From Team Mikie <[email protected]>
Subject Not like the other emails in your inbox →
Date August 15, 2020 8:03 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Your inbox is probably flooded with emails right about now, and a lot of them are probably highlighted, bolded, urgent, and asking for contributions ahead of the mid-quarter FEC fundraising deadline.

This email won't look like that.

But we'll be straight with you -- we do need to ask you to make a contribution if you're able to do so.

Here's why: When you chip in, you help us build our campaign and get out the vote.

And when we can do that, we can send Mikie back to Congress to fight for the issues that drive our campaign in the first place: affordable health care, tax relief for working families, support for small businesses and frontline workers, and so much more.

We know not everyone can afford to contribute right now, and that's OK. Your engagement -- no matter what shape it takes -- is what matters most. But if you are in a position to give a few dollars, please know that it makes a difference.


Team Mikie

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043
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