50+ Messages / Page

  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 31, 2023 at 3:07 PM

Don’t drop the ball on doubling your gift to AAF!

The hours are winding down for our match grant!  Hi john, The clock is ticking, and we are still hoping to make the absolute most of a $15,000 match grant from a very generous donor. The match ends tonight (for real)!  Make a donation to Abortion Access Front now… and savor the sweet feeling of maki…
  Lizz & Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 30, 2023 at 4:18 PM

Sending 2023 out with a bang! Your gift to AAF doubled!

Two days for matched donations… let's make ‘em count!  Hi john, We did it!  Another year almost in the books… and WE’RE STILL HERE and STILL FIGHTING! The last few years have really been a low-vibration clusterfuck for all of us. But we’ve been able to weather them together as a team at Abortion Acc…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
December 22, 2023 at 11:00 PM

It’s The Best, Worst, And Weirdest Abortion Stories Of The Year!

Our intrepid news dumpers join us to break it all down!G’day Buzzkillaborators!  It's been a hellacious year in abortlandia and on this last pod of the year,  we are counting down the best, worst AND the weirdest stories of 2023. Did we say the best ones? Yes, yes we did.  Fueled by lethally spiked…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 20, 2023 at 3:11 PM

AAF: Your Friendly Abortion News Source

Fake news is cheap to produce. Genuine reporting is expensive. Hi john, We know the daily onslaught of enraging media can be overwhelming… triggering hives, diarrhea, and the sweet void of disassociation. But we at Abortion Access Front will never take our eyes off abortion. Not when every single st…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM

New Year - New Us - Same Attitude!

It should be very apparent our attitude is never going away.Hi john, We can’t believe it’s already the end of the year- time flies when you’re busy fighting for your right to literally exist, amirite? But you already know we don’t just sit around on our asses- we’re out here fighting every damn day,…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
December 15, 2023 at 11:05 PM

SCOTUS Takes Up The Abortion Pill Case AND Wonder Woman Lynda Carter?

Plus: we remember an activist Wonder WomanOh, Buzzkillians! What a pod we have this week. SCOTUS IS TAKING UP ANOTHER ABORTION CASE Oh shit! The Supreme Court will hear the mifepristone case. Fuck! What does it all mean? Chris Geidner, the brilliant Law Dork himself, drops in to translate what all t…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 13, 2023 at 3:39 PM

BREAKING: SCOTUS Will Hear Abortion Pill Case

Not on anybody’s wishlist this year! HERE WE GO AGAIN FRIENDS!  The Supreme Court, (the SAME Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade) just announced it will take up the extremely sus medication abortion case that was concocted by the pro-strife movement for the sole purpose of totally banning or a…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 8, 2023 at 3:00 PM


Need some dopeness for a loved one? WE GOT YOU!Hi john, ‘Tis the season to…spend more money than is absolutely necessary. So if you’re gonna gift, we have some ideas that say, ‘I care, and I care about abortion access’, because for every penny you spend on the items on our list, some of that cashola…
  Lizz & Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 5, 2023 at 3:10 PM

Abortion Access Front is holding the line against clinic harassers. Will you have our back?

When it comes to protecting clinics from anti-abortion extremists #WESHOWUP! Hi john , Anti-abortion extremists are relentless. I know that you know this, but I’m still shocked on the daily by how many people DON’T KNOW what’s happening at abortion clinics across the country. Much of our work this y…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
December 4, 2023 at 7:27 PM

Surprise- There’s NO Donation Button in This Email!

Next week, tho? We'll take all of your money. Every last dollar.Hi john, Last week, y’all absolutely turned out for us on Giving Tuesday, so to honor that we aren’t asking for a single dime in this email because we’re classy like that! Oh, there will be more begging, but this email? Nope. Nada, zip,…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
December 1, 2023 at 11:00 PM

BOOM! Buzzkilled!

