2020 at 8:27 AM

Fwd: We're being fined

Did you manage to take a look at the email I sent to you on Friday afternoon? I didn't want you to miss it - it's too important. Hi John, Did you manage to take a look at the email I sent to you last Friday? I didn't want you to miss it - it's too important. It’s just below this email. In shor…
  Alia Al Ghussain, Greenpeace · [email protected]
July 8, 2020 at 9:05 AM

On the road to a green recovery

Hi John   Today, we got creative with road signs on Chancellor Rishi Sunak's route to work as he prepared to set out the details of the UK's economic recovery in a big speech in Parliament.   Our signs were there to remind him - and the rest of the government - that all r…
  John Sauven, Greenpeace · [email protected]
July 3, 2020 at 4:53 PM

We're being fined

With the future of our planet at risk, and with people like you supporting us - we will not be silenced. Hi John, Today, the Scottish courts issued Greenpeace with a £80,000 fine. Why? Because BP's rig operator insisted Greenpeace should be punished for trying to stop BP's reckless plans to fu…
  Richard Casson, Greenpeace · [email protected]
July 2, 2020 at 5:38 PM

Total let down

Hi John, This week, Boris Johnson delivered a huge let down. On Tuesday the prime minister gave his first major speech on how the government will support the economy as lockdown eases. But instead of announcing a plan to future-proof the UK and prioritise people and the planet, the PM unvei…
  Alia Al Ghussain, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 2:40 PM

Boris Johnson: We need action not words

We’ve got big news.   Today Boris Johnson announced that we will “build back greener”, but the climate emergency barely got a look-in when it came to how money is going to be spent. [1]    The government has talked a big talk about tackling the climate crisis. A green rec…
  Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 29, 2020 at 1:01 PM

Stay Connected: The Time is Now

Another month has passed during these extraordinary times with every day giving us a glimpse of life beyond lockdown. A lot has been happening! Hi John, Another month has passed during these extraordinary times with every day giving us a glimpse of life beyond lockdown. A lot has been happening…
  Alia Al Ghussain, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 24, 2020 at 3:35 PM

Green jobs for a healthy future

Hi there,   In just two weeks, prime minister Boris Johnson will announce plans on how to rebuild our economy. These plans will affect our lives for years to come, and could be a turning point in our fight against the climate emergency.   We urgently need to get our mess…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 19, 2020 at 4:00 PM

Supertrawlers: time to act

Hi John Whichever party they voted for, whether leave or remain - new polling shows that the country is united against supertrawlers fishing in our marine protected areas. [1] And in a week over 125,000 people have called on the government to do so. Supertrawlers are massive industrial fishi…
  Alia Al Ghussain, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 16, 2020 at 3:49 PM

Green Jobs Now

Hi John I hope you and your loved ones are doing well. As lockdown restrictions begin to ease in the UK, many of us are wondering - what comes next? The government is gearing up for an economic recovery, with decisions expected to be announced next week - will they put us back on the path to…
  Aakash Naik, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 12, 2020 at 2:59 PM

Don't let Trump win

Hi John Incredible! In just a few days nearly 150,000 people have called on Boris Johnson to make sure we don’t drop our food and environmental standards in a bad trade deal with Trump’s America. Can you add your name? Right now, our government is passing three crucial post-Brexit laws - the A…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 11, 2020 at 12:27 PM

Exposed: supertrawlers

Hi John Have you heard about the massive industrial fishing ships in our oceans? These huge vessels called supertrawlers destroy ocean life - and we’ve just found they fished in supposedly protected waters for almost 2963 hours in 2019 - that’s 123 days! [1][2][3] The government is failing i…
  Aakash Naik, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 9, 2020 at 3:16 PM

Don't let Trump rewrite our food standards

Hi John,Right now, Trump's trade team is piling pressure onto the UK government to rip up our environmental, hygiene and welfare standards, so we can buy chicken drenched in chlorine and beef pumped full of hormones from the US. Chicken is washed in chlorine and other chemicals in the hope tha…
  Ed Fuller, Greenpeace · [email protected]
June 3, 2020 at 1:58 PM

Join our family-friendly oceans webinar!

Are you keen to find out, in just 15 mins, how Greenpeace is helping protect our beautiful oceans? If so, read on... Hi John   Are you keen to find out, in just 15 mins, how Greenpeace is helping protect our beautiful oceans? If so, read on…   Throughout June Greenpeace is running an exciti…
  Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace · [email protected]
May 16, 2020 at 8:00 AM

Stay Connected - Good news!

We've loved hearing your stories of how people are supporting each other and the strength of community spirit, which just emphasises the importance of staying connected. Hi John, I hope you are keeping safe and well at home during these times. It’s vital that you know that your unwavering suppo…
  Sam, Greenpeace · [email protected]
May 7, 2020 at 4:11 PM

Did you catch this email?

