50+ Messages / Page

  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 20, 2020 at 8:07 AM

Match challenge: Action pending

Your gift can go twice as far to help end Alzheimer's. Dear John, Cheryl lost her mother, Nadine, to Alzheimer's in 2011 after caring for her for a decade. Along her journey dealing with this disease, Cheryl became a dedicated supporter of th…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 18, 2020 at 8:02 AM

Support our $100,000 October Matching Gift Challenge.

Your gift can be matched 2X in our $100,000 October Matching Gift Challenge. Dear John, Cheryl Gross' mother, Nadine, passed away from Alzheimer's in 2011, after living with the disease for a decade. Like millions of people across America, Ch…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 16, 2020 at 8:03 AM

Now available: $100,000 Matching Gift Challenge

Your gift can be matched during our $100,000 October Matching Gift Challenge. Dear John, Alzheimer's is a thief that takes from so many — not just the more than 5 million Americans living with the disease, but their 16 million caregivers too. …
  John Funderburk, Vice President, Advocacy, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 15, 2020 at 7:22 AM

Urge Congress to pass the Improving HOPE for Alzheimer's Act.

Add your name today to make your voice heard. Dear John, Thank you for your support in the fight to end Alzheimer's disease. Advocacy is one of our most powerful tools to fight for the needs and rights of those impacted by this devastating dis…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 12, 2020 at 1:27 PM

We have been given 24 more hours.

We have a few more hours to double the impact of every gift. Dear John, The deadline for our $50,000 100-Hour Match Challenge has just been extended — but only for 24 hours. That means you have one last chance to take advantage of this amazin…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 11, 2020 at 5:41 PM

Final hours to make 2X the impact

Only a few hours left to double your impact in the fight to end Alzheimer's. Dear John, It's the final hours of your opportunity to have your gift make 2X the impact in the fight to end Alzheimer's disease. I've seen the power of our community…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 11, 2020 at 5:27 AM

Last day to make 2X the impact

Hurry: Your gift can still go twice as far. Dear John, When Bob Thistle, a very generous supporter, offered $50,000 in research funding in honor of his late foster brother, Jack, and challenged us to raise $50,000 in 100 hours, I knew it'd be …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 10, 2020 at 3:26 PM

The difference 38 hours can make.

We have 38 hours left while your gift can go twice as far. Dear John, This is urgent: You only have 38 hours left to donate while you can make 2X the impact for the more than 5 million people living with Alzheimer's and their 16 million caregi…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 9, 2020 at 1:26 PM

Just 64 hours to go: Urgent $50,000 100-Hour Match Challenge

For a limited time your gift can go 2X as far. Dear John, In some way, shape or form, Alzheimer's disease has touched the life of you or someone you know. No one can escape its shadow. When it comes to fighting Alzheimer's, we can all ma…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 8, 2020 at 5:26 PM

A short time to make a big difference

We have less than 100 hours to raise $50,000; and your gift can go twice as far. Dear John, Since my last email to you earlier today, 12 hours have gone by. That may not seem like a lot — but every hour counts until midnight on October 11…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 8, 2020 at 5:36 AM

We have 100 hours...

For only 100 hours your gift can go twice as far. Dear John, Sometimes we think we have all the time in the world. It's not the minutes and hours themselves that matter, though. It's what we do with them — how we use them to shape our liv…
  Beth Kallmyer, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 5, 2020 at 8:36 AM

FWD: Today: You can triple your impact.

Dear John, I'm Beth Kallmyer, Alzheimer's Association vice president of Care and Support, and I wanted to make sure that you saw Donna's email below about our exciting TRIPLE matching gift opportunity. Your gift can go 3X as far when you join our fight today. …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 4, 2020 at 8:36 AM

Today: You can triple your impact.

Matching gift challenge: 3X the difference Dear John, Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia. You share that vision — and today, you have a chance to give us 3X the power in our fight to end Alzheimer's. A ge…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
October 3, 2020 at 8:36 AM

Our $50,000 Triple Match Challenge starts now.

Matching gift challenge: Now through 10/15. Dear John, The numbers don't lie: 1 out of every 3 seniors in the United States dies of Alzheimer's disease or other dementia. But to help change these numbers — and to make an incredible …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 29, 2020 at 8:17 AM

Before it's too late...

Last chance to receive your special gift in thanks for your generosity. Dear John, Time is running out. I'm writing to alert you that you have limited time left to receive your new END ALZ® cotton face mask in thanks for your gift of $35 or mo…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 28, 2020 at 8:16 AM

A few days left, one special gift

Only a few days left to receive a special gift in thanks for your generosity. Dear John, When you support the fight to end Alzheimer's disease, you make a real difference in the lives of people with Alzheimer's, as well as their families and c…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 26, 2020 at 8:17 AM

Your special gift is still waiting.

