50+ Messages / Page

  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 21, 2020 at 2:19 PM

Are you planning to vote?

Mikie Sherrill for CongressThis is going to take all of us.     The Democratic National Convention wrapped up last night. Now, the next stop is Election Day! ARE YOU PLANNING TO VOTE? YES >>             NO >> This week has been a great moment for all of us to …
  NJ-11 RACE UPDATE · [email protected]
August 20, 2020 at 7:49 PM

Bad news

You're our first line of defense to keeping NJ-11 and the House blue.     POLITICO: “House GOP super PAC adds $45M to fall advertising” BREAKING: A major GOP super PAC just reserved another $45 million in attacks against Democrats like Mikie, bringing their total 2020 spend to …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 19, 2020 at 5:30 PM

The attacks on the USPS must STOP

This is about voters, veterans, seniors, workers, families.     The Washington Post: “Postal Service warns 46 states their voters could be disenfranchised by delayed mail-in ballots” This could be disastrous for our democracy: The Postal Service sent out letters to 46 states --…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 17, 2020 at 11:51 PM

I'd really appreciate it if you'd respond:

Your input is critical.     Thanks to this team’s hard work, we reached our last mid-quarter FEC goal of 2020! Thank you so much for your continued support and engagement. It’ll be critical in these final weeks before the election. There’s no doubt about it -- reaching fundraising …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 16, 2020 at 10:02 PM

Shortest email you'll read today

I promise.     Thanks to this team’s hard work and dedication, we’re so close to reaching our very last mid-quarter FEC goal of the election. I couldn’t do this without you, because you are essential to our fight. There are only a few hours left before the deadline. Whether yo…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
August 16, 2020 at 3:29 PM

Things that keep me up at night:

This is what the brain of a finance director looks like hours before deadline →     BEFORE MIDNIGHT:If you can, chip in to reach our last mid-quarter FEC goal of 2020 → If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: …
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
August 15, 2020 at 8:03 PM

Not like the other emails in your inbox →

We need to ask you to pitch in, but first, let us explain why.     Your inbox is probably flooded with emails right about now, and a lot of them are probably highlighted, bolded, urgent, and asking for contributions ahead of the mid-quarter FEC fundraising deadline. This email …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 15, 2020 at 5:49 PM

We won't get another chance

Please, let me explain:     We’re fast-approaching the final mid-quarter FEC fundraising deadline of the election. Yes, you read that right: The last mid-quarter deadline of 2020. If you can, chip in before the deadline at midnight tomorrow → If you've saved your payment infor…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
August 14, 2020 at 11:51 PM

"Getting things done for New Jerseyans"

Mikie is the champion we need.     The pandemic has posed a tremendous challenge to our country and to New Jersey in particular, but in true New Jersey spirit, New Jerseyans have responded with strength, grit, and compassion. Mikie takes those New Jersey values with her to Cong…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 14, 2020 at 4:54 PM

re: the president's executive order

Need your help before midnight →     Just days before the 85th anniversary of Social Security, the president announced an executive order that would dramatically undermine Social Security, and he made the announcement in our state. 8,500 SIGNATURES NEEDED BEFORE MIDNIGHT:FIGHT BACK…
  NJ-11 RACE UPDATE · [email protected]
August 12, 2020 at 3:42 PM

What happens when you chip in $5

or $1 or $15 or $25     With less than 85 days to go until Election Day, we need to be as unified as ever because a poll shows Republicans have a razor-thin lead over Democrats in five New Jersey races -- including ours. A corporate lobbyist who’s donated thousands of dolla…
  Elizabeth Davis · [email protected]
August 12, 2020 at 1:01 AM


Mikie's priorities vs. our opponent's priorities:     New Jersey Globe: “Becchi continues lobbying while running for Congress” BREAKING: Our opponent is still lobbying for corporate clients while running to unseat Mikie and turn NJ-11 red. STOP A CORPORATE LOBBYIST FROM REPRES…
  Maddie Abbott · [email protected]
August 10, 2020 at 10:52 PM

