50+ Messages / Page

  SCOTUS Scandal · [email protected]
June 22, 2023 at 9:47 PM

Sign the petition: Supreme Court Justice Alito’s $100,000 private jet ride

Hi, BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito accepted luxury trips from Paul Singer – a billionaire and Republican megadonor who has brought business before the Court. Alito failed to disclose the elaborate gifts.1 The exposé on Alito’s corruption comes just a few months after t…
  Tihi Hayslett, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
June 21, 2023 at 7:18 PM

Sign the petition: Senator Bernie Sanders' Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act of 2023

Hi, Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Barbara Lee just introduced legislation to tax Wall Street greed.1 The Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act of 2023 would raise taxes on high-frequency stock traders, hedge fund executives, and Wall Street profiteers — the people raking in…
  Supreme Court Corruptions · [email protected]
June 20, 2023 at 4:33 PM

Sign the petition: Sen. Warren’s new bill to end Supreme Court corruption

Hi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Pramila Jayapal just introduced legislation that would finally impose an ethics code on the Supreme Court, and ban federal judges from owning individual stock.1 The Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act has been introduced during a time public tr…
  January 6 Alert · [email protected]
June 19, 2023 at 5:04 PM

Re: The key section of the U.S. Constitution that Republicans never talk about

The 14th Amendment is clear: Insurrectionists shouldn’t be able to hold public office. Hi -- We wanted to resend this important email to make sure you didn't miss it! -- Demand Progress Hi, Since the January 6 insurrection, more than 1,000 people have been charged with crimes relatin…
  Stop Trump · [email protected]
June 17, 2023 at 3:14 PM

Insurrectionists cannot hold public office. Period.

The 14th Amendment is clear: Insurrectionists shouldn’t be able to hold public office. Hi, Since the January 6 insurrection, more than 1,000 people have been charged with crimes relating to the attack. Almost 600 have been found guilty.1 Leaders of far-right militia groups including …
  Stop Gorsuch · [email protected]
June 16, 2023 at 8:22 PM

Sign the petition: Gorsuch said COVID protections were perhaps "the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country"

Hi, Trump-appointed judges continue to make dangerous statements from the Supreme Court. Recently, Trump’s Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch said COVID protections were perhaps "the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country."1 Not only is this …
  Terms Limits · [email protected]
June 9, 2023 at 6:03 PM

Sign the petition: The Supreme Court should not have lifetime appointments

Hi, BREAKING: The Supreme Court just issued a major anti-union decision that “risks erosion of the right to strike,” according to dissenting Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.1 The Court’s ruling today in Glacier v. Teamsters creates a new precedent that unions are responsible for finan…
  Joey DeFrancesco, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
June 7, 2023 at 8:34 PM

Sign the petition: Anti-choice activists bought private cell phone data to target Planned Parenthood

Hi, Right-wing activists are using cell phone location data to send anti-choice misinformation to people who visited Planned Parenthood clinics.1 Scammers are using demographic data to target seniors and steal their money through sweepstakes schemes.2 Immigration and Customs Enforce…
  Save the U.S. Post Office · [email protected]
June 1, 2023 at 5:33 PM

90 cents for a first-class stamp?!

Louis DeJoy is a disaster, and he has been ever since Trump appointed him. Hi, Trump-appointed postmaster general Louis DeJoy just testified before Congress for the first time in more than two years — and he once again showed why he must be fired in order to save the U.S. Postal Serv…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
May 27, 2023 at 12:33 PM

Make John Roberts testify. Now.

Chief Justice Roberts thinks the Supreme Court is above the law. Hi, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has gotten over $10 million through undisclosed payments to his wife from corporate law firms with cases in front of the court.1 Clarence Thomas and his wife secretly took m…
  Tihi Hayslett, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
May 24, 2023 at 5:34 PM

Sign the petition: Steps to fire Louis DeJoy

Hi, Trump appointee Louis DeJoy is STILL head of the U.S. Postal Service, even as his privatization plans threaten to destroy the USPS. DeJoy was on Capitol Hill last week to answer questions about slow mail service, his USPS privatization plan, and workers exposed to extreme temper…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
May 23, 2023 at 9:25 PM

More damning evidence against Clarence Thomas

This is flat-out corruption. Clarence Thomas sold his vote to corporate polluters. Hi, For decades, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his family have gotten millions of dollars in secret payments, luxury vacations, and sweetheart real estate deals from Republican billionaire…
  SCOTUS Ethics · [email protected]
May 20, 2023 at 3:49 PM

Sign the petition: John Roberts is refusing to testify about SCOTUS ethics scandals

