From Team Mikie <[email protected]>
Subject status update [100 days]
Date July 26, 2020 11:10 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Quick update: Thanks to your generous contributions, we're only 38 small-dollar contributions away from reaching our goal by midnight!

Mikie is one of Washington Republicans' top targets for 2020, and in a race as competitive as NJ-11, the attacks and outside spending are going to dramatically increase between now and November. If we don't have the resources to fight back, the attacks could work.

We can't let that happen. If you can, chip in $5 before midnight →

Throughout this unprecedented health crisis, Mikie is working non-stop to ensure New Jerseyans have what they need to protect their health and safety, pay bills, feed their families, and safely get back to work.

Mikie is focused on what matters, so we need to be focused on making sure she can continue to do her job for the New Jerseyans who need her leadership. If you can, chip in before midnight tonight.


Team Mikie

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