From Carolyn Hoskin, Greenpeace <>
Subject Stay Connected: In case you missed it
Date August 1, 2020 7:12 AM
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Welcome to your July edition of Stay Connected. From night diving and a kids book about an orangutan to a green economy and fast fashion - this edition is packed full of articles, video explainers, a round up of all the latest environmental news and some easy ways to get creative / save the planet from your wardrobe.

Your support makes everything we do possible and we just wanted to give you a few small things to keep connected to the nature we love. Thank you for standing with us.

6 conversation success stories: [link removed]

IWhen it's done right, conservation can help to heal our damaged world. History shows that if we move fast and act with courage, humanity can protect and restore our most important places, and bring amazing creatures back from the edge of extinction.

Although there's still so much more to do, let's take a moment to celebrate some conservation success stories, and let them inspire us to keep standing up for our beautiful home. Enjoy!

Meet the young people of colour fighting for our planet : [link removed]

Remember these names - they might just change the world. Most people know Greta Thunberg and the global youth climate movement she inspired. But outside of the media spotlight, Black, Indigenous and other people of colour around the world are also working tirelessly for environmental justice and have been for a long time.

In this article, we've gathered just a few of the inspirational people championing our shared cause through their own stories and crucial work of saving the environment. Find out more about these young activists and change makers whilst also finding even more ways to get involved and support the cause.

In case you missed it: Paused pipelines & preventable plastics: [link removed]

Have you seen our new YouTube series 'In case you missed it'? It's a quick round up of all the latest climate and environmental news. This episode is presented by the ever brilliant Sukh Ojla aka Polly Ethelene from our mock Sainsburys PR video, who tells us the news around paused pipelines, preventable plastics and even some of the actions you have made possible!

Check the video out on our YouTube channel and subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

What is a green economy?: [link removed]

The UK government needs to create jobs and get people back to work safely, whilst tackling the climate and nature emergency. By creating green jobs, the government can do both. Luckily for them, we released our manifesto last month that sets out in detail as to what a greener, cleaner, fairer future looks like.

We believe by putting a green economy centre stage, we can create 1.8 million green jobs and tackle climate change in a way that's fair to everyone. You helped send a clear message, using street signs, that the government must act on making it a reality that all roads must lead to a green economy.

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What gets decided now could impact us for decades to come. But what exactly is a green economy? And how does it help us put people and the planet first? Find out by watching this video or watch this chat between our campaigner Rosie Rogers and Paloma Faith over on Instagram: [link removed]

If you too want the government to create 1.8 million green jobs why not join the 135,000 people and sign the petition calling for the government to kickstart a green economy: [link removed]

Why is the Amazon on fire, and what does the UK have to do with it?: [link removed]

Throughout June we have been running an exciting new programme called Speaker Shorts. And the last of these free 15 minute talks followed by an interactive Q&A is happening today. Tune in to hear from Christopher and Shirley, who are members of our Greenpeace Speakers network, as they talk about how you can help save the rainforest. It's one of our 'Family Friendly' sessions so it's suitable for the kids as well.

Celebration of long term supporters: [link removed]

Bad news I'm afraid. The Amazon is on fire again. In June, monitors recorded a 13-year high in fire hotspots for the month: [link removed]

Large fires in the Amazon rainforest do not occur naturally. The forests are being primarily cleared for meat production - making global companies, governments, and supply chains complicit in turning the Amazon to ash. As just one example, Unearthed, our investigative unit, revealed that UK banks and investors have pumped $2bn in finance into backing meat giants linked to Amazon deforestation. [link removed]

For more on why the fires are increasing, who they are affecting and what the UK has to do with it check out this blog and find out what you can do to help.

And if you are still trying to keep the kids entertained try this book about an orangutan, called Rang Tan, who is trying to save her forest: [link removed]

Airline bailouts will not fly: [link removed]

A small team of socially distanced activists headed to Westminster to deliver an open letter to the Chancellor signed by more than 167,000 of you, calling on the government to put conditions that protect workers and our environment on any airline bailouts.

To make sure the message was heard, activists presented these demands on a giant paper airplane - reminding the government that unconditional bailouts for big polluters will not fly with us.

How to quit fast fashion: making, mending, learning and activism: [link removed]

From extensive use of chemicals in non-organic cotton production, overuse of synthetic fabrics which don't biodegrade, to manufacturing and transport, fashion is shockingly high-polluting. Like with many industries post Covid-19, it's time to build back better. And with fashion, it's super easy to start at home.

Fortunately, ethical and environmentally-sustainable fashion has never been more on-trend. So how can we all get behind it? Here are five ways to reimagine your relationship with fashion in a post-Covid world.

Oceans open letter: [link removed]

Only a few weeks ago, our dedicated oceans team exposed that industrial supertrawlers spent nearly 3000 hours last year fishing in parts of UK waters that are supposed to be protecting vulnerable marine life.

In this short space of time over 210,000 of you have signed a petition calling the UK Government to ban supertrawlers from fishing in our Marine Protected Areas.

To keep the pressure on the Government we're now calling on politicians, scientists and NGOs to sign an open letter supporting the ban. Can you ask your MP to add their name too?

Remember, we want to stay connected with you; whether you have a question about Greenpeace's work or your support, we're here to help. My team is available to call on 0330 335 3632 Monday - Friday, 9am - 5.30pm, or feel free to email any questions you may have to

Together we are Greenpeace and we can and will achieve many more amazing things.

Be safe and be well.

Carolyn Hoskin
Supporter Services

P.S. It's important to remember to take a moment for ourselves.Tune out of the news, and tune into nature by following our photographers into the inky waters of the Sargasso Sea for a night diving session to capture some of the incredible wildlife which live there: [link removed]
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you can become a monthly supporter today at [link removed]. Thank you!

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Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

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