Hi, Even more SCOTUS ethics scandals are being revealed, yet the man that leads the highest Court in the nation, Chief Justice John Roberts, REFUSES to testify in front of the Senate. In the last few weeks, we’ve learned of Clarence Thomas’ luxury vacations with billionaire GOP mega…
  Tihi Hayslett, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
May 19, 2023 at 4:05 PM

Sign the petition: Save the Monarch Butterfly from extinction

Hi, Monarch butterflies are going extinct because of companies like Bayer-Monsanto. Bayer-Monsanto products, like Roundup, contain toxic chemicals that are killing the natural habitats and food sources of the monarch.1 Bayer-Monsanto has wreaked havoc on the environment, public heal…
  Save the Grand Canyon · [email protected]
May 12, 2023 at 5:54 PM

Sign the petition: Call on President Biden to save the Grand Canyon from uranium mining

Hi, If President Biden doesn’t step in, many Native American tribes are set to lose their sacred land, and more than 40 million Americans’ access to clean water will be in jeopardy. Despite a 20-year uranium mining moratorium near the Grand Canyon, Donald Trump’s administration took…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
May 11, 2023 at 4:18 PM

Jaw-dropping Supreme Court corruption

After months of damning revelations about the Supreme Court justices’ shady business deals and lavish unreported gifts, there may finally be an opportunity to demand answers and action. Hi, After months of damning revelations about the Supreme Court justices’ shady business deals and…
  Save the Grand Canyon · [email protected]
May 8, 2023 at 3:49 PM

Sign the petition: Call on President Biden to save the Grand Canyon from uranium mining

Hi, If President Biden doesn’t step in, many Native American tribes are set to lose their sacred land, and more than 40 million Americans’ access to clean water will be in jeopardy. Despite a 20-year uranium mining moratorium near the Grand Canyon, Donald Trump’s administration took…
  SCOTUS Corruption Alert · [email protected]
May 6, 2023 at 3:16 PM

The latest Supreme Court bombshell

The latest bombshell report shows why Congress must force the Supreme Court to adopt an ethics code. Hi, The bombshell revelations about corruption at the Supreme Court just won’t stop. Over the span of eight years, the wife of Chief Justice John Roberts raked in $10.3 million from …
  Joey DeFrancesco, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
May 4, 2023 at 7:33 PM

Sign the petition: Pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act!

Hi, Every week, we learn more about the staggering levels of corruption from right-wing Supreme Court justices. The latest bombshell report? Jane Roberts, a legal recruiter and the wife of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, received over $10 million in commissions for placing…
  Joey DeFrancesco, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
May 3, 2023 at 3:23 PM

Sign the petition: Dark money groups are bringing back child labor

Hi, Republicans are passing legislation to legalize and expand child labor. New laws in Arkansas and Iowa allow young children to work long hours without a permit, and similar bills are being proposed in Republican-held state houses in Missouri and elsewhere. These bills all stem fr…
  Save the USPS · [email protected]
May 1, 2023 at 7:02 PM

Sign the petition: DeJoy’s USPS is cutting pay for letter carriers

Hi, Louis DeJoy’s postal service has a plan to slash letter carrier pay.1 It’s unacceptable, but not a surprise — DeJoy is the Trump-appointed Postmaster General still in charge of the U.S. Postal Service. DeJoy’s dangerous 10-year privatization plan for the United States Postal Ser…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
April 30, 2023 at 2:47 PM

Another Supreme Court justice caught red-handed

Justice Neil Gorsuch secretly sold a 3,000-square-foot lodge in Colorado to the head of a high-powered law firm that has had nearly two dozen cases before the Court since the property closed We're resending this urgent email to make sure you didn't miss it. Please take a moment to re…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
April 26, 2023 at 9:07 PM

Another Supreme Court justice caught red-handed

Justice Neil Gorsuch secretly sold a 3,000-square-foot lodge in Colorado to the head of a high-powered law firm that has had nearly two dozen cases before the Court since the property closed Hi, A new report just dropped about unethical behavior by another Supreme Court justice. This…
  Tihi Hayslett, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
April 25, 2023 at 6:05 PM

Sign the petition: ANOTHER Supreme Court ethics violation. We need to pass the SCOTUS Ethics Act

Hi, This just came out from Politico: Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch had a 40-acre piece of land for sale, sitting on the market, for nearly two years. Then, just nine days after Gorsuch was confirmed to the nation’s highest court, he found a buyer: the head of one of the nation…
  Impeach Clarence Thomas · [email protected]
April 24, 2023 at 9:36 PM

Sign the petition: Impeach! Clarence Thomas' undisclosed real estate deals with Harlan Crow

