From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject A drop in the bucket
Date August 8, 2020 6:17 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Yesterday, I wrote to you about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's inaction on restoring the Voting Rights Act and protecting voting rights.

But here's the thing: That's just a drop in the bucket.

The House has passed hundreds of measures that McConnell has refused to take action on. For some of them, more than a year has passed. He has also had a House-backed covid relief package that has sat on desk since May!

We want to gather 10,000 signatures by Sunday to demand McConnell get back to work for the American people. Will you add your name?

McConnell has refused to take action on bills that would:

Codifying equal protection under the law for the LGBTQ community
Establish background checks for all gun sales and prevent gun violence
Protect Dreamers from deportation
Repeal the SALT deduction cap and put money back into American families' pockets
Safeguard access to health care and lower the cost of prescription drugs
Provide critical funding for state and local governments to respond to the ongoing coronavirus

McConnell needs to do his job. Will you sign your name and tell McConnell to take action on all of the critical measures stalled in the Senate?

Thank you and take care,


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