50+ Messages / Page

  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 11, 2021 at 6:38 PM


  The House of Representatives has just introduced an article of impeachment charging President Donald Trump with “willfully inciting violence against the government of the United States”. The vice president still has the opportunity to put his country first by convening the Cabinet to i…
  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 8, 2021 at 7:00 PM

RE: we cannot look away from sedition

  Did you see this message from Chris yesterday? We cannot fail to respond to the seditious actions of the president who incited a violent mob attack against the legislative branch of government with the intent of interfering with the constitutional certification of our elections. It’s l…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 7, 2021 at 9:10 PM

we cannot look away from sedition

  On a day that began with the historic election of two new Democratic Senators in the formerly deep-red state of Georgia, our democracy also experienced one of its darkest moments. A violent mob organized and incited by the President of the United States violently stormed the US Capitol…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 6, 2021 at 6:13 PM

today's vote on electoral college certification

  The results in Georgia represent a historic moment for our country. The people of Georgia have given us a new day and an opportunity to define the agenda in the US Senate instead of languishing under Mitch McConnell’s choking grip. Even at this hopeful moment though Trump and his enabl…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 5, 2021 at 5:06 PM

get your shoes on. get ready.

  “Get your shoes on. Get ready.” It’s finally here: Election Day in the Georgia runoffs. Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff need a historic turnout before the polls close tonight to secure these critical wins. Rev. Warnock often quotes his father who used to wake him up at 6am every…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 4, 2021 at 8:44 PM

certify the vote!

  “I just want to find 11,780 votes…” — Donald Trump There it was. In plain language. A president of the United States pressuring a top state election official to “find” enough votes to overturn the peoples’ decision in the 2020 election -- and threatening legal jeopardy if they don’t.…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 3, 2021 at 11:46 PM

our last chance to take the gavel from Mitch

  With the runoff election just two days away, polls show both Democrats Rev. Warnock and Jon Ossoff running slightly ahead of their opponents. But these two Georgia Senate seats are going to be very very close — and every single vote will count! Right now, Georgia voter turnout is break…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 31, 2020 at 5:50 PM

a republic, if you can keep it

  Responding to a question about the nature of our new government, Ben Franklin famously said: "A republic, if you can keep it.” This past year has given those words new relevance and urgency. To keep this democratic government we need to commit to sustained engagement like never before.…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 30, 2020 at 9:59 PM

the fight continues

  2020 has been an unprecedented year — and one of tragedy and loss for so many. Our democratic system has been under sustained attack and our assumptions about the strength of our institutions have been badly shaken. The bright spot has been the engagement of everyday Americans — fighti…
  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 29, 2020 at 10:26 PM

our final FEC fundraising deadline of the year

  It’s hard to believe that in a few days, we’ll be turning the page on 2020 once and for all to begin a new year full of new challenges and opportunities. With the end of the year comes our final FEC fundraising deadline, and our last chance to make sure we head into 2021 prepared for t…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 28, 2020 at 8:09 PM

In less than 20 days we can hit 're-start'

  2020 has been a long and difficult year. We’ve faced a devastating pandemic, reckoned with growing political and economic divisions, and weathered a destructive president willing to undermine our democracy and institutions in order to stay in power. This pandemic is far from over and w…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 22, 2020 at 6:48 PM

Two weeks from today

  The Georgia runoff elections are now just two weeks away — and Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are locked in statistical ties with their Republican opponents. McConnell and his Republican mega-donors are pulling out all the stops to attack our candidates with negative ads and sendi…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 21, 2020 at 9:46 PM

Some good news

  It’s been a long and excruciating fight, but late yesterday Democrats and Republicans finally reached agreement on the details of a $900 billion pandemic relief package. Several unexpected hurdles came up over the weekend, including a GOP push to tie the hands of the next President on …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 19, 2020 at 10:24 PM

Republicans are holding up the COVID relief bill at the 11th hour. Here's why:

  I wanted to reach out with a quick update on the stalled Senate negotiations over the bipartisan COVID relief package. Senate Republicans just concluded a Caucus Conference Call with Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and the news is not good: McConnell announced that Republicans WILL NOT rem…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 18, 2020 at 11:03 PM