Hi, Yes, there’s another Clarence Thomas scandal to add to the growing, alarming list. GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow reportedly closed a sweet real estate deal with Thomas back in 2014, and Thomas never disclosed it. Crow bought three properties in Georgia from Thomas and his family fo…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
April 23, 2023 at 3:34 PM

Jaw-dropping corruption from Clarence Thomas

Republican megadonor Harlan Crow put cash directly into the pocket of Clarence Thomas. Hi, First, we learned that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepted luxury trips from Republican megadonor Harlan Crow for two decades without disclosing a dime.1 Now, ProPublica is out with …
  Protect Abortion Rights · [email protected]
April 22, 2023 at 3:17 PM

Sign the petition: Pass the Women's Health Protection Act

Hi, Since the extreme right-wing Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, many states have taken action to deny abortion care. Twelve states have near-total abortion bans.1 Others have placed restrictions on care and abortion medication. These extreme restrictions prevent state residen…
  SCOTUS Alert · [email protected]
April 19, 2023 at 3:41 PM

Sign the petition: Justice Clarence Thomas has reported a lot of income from a company that doesn't exist

Hi, How can you earn money from a company that closed down? I’m not sure, but Clarence Thomas has some explaining to do. Yes, it’s another Clarence Thomas scandal. For the last two decades, Thomas has reported $50K - $100K per year in rental income from a company that shut down in 2…
  David Segal · [email protected]
April 14, 2023 at 3:44 PM

This is an unusual email

You don’t usually hear from me, but this is really important. Hi, My name is David Segal, and I’m the executive director of Demand Progress. I’m writing to you today because I want to be completely honest with you about where things stand with Demand Progress right now. The upshot is…
  Tihi Hayslett, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
April 13, 2023 at 6:52 PM

Sign the petition: Idaho Is About To Be The First State To Restrict Interstate Travel For Abortion Post-Roe

Hi, First, the extreme right-wing Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Then, MAGA Republican governors and state legislatures enforced heavy restrictions on abortion rights — making it nearly impossible for millions and millions of people to get abortion care. Now, one of those res…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
April 12, 2023 at 5:44 PM

Bombshell report on Justice Clarence Thomas

Justice Clarence Thomas has taken secret luxury trips bankrolled by a Republican mega-donor for two decades. Hi, Another stunning bombshell report has broken exposing jaw-dropping corruption at the U.S. Supreme Court. For over two decades, Justice Clarence Thomas has secretly accepte…
  Stop Clarence Thomas · [email protected]
April 11, 2023 at 9:05 PM

Sign the petition: Clarence Thomas' latest ethics scandal

Hi, “The highest court in the land shouldn’t have the lowest ethical standards,” said Senator Dick Durbin about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ latest ethics scandal. We must build the pressure on Congress to finally pass ethics standards for Supreme Court Justices. Add your …
  Stop Comcast · [email protected]
April 10, 2023 at 6:53 PM

We’re running out of time to restore net neutrality

Biden is running out of time to restore net neutrality. Hi, It’s been nearly two years since President Joe Biden moved to reinstate the rules for a free and open net that were tossed by Trump and his Federal Communications Commission chair, Ajit Pai.1 But net neutrality still hasn’t …
  Confirm Judges · [email protected]
April 8, 2023 at 3:36 PM

Sign the petition: Get rid of this Senate practice used by segregationist politicians

Hi, The U.S. Senate is continuing to follow an outdated custom that was weaponized by segregationist politicians opposed to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education ruling: blue slips.1 The filibuster is one way Republicans can block progress, blue slips are another. Under th…
  Stop Clarence Thomas · [email protected]
April 7, 2023 at 7:45 PM

Sign the petition: Clarence Thomas took luxury trips with GOP donor

Hi, Over more than two decades, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas reportedly accepted luxury trips virtually every year from GOP mega-donor, and billionaire Dallas businessman, Harlan Crow without disclosing them.1 Superyachts, private jets, and resorts — all of it included. The…
  Tax the Rich · [email protected]
March 31, 2023 at 6:57 PM

Sign the petition: It’s time to tax billionaires!

