50+ Messages / Page

  Max Cotterill · info@medicare4all.org
February 5, 2020 at 9:45 PM


THIS is the strength of our organizing — it’s what we’re capable of when we get out there and talk with people face to face about our shared struggles with the health care system. And we’re just getting started. It's been two days since the Iowa caucuses and we still don’t know a lot. But her…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
February 3, 2020 at 10:09 PM

You don’t have to be a policy expert to be a good Medicare for All advocate

As an organizer, I've had hundreds of conversations with people about the biggest issues we face, and how we can get mobilized to overcome them. As an organizer, I've had hundreds of conversations with people about the biggest issues we face, and how we can get mobilized to overcome them. By…
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
February 1, 2020 at 6:36 PM

Our next big project

America’s health care system is broken. Really broken. And all it takes to see that is a quick look at these two charts: We’re launching a new campaign strategy to take on the corporate behemoths from the insurance, pharmaceutical, and hospital industries. And our next National Strategy Ca…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
January 27, 2020 at 11:01 PM

We’re eager to share an exciting development with you

We’re going to kick off the next phase of our Medicare for All campaign -- and we want you here with us. This is a critical time in the fight for Medicare for All. Corporate behemoths from the insurance, pharmaceutical, and hospital industries have come together and formed a front-group to sto…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
January 23, 2020 at 7:37 PM

The corporate opposition campaign

Can you join us on our upcoming February 12th National Strategy Call to hear about how we’re planning to go after the corporate-front group spending millions to stop Medicare for All? 2020 has been a whirlwind so far. President Trump’s impeachment trial is underway. And the Iowa Caucuses are …
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
January 22, 2020 at 11:49 PM

Pushed to the extremes in order to survive

The United States is the wealthiest country on Earth. And yet, despite all our supposed riches, millions of people are pushed to the extremes every day just to provide something as fundamental as medicine for their children. Take a look at this headline: This is heartbreaking. The United State…
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
January 19, 2020 at 9:31 PM

Women are inducing labor early

Something happened a few weeks ago at midnight on January 1st that doesn’t get talked about enough: the max out of pocket costs and deductibles for tens of millions of health care plans reset. , Something happened a few weeks ago at midnight on January 1st that isn't being talked about enough:…
  Phil Kim, National Nurses United · info@medicare4all.org
January 15, 2020 at 10:30 PM

The most absurd claim of last night's debate

Last night during the Democratic debate, CNN asked one of the most loaded questions we’ve seen this election cycle: “Does Bernie Sanders owe an explanation of how much his health care plan would cost voters?” Here we go again. Last night during the Democratic debate, CNN asked one of the most …
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
January 11, 2020 at 6:42 PM

Did you see last night’s poll

We’re 23 days from the Iowa caucus, and last night's poll from The Des Moines Register has Bernie Sanders in FIRST PLACE. This will only take a minute of your time (yes really). We’re 23 days from the Iowa caucus, and last night's poll from The Des Moines Register has Bernie Sanders in FIRST …
  National Nurses United · info@medicare4all.org
January 7, 2020 at 5:40 PM

Ready to make history in 2020?

It’s 2020, and together, we can make this the year that huge numbers of people join together to defeat Trump. We believe Bernie Sanders is the best candidate for the job, and if you’re on board, we need you now. It's time to make history. It’s 2020, and together, we can make this the year that…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
December 31, 2019 at 11:24 PM

Our 2019 Greatest Hits

We’re closing the books on 2019 tonight. All of us here have been doing some reflecting on how far we’ve come (be warned, we’ve been real busy, so this list is quite the doozy): We’re closing the books on 2019 tonight. All of us here have been doing some reflecting on how far we’ve come (be…
  Max Cotterill · info@medicare4all.org
December 28, 2019 at 5:51 PM

A different kind of request

It’s the end of the year, so chances are your inbox is being bombarded with emails asking for money. But I’m here to say that you can rest easy with us because I have a different request for you. It’s the end of the year, so chances are your inbox is being bombarded with emails asking for mo…
  National Nurses United · info@medicare4all.org
December 27, 2019 at 5:24 PM

