From Elizabeth Davis <[email protected]>
Subject WATCH: Mikie on MSNBC
Date August 3, 2020 3:01 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

We want to make sure you saw what the congresswoman was up to yesterday -- Mikie did interviews with MSNBC's Stephanie Rhule and Lawrence O'Donnell about the president's proposal to delay the November election and his refusal to get to the bottom of intelligence reports that Russia placed bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

Here are some highlights from the interviews:

"If the president is unsure how to run a free and fair election in one of the oldest democracies on earth, then I'm happy to meet with him to help him understand how to do this because we just did it in New Jersey."

"As a former Russian policy officer, we have known for years Russia does not have our interests at heart... If the Commander in Chief won't hold Russia accountable, then Congress really has to stand up and ensure that we are getting to the bottom of it and making sure that we are holding Russia accountable."

Every day, Mikie proves she is the leader we need in Congress -- especially in the absence of leadership from the very top of our government.

If you needed a couple more reasons to chip in before the end-of-month deadline at midnight tonight, this is it. If you can, place a contribution here before the day is over →



P.S.: You can click here to watch the Stephanie Ruhle interview.
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