50+ Messages / Page

  Team Schultz · [email protected]
August 1, 2023 at 6:10 PM

Strengthening Our Democracy: Support Jen Schultz for Congress

Hi Friend,  My name is Jen Schultz, and I am a Democrat running for Congress in the 8th District to make a real difference in the lives of everyday Minnesotans. As a professor of economics at UMD, a mother, and a public servant, I have been working tirelessly to improve the lives of residents in the…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
July 28, 2023 at 7:36 PM

Time is Running Out! Join the Movement to Empower Change!

Can you help us meet our July fundraising goal?Hi Friend, As July draws to a close, I’m reaching out to you with an urgent request that could make all the difference in our campaign’s success.   With just a few days left in July, we are still working tirelessly to meet our critical fundraising goal.…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
July 27, 2023 at 5:56 PM

Taking a Stand Against Gun Violence:

Hi Friend, Today, I want to address a critical issue that affects us all: gun violence.   Gun violence has become an alarming epidemic in our nation, and it’s time we take action to protect our communities and loved ones. We cannot sit idly by while innocent lives are lost to preventable tragedies. …
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
July 24, 2023 at 6:44 PM

Support Truth and Progress: Join Our Campaign for Responsible Mining in Minnesota!

Hi Friend, The Duluth News Tribune has released an eye-opening article fact-checking my opponent’s claims regarding mining in northern Minnesota. It debunks the misleading narrative some politicians spread, suggesting adverse effects on taconite mining.  The fact-check is crystal clear: There are NO…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
July 20, 2023 at 4:14 PM

Standing Strong for Women’s Reproductive Health Care Rights

Help me stop Pete Stauber from taking away contraceptives and access to reproductive health care. Hi Friend, I was deeply troubled to learn that my opponent, Pete Stauber, has once again shown his true colors when it comes to women’s reproductive rights. Pete signed an Amici Curiae brief to deny the…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
July 19, 2023 at 5:16 PM

Why I'm Running for Congress

Hi Friend, In 2022, I made the important decision to run for Congress in Minnesota’s 8th District, and I am gearing up to do it again. I am excited to share with you the reasons behind this decision, and why I need your support more than ever.  Last year, after serving four terms in the MN Legislatu…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
July 17, 2023 at 4:10 PM

Stand Up Against Pete Stauber's Betrayal of Our Allies!

Hi Friend, I am writing to you today with deep concern about Congressman Pete Stauber's recent votes in Congress that have jeopardized our relationships with key allies, particularly Ukraine. We cannot let him continue to put our national security at risk!  It is disheartening to see Stauber alignin…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
July 14, 2023 at 5:16 PM

Pete Stauber Betrays Our Service Members and Aligns with Extremists

Pete Stauber betrayed our brave service members.Hi Friend, I’m reaching out to you today with a deep concern over Congressman Pete Stauber’s recent vote on an amendment in the defense bill that restricts access to abortion for our brave service members. Seeing him turn his back on those who selfless…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
July 11, 2023 at 9:57 PM

Help Elect Jen Schultz for Congress - A Champion for Minnesota's 8th District

Hi Friend, The 2024 election holds great significance for the future of Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District. We have the chance to bring about positive change and secure a better future for our community. That opportunity lies in electing Jen Schultz for Congress and bidding farewell to Congressm…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
July 7, 2023 at 8:02 PM

Listen to Jen Schultz on the DFL Debrief Podcast

Jen Schultz joined the DFL Debrief Podcast today -- check it out!Hi Friend,  We are excited to share some recent news with you! Today, Jen Schultz had the opportunity to be a guest on the DFL Debrief podcast, where she spoke about her decision to challenge Pete Stauber again. The episode delves into…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
July 6, 2023 at 7:31 PM

Pete Stauber’s Hypocricy on Student Loan Forgiveness

Hi Friend,  We need to shed light on Congressman Pete Stauber's blatant hypocrisy regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling that struck down the student debt plan, which held the potential to alleviate the burdens of millions of Americans burdened with student loans. It's concerning that Stauber not…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 28, 2023 at 9:18 PM

Urgent: Only 2 Days Left to Reach Our End-of-Quarter Fundraising Goal!