Republicans throw in a wrench

  We are finally on the verge of a bipartisan agreement to pass a desperately-needed stimulus package and provide relief to struggling families and small businesses across the country. But with a government closure looming, Republicans just introduced a new demand to restrict the Federal…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 17, 2020 at 10:29 PM

Here we go again

  “GOP launches legal war on absentee voting ahead of Georgia runoffs”POLITICO With early voting already underway, Republican groups have launched a last-ditch attempt to potentially stop thousands of voters from voting by mail in the January 5th Senate runoffs. Earlier today federal …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 16, 2020 at 11:35 PM

there is nothing normal about this

Van Hollen for Senate Over 40 days after the election and one week after all 50 states and the District of Columbia certified their results, Mitch McConnell finally recognized Biden’s victory. But it’s not time to break out the champagne yet. Over the last five weeks Americans have been inund…
  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 14, 2020 at 8:50 PM

RE: Biden-Harris: the first 100 days

Van Hollen for Senate Did you have a chance to complete our survey yesterday? With Inauguration Day a little over a month away, Chris would like to know what your top priorities are for the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris Administration. Read Chris’s note below, and then complete this sho…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 13, 2020 at 6:18 PM

Biden-Harris: the first 100 days

Van Hollen for Senate In just over a month, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in as President and Vice President of the United States at a moment of historic challenges and opportunities. With so many pressing issues, the first 100 days will be about prioritizing objectives. The list …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 11, 2020 at 8:28 PM

from public housing to public action

Van Hollen for Senate Republican Kelly Loeffler has proven she doesn’t care much about helping the people of Georgia, so lies and slander are the only tactics she can turn to in her race against Raphael Warnock. If you can, please consider pitching in today to help Raphael Warnock fight back a…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 10, 2020 at 9:52 PM

COVID Relief now. McConnell needs to get out of the way

Van Hollen for Senate The COVID-19 pandemic has entered a dangerous new phase, with infections and hospitalizations spiking and millions out of work — many on the verge of poverty and homelessness. This massive public health and economic crisis demands an urgent response from Congress. For mo…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 9, 2020 at 8:43 PM

It's crunch time. We can't stop now.

Van Hollen for Senate It’s already crunch time in the Georgia Senate runoff. Early voting begins Monday, December 14th — that’s less than a week from today! I know I say it a lot, but there really is so much on the line in these runoff elections. If we take back the Senate, we’ll have an ext…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 7, 2020 at 8:28 PM

four weeks to go. we can do this!

Van Hollen for Senate It’s been a big couple of days for Rev. Raphael Warnock in the Georgia Senate special election. Rev. Warnock deftly handled relentless slander thrown at him by Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in last night’s debate and a brand-new poll showed him taking a single digit lea…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 4, 2020 at 6:49 PM

Jon Ossoff leading by two in new poll

Van Hollen for Senate The New York Times just reported that Senator David Perdue (R-GA) is by far the Senate’s most prolific stock trader (2,596 trades in just one term!!) and frequently makes well-timed trades after receiving information provided to him as a U.S. Senator. It’s no wonder Perd…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
December 3, 2020 at 7:25 PM

we can win a Fair Fight

Van Hollen for Senate When President-elect Joe Biden won the state of Georgia, it was the first time in 28 years that a Democratic nominee for president won the state. The kind of grassroots organizing that leads to the first flip in three decades doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years of h…
  Samantha Gross · [email protected]
November 30, 2020 at 11:19 PM

they think they can buy their way to victory

Van Hollen for Senate The GOP Senate candidates have a $28 million advertising advantage, and far too much is at stake to let them buy their way to victory.Pitch in whatever you can afford here to help Senate Democrats close the gap and fight voter suppression! ----Begin Chris’ Message---- "…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 30, 2020 at 7:35 PM

big GOP donors are flooding Georgia with ads

Van Hollen for Senate "Republicans hold $28 million ad advantage in Georgia Senate runoff" - CNN TAKE BACK THE SENATE November 2020 will be remembered as the month we won back our democracy. Despite dozens of legal challenges by the Trump campaign and a barrage of lies and misinformation, Jo…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 25, 2020 at 8:53 PM

as we give thanks, the Senate still needs to pass COVID relief

Van Hollen for Senate The last several months — and weeks — have been like a high speed rollercoaster. Our democracy will emerge scarred, but intact and I look forward to working with the Biden-Harris administration to address the many pressing issues facing our country. Urgent action to confr…
  Raphael Warnock · [email protected]
November 24, 2020 at 7:07 PM