Hi, The best time to pass a billionaire wealth tax was yesterday, the second best time is today. Even President Biden has recognized the urgent need for this reform and has called for a billionaire tax in both his State of the Union Address and his budget. It’s time for Congress to …
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
March 28, 2023 at 9:17 PM

Scandal after scandal at the Supreme Court

Another reason to force the Supreme Court to adopt a code of ethics. Hi, ANOTHER ethics controversy is raising new questions about the independence of the Supreme Court. According to a new report by The Guardian newspaper, a conservative legal group with multiple cases before the S…
  Stop Comcast · [email protected]
March 26, 2023 at 3:34 PM

A dark day for net neutrality

Big Cable’s smear tactics sunk Gigi Sohn’s nomination. We can’t let them win again. Hi, Comcast, Fox News, and an army of Big Cable lobbyists threw everything but the kitchen sink at Gigi Sohn to tank her nomination to the Federal Communications Commission — and it worked. After 16 …
  Joey DeFrancesco, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
March 24, 2023 at 7:03 PM


Hi, Republicans have declared war on LGBTQ+ communities across the United States. Earlier this month, Tennessee’s Republican governor signed two shocking anti-LGBTQ bills into law. One banned drag performances on public property–such as during Pride events or on college campuses–and…
  Tihi Hayslett, DemandProgress.org · [email protected]
March 23, 2023 at 8:32 PM

Sign the petition: This goes against President Biden's promises

Hi, President Biden recently approved a new, huge oil drilling project in Alaska.1 Approval for more oil drilling, especially on this scale, is the LAST thing we need in this country as the threat of climate change grows. We cannot allow oil giant ConocoPhillips' project, called Wil…
  Banking Crisis Alert · [email protected]
March 21, 2023 at 10:58 PM

Repeal Trump’s bank deregulation bill now!

We’re demanding Congress restore and strengthen the banking regulations that they repealed less than 10 years after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Hi, In 2018, Congress passed and Donald Trump signed a banking deregulation bill that we, along with Elizabeth Wa…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
March 18, 2023 at 7:34 PM

Update: Supreme Court refuses to adopt a code of ethics

The Supreme Court justices discussed, but failed to adopt, a code of ethics. We're re-sending this email to make sure no one misses this outrageous news. Hi, First, The New York Times uncovered how corporations have given millions of dollars to a nonprofit connected to the Court in a…
  Protect Medication Abortion · [email protected]
March 16, 2023 at 5:33 PM

Sign the petition: Walgreens dropping abortion medication

Hi, Walgreens announced it will stop selling abortion medication in certain states — all because MAGA extremist Attorneys General scared the mega-corporation with a lawsuit. It is shameful that Walgreens would simply bow to pressure from anti-abortion Republicans. Meanwhile in Texas…
  Kroger Albertson Behemoth · [email protected]
March 10, 2023 at 7:55 PM

Sign the Petition: Kroger Albertson Grocery Monster

Hi, The Kroger-Albertson merger would create a behemoth in the grocery industry, obliterating competition and devastating consumers.1 Kroger and Albertsons are two of the largest grocery chains in the United States. If this merger is allowed to proceed, the combined company would ha…
  End Noncompetes · [email protected]
March 9, 2023 at 5:53 PM

Sign the petition: Jim Jordan + big corporations don’t want this new rule

Hi, MAGA extremist Jim Jordan is in a new fight against workers. As the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) considers a ban on exploitative noncompetes that big corporations use to restrict workers and keep their pay low, Jordan is siding with the big corporations. Jordan is outlandishly…
  Supreme Court Corruption Alert · [email protected]
March 8, 2023 at 5:40 PM

Millions paid to the Supreme Court

Supreme Court justices just discussed, but failed to adopt, a code of ethics. Did you see the email we sent the other day about the Supreme Court's refusal to adopt a code of ethics? We're re-sending it to make sure no one misses this outrageous news. Hi, First, The New York Times un…
  Supreme Court Ethics Reform Now · [email protected]
March 6, 2023 at 11:36 PM

Another Supreme Court ethics mess

Supreme Court justices just discussed, but failed to adopt, a code of ethics. Hi, First, The New York Times uncovered how corporations have given millions of dollars to a nonprofit connected to the Court in an effort to gain access and influence with justices.1 Then it exposed how Ch…
  Terrible tax plan · [email protected]
March 2, 2023 at 3:30 PM

Sign the Petition: Congress must reject the insane “Fair Tax Act”

Hi, Republicans have reintroduced one of their long held unhinged ideas to eliminate the IRS and all federal taxes and replace them with a nationwide 30 percent flat sales tax. They unironically call it the “Fair Tax Act”.1 This proposal, championed by Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Gr…
  Censure Marjorie Taylor Greene · [email protected]
February 27, 2023 at 11:08 PM

Sign the petition: Censure Marjorie Taylor Greene for "national divorce" tweet

Hi, On President’s Day, MAGA extremist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted, “We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.”1 This is extremely dangerous language that suggests, peaceful or not, the United States of A…
  Bomb Trains · [email protected]
February 24, 2023 at 5:21 PM

Sign the petition: The Ohio railroad disaster

Hi, This month’s freight train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio has been an environmental and health disaster. After a black mushroom cloud billowed toxic fumes for days, local residents are reporting severe health issues, animals and plants are dying, and countless people are bei…