Give now to receive our new END ALZ® cotton face mask. Dear John, Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia. As a member of our community, I believe that's a vision you share. And right now is the perfect time to…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 24, 2020 at 8:17 AM

A special gift for John

Donate now to receive your special gift. Dear John, In difficult times such as these, we must focus on our priorities. At the Alzheimer's Association, we fight for the millions of families impacted by Alzheimer's disease, and we fight for need…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 21, 2020 at 6:58 PM

Don't let World Alzheimer's Day end without tripling your impact.

Ending soon: Your chance to be a part of our World Alzheimer's Day Triple Matching Gift Challenge. Dear John, In just a few hours, World Alzheimer's Day will be over, along with your chance to join a global community of people offering help and hop…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 21, 2020 at 8:17 AM

World Alzheimer's Day is here.

John, I know we can make this happen. Dear John, Today is World Alzheimer's Day, when people all over the globe come together to shine a spotlight on Alzheimer's disease. Today, you can be a part of this global, unified effort to fight Alzheimer's…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 20, 2020 at 11:58 AM

Will you join our World Alzheimer's Day 3X Match?

World Alzheimer's Day is tomorrow, and your support today can make 3X the impact. Dear John, Only one more day until World Alzheimer's Day. A day when we're extra thankful to have you as a supporter. To help in the fight this World Alzheimer's Day…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 19, 2020 at 7:52 AM

Help us reach our World Alzheimer's Day Triple Match goal.

Monday is the day. Will you join us? Dear John, Monday is World Alzheimer's Day, a day that recognizes the need for greater awareness around Alzheimer's disease. Currently, 1 out of every 10 Americans over the age of 65 are living with the disease,…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 17, 2020 at 7:47 AM

Join us: World Alzheimer's Day 3X Match available

John, will you join us for World Alzheimer's Day? Dear John, World Alzheimer's Day — a global event to raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease — is just four days away. John, it's the perfect time to join our movement to end Alzheimer's, and her…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 15, 2020 at 8:13 AM

Coming soon: World Alzheimer's Day, 9/21.

On World Alzheimer's Day, we're stronger together. Dear John, Next Monday, September 21, marks one of the most important days of the year to the Alzheimer's disease community: World Alzheimer's Day. In the fight to end Alzheimer's disease, we like…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 13, 2020 at 11:42 AM

❤️ In honor of Grandparents Day ❤️

We recognize this special relationship. Dear John, Today, on Grandparents Day, we honor grandparents everywhere — and the very special bond they share with their grandchildren. Throughout our lives, grandparents provide us with life lessons, s…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 12, 2020 at 8:07 AM

2X the impact calls for a thank-you gift.

Donate now to receive your special gift. Dear John, Each day, we fight to end Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia — and people like you are the reason we can continue this crucial work. As COVID-19 continues to upend lives, especially …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 11, 2020 at 8:17 AM

Make 2X the impact & receive our limited-edition calendar.

Donate now to receive your special gift. Dear John, We're fighting Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia every single day, year-round. But that's only possible because of caring people like you. Today, as COVID-19 upends normal life and …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 6, 2020 at 7:16 PM

FWD: Your support = our best hope

Dear John, Did you see this message? Thanks to a generous supporter who wishes to remain anonymous, you have an extraordinary opportunity to make 12X the impact. They have issued a Monthly Donor 12X Matching Gift Challenge and agreed to give $20,000 to help advance Alzheim…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 6, 2020 at 12:16 PM

Your support = our best hope

People living with Alzheimer's need your help. Dear John, I previously shared some great news, and I wanted to confirm you heard. This month, during our incredible Monthly Donor 12X Matching Gift Challenge, your first gift as a new monthly don…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 4, 2020 at 7:46 AM

Monthly gifts matter to millions -- make 12X the impact.

Your support today can go 12X as far when you become a monthly donor. Dear John, We rely on the sustained, steadfast support of monthly donors to help fuel our mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia — by acce…
  Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
September 3, 2020 at 7:47 AM

12x your first donation

Become a monthly donor today and you can make 12X the impact. Dear John, Our work to end Alzheimer's disease is a 24/7, ongoing effort. And we depend on the reliable support of our monthly donors to help us to provide care and support for thos…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 30, 2020 at 12:17 PM

FWD: We need your help to make our Summer Annual Fund Drive a success.

Dear John, Did you see my email from earlier this week? I want to make sure you know our Summer Annual Fund Drive ends tomorrow night, August 31. When you join us today with your first gift, you'll help further our mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's disease and all…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 29, 2020 at 8:17 AM

We need your help to make our Summer Annual Fund Drive a success.

Hurry. You can be part of it with your donation now. Dear John, August is drawing to a close — along with our Summer Annual Fund Drive. Can we count on you to join us in the fight to end Alzheimer's disease and all other dementia by making you…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 27, 2020 at 7:48 AM

Help end Alzheimer's with your Summer Annual Fund gift today.

We need your support in the fight against Alzheimer's. Dear John, Only a few days remain in our Summer Annual Fund Drive. At a time when people impacted by Alzheimer's are facing unprecedented challenges, we can't lose momentum in the fight to…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 25, 2020 at 7:50 AM

URGENT: Summer Annual Fund Drive starts now.