We need your help.Hi Friend, We are reaching out to you today with a sense of urgency. As the end of the month approaches, we have just two days left to meet our crucial end-of-quarter fundraising goal, and we need your help to make it happen! Unlike Pete Stauber and his corporate PAC money, we are …
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 23, 2023 at 9:37 PM

Pete Stauber’s Hockey Caucus: A Wasteful Distraction

Let's take a look at what Pete Stauber is doing in D.C.Hi Friend,  Let's talk about what Congressman Stauber is doing to "represent" the 8th District in D.C. In a recent email, he proudly shared he created the “Congressional Hockey Caucus.” While we understand and appreciate the significance of hock…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 22, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Pete Stauber’s Shameful Priorities: Protecting Trump Instead of Serving His Constituents

Hi Friend,  Last night, Congressman Stauber once again showed his true colors by voting with House Republicans to censor Rep. Schiff. He prioritized partisan stunts over his constituents' needs and our nation's progress. Stauber's focus on wasting time, and money, and playing political games oversha…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 20, 2023 at 4:41 PM

Dysfunction in the Republican Party and Pete Stauber’s Role in the Gridlock

It's time to bring an end to the dysfunction in Congress and Congressman Pete Stauber’s role in perpetuating the gridlock. Hi Friend, Since gaining control of Congress, Republicans have shown a remarkable inability to organize, lead, or accomplish anything meaningful. They have continued to turn rou…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 19, 2023 at 4:15 PM

Exposing Stauber's Deception: Help Defeat Pete and Support Our Grassroots Campaign

Pete Stauber continues to lie to constituents. Hi Friend, In a recent communication, paid for with your tax dollars, Pete Stauber falsely claimed credit for funding the US Highway 8 Reconstruction Project.   This is a lie. Pete Stauber voted NO on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The bipa…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 14, 2023 at 7:01 PM

Support Jen Schultz: Elect a Representative Who Upholds the Constitution

It's time to elect a leader who will protect our democracy. Hi Friend, Last week, our “defender of law and order,” Congressman Pete Stauber, went on talk radio to state that the recent Donald Trump indictment was politically motivated by the Biden Administration, despite the charges coming from a Fl…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 12, 2023 at 3:31 PM

Keep Jen Schultz Going Everywhere

Hi Friend, Have you seen our video from last year? Jen Schultz went EVERYWHERE meeting voters in all corners of the 8th District. This video is a reminder of Jen’s tireless efforts and the impact she was able to achieve with all of your help.       Jen Schultz has proven that she is a leader who sho…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 9, 2023 at 3:30 PM

Defeating Pete Stauber’s Radical Agenda

Jen Schultz is standing strong against Pete Stauber's empty rhetoric.Hi Friend, Congressman Pete Stauber has been facing criticism for his lack of accomplishments during his time in office. With little to show in terms of legislative achievements, he has resorted to attacking our campaign and making…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 7, 2023 at 3:31 PM

Celebrating Pride Month and Fighting for Equality!

It's time to elect a representative that will defend the right to marry for all. Hi Friend,  It’s Pride Month, a time to celebrate the progress we’ve made in securing equal rights for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. I wanted to take a moment to reflect on …
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
June 5, 2023 at 3:01 PM

Pete Stauber is Scared

Pete Stauber is worried about running against Jen Schultz Again.Hi Friend, Pete Stauber is worried. He knows we’re gearing up to for another run against him in 2024, and he knows his seat is NOT safe. With no accomplishments to show for his time in D.C., he doesn’t want to be held accountable.   Eve…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
May 30, 2023 at 8:08 PM

Act Now to Protect Northern Minnesota’s Clean Water!

Support Jen Schultz as she takes on Congressman Stauber and his harmful policies! Greetings,  I’m writing today because our beautiful state of Minnesota, known for its pristine lakes, rivers, and wetlands, is facing a critical threat to its clean water resources. The Supreme Court recently ruled to …
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
May 20, 2023 at 8:46 PM

Support Jen Schultz for Congress on her birthday!

Jen Schultz for Congress in 2024! Greetings,   The recent actions of Congressman Pete Stauber and his fellow Republicans regarding the U.S. debt ceiling have revealed a concerning disregard for the well-being of our nation. Instead of approaching this critical issue with a sense of responsibility an…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
March 31, 2023 at 7:01 PM

Jen Schultz for Congress -- THANK YOU!

Jen Schultz for Congress in 2024!  Greetings!  I am reaching out to you to express my deep gratitude for the tremendous outpouring of support that we have received in the past 24 hours. Your positive response to the email we sent out yesterday means a great deal to us, and I cannot thank you enough.…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
March 30, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Jen Schultz for Congress -- Updates!

