From Jack Bullett, Greenpeace <>
Subject Soya
Date October 15, 2020 11:22 AM
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Hi John,

I want to tell you a story about the soya bean. South America grows around 50% of the world's soya and huge areas of forest are being burnt or cut down to make space for its plantations.

Who's eating all this soya though? Is it vegans and vegetarians eating soya burgers and drinking soya milk? Or is most of it used as animal feed to produce industrial meat? Click the button to find out.

WATCH NOW: [link removed]

Soya represents 47% of Europe's deforestation footprint. [1] It's a leading driver of deforestation in South America and is linked to violence and human rights abuses of local communities. But there are a lot of misconceptions about who's eating all this soya - what if I told you that only 6% of soya grown globally was for human consumption?!

If only 6% of soya is being eaten by humans, then where is the rest of it going? Watch the video to find out.

I'LL WATCH: [link removed]

If you enjoy the video remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel. And if anyone tells you, "it's all those vegans and vegetarians destroying the planet" - show them this video and help debunk the myths.

Thanks for all that you do,


Greenpeace UK

P.S. Spoiler alert: Soya used by the industrial meat industry is at the heart of this problem. We're campaigning for supermarkets to reduce their meat production, starting with Tesco, the retailer that sells the most industrial meat in the UK. Add your name: [link removed].

[1] Are vegans and vegetarians destroying the planet?: [link removed]

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