All eyes on Georgia

Van Hollen for Senate I'm in the fight of my life against unelected Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) to flip Georgia's Senate seat blue. And according to The Washington Post, what happens here could determine whether Democrats are able to secure Senate control and enact our bold agenda. I urgently n…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 18, 2020 at 7:55 PM

Lindsey Graham's crusade to overturn the election

Van Hollen for Senate Lindsey Graham is bent on reversing Joe Biden’s clear victory over President Trump.— New York Times TAKE BACK THE SENATE What Lindsey Graham is doing is despicable and dangerous. The sitting Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is attempting to undermine our free …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 16, 2020 at 9:13 PM

In Georgia, David Perdue is hiding from his record

Van Hollen for Senate "Georgia Sen. David Perdue declines to debate opponent ahead of January 5 runoff" Senator David Perdue's refusal to debate Democrat Jon Ossoff sums up the dynamic in this high stakes runoff election — David Purdue is busy trying to hide from his record. That's why it's s…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 10, 2020 at 8:19 PM

McConnell's fate rests with the people of Georgia

Van Hollen for Senate McConnell, Graham warn GOP Senate majority on the line in Georgia— The Hill The fate of the Senate now rests with the people of Georgia — and Republicans are sounding the alarm and preparing to pull out all the stops to try to win these two January Senate runoffs. Not on…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 7, 2020 at 6:58 PM

We beat Trump, and now we can take back the Senate

Van Hollen for Senate After five tense days and four difficult years, we are finally ending our national nightmare. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will restore desperately needed dignity, truth, compassion and adult leadership to the White House. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard over the …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 6, 2020 at 9:16 PM

to keep his gavel Mitch McConnell needs Georgia!

Van Hollen for Senate All Eyes on Georgia! Three days after Election Day, there is still a narrow path to a Democratic majority in the US Senate. It all hinges on the state of Georgia where Reverend Raphael Warnock, pastor of Dr. King’s Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, and Jon Ossoff are n…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 5, 2020 at 6:45 PM

there is still a narrow path to the Senate majority

Victory Now PAC “Georgia Senate race heads to runoff between Loeffler and Warnock” Two days after Election Day, there is still a narrow path to a Democratic majority in the US Senate. It all hinges on the state of Georgia where Reverend Raphael Warnock, pastor of Dr. King’s Ebenezer Baptist Ch…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 4, 2020 at 9:03 PM

protecting our democracy

when all the votes are counted, Joe Biden will be our next President Van Hollen for Senate As we wait for the absentee ballots and the final results to come in, I wanted to reach out to thank you for all the hard work and dedication you poured into the 2020 campaign. I am very confident that wh…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 3, 2020 at 7:08 PM

It's been four long years -- vote them out today!

Forward this to family and friends Van Hollen for Senate We have been waiting for this day for FOUR LONG YEARS. Today we face the most consequential election of our lifetimes. These next few hours — maybe days — will be filled with uncertainty and anxiety. But the passionate grassroots strength…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 6:45 PM

we are surging in Texas and the GOP is scared

Victory Now PAC “Texas Sen. John Cornyn Uses Manipulated Video to Falsely Attack Opponent” Texas is getting close and there is no limit to how low John Cornyn will go to try to stop MJ Hegar’s momentum -- even if it means doctoring videos to tell desperate lies.Rush a donation to help MJ Hegar…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 30, 2020 at 5:24 PM

it's Friday. In 4 days we can take back our country

Victory Now PAC When I voted early, I could feel the full weight of what’s at stake. And I could see it in the eyes of voters around me. If we allow Trump and his Senate enablers to hold onto power, more people will die, and more families will suffer from this pandemic because of their failure …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 29, 2020 at 9:58 PM

we need to be ready for anything

Victory Now PAC This is it — the final push to elect Joe and Kamala and put a Democratic majority in the Senate to start addressing the needs of the American people. As I write to you, President Trump and his GOP lawyers are in court fighting to make it harder for people to have their votes cou…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 28, 2020 at 4:35 PM

as Joe Biden said -- "something is changing in Georgia"