Jen Schultz for Congress in 2024! I wanted to reach out to you and thank you once again for your generous support during the 2022 election. Your help was essential to our campaign.  We are writing to let you know that we are considering running again for Congress in 2024 to continue fighting for our…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
January 10, 2023 at 5:10 PM

Thrilled to Support Emily Larson for Re-Election

As one of my most dedicated supporters, I want to give you a sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. Friends,  Today I am thrilled to announce my enthusiastic endorsement of Emily Larson’s re-election campaign for Mayor of Duluth. A proven leader with a record of success,…
  Rep. Jennifer Schultz · [email protected]
December 14, 2022 at 10:26 PM

Legislative Update – December 14, 2022

Legislative Update ? December 14, 2022 Having trouble viewing this email??View it as a Web page. Dear Neighbors, I hope you and your family are doing well as we approach winter, and thus far, your holiday season has been full of joy…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
November 9, 2022 at 4:30 PM

Thank you for everything

As one of my most dedicated supporters, I want to give you a sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. Friends,   I am so proud of the work we accomplished together on this campaign. I want to give you a sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me.   S…
  Jen Schultz for Congress · [email protected]
November 8, 2022 at 4:57 PM

This campaign has always been about putting people first

One thing that everyone shares is the desire to live in a Minnesota where families can do better.  Election Day is finally here! Already today, we have seen so many folks headed to the polls across the district and across the country. We are feeling energized and ready.  If you haven’t voted yet, p…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
November 8, 2022 at 1:43 AM

We have a chance to shock the nation

We have worked so hard over the last seven months to build a campaign that is well-positioned to win tomorrow.  We have worked so hard over the last seven months to build a campaign that is well-positioned to win tomorrow. I’ll be honest, I hadn’t been planning to run for higher office, but after l…
  Ash Northey · [email protected]
November 4, 2022 at 10:08 PM

We have our strategy in place.

I’m going to tell you something that most campaigns won’t – the REAL reason we need a final surge of donations:   I know you’re getting a ton of emails from campaigns like ours asking you to make a final donation ahead of election day in order to spread the word about the midterms. But I’m going to…
  Jen Schultz for Congress · [email protected]
November 1, 2022 at 7:41 PM

We’ve been everywhere

Our team put together a video highlighting the MANY campaign stops Jen has made over the last seven months.  There’s only one week left of this election, and Team Schultz is feeling fired up and ready to show out strong in the home stretch! But while we are looking ahead to the final seven days, we…
  Alyssa Helgason · [email protected]
October 28, 2022 at 9:32 PM

I noticed something incredible

Part of my job as finance director for Jen Schultz’s campaign for Congress is to analyze the fundraising reports of our campaign – and our opponent’s.  Part of my job as finance director for Jen Schultz’s campaign for Congress is to analyze the fundraising reports of our campaign – and our opponent…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
October 28, 2022 at 12:51 AM

Over 30,000 miles on my car

Folks said we wouldn’t have the time to build a robust campaign infrastructure, but we have proven them wrong!!  Thank you for the continued support you have shown our campaign for Congress over the last few months. When we announced our campaign, many people underestimated us, but because of your …
  Ash Northey · [email protected]
October 25, 2022 at 1:03 AM

Voters could fall for these nasty attacks

We know that Jen won tonight’s debate – but voters could fall for these nasty attacks.   Jen just wrapped up her second of three debates against our Republican opponent Pete Stauber, where she continued to share her positive vision -- proving once again that she is the best candidate in this race. …
  BREAKING (via jenschultzforcongress.com) · [email protected]
October 21, 2022 at 7:52 PM

They’re spreading lies about Jen’s record

We need to push back against these attacks – but we can only do that with more resources from generous supporters like you  Our Republican opponent Pete Stauber is afraid of the momentum we’re building – so afraid that the Republican side has started to launch dangerous, nasty, and false attacks on…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
October 20, 2022 at 12:34 AM

I just stepped off the debate stage.

Voters were given a clear choice tonight.   I just stepped off the stage after participating in the first debate against our Republican opponent Pete Stauber. Let me tell you, I’m more energized than ever before!   Voters were given a clear choice tonight between myself – someone who will solve pro…
  Ash Northey · [email protected]
October 18, 2022 at 7:31 PM

Jen takes the debate stage tomorrow!

Tomorrow Jen faces off in the first televised debate of the general election against our Republican opponent Pete Stauber.  Tomorrow Jen faces off in the first televised debate of the general election against our Republican opponent Pete Stauber.   Team Schultz is particularly excited about this de…
  Ash Northey · [email protected]
October 14, 2022 at 6:15 PM

We launched TV ads!!