Hi John,We've found out that the UK government is holding daily meetings with airlines to agree on a taxpayer funded bailout for the industry - with an announcement expected this week.We urgently need to get our message to UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak and make sure that if he gives airlines taxpa…
  Sam, Greenpeace · [email protected]
May 1, 2020 at 11:05 AM

Virgin, EasyJet and the Govt

UK govt, don't give airlines a free ride Hi John,During one of the biggest health and economic crises of our time, polluting companies in the UK are asking for huge government bailouts. They want taxpayers’ money – our money – to keep them going. Billionaire Richard Branson hasn’t paid UK tax f…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
April 23, 2020 at 1:38 PM

Join us in the ocean

Hi John, We’re in challenging times - and I hope that you’re managing to keep safe. If the lockdown is stopping you from getting the dose of nature you need - I feel the same. Everyone needs to follow the government guidelines, but we want to give you a way to connect to nature that doesn’t p…
  Sam Wockner, Greenpeace · [email protected]
April 20, 2020 at 2:30 PM

RE: Covid-19 and our future

Help us decide what to do next Hi John, Last week we launched a big, new survey to all Greenpeace supporters. Amazingly, over 38,000 people have already shared their views on how we should campaign together in the coming weeks and months.I want to make sure you have a chance to share your views…
  Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace · [email protected]
April 19, 2020 at 8:45 AM

Stay connected

Hi John, With most of us stuck at home away from our friends, family and loved ones, there is no doubt that being in lockdown is difficult. I wanted to reassure you that everyone at Greenpeace is with you in spirit and you are far from alone. Through these unprecedented times your unwavering s…
  Sam Wockner, Greenpeace · [email protected]
April 17, 2020 at 2:46 PM

Covid-19 and our future

Help us decide what to do next Hi John, One day soon, the world will pull through the coronavirus crisis.When that day arrives, will we go back to the world as it was before, or do we aim for a more equal, more sustainable world? That's a huge question to answer. But as coronavirus has thrown …
  Sam Wockner, Greenpeace · [email protected]
April 8, 2020 at 5:01 PM

RE: COVID-19, climate and what comes next

Hi John The UK government has handed out a publicly funded, £600 million loan to EasyJet. [1] This comes just weeks after the founder of EasyJet received a £60 million pay-out from company profits - while the airline also asked its staff to take unpaid leave. [2] We’d hope that any governme…
  Flo, Greenpeace · [email protected]
April 1, 2020 at 3:25 PM

COVID-19, climate, and what comes next

Hi John I hope you’re safe and well. How do you protect both people and the planet at a time when the world feels like it’s been turned upside down? Experts agree that by the end of this crisis, our country and our economy will look very different, [1] but which path will we have chosen for…
  Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace · [email protected]
March 28, 2020 at 8:43 AM

Stay connected

Hi John, I hope you are all safe and well and are finding ways to adjust to this new way of living and working that is needed to overcome this terrible pandemic. To help keep our spirits up during this difficult time we wanted to share some of the good things that happened before this pandemic…
  John Sauven, Greenpeace · [email protected]
March 19, 2020 at 5:04 PM

COVID-19: strength, hope and resilience

Hi there, I hope you’re safe and well. Like me, you probably feel like you don’t know whether you’re coming or going right now. Your mind may be racing with all the things that need rearranging, postponing, cancelling, how to stay afloat financially and keep friends and family safe. The comi…
  Aakash Naik, Greenpeace · [email protected]
March 5, 2020 at 2:22 PM

Tell your MP to save British nature

Hi John, Now that the UK has left the EU our environment is no longer protected by many of the European laws that we've had for the past 40 years. The good news is that the government has introduced a new environment bill to address that; the bad news is that it's nowhere near strong enough. As…
  Alia Al Ghussain, Greenpeace · [email protected]
March 2, 2020 at 11:00 AM

Breaking: Barclays branches shut down

Hi John, Greenpeace activists have shut down more than 95 Barclays branches all over the country - and 5 of them are currently hosting pop-up exhibitions showing the effects of the climate emergency. They're there to demand that Barclays stop bankrolling climate breakdown and start funding a b…
  John Sauven, Greenpeace · [email protected]
February 28, 2020 at 3:24 PM

Huge news: Heathrow

John: Huge news! The UK court of appeal has ruled that going ahead with the third runway at Heathrow airport is illegal because the government’s plans fail to take into account the UK’s climate change commitments. It’s absolutely incredible. It shows the government that instead of pushing fo…
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
February 26, 2020 at 4:19 PM

Oceans: 3 weeks to go

Hi John, People across the country get it, now politicians are taking note - we must protect our oceans. Incredibly, after voters told them to, almost 100 MPs have committed to ask the Prime Minister to back a strong Global Ocean Treaty that would put a third of our blue planet off limits to…
  Sam Wockner, Greenpeace · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 3:39 PM

We're going to court

This Monday, we'll be in court because we stood up to one of the biggest climate destroyers on earth - BP. Hi John,This Monday, we'll be in court because we stood up to one of the biggest climate destroyers on earth - BP. In June last year, brave activists boarded a BP oil rig that was heading …
  Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace · [email protected]
February 14, 2020 at 12:17 PM

Ocean Witness

Hi John Many of the most awe-inspiring parts of our oceans are so remote, most people won't get a chance to know them. It’s also in these out-of-sight places where the worst damage to our oceans happens. This is a problem. Because now more than ever, our oceans need us to appreciate how spec…