50+ Messages / Page

  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 28, 2020 at 6:54 PM

We need your help keeping our new ad on the air

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, With our primary in only a few days, it’s more important than ever that we remind folks in Iowa’s 4th district why they need a representative with strong Iowa values fighting for them in Congress. That’s why we’re relaunching our new ad, narrated by…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
May 27, 2020 at 7:11 PM

This is not and should not be a political issue. This is a public interest issue.

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, The United States Postal Service is a vital part of our country’s past and present. It’s one of the first established government entities in the Constitution and was created to serve all Americans equally. No matter who you are, where you live, how …
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 26, 2020 at 8:35 PM

Sign on: It’s time for Congress to protect people, not corporations

J.D. Scholten for Congress “Coronavirus devastating small businesses: One-third won’t reopen” -- CNBC John, Now more than ever, it’s critical that Congress passes coronavirus relief packages that protect workers and small businesses. Corporations have received no-strings-…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
May 25, 2020 at 3:15 PM

Saluting the fallen on this Memorial Day

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We often spend Memorial Day with our loved ones, honoring those who have given everything to keep us safe. This year, the way in which we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice may look a little different, but we will remember them all the same.…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
May 22, 2020 at 7:31 PM

Congress’s coronavirus relief packages have failed to provide sufficient aid to those who truly need it

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, 38.6 million Americans are unemployed. 27 million Americans will likely lose their health insurance. More than 1 in 5 U.S. households are food insecure. But despite the scale of this unprecedented health and economic crisis, our government has con…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
May 19, 2020 at 8:51 PM

Two weeks until the Iowa Primary, and here’s what we need you to do

J.D. Scholten for Congress Hi John, Iowa’s primary is in exactly two weeks!! Even though I’m running unopposed in the primary, it’s incredibly important to vote. Your vote affects more than just you -- it’s a sign of how we’re going to pass on our country to the next generation. It…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 18, 2020 at 5:15 PM

re: Important practice

J.D. Scholten for Congress Hi John, The Iowa Primary is on Tuesday, June 2nd -- two weeks from tomorrow. Although J.D. doesn’t have a primary opponent, it’s still crucial that we encourage folks in Iowa’s 4th District to go out and vote for him! No matter our Republican opponent, …
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 14, 2020 at 9:15 PM

Our team is growing stronger 💪💪💪

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Our team that’s working to send J.D. to Congress is growing stronger and stronger every day. From labor organizations like the AFL-CIO, the IBEW, Operating Engineers, and AFSCME; to the League of Conservation Voters and End Citizens United; to progr…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 13, 2020 at 8:30 PM

Steve King said he's getting his committee assignments back...

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Time and again we’ve called out Steve King for his incredibly offensive statements and views. And some of his Republican colleagues have too -- basically, we’re all in agreement that his hateful rhetoric is not acceptable in Congress or anywhere else…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 12, 2020 at 6:35 PM

🗞 Read J.D.’s latest interviews

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, While Steve King is doing what he does best (posting memes on Facebook and sharing wild conspiracy theories), J.D. has been speaking with local and national news outlets, proving himself to be the leader Iowa’s 4th District needs. He’s spoken about …
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 11, 2020 at 9:22 PM

We need to invest in our country’s small businesses before it’s too late

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, The truth is that we haven’t yet seen the full effects of COVID-19 on our communities, our health, and our economy. But what’s already clear is that the response from the federal government has been too little, too late, and too focused on big corpo…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 9, 2020 at 3:01 PM

Join J.D. and Iowa PWU President Kim Karol today at 11 a.m. CT

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, J.D. is back with another virtual interview! Today at 11 a.m. CT, he’s speaking with Kim Karol, president of the Iowa Postal Workers Union and IFL Executive Board Rep. Together, they’ll discuss protecting USPS and our postal workers, because they go…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
May 8, 2020 at 6:16 PM

Add your name: We need to protect our workers

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Last week, President Trump called for the reopening of meatpacking plants across the country, despite the fact that they’ve been hotspots for the coronavirus. In fact, there have been over 2,400 cases in the Sioux City area alone in the past week, ma…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
May 7, 2020 at 10:01 PM

Who I’m especially grateful for this week

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, There are so many people to be thankful for during this pandemic. The list of helpers and folks stepping up during this time is infinite, but this week, I want to highlight two groups of people who are making a big difference during this pandemic: n…
  Scholten4Iowa · [email protected]
May 5, 2020 at 10:30 PM

Where have you been celebrating take-out Tuesday?