As we enter the final stretch of this election, we’ve implemented one more MAJOR piece of our campaign.  As we enter the final stretch of this election, we’ve decided to implement one more MAJOR piece of our campaign: TV ads that spread our message across our community. Our ads are focused on shari…
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
October 12, 2022 at 4:31 PM

Did you see the news?

This could have major implications for the outcome of the election.Did you see the news yesterday that our campaign was endorsed by the Duluth News Tribune and Forum Communications? After they endorsed our opponent Pete Stauber in 2018 and 2020, this election they see that I will work to represent …
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
October 10, 2022 at 8:16 PM

BREAKING: Big Endorsement

The Duluth News Tribune also pointed out that our opponent, Pete Stauber, has become far out of touch with Minnesotans. BREAKING:Jen Schultz earns the endorsement of the Duluth News Tribune!   Rush a donation to help us make sure voters know Jen is the best choice in this election!  Momentum for o…
  Emily Larson · [email protected]
October 6, 2022 at 7:15 PM

She has wind in her sails

Jen Schultz shares our values of hard work, decency, and fairness, and I know she will be an exceptional leader for our community in Washington. My name is Emily Larson, and I’m the mayor of Duluth and a proud supporter of Jen Schultz’s campaign for Congress. As Mayor, I have worked every day to im…
  DEADLINE UPDATE (via jenschultzforcongress.com) · [email protected]
September 29, 2022 at 10:35 PM

When no one else believed, you did

Our momentum is being noticed and our opponent Pete Stauber sees Jen as a credible threat to his rise in Trump’s Republican Party. Our final quarterly FEC deadline of this campaign is TOMORROW, and right now it’s up in the air if we’re going to reach our goal. Just take a look at our daily fundrais…
  Alyssa Helgason · [email protected]
September 28, 2022 at 2:02 PM

Nice to meet you!

It’s my job to make sure we reach every one of our fundraising goals and have the resources we need to keep running an effective campaign. Hi there!   My name is Alyssa, and I wanted to reach out and personally introduce myself as Jen’s deputy finance director! It’s my job to make sure we reach eve…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
September 27, 2022 at 7:31 PM

The results of last weekend’s games

The folks on Team Schultz are different. Most Minnesotans spend their Monday mornings in fall ranting about the results of the Gophers and Vikings games over the weekend (two big wins!) – but the folks on Team Schultz aren’t most Minnesotans.  We’re laser-focused on our quarterly FEC deadline comin…
  Ash Northey · [email protected]
September 24, 2022 at 6:01 PM

[WATCH] Our latest campaign ad

We’ve shared a lot of details with you about our ads strategy because we trust you as partners in our campaign. Thanks to the generous support from folks like you, I’m proud to let you know that our aggressive digital ads campaign is underway – and it couldn’t come at a better time as early voting …
  Jen Schultz · [email protected]
September 23, 2022 at 9:06 PM

Ballots are being cast

Every day is Election Day and we are shifting our campaign into high gear – that’s where you come in. Early voting is officially underway here in Minnesota!  It’s been so wonderful to see so many folks heading to the polls to cast their ballots early. I know that our campaign has put in the work to…
  UPDATE (via jenschultzforcongress.com) · [email protected]
September 21, 2022 at 10:46 PM

What do Lindsey Graham and Pete Stauber have in common?

Pete Stauber has dangerous views on abortion. But we aren’t going to let him hide from them.  We knew that Pete Stauber had extreme views on abortion rights and women’s health care – but we didn’t expect this latest update.  As you may have heard, one of the least-liked members of the United States…
  Ash Northey · [email protected]
September 15, 2022 at 4:56 PM

What is Pete Stauber afraid of?

Pete Stauber is refusing to debate Jen in Duluth. Why? BREAKING NEWS“Rep. Pete Stauber has declined an invitation to a Duluth forum, marking the first time a congressional candidate has opted out of participation in the forum''s 12-year history” –Duluth News Tribune Pete Stauber is afraid to debate…
  Team Schultz · [email protected]
September 14, 2022 at 6:05 PM

He wants to take us back in time

Pete Stauber appeared at a rally with Lieutenant Governor candidate Matt Birk last weekend.  The extreme Republicans running for high-profile offices here in Minnesota are so far out of touch with our values. Last weekend, our Republican opponent Congressman Pete Stauber, who has repeatedly voted a…