From Elizabeth Davis <[email protected]>
Subject NJ-11 strategy memo (exclusive for you)
Date July 10, 2020 6:41 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Now that we're officially in the general election, we had a meeting to discuss our path to victory in NJ-11 and compiled a strategy memo.

As one of Mikie's most dedicated grassroots supporters, I want to make sure you see this memo first, because you will play a critical role in our ability to execute on this plan.

As you'll see below, we have a lot to get done between now and November. We want to raise 250 small-dollar contributions for our NJ-11 General Election Fund before midnight tonight. If you can, chip in now.



---Original Message---

TO: Team Mikie
FROM: Elizabeth Davis, Campaign Manager
DATE: July 10, 2020
RE: NJ-11 campaign strategy

With just over 100 days to re-elect Mikie and stop Washington Republicans from replacing her with a corporate lobbyist, we need to build a strong, far-reaching campaign organization.

The race for New Jersey's 11th District will be one of the most competitive in the country. We're competing in a district that President Trump won in 2016, and where a Democratic presidential candidate hasn't won in Morris County in more than 50 years. Getting our message out is crucial. Washington Republicans see this seat as a critical pick-up opportunity in their fight to take back the House Majority, and they've already gone all in to attack Mikie's record and support her corporate lobbyist opponent.

These are the key measures we need to take between now until Election Day:

Virtual voter outreach: Due to the current health crisis, we've had to cancel in-person events and organizing efforts to keep people safe. We need to refocus those efforts on virtual outreach, including video meetings and events, teleconferences, phone banking and text banking, and social media.
TV advertising: A report shows that 2020 ad spending is expected to pass $6 billion, and $4 million has already poured into New Jersey. We'll need to get ads up on the air to ensure Mikie's message is heard in the crowded market.
Communication and marketing: We need to spread the word about our campaign and Mikie's work in Congress through mailers, yard signs, and informational materials.
Grassroots support: We've set fundraising goals for the remainder of the cycle that we need to reach in order to execute our campaign strategy before November.

If we execute on all of these measures, we'll be able to defend this critical blue seat in the House Majority and send Mikie back to Congress this November.

Elizabeth Davis
Campaign Manager
Mikie Sherill for Congress

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