Important Video Message from our Field Director:

This undermines our democracy, and we need to do something about it.     Hey there -- I’m Maddie, the field director in NJ-11. Now that we’re less than three months out from Election Day, we’re kicking our organizing and outreach efforts into high gear. I wanted to make sure yo…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
August 9, 2020 at 3:54 PM

McConnell's priorities are out of whack

so we're doing something about it     It’s clear, Mitch McConnell needs to get back to work for the American people. We want to send our message loud and clear, and we need 10,000 signatures to do it. Will you add your name before midnight tonight? ADD YOUR NAME McConnell a…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 8, 2020 at 6:17 PM

A drop in the bucket

McConnell's inaction spreads far and wide.     A couple of days ago, I wrote to you about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s inaction on restoring the Voting Rights Act and protecting voting rights. But here’s the thing: That’s just a drop in the bucket. The House has passed…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
August 7, 2020 at 9:25 PM

ANNOUNCEMENT: Winning T-shirt design + Team Mikie online store

grab your Team Mikie gear while it lasts →     Two pieces of exciting news: Our Team Mikie online merch store is live! The results from our Team Mikie T-shirt design contest are in, and the winner is… Congratulations to Mike in Wayne on the winning design! This shirt will be ava…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 6, 2020 at 7:32 PM

55 years of the Voting Rights Act

    "You want to honor John? Let's honor him by revitalizing the law that he was willing to die for." - President Barack Obama Today marks the 55th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, but to tell you the truth, the VRA hasn’t been the same since a devastating Supreme Court decis…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
August 5, 2020 at 4:32 PM

Last chance for T-shirt votes!

We noticed you haven't weighed in...     We noticed you haven’t weighed in yet -- voting for our new Team Mikie T-shirt design closes TONIGHT. VOTE HERE → We need to have all votes in before 11:59 p.m. Quickly -- vote for your favorite T-shirt design here → Thanks, Te…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
August 4, 2020 at 8:18 PM

What should our next 👕 look like?

Voting closes tomorrow.     Hi, everyone -- we have 91 days to reach as many voters as possible and re-elect Mikie. One of the best ways to spread the message about our campaign is showing your Team Mikie pride! We’re gearing up to roll out a brand-new Team Mikie T-shirt and we ask…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
August 3, 2020 at 9:30 PM

JUST IN: Obama-endorsed!

Will you join Obama and show your support for Mikie?     We have awesome news: President Obama just endorsed Mikie for re-election! JOIN OBAMA AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR MIKIE → Obama knows Mikie is the champion we need in the House. He praised Mikie’s commitment to “sticki…
  Elizabeth Davis · [email protected]
August 3, 2020 at 3:01 PM


"If the president is unsure how to run a free and fair election, then I'm happy to help him understand how."     We want to make sure you saw what the congresswoman was up to last week -- Mikie did interviews with MSNBC’s Stephanie Rhule and Lawrence O’Donnell about the presiden…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
August 2, 2020 at 3:49 PM

taking a moment

to say thank you     I’m so grateful -- together, we reached our end-of-month fundraising goal. I’m so humbled to have so many awesome supporters on my side, committing time, energy, and resources to keep New Jersey’s 11th blue. Today, we can take a moment to feel good about th…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 9:52 PM

still time to help Mikie

but we have to act fast     Tonight is the first end-of-month deadline of the general election, and with less than 100 days left until Election Day, the race for NJ-11 is only going to get more competitive from here on out. Every goal we reach helps us reach voters and fight ba…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 5:41 PM

My final ask:

I can't do this without you.     I want to start by thanking you for being a valuable member of this grassroots team. Together, I know we can keep NJ-11 blue and defend the House Majority this November. There are only a few hours left until the deadline, so this will be my final re…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 1:11 PM