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We’re excited to keep our new Take-out Tuesday tradition going in May as J.D. continues to support local restaurants right here in Iowa’s 4th district! We hope we’ve inspired you to do the same. Right now, small businesses need all the help that the…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 5, 2020 at 6:02 PM

Today at 2 p.m. CT: J.D. Scholten and Randy Bryce Virtual Interview

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We’re so excited to pick up where we left off in our virtual interview series. TODAY at 2 p.m. CT, J.D. will be speaking with his friend and fellow midwesterner, Randy Bryce. They’ll talk about how we can protect our workers, especially our meatpac…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
May 4, 2020 at 10:15 PM

Add your name: Demand Congress implement vote-by-mail for all Americans!

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, The right to vote is one of the most important privileges we have as Americans. In fact, many Americans have fought and died for this right. Yet we’ve seen that right threatened during the coronavirus pandemic. Some elections have been postponed or …
  Adam, Scholten4Iowa · [email protected]
May 3, 2020 at 5:30 PM

We need you from now through November

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, It’s hard to believe that in just six months’ time, J.D.’s name will be on the ballot to be the next representative for Iowa’s 4th District. There are a lot of uncertainties ahead: who our opponent will be, whether this election will be by mail, and…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
May 2, 2020 at 3:00 PM

J.D. recorded a brief message to say thanks

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, J.D. wanted to send along a quick video message to thank you for the support our campaign has received over the past few days. We’re so inspired by your resilience and your generosity during this difficult time -- so thank you! Click here to watch J…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 30, 2020 at 6:30 PM

I’ll go to bat for John every time

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, I’ve played on baseball teams in different cities, states, and countries. But on every team, we worked our tails off for a common goal. We didn’t have to agree on everything or even like each other, but there was respect and understanding for each …
  Adam, Scholten4Iowa · [email protected]
April 29, 2020 at 7:27 PM

Grassroots support will carry us to November

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, It’s hard to imagine that just a few months ago, we were traveling around in Sioux City Sue, visiting some of the smallest Iowa towns to hear about the issues affecting our too-often-overlooked communities. Of course, we can’t go meet with folks fac…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 28, 2020 at 5:16 PM

We’re thinking of you, John.

J.D. Scholten for Congress J.D. Scholten can’t win on his own -- we’re counting on grassroots supporters to help fuel this campaign to defeat Steve King. Our end of month deadline is coming up in just two days. Chip in to help Team Scholten hit our end of month goal >> DON…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 27, 2020 at 9:13 PM

Who will you root for -- Steve King or the underdog?

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We need to elect J.D. Scholten to represent Iowa’s 4th District. After over 17 years of Steve King's failed leadership, we’re more than ready to have a member of Congress who will fight for us. Steve King has swung and missed so many times for the …
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 25, 2020 at 4:15 PM


J.D. Scholten for Congress John, This pandemic has shown us how important strong and proactive leadership is. From a lack of personal protective equipment in our rural hospitals, to a lack of widespread testing across the country, we have seen how crucial it is to have leaders who …
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 24, 2020 at 7:30 PM

Add your name: We HAVE to protect the USPS

J.D. Scholten for Congress “If the US Postal Service fails, rural America will suffer the most” -- Vox John, During this time of social distancing, I know I’ve been relying more than ever on regular old mail to connect with loved ones. Sending and receiving a birthday car…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 23, 2020 at 8:30 PM