Join us to kick off our Summer Annual Fund Drive! Donate now. Dear John, As a member of our community, I'd like to invite you to contribute to our Summer Annual Fund Drive. Too many Americans know firsthand the pain and loss Alzheimer's diseas…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 24, 2020 at 7:39 AM

How to make your biggest impact

Will you help us reach our 2020 goal? Dear John, We set an ambitious goal at the beginning of the year: to recruit 2,020 new monthly donors in 2020 because this role is critical to providing care and support and advancing research. Every new m…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 20, 2020 at 8:14 AM

Need support? We have resources.

We're here to help 24/7, 365 days a year. Dear John, Since you're such a vital member of our community, I want to take a moment to ensure you know we're here to offer support and provide resources to all who need it — whether you're a person l…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 17, 2020 at 8:14 AM

URGENT: We need your help to reach our $200,000 match goal.

Here's how you can make TWICE the difference. Dear John, Alzheimer's disease has impacted millions of lives. You've taken a stand in the fight against Alzheimer's, and I'm so grateful for your support. Today, I encourage you to honor a loved …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 16, 2020 at 11:13 AM

FWD: ⏰ Hurry. Limited time left to DOUBLE your impact.

Dear John, Yesterday, I sent you an update about our $200,000 Matching Gift Challenge. Have you had the chance to read it yet? During the hardship and disruption that COVID-19 has caused, it's critical that we continue to advance research and provide care and support to t…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 15, 2020 at 7:03 PM

Time is running out to have your gift matched.

Please give now: You can double your impact today. Dear John, We've made incredible progress over the last few hours, and we're even closer to our $200,000 Matching Gift Challenge goal. With your generosity, we can end the day strong with doub…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 15, 2020 at 8:29 AM

⏰ Hurry. Limited time left to DOUBLE your impact.

You can make 2X the difference before this challenge ends. Dear John, We're getting closer to our $200,000 Matching Gift Challenge goal thanks to the generous support of people like you, which can make an incredible difference for the millions…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 13, 2020 at 8:32 AM

This fight needs you. And you can make 2X the impact.

Your gift can go twice as far to help end Alzheimer's. Dear John, Since I announced our $200,000 Matching Gift Challenge last week, our community dedicated to ending Alzheimer's has stepped up to show their commitment. But we still need your …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 11, 2020 at 8:14 AM

FWD: John, ready to have 2X the impact?

Dear John, This past weekend, I sent you the important email below about our $200,000 Matching Gift Challenge. Have you had the chance to read it yet? You have the chance to make twice the impact to help advance research and to provide care and support that is urgently ne…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 9, 2020 at 12:27 PM

John, ready to have 2X the impact?

Here's how you can make TWICE the difference. Dear John, Alzheimer's disease has impacted millions of lives. You've taken a stand in the fight against Alzheimer's, and I'm so grateful for your support. Today, I encourage you to honor a loved …
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 7, 2020 at 8:12 AM

Start your Friday with a chance to make 2X the difference.

Fight Alzheimer’s while you can double your impact. Dear John, Yesterday I announced an exciting new $200,000 Matching Gift Challenge. In one day, we've seen so many people stand up to fight Alzheimer's disease — and I can't say I'm surprised…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 6, 2020 at 8:15 AM

Exciting announcement: 2X Match Challenge begins today.

You can double your impact when you donate today. Dear John, I'm very excited to share this opportunity with you, since you're a valued member of our community dedicated to the fight against Alzheimer's disease. We appreciate your support imm…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 3, 2020 at 8:18 AM

🎁🎁 Don't miss this chance to have your gift matched.

Matching Gift Challenge: Recipe for hope Dear John, Carolyn Staley's mother, Betty Ann Collins, was a wife, mother, homemaker and teacher who was always taking care of other people. That's why Carolyn and her husband, David, chose to honor he…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 2, 2020 at 8:12 PM

FWD: Double your impact to help families fight Alzheimer's.

Dear John, I want to make sure you saw my email about Carolyn and David Staley's commitment to match all gifts up to a total of $50,000 through August 15 in honor of Carolyn's late mother, Betty Ann. This is a perfect time to make your first gift, while it can have twice t…
  Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 2, 2020 at 8:42 AM

Double your impact to help families fight Alzheimer's.

Matching Gift Challenge: Recipe for hope Dear John, Alzheimer's disease has affected three generations of Carolyn Staley's family. Carolyn’s mom, Betty Ann, and her aunt, Mary, both received an Alzheimer's diagnosis. Carolyn's interest in fig…
  Carolyn Staley on behalf of the Alzheimer's Association · [email protected]
August 1, 2020 at 8:08 AM

My family wanted to do something big.

New Matching Gift Challenge: The Staley family's recipe for hope A message for you from long-time supporter Carolyn Staley Dear John, About eight years ago, we noticed my mother, Betty Ann — famous in our family for her baking skills…