Bernie Sanders

As we enter the new year (that’s just four days away!), we’ll begin ramping up our 2020 organizing work to elect Bernie Sanders. As we enter the new year (that’s just four days away!), we’ll begin ramping up our 2020 organizing work to elect Bernie Sanders. But the truth is, building the gra…
  Nurses' Campaign To Win Medicare For All · info@medicare4all.org
December 24, 2019 at 9:30 PM

From all of us

Paid for by National Nurses United Email us: info@medicare4all.org This email was sent to xxxxxx@gmail.com. Email is the most important way we stay in touch with you, but if you want to unsubscribe from our mailing list, you can remove yourself here.  
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
December 23, 2019 at 7:52 PM

It’s that time of year again

We built a website that will teach you all the best ways to talk to friends and relatives about Medicare for All. The holidays are here, and that means the dinner table is about to get a lot more political for a whole lot of people. But I have good news: we built a website that will teach you…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
December 20, 2019 at 8:02 PM

Our Medicare for All pledge

Another Democratic primary debate is in the books, and there’s two major takeaways that I want to highlight: Another Democratic primary debate is in the books, and there’s two major takeaways that I want to highlight: The good news: A few short years ago, Medicare for All was all but laughed …
  Jean Ross, NNU · info@medicare4all.org
December 18, 2019 at 6:52 PM

Are you in?

We need a president who’s ready and able to fight for Medicare for All. But we also need a president who will lead on workers’ rights, strengthen unions, and expand protections for nurses and patients. It’s Jean Ross again, President of National Nurses United. Last week, I testified on Medic…
  Max Cotterill · info@medicare4all.org
December 12, 2019 at 10:12 PM

I’m asking you today to pledge to vote for candidates who support Medicare for All

2018 was a record year for the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. They reaped BILLIONS in profits. Meanwhile, 87 million Americans were uninsured or underinsured. 2018 was a record year for the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. They reaped BILLIONS in profits. Meanw…
  Jean Ross, NNU · info@medicare4all.org
December 11, 2019 at 10:49 PM

About yesterday

Yesterday was a great day. After hundreds of people across the country mobilized to pressure the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee to include a nurse witness, I was invited to testify. After hundreds of people across the country mobilized to pressure the House Energy…
  Jean Ross, NNU · info@medicare4all.org
December 10, 2019 at 3:28 PM

I’m about to enter the Rayburn House Office Building

I’m Jean Ross, President of National Nurses United. In just a bit, I’ll walk into the Rayburn House Office Building for today’s crucial hearing on our health care system, and I wanted you to know that I’m so grateful. I’m Jean Ross, President of National Nurses United. In a few minutes, I’ll …
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
December 9, 2019 at 11:53 PM

Last update, I swear

In just 16 hours one of our very own nurses — NNU President Jean Ross — will be testifying to Congress on behalf of Medicare for All. It’s a pivotal moment in our years-long fight and a chance to convince even more Representatives to join us. This will be my last email before the big hearing t…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
December 7, 2019 at 12:15 AM

It worked

We just got word that our pressure campaign WORKED: An NNU nurse will officially be invited to testify on behalf of Medicare for All. Yes, it’s me again. And I know it's late. But I have another huge update about next week’s House hearing, and it’s the best one yet. We just got word that our …
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
December 4, 2019 at 11:59 PM

We have a great update for you, re: Rep. Eshoo

Hundreds of you have made calls to Rep. Eshoo’s office. Thanks to you, her staff are now saying they’re strongly considering allowing an NNU nurse to be a witness in the hearing. Super quick and big update on our email from this morning (which you can read in full below): Hundreds of you have …
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
December 4, 2019 at 6:11 PM

Huge news

We just received major news. After months of pressure from activists around the country, the powerful House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee has announced it will be holding a hearing next Tuesday. We just received major news: after months of pressure from activists around the countr…
  Max Cotterill · info@medicare4all.org
December 3, 2019 at 10:16 PM

Fighting dirty

Big Pharma and the insurance industry have always fought dirty. They flood the airwaves with deceptive ads and spend hundreds of millions a year on legalized bribery in Congress. Now they’ve been caught ghostwriting op-eds for elected officials. Big Pharma and the insurance industry have alw…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
November 28, 2019 at 6:20 PM