Steve King and Devin Nunes

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, You and I both know that Steve King is out of touch. From his history of racist comments to his harmful voting record, he’s got to go. But I wanted to talk to you about my friend, Phil Arballo, who is running against another fringe member of Congre…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 22, 2020 at 8:46 PM

On this Earth Day 🌎

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Today is Earth Day, and while it might be hard to think about the environment in the context of the ongoing pandemic, we’re seeing how far-reaching the effects of pollution can be. Folks who have preexisting respiratory conditions like asthma, and f…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 21, 2020 at 7:45 PM

J.D. wrote an op-ed on antitrust laws -- check it out!

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, J.D. wrote an op-ed about how the lack of enforcement of antitrust laws in our health care industry is hurting our ability to save lives. The consolidation of hospitals and health care companies has created fewer hospital beds, higher hosp…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 20, 2020 at 5:05 PM

Three strikes, Steve King is out

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Now more than ever, it’s crucial that we have the right leaders in office. We need people who will lead with heart and soul, who will look out for every voice in the district. We need someone who will go to bat for us every day in Washington -- and t…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 17, 2020 at 11:30 PM

Únete a nuestra primera conversación sobre COVID-19 esta noche!

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Nuestra campaña quiere asegurarse de que cada voz sea escuchada y representada en nuestro distrito, es por eso que estamos trabajando en ser lo inclusivos y acogedores posibles. Estamos muy emocionados de poder transmitir nuestra entrevista virtual …
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 17, 2020 at 3:27 PM

What we’ve been up to (and what’s up next!)

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We’re sure you’ve heard that over the past few weeks, J.D. has hosted nearly nightly virtual interviews with a mix of different people: medical professionals, Senate candidates in Iowa, baseball players, advocates for rural communities and voting rig…
  Adam, Scholten4Iowa · [email protected]
April 16, 2020 at 8:46 PM

🚨Fundraising update 🚨

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We have an exciting update about our campaign fundraising to share with you. For the 3rd straight quarter, J.D. has outraised the entire Republican field -- including Steve King, who raised just 12% of what we did. And we were able to do this becau…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 15, 2020 at 6:01 PM

Why I 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ last night

J.D. Scholten for Congress I wanted to make sure you heard about this, John: I ran a half marathon (without training!!) last night. Honestly, I’m pretty sore today, but it was all worth it -- and let me tell you why. Sonny Perdue and the Trump Administration are trying to cut the p…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 14, 2020 at 8:10 PM

We need to protect Dr. Fauci’s job

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, During this incredibly stressful time, it is CRUCIAL that the public gets reliable information from our government. No person has been more consistently trustworthy than Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has served as director of the National Institute of Alle…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 13, 2020 at 9:45 PM

Cutting the pay of 250,000 farmworkers

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Even during this pandemic, we’re able to count on our grocery stores stocked with produce like greens, fruit, and milk because of the hard work of farmworkers. Farmworkers are essential frontline workers, making sure food gets to our tables and groc…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 11, 2020 at 8:01 PM

ADD YOUR NAME: Support and fund our rural hospitals

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Rural communities are far too often left out of the conversations in Washington. This has harmed our economies, health care facilities, access to nutritious food, and so much more. But now, the coronavirus poses a new threat to our rural communities…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 10, 2020 at 8:29 PM

TONIGHT: U.S. Senate candidate Kimberly Graham

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We’ve had a great week of virtual interviews with J.D. If you’d like to see a replay of any of J.D.'s interviews, head over to facebook.com/Scholten4Iowa/videos. Tonight is the latest edition of J.D.’s virtual interview series with several Democrati…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 10, 2020 at 2:01 PM

Red tape for folks who need help the most

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, With the challenges we’re all facing due to the coronavirus, our government response should make things easier for folks, not more complicated. While we’re certainly pleased that there are steps being taken to provide families, small businesses, and…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 9, 2020 at 5:15 PM