SECRET GUEST HOSTS REVEALED!POP QUIZ:What happens when two of our favorite abortion law experts who ALSO host their own podcast come over to guest host OUR podcast?  Find out on this week’s pod! Lizz is traveling this week, but Moji is holding down the fort with The Boom! Lawyered crew! Yep Jessica …
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 28, 2023 at 10:45 PM

Two reasons to give to AAF today: your donation is doubled for #GivingTuesday, and no more fundraising emails!

Time is running out for your gift to go twice as far!  Hi john, It’s me again! I know #GivingTuesday emails are everywhere, but today IS the biggest fundraising day of the year. AND since all donations today are doubled by a generous person of mystery and anonymity, I felt like it was important to k…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 28, 2023 at 2:15 PM

Double your giving pleasure! Donations to AAF are matched today!

Awwww, yisss! Your support helps us keep grinding for abortion access.  Hi john , Happy Giving Tuesday! Even in a trash-ass year like 2023, Abortion Access Front has been able to make a difference for independent abortion providers and those seeking abortion care. We’re going bigger and bolder in 20…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 27, 2023 at 10:00 PM

When Will the Courts Listen??

Never. That's when.Hi john, We are feeling rested and rejuvenated after a long weekend…JUST KIDDING! Y’all, we are still tired and feeling those food comas, and have absolutely no plans to leave our couches, which times perfectly with Giving Tuesday so you don’t have to change into actual pants. We …
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 21, 2023 at 11:01 PM

AAF wishes abortion access for EVERYONE this holiday season!

And get your abortion pills ahead of time just in case! Hi john, Wishing you an abundance of happiness and all the healthcare you need because it doesn’t matter if you’re naughty or nice, everyone deserves abortion access. xoxo Abortion Access Front  This card was conceived by the AAF writing team a…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 20, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Gobble Gobble, Avoid That Family Squabble!

Or lean in and really get into it- we won't tell you what to do! Send us video!Hi john, We’re just a few short days away from forced gratitude holiday tidings, but it’s still abortion abortion abortion over here! Community Engagement Manager Emily spent last Wednesday emceeing a fundraiser for AAF b…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
November 17, 2023 at 11:00 PM

It’s the Holiday Survival episode with the hilarious Liberal Redneck

Yep, THAT ‘Liberal Redneck’Happy Oh-Shit-It’s-The-Holidays, Buzzkillians! Thanksgiving is next week! For a lot of you that means dealing with Moms and Dads for Liberty!But it’s OK, your Feminist Buzzkills are serving up an extra-special dish for your gatherings on the podcast this week: THE HOTTEST …
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 15, 2023 at 4:11 PM

Fundraising season is coming... but AAF will go easy on ya!

Let’s just get the begging out of the way, and move on to the fun stuff! Hi john , Here at Abortion Access Front, we’ve been working insanely hard all year long.  We’re helping abortion providers on the ground and virtually with our Adopt-a-Clinic program, bringing you up-to-the minute news on socia…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 8:26 PM

'No One Asked You' Premiere is Here!

Tbf, we are asking you to view it, tho...Hi john, IT'S FINALLY HERE, Y'ALL! The world premiere of ‘No One Asked You’, a documentary by Ruth Leitman that has followed AAF around for years and documented all of our pro-abortion shenanigans, is finally happening! If you happen to be one of our NYC best…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
November 6, 2023 at 3:52 PM

Is There Something Important Happening Tomorrow?

We can't tell, there have definitely been no ads...Hi john, We’ve all collectively agreed that “election ad season” is the actual 9th level of Hell, correct- we’re on the same page? Anti-abortion extremists know exactly how important this election season is, especially in Virginia and Ohio- how thes…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
November 3, 2023 at 10:00 PM

UH OH-IO! Americans Are Voting On Abortion Again!

