From Team Mikie <[email protected]>
Subject JUST IN: Obama-endorsed!
Date August 3, 2020 9:30 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

We have awesome news: President Obama just endorsed Mikie for re-election!


Obama knows Mikie is the champion we need in the House. He praised Mikie's commitment to "sticking up for working class people, restoring fairness and opportunity to our system, and fighting for the good of all Americans -- not just those at the top."

We couldn't agree more. Mikie is a proven leader, fighting to put money back into New Jerseyans' pockets by repealing the SALT deduction cap, defending access to affordable health care and protections for pre-existing conditions, and implementing common sense gun safety measures to protect our communities from violence.

President Obama also knows that control of the House is essential to making progress on those issues and so many others, and he knows that keeping NJ-11 blue is crucial to defending the House Majority in three short months.

We need to keep the momentum of Obama's endorsement going from now until Election Day. If you're able, will you chip in right now to send Mikie back to the House, protect the Majority, and keep NJ-11 blue?


Team Mikie


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