From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject re: telehealth services
Date July 13, 2020 12:08 AM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

Team -- the coronavirus has made these two things critically important:

Access to health care
Staying at home when possible and practicing social distancing

As a result, our reliance on telehealth services has exploded. That's why I recently introduced a bipartisan measure that would ensure Medicare beneficiaries have access to critical telehealth services.

Will you add your name to support increased access to telehealth services? We need 10,000 signatures before next week.

Before this crisis, patients had to live in a rural area or far from a doctor's office in order to be reimbursed for telehealth services. It was restrictive and limiting.

Now, virtually everyone needs access to telehealth services. I know hearing from families in our community how beneficial it has been to have remote access to their doctors during the pandemic.

We need to ensure everyone can receive the critical care they need while staying at home -- and that will be true even after we overcome this crisis.

We need 10,000 grassroots supporters to sign on to support my telemedicine measure before next week. Please add your name today.

Thank you and take care,


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