I haven't slept

Today's the last day to do this →     I’ll be honest -- I haven’t slept much. I’ve been closely watching our numbers over the last few days, and I’m nervous about reaching our fundraising goal before the end-of-month deadline TONIGHT. It’s not impossible -- we’re hoping to brin…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 30, 2020 at 10:46 PM

An explanation

for all the emails.     It’s simple: Your support makes a difference. Your support is what got me here. It drove us to a victory in 2018 and helped turn NJ-11 blue for the time in three decades. And because of you, I’ve been able to work across the aisle to get things done for…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
July 30, 2020 at 3:25 PM

This is getting serious

Polls show this race is going to be *close.*     If you can, chip in before the end-of-month deadline to keep NJ-11 blue → Our opponent is a corporate lobbyist who donated thousands of dollars to Republicans including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. She has Washingt…
  Elizabeth Davis · [email protected]
July 29, 2020 at 9:39 PM


Mikie puts New Jerseyans first.     I see it firsthand every day: Mikie puts New Jersey first. Always. Donate But while Mikie is working across the aisle to get things done for New Jersey families -- like repealing the SALT deduction cap and supporting veterans -- Washin…
  NJ-11 RACE UPDATE · [email protected]
July 28, 2020 at 8:16 PM

We have our work cut out

Together, we can keep NJ-11 blue.     “New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District was one of the most hotly contested in 2018. Now, freshman Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill is seeking to keep the blue wave going in this historically Republican stronghold.”— NJ Spotlight Donat…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 27, 2020 at 5:05 PM

I appreciate you.

And I couldn't do this without you.     I couldn’t wait to say this to you: Thank you. This team really stepped up and helped us reach our 100 Days fundraising goal! I’m so grateful to have such a strong and dedicated team of supporters behind me from now until November. I know yo…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
July 26, 2020 at 11:10 PM

status update [100 days]

We're so close!     This team has stepped up in a big way, and now, we’re only 58 small-dollar contributions away from reaching our goal by midnight! Mikie is one of Washington Republicans’ top targets for 2020, and in a race as competitive as NJ-11, the attacks and outside spe…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
July 26, 2020 at 4:17 PM

100 days

left to go     We’re 100 days out from Election Day! If you’re able, can you chip in a few bucks before the day’s out? I can’t believe we’re already here -- the last seven months on Team Mikie have been an incredible experience for me. While it’s been challenging, especially i…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 24, 2020 at 9:37 PM


Nearly 100 days out!     I want to check in with you before the week is over because this weekend marks 100 days out from Election Day. I’ll be honest, at this point in our campaign we simply can’t afford to miss any of our goals. We won’t have time to make it up. That’s why I…
  NJ-11 RACE UPDATE · [email protected]
July 23, 2020 at 7:16 PM

Mikie vs. opponent

The differences are clear.     It’s incredible -- the differences between Mikie and her opponent are stark. Take a look: It’s obvious Mikie is the right choice for New Jersey, but the truth is, Washington Republicans are laser-focused on replacing her. The first end-of-mon…
  Elizabeth Davis · [email protected]
July 22, 2020 at 6:44 PM

We're statistically tied

Please read. This is important.     Team -- here’s the deal: our race is getting more competitive by the day. A poll shows NJ-11 is one of five competitive New Jersey races that are STATISTICALLY TIED and analysts are saying the path to the Majority goes through these seats. I…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
July 20, 2020 at 7:43 PM

troubling race update:

this is big →     “The road to a Republican Majority in the House runs through some moderate districts in New Jersey held by freshman Democrats… [including] Mikie Sherrill...and they are all expected to face very competitive races in November. ” - Fox 15 Team -- we’ll be honest…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 19, 2020 at 8:49 PM

They're trying to replace me with a corporate lobbyist

and I need your help     I’ll keep this short -- we’re closing in on the first end-of-month deadline of the general election and I’m counting on your support during this critical point in our campaign. Every dollar we raise and every goal we reach helps us fight back against the Wa…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 17, 2020 at 9:26 PM