Tonight’s guest: Cal Woods, candidate for U.S. Senate

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We hope you’ve enjoyed following along with J.D.’s virtual interview series this week. J.D. has had great conversations with Senate candidates about Iowa’s 4th district so far. He is passionate about making sure our district is represented well in W…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 8, 2020 at 8:30 PM

TONIGHT: U.S. Senate candidate Eddie Mauro ⚾

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, To continue a week of great virtual interviews, tonight J.D. will be joined by U.S. Senate candidate Eddie Mauro! Eddie is a businessman and teacher whose family is deeply rooted in Iowa. He hopes that his background in community service, activism, …
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 8, 2020 at 6:49 PM

How corporate greed is hurting us during COVID-19

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, It’s no secret that I am a big advocate for antitrust laws -- but the ongoing pandemic is showing just how important the enforcement of these laws truly is. Years ago, the government granted a small California company a federal contract to develop a…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 7, 2020 at 10:00 PM

Former Navy Vice Admiral Mike Franken LIVE with J.D. TONIGHT!

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, We’re back with another exciting edition of J.D.’s virtual interview series! Tonight, U.S. Senate candidate Mike Franken will be joining J.D. to talk about health care, education, agriculture, and other issues affecting Iowa’s 4th district. Mike ha…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 6, 2020 at 10:35 PM

Five U.S. Senate candidates join J.D. this week!

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, A HUGE thank you to everyone who’s been tuning in to J.D.’s interview series on Facebook Live last week. Even if it was for just a few minutes, we hope you had as much fun as we did seeing J.D. chat with a few fellow Iowans. We’re so excited that J.…
  Adam, Scholten4Iowa · [email protected]
April 6, 2020 at 9:18 PM

Can you join us on Facebook tonight?

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, I wanted to make sure you see this -- J.D. is going to be speaking with infectious disease specialist Dr. Megan Srinivas, M.D. M.P.H., tonight. Tune in at facebook.com/scholten4iowa tonight at 5:00 P.M. CT.   We’ll hear what Dr. Srinivas has…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 3, 2020 at 10:00 PM

Art Cullen is joining J.D. tonight for an interview!

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Our virtual interview series is continuing this evening! J.D. will be speaking with Art Cullen, a Pulitzer Prize award winner and the owner and journalist for The Storm Lake Times. They’ll discuss local history and politics, the impacts of this pan…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 3, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Not surprised that Steve King is back at it again

J.D. Scholten for Congress The number one priority during this time is to make sure everyone helps mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa and across the country. Our campaign is doing our part by canceling all in-person events, moving to a digital operation, and supporting local eff…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 2, 2020 at 10:15 PM

J.D. Town Hall Double Feature!

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Our virtual interviews on Facebook Live are so successful that tonight we’re doing it twice! J.D. is kicking off the night by speaking with Cory Booker 2020 Campaign Manager, Addisu Demissie about life on the campaign trail and how COVID-19 is impac…
  J.D. Scholten · [email protected]
April 2, 2020 at 8:41 PM

Introducing... Take-out Tuesday and Thankful Thursday

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, I wanted to reach out to express my gratitude to so many people. First, I want to thank YOU for your support during our end-of-quarter fundraising period. Together, our campaign will carry on strong through our primary and all the way to Election Da…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
April 1, 2020 at 10:01 PM

J.D. and Barbara Fisher from Tiger King TONIGHT

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, To continue a week of exciting virtual interviews, we are SO excited for tonight’s on Facebook Live. J.D. will be speaking with Barbara Fisher from the Netflix documentary Tiger King about the documentary, life after tigers, and how COVID-19 is impa…
  Team Scholten · [email protected]
March 31, 2020 at 10:00 PM

Join J.D. for an interview with Tony Watson, native Iowan and MLB pitcher

J.D. Scholten for Congress John, Thanks to everyone who joined J.D. and Jason Kander last night -- they had a great conversation. We’re so excited for the conversation we have planned for tonight -- J.D. will be speaking with native Iowan Tony Watson, who is now a pitcher for the S…