Let’s keep that winning streak going! Hear ye, hear ye, abortion-loving citizens of America! ABORTION IS ON THE BALLOT NEXT WEEK IN OHIO AND VIRGINIA!Ahoy Buzzkills! Lizz and Moji here! BIG SHOW ALERT! The anti-abortion garbage barge is docking in Ohio and Virginia NEXT WEEK and on this episode of F…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
October 30, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Something Anti-Abortion This Way Comes!

Is it a demon? Only time will tell.Hi john, The day before Halloween, and can you believe that the most grim news out there is actually our new Speaker?! Mike Johnson, poltergeist turned newly-elected Speaker of the House, may be familiar if you watched his absolutely ghoulish questioning of AAF bes…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
October 27, 2023 at 10:00 PM


Silence, whippersnapper! Hey Friends!  Lizz and Moji here from AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills pod. This week’s show is a good one and is guaranteed to make our new Speaker of The House recoil in horror! No One Wants These Backdoor Men We all know, every chance they get, Americans vote for abortion. Anti-a…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
October 23, 2023 at 2:00 PM

There is a documentary about Abortion AF Y’all!

We're gonna bless your eyeballs.Hi john, We’re here, we’re loud, and now we’re on your movie screens?! Abortion Access Front has been lucky enough to have our shenanigans chronicled for the past seven years by director Ruth Leitman and her badass team, culminating in the world premiere (doesn’t that…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
October 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM

SPECIAL EPISODE: Meet A Woman Denied Lifesaving Treatment Because She “could” Become Pregnant...

She is Suing the MF’rs and needs our help. Imagine your doctor denying you PAIN MEDICATION– simply because you HAVE THE CAPACITY to become pregnant!  We are devoting this special FBK episode to Tara Rule, who doesn’t have to imagine it– it actually fucking happened to her. And now she is suing a who…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
October 16, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Welcome to Aut-ummmmm WTF is Going On?

No seriously, someone answer us.Hi john, The leaves are changing as the spooky season goes on, and Team AAF was out on the road enjoying the view! Our work and our Supreme Abortion AF Leader, Lizz Winstead, was awarded the “Emperor Has No Clothes” Award by the Freedom from Religion Foundation! Lizz,…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
October 13, 2023 at 10:01 PM

Arrested for being pregnant? That can’t happen here!

Spoiler: It’s happening. On this week’s pod, Lizz and Moji are drawing the terrifying picture of what pregnancy prosecutions look like in the US: SHITTY FACT: Pregnancy-related prosecutions have been happening in the US forEVER and are happening NOW. Not in the future. NOW. In the US of A. A new stu…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
October 9, 2023 at 3:33 PM

Fall Into Some Good Trouble!

OR ELSE!Hi john, Cooler weather is slowly starting to move in, but that hasn’t stopped folks across the country from being out in the streets and fighting for their right to abortions. AAF Programs Manager Kristin spent the weekend clinic escorting, tabling with her abortion fund at a Bans Off Ohio …
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
October 6, 2023 at 10:00 PM

You’ve Been Randomly Selected For A Vaginal Probe ...

IS A THING AIRLINES SHOULD NEVER SAY.GREETINGS, BUZZKILLIANS! It was a busy week for the garbage people and here is the trash we’ll be sifting through on this week’s episode:What A Relief? Qatar Airways has announced it will NO LONGER do invasive gynecological exams on passengers. Not when the seatb…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
October 2, 2023 at 1:43 PM

Humans Only Have One Ending, but Abortion Lives Forever!

And the patriarchy is definitely about more than horses.Hi john, Spooky Season has officially begun, but we spent the first day of October drenched in pink! Abortion AF joined thousands of New Yorkers for Atlantic Antic, the oldest and largest street festival in Brooklyn, where we tabled to inform t…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
September 29, 2023 at 10:00 PM

Wait! They Won’t Let Us Reverse Abortions With Horse Paste? Why I Oughta...

