From Elizabeth Davis <[email protected]>
Subject Always.
Date July 29, 2020 9:39 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

I see it firsthand every day: Mikie puts New Jersey first. Always.


But while Mikie is working across the aisle to get things done for New Jersey families -- like repealing the SALT deduction cap and supporting veterans -- Washington Republicans are funneling money into our state to replace her with their hand-picked corporate lobbyist candidate.

For the National GOP, this race is just a key pick-up opportunity on the path to the House Majority.

For Mikie, this race is about the people of New Jersey's 11th District.

We can't afford to lose Mikie's leadership in Congress for someone who cares more about special interests than New Jerseyans -- not when health care, voting rights, and so much else are on the line. There are 48 hours left until the end-of-month deadline. If you can, please chip in to send Mikie back to Congress.



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