5.4 MILLION Americans

just lost this →     BREAKING: A new study shows 5.4 million Americans lost their health insurance in the wake of the coronavirus. But instead of giving Americans the resources they need to protect their health, the Trump Administration is asking the Supreme Court to eliminate …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 16, 2020 at 12:01 AM

What a dollar means:

It makes a big difference.     Team -- this is what a dollar from you can do: Build a strong field organization Get TV ads up on the air Fight back against Washington Republicans’ attacks Help us connect with voters Spread the word about our fight for New Jersey Every sing…
  NJ-11 RACE UPDATE · [email protected]
July 15, 2020 at 5:46 PM

We're almost there!

Can you help get us the rest of the way there?     The first mid-month deadline of the general election is TONIGHT. Every goal we reach puts us in a stronger position to execute our television ad plan before November, defend this critical blue seat, and send Mikie back to Congr…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
July 15, 2020 at 12:29 AM

Sorry, I have bad news.

The National GOP isn't slowing down, so we can't either.     The primary has come and gone and now, we’re fast-approaching our first mid-month deadline of the general election. We can’t take a break even for a minute because Washington Republicans are moving full speed ahead: T…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 13, 2020 at 12:08 AM

re: telehealth services

Access to health care & social distancing →     Team -- the coronavirus has made these two things critically important: Access to health care Staying at home when possible and practicing social distancing As a result, our reliance on telehealth services has exploded. That’s w…
  Elizabeth Davis · [email protected]
July 10, 2020 at 6:41 PM

NJ-11 strategy memo (exclusive for you)

As one of our top supporters, I want to make sure you see this →     Now that we’re officially in the general election, we had a meeting to discuss our path to victory in NJ-11 and compiled a strategy memo. As one of Mikie’s most dedicated grassroots supporters, I want to make …
  NJ-11 RACE UPDATE · [email protected]
July 9, 2020 at 8:19 PM

It's official:

Now, it's all eyes on November.     Thank you so much -- Tuesday was primary day here in New Jersey, and we’re so grateful for everything this grassroots team has done to get us to this important turning point in our campaign. With the primary behind us, it’s all eyes on the ge…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 5, 2020 at 9:31 PM

We need to win this crucial open House seat →

Jackie needs our help to get it done.     Friend, In 2018, I ran for office because too often leaders in Washington put politics before their country. As a veteran and now as a congresswoman, I took oaths to serve my country and I take those oaths seriously. We need more leade…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 4, 2020 at 3:38 PM

This Fourth of July

    Dear friend, While today’s celebrations look different from years past, this pandemic has reminded us of the unity, joy, and empowerment we find in being Americans. So many in our community are finding creative ways to virtually come together with neighbors, friends, and famil…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
July 3, 2020 at 5:43 PM

Great news:

I couldn't have done this without this grassroots team →     I have great news to share: Together, we were able to reach our FEC end-of-quarter fundraising goal!  That’s great, because now, we’re in a position of strength as we charge ahead to Election Day. And November 3rd wil…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 11:31 PM

no regrets

Make sure you don't miss out!     Heads up: This is your LAST chance to have your contribution matched before the FEC deadline! If you can, chip in before midnight tonight and your contribution will be DOUBLED → If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, yo…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 6:28 PM

my final ask:

This is your last chance to do this →     First, I want to start by thanking everyone on this team who has pitched in toward our critical FEC goal. I’m reaching out one more time to let everyone know this is the last opportunity to double your contribution before the end-of-qua…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 1:50 PM

this is it

I've been up all night     The FEC deadline is at midnight tonight, and I’ll be honest -- I didn’t get much sleep last night. I crunched the numbers, and we’re within reach of our goal but we need to dig deep today to get the rest of the way there. And with Washington Republica…