Woke Mind Virus strikes in Colorado!All new podcast, all new SHIT WE CANNOT BELIEVE WE HAVE TO SAY. Colorado has taken the RADICAL position of saying you cannot reverse your abortion. Why RADICAL? Because in many of these United States, doctors are required to recommend that BS now, and Lizz and Moj…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
September 25, 2023 at 2:00 PM

What is Autumn Without Pumpkin Spice Rage?

Probably maple-flavored fury.Hi john, It’s officially the season of maple (which is the ONLY acceptable Fall flavor- fight me, PSL’ers), pumpkin patches, and telling your shitty legislators just how much you can’t stand them! Good thing we have our ‘Literally No One Asked You’ postcards available fo…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
September 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Feminists and Sexists and Plan B- OH MY!!

And all in one night...we're very tired...Hi john, Coming back to work from a break can be a damn drag, but when you’re fun as shit and have EVEN FUNNER (yeah, we said ‘funner’- what are you gonna do about it?) friends, you manage to get by. Last weekend, we spent an unforgettable evening at DoRe#Me…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
September 16, 2023 at 12:36 AM

Kansassholes are next level

And that level is subhumanGreetings to all longtime listeners and first-time callers! Big pod this week, diving right in! THIS DUDE’S BEEN BATTLING RELIGIOUS FASCISTS SINCE BEFORE IT WAS COOL. Living legend alert! Barry Lynn from Americans United For Separation of Church and State is our guest! He’s…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
September 11, 2023 at 2:00 PM


We definitely didn't miss the anti-abortion assholes though...Hi john,DID YOU MISS US?? Abortion AF took a much appreciated break to rest and recharge, but we’re officially back on our bullshit and ready to spill the abortion tea with as many fucking expletives as our bosses will allow (spoiler aler…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
September 8, 2023 at 10:00 PM

¿Aborto en México? ¡Sí se puede!

Guess who’s more progressive than the USA this time?SALT THE RIM OF YOUR GLASSES, WE’RE HEADED SOUTH OF THE BORDER! Oh hey! We’re just back from our much-needed break and we already feel like booking another trip, this time to México, where their blissfully Amy Coney Barrett-free Supreme Court just …
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
August 31, 2023 at 7:00 PM

AAF salutes SAG/AFTRA AND WGA this Labor Day!

We’re toasting you with a big glass of gratitude 🥂HAPPY LABOR DAY to all laborers and people going into labor!  🎉  Especially folks who have been striking all summer. Your strength and refusal to TAKE ANY SHIT lifts us all up!As a proud member of BOTH SAG and WGA, I want to uplift my union buddies– …
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
August 18, 2023 at 10:00 PM

There’s a medical training crisis y’all

And it’s affecting us allHey there, abortion baddies! Before we head into our WELL-DESERVED two week summer break, we’re dropping into your earholes the last of our LIVE podcast episodes from our blowout shows at Netroots Nation! And it’s a doozy.  Doctors And Med Students Alike Are Fleeing States W…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
August 16, 2023 at 8:34 PM


Now we wait for the Supreme CourtHi john,When Will This Hellish Abortion Pill Volley End? Today, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rolled back the FDA’s 2000 approval of mifepristone, which limits the window for abortion seekers to take the drug down to seven weeks, and mandates in-person dispensin…
  Lizz Winstead · [email protected]
August 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM

I’m trying hard to celebrate, but it’s not easy in this abortion hellscape.

   Hi john, I am truly humbled to have so many wonderful birthday wishes from my friends and colleagues. It’s so rewarding to do this work, and honestly, I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life. It’s an absolute gift. But we at AAF are exhausted, and it’s been hard to celebrate this year. L…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
August 11, 2023 at 10:10 PM

Ohio? More like OhiOMFG!!!!!!!