“Democratic leaders are sounding increasingly vocal alarms”

We’re grateful for a lot of things: Nurses, caregivers, patients and patient advocates, activists, political leaders with a backbone, and YOU (just to name a few). We’re NOT so grateful for things like Big Pharma, the health insurance industry, health care lobbyists, and this hit piece: We’re…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
November 27, 2019 at 7:32 PM

This is how we win Medicare for All on Thanksgiving

Turkey, mashed potatoes, and arguing politics with your family: the holidays are just around the corner! But the truth is, talking about politics doesn’t necessarily have to get heated. Turkey, mashed potatoes, and arguing politics with your family: the holidays are just around the corner! Bu…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
November 21, 2019 at 4:06 AM

Debate Night update: Medicare for All under attack

Only an hour into the debate, Medicare for All came under intense attack by some on the stage. Only an hour into the debate, Medicare for All came under intense attack by some on the stage. “The vast majority of Democrats do not support Medicare for All,” they said. “160 million people like t…
  National Nurses United · info@medicare4all.org
November 13, 2019 at 12:41 AM

A big announcement

This morning, National Nurses United announced our endorsement of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. This morning, National Nurses United announced our endorsement of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Take a moment to share our anno…
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
November 12, 2019 at 7:27 PM

Rebecca’s video

We wanted to share this new video of ours real quick. It’s from Rebecca Wood — a health care advocate, mother, and dear friend — and her daughter, Charlie. We wanted to share this new video of ours real quick. It’s from Rebecca Wood — a health care advocate, mother, and dear friend — and her…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
November 8, 2019 at 7:25 PM

5,500 signatures, 500 calls made, 700 attendees

In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to sign up to get involved at a future organizing event for Medicare for All. In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to sign up to get involved at a future organizing event for Medicare for All. But first, I want to talk real quickly about the huge rally…
  Max Cotterill · info@medicare4all.org
November 5, 2019 at 10:02 PM

“I’m not a big fan of Medicare for All”

On Friday, one day before our scheduled rally in her home district, Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to weigh in on the issue: “I’m not a big fan of Medicare for All.” On Friday, one day before our scheduled rally in her home district, Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to weigh in on the issue: "I’m …
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
November 2, 2019 at 5:29 PM

Bonnie featured in Ady's latest video

Ady Barkan just released his 7th and final video in the Uncovered series — and our very own National Director, Bonnie Castillo, is the featured guest. we have a great update for you. Ady Barkan just released his 7th and final video in the Uncovered series — and our very own Executive Director,…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
November 1, 2019 at 7:06 PM

This is it

This is it. Our big Medicare for All day of action is TOMORROW. I’ve been talking about it all month, so this’ll be short: This is it. Our big Medicare for All day of action is TOMORROW. I’ve been talking about it all month, so this’ll be short: Our goal is to apply pressure on Speaker Nancy …
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
October 29, 2019 at 7:41 PM

One of our biggest events of the year

As you know, this rally is a big deal. Not only is it a chance to show how powerful our movement is, but it’s a chance to ask Speaker Pelosi — in her own backyard — to move H.R. 1384 forward. It’s a real busy week for us. Our massive Medicare for All rally is just four days away, so I’m afrai…
  National Nurses United / California Nurses Association · info@medicare4all.org
October 24, 2019 at 2:32 PM


Political courage is the exact opposite of what Gov. Gavin Newsom displayed last week when he vetoed a modest bill that would require hospitals to provide more advance warning before closing. Political courage is what happens when someone acts on their principles rather than give in to the p…
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
October 21, 2019 at 8:09 PM

Some exciting news

This is a pivotal moment for us. And I want to make sure that everyone has a chance to build our momentum, regardless of whether they’re in California or can attend the event. I wanted to make sure you saw the exciting news, Folks: In less than two weeks — on Saturday, November 2nd — Natio…
  Max Cotterill · info@medicare4all.org
October 16, 2019 at 8:21 PM

Call your member of Congress about drug pricing today

House leadership plans to move H.R. 3 forward next week, so we need you to call now. Simply visit this page, fill out the form, and follow the instructions to call your Rep. (We even give you a script too!) Hi There. Does the name “Mylan” ring a bell? It should. They’re one of the world’s larg…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
October 14, 2019 at 10:03 PM

This. Is. Huge.