Victory Now PAC Atlanta Journal poll shows deadlocked races for president, Senate seats in Georgia Reverend Raphael Warnock is running a strong campaign and could be the biggest upset victory in the fight to take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell. With just 6 days left, we can make a differ…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 27, 2020 at 6:53 PM

Yesterday was a dark day, but we need to fight back hard

Victory Now PAC Over 225,000 Americans have died, and instead of passing a COVID relief package Senate Republicans voted to confirm a Supreme Court Justice ready to strike down the Affordable Care Act! Just one week to go, and we need to finish strong to win this fight for control of the Senat…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 25, 2020 at 5:16 PM

McConnell's Super PAC raised nearly $50 million in the first 2 weeks of October!

Victory Now PAC McConnell super PAC raises nearly $50M in first two weeks of October With 9 days left, we can’t let their big money drown us out. Pitch in to fight back against a last-minute GOP drive to hold the Senate for Mitch McConnell! TAKE BACK THE SENATE As Trump’s prospects look incr…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 23, 2020 at 7:11 PM

the tragic consequences Trump's presidency were on full display last night

Victory Now PAC In the final debate of the 2020 election, the tragic life and death consequences of Donald Trump’s presidency were on full display. Even as he proclaimed the virus was "going away", COVID-19 deaths are climbing, and there is no end in sight to the suffering and economic pain cau…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 22, 2020 at 5:51 PM

the final debate of the 2020 election

Victory Now PAC Tonight is the final debate of the 2020 election, and President Trump doesn't have much to brag about. COVID-19 deaths are climbing, and there is no end in sight to the suffering and economic pain caused by his failure to act decisively to address this historic health crisis. Me…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 21, 2020 at 4:35 PM

GOP dark money in Iowa

Victory Now PAC Democrat Theresa Greenfield is running a top-notch campaign for Senate in Iowa, and she has her GOP opponent on the run. A staunch Trump ally, Senator Joni Ernst wants to end the Affordable Care Act, rejects "human-caused" climate change, and has sought to eliminate the federal …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 19, 2020 at 5:43 PM

two weeks to go

Victory Now PAC COVID-19 continues to surge across America, and President Trump is doing worse than nothing. Against the advice of his medical experts, Trump continues to hold massive rallies in states like Wisconsin — which is suffering a COVID-19 spike so large that they've had to open a fiel…
  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 15, 2020 at 9:37 PM

President Obama is hosting a fundraiser to take back the Senate tomorrow!

Van Hollen for Senate We are reaching out to invite you to an exciting event: tomorrow’s 5 PM DSCC fundraiser hosted by President Obama to support Democrats running to flip the Senate!Pitch in $5 now to reserve your spot at tomorrow’s event with President Obama! RSVP President Obama is tak…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 15, 2020 at 5:43 PM

Democrats lost Michigan by two votes per precinct in 2016

Van Hollen for Senate As Michelle Obama warned at the Democratic convention, Democrats lost the 2016 presidential race in Michigan by just two votes per precinct.That's right, a super-thin margin of just 0.23% in Michigan ended up tipping the scale that brought Trump to the White House. Now th…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
October 13, 2020 at 5:29 PM

a "virtual tie" in Michigan

Van Hollen for Senate "Today's 2020 Election Polls: Warning Signs Flash For Peters In Michigan Senate Race"- Forbes TAKE BACK THE SENATE Yesterday the GOP kicked off their disgraceful push to try to rush through an extreme right-wing anti-Affordable Care Act justice against the dying wishe…