WE WON!This weeks Feminist Buzzkills pod is comin’ atcha from the winner’s circle, because all we do is win!  OK, things are still garbage, but on this weeks episode Moji and I stop to celebrate the Ohio voters who were asked this week to vote on abortion (in a really screwy way) and WON! Just like …
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
August 5, 2023 at 12:30 PM

Lizz is the Abortion Energizer Bunny!

Another birthday isn't going to slow her down! Hi john, Today is Lizz’s official birthday, and the AAF crew is thrilled to be celebrating her. Maybe you can make a Special Birthday donation to keep the good times rolling? Lizz founded the Abortion Access Front juggernaut in 2015, but she was a repro…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
August 4, 2023 at 10:00 PM

Lying, cheating, and ruining Lizz’s birthday

Anti-abortion tactics have gone TOO far! “What they’ve done here in Illinois, is to declare pro-life speech to be misinformation.” – Peter Breen of the Thomas More SocietyPodsters, that’s a real quote from a real uterus-policing fascist who’s SO MAD Illinois passed a law telling fake abortion clinic…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
August 3, 2023 at 3:10 PM

It’s Lizz’s Birthday, Let’s Not Let These Creeps Ruin It This Year!!

They made her bring her own signs. Rude!  Hi john, EVERY SUMMER in the weeks leading up to Lizz’s birthday, Operation Save America (OSA)… an extremist gang of anti-abortion zealots, targets a city for a week-long harass-a-paooza. They target patients at clinics as well as spew their unhinged BS at t…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
July 31, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Keep Mifepristone Out of Your Mouths AND Your Bad Bills!

But definitely keep it in our pharmacies and hearts forever.Hi john, We’re on the other side of our Atlanta excursion and just not ready to admit that summer is almost over (unless you live in Arizona- then it’s understandable). Season changes be damned, we’re back into the abortion swing of things!…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
July 28, 2023 at 10:00 PM

F*ck It, We’re Doin’ It Live...From Atlanta!

And It Is An Episode For The AgesGreetings, Buzzkilltrix! Moji and I are still buzzing from recording this episode for a live audience in Atlanta!  We packed the house at Terminal West - a dope comedy and music venue - and fed off all the vibezzzzzzz. Our amazeballs guests were Agbo Ikor, Kwajely…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
July 26, 2023 at 6:05 PM

AAF Had a Solid Week in Atlanta Supporting Clinics and Suppressing Haterz!

Which is really all we ever care about doing...Hi john, We are BACK from a week of activism in Atlanta, taking on the anti-abortion hate group Operation Save America (OSA) and doing the podcast live! These jerks traveled from around the country to spray their haterade at clinics and all over the cit…
  Lizz & Moji AAF’s Feminist Buzzkills · [email protected]
July 21, 2023 at 10:00 PM

A Sh*tshow Of Tuberville-ian Proportions!

Never the less he persisted… Greetings, pals!Your Buzzkills did three big live shows Netroots Nation, and we are rolling out episode 2 this weekSenator Tommy Tuberville continues his relentless stunt holding up military nominations over the Defense Department’s abortion policies. Lucky for us, our …
  Lizz, Moji, & Marie- AAF’s Feminist Buz · [email protected]
July 14, 2023 at 10:00 PM

Feminist Buzzkills broadcasting from Netroots Nation!

The largest progressive gathering in America! Greetings, cheerful abortion warriors! Lizz and Moji here, comin’ straight at you from Netroots Nation in Chicago! People talk about how shitty one-size-fits-all abortion bans are, but here’s a real world example of what people are actually going through…
  Team AbortionAF · [email protected]
July 10, 2023 at 1:41 PM

Abortion Rights Coming to a State Near YOU!

And you! And you! And me! Drink up those anti-abortion tears, y'all!Hi john, We have got to say: WE HAVE THE BEST DAMN FAM IN THE LAND! We asked for some help in fulfilling our Amazon wishlist as we gear up for Atlanta, and y’all absolutely tore through it, with only a few items left! Our gratitude …