On Saturday, November 2, National Nurses United is hosting a MASSIVE rally in San Francisco to demonstrate the strength of the Medicare for All movement and call on Nancy Pelosi to move forward H.R. 1384, the Medicare for All Act of 2019. I have some great news For You: On Saturday, November 2…
  Max Cotterill · info@medicare4all.org
October 10, 2019 at 7:12 PM

The strike continues

This past Monday, National Nurses United was proud to join devoted UAW members on the picket line in Memphis. And I wanted to take a moment to explain why this issue is so important. Hey There. I’m Max — an organizer for the Nurses’ Medicare for All campaign. This past Monday, National Nurses …
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
October 2, 2019 at 11:26 PM

One of our biggest national strategy calls ever

A few thousand of you tuned in last week — many for the first time — and a majority signed up to host a crucial Medicare for All event. Hey, I wanted to say thank you: We just held one of our biggest national strategy calls ever. A few thousand of you tuned in last week — many for the first t…
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
September 24, 2019 at 9:05 PM

Medicare for All...

Is a basic human right, not a privilege. Sign your name today if you agree. ...is a basic human right, not a privilege. Sign your name if you agree » Paid for by National Nurses United Email us: info@medicare4all.org This email was sent to xxxxxx@gmail.com. Email is the most impor…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
September 23, 2019 at 9:49 PM

Big update, re: Wednesday’s national call

We just had a beyond-spectacular month of organizing during the August Congressional Recess, and judging by the thousands who’ve RSVP’ed for this call so far, it’s clear the enthusiasm hasn’t gone anywhere. We just got word that Ady Barkan will be joining our national call with a recorded mess…
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
September 22, 2019 at 4:32 PM

GM just proved why we need MFA

Right now nearly 50,000 U.S. auto workers with United Auto Workers (UAW) are now on strike. It is one of the largest strikes in the U.S. in over a decade. And we’re committed to fighting alongside them every step of the way. Right now nearly 50,000 U.S. auto workers with United Auto Workers (…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
September 21, 2019 at 8:44 PM

Next wednesday

2019 has been a historic year so far. We’ve won 119 cosponsors for Medicare for All in the House, and earned three huge Congressional hearings in the Rules, Budget, and Ways & Means committees. But we won’t rest until we win even more. I have great news, friends. In case…
  Nurses' Campaign To Win Medicare For All · info@medicare4all.org
September 20, 2019 at 6:13 PM

Reading your stories...

We’re reading the responses to our new supporter survey, and they illustrate just some of the ways our broken health care system is failing people left and right: We’re reading the responses to our new supporter survey, and they illustrate just some of the ways our broken health care system i…
  Nurses' Campaign · info@medicare4all.org
September 17, 2019 at 3:31 PM

Big Pharma is spending millions

While 70% of people in the United States — including 85% of Democrats — support Medicare for All, Democratic leaders in the House refuse to hold a hearing in the Energy & Commerce committee, and there are still some key Democrats who are even refusing to cosponsor. Big Pharma is spending …
  Nurses' Campaign to Win Medicare for All · info@medicare4all.org
September 12, 2019 at 3:33 PM

Join NNU organizers for our next National Call

On September 25, we’ll be holding our next national call to recap our work these past few months and chart out the path forward. This is a crucial opportunity to build on the momentum we’ve generated so far in 2019, and reflect on recent successes. Friend, It’s been a hist…
  Jasmine Ruddy · info@medicare4all.org
September 10, 2019 at 6:51 PM

Huge day of action today

Will you take a few minutes today to CALL Rep. Pallone’s office and demand that he hold a Medicare for All hearing in the Energy & Commerce Committee? Hey there, Last month, Chair of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), revealed his t…
  Nurses' Campaign to Win Medicare for All · info@medicare4all.org
September 5, 2019 at 5:27 PM

Maybe our biggest cosponsor yet

After months of pressure, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries has become the second highest-ranking Democrat in the House to co-sponsor Medicare for All. Here’s how we did it: This is huge, folks. After months of pressure, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries has become the second highest-ranking Democra…