50+ Messages / Page

  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
June 9, 2020 at 11:50 PM

Law and Order

Law and Order, and Liberty and Justice for All Tuesday, June 9, 2020 Law and Order, and Liberty and Justice for All Dear John, Since we last communicated a couple of weeks ago in this newsletter, George Floyd,…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
May 28, 2020 at 7:05 PM

Our Way of Life is Under Attack!

This past month, we saw leading extreme liberals in Congress trying to use a pandemic to force through their Green New Deal John, This past month, we saw leading extreme liberals in Congress attempt to use a pandemic to force through their …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
May 26, 2020 at 4:05 PM

Fighting for Our Way of Life Means Standing Up to China

Liberals in the House are all talk and no action when it comes to taking a strong stance against Communist China John, Liberal leaders in Congress are all talk and no action when it comes to taking a strong stance against Communist China for…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
May 24, 2020 at 11:45 PM

State Shouldn't Be Suing Our Small Businesses and Locking Our Church Doors

As we navigate a path out of this pandemic – some regions quicker than others – I continue to hear from Sunday, May 24, 2020 State Shouldn't Be Suing Our Small Businesses and Locking Our Church Doors Dear John, …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
May 14, 2020 at 4:52 PM


Liberals' grip on the media comes, in part, from their control and abuses of power within our intelligence community.   John, Liberals' grip on the media comes, in part, from their control and abuses of power within our intelligence co…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
May 6, 2020 at 9:10 PM

Turn Minnesota Red

Without a doubt, this November election will be a historic one.   John, Without a doubt, this November election will be a historic one. We must turn Minnesota red so we can move our nation forward the right way, for our children, our g…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
May 6, 2020 at 12:25 AM

6 Months Away

We are 6 months away from the general election   John, We are 6 months away from the general election. I would like to thank you for standing with me as I continue fighting for our way of life. We still have a tough road ahead if we wa…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 30, 2020 at 10:35 PM

Midnight Deadline

Hey there! I’ll keep this quick.   Hey there! I’ll make this quick.   In case you haven’t heard, Nancy Pelosi is not allowing Congress to work. The Senate is convening next week, but Speaker Pelosi will not reopen the House.   Today, I’m asking you to add your name to th…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 29, 2020 at 11:05 PM

FWD: We need to re-open our economy.

Did you see this message from my team?   John, Did you see this message from my team? They are 100% correct in saying I want to get back to work for you.   We are all so grateful for the courageous health care providers, first responde…
  Team Stauber · [email protected]
April 29, 2020 at 12:20 AM

We need to re-open our economy.

Nancy Pelosi is, once again, preventing Congress from doing its job.   John,   Nancy Pelosi is, once again, preventing Congress from doing its job. Instead of allowing Representatives to serve our country, she is blocking us from retur…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 27, 2020 at 12:15 AM

Help for Main Street is On The Way

Finally, Light on the Horizon Monday, April 27, 2020     Finally, Light on the Horizon Dear John, Across America, we are collectively navigating uncharted territory during this global pandemic. Our economy…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 23, 2020 at 10:35 PM

ATTN: China is Affecting Our Way of Life

Coronavirus has forced factories to close and supply chains that many global companies depend on to be cut entirely.   John, Coronavirus has forced factories to close and supply chains that many global companies depend on to be cut ent…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 20, 2020 at 1:20 PM

We Cannot Hold Our Economy Hostage

In a matter of a few weeks, our economy went from churning along at historic levels to, in some cases, shutting down altogether. Monday, April 20, 2020 We Can’t Hold Our Economy Hostage   Dear John, In a matte…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 15, 2020 at 6:45 PM

Joe Biden is no moderate.

Just because Bernie Sanders is no longer a Democrat primary candidate, doesn't mean Joe Biden is running away from the very same socialist policies   John, Just because Bernie Sanders is no longer a Democrat primary candidate, doesn't …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 13, 2020 at 8:30 PM

Safely Finding An On-Ramp To Get Our Economy Moving Again

I hope you were able to enjoy your Easter weekend as much as possible. Monday, April 13, 2020 Safely Finding An On-Ramp To Get Our Economy Moving Again   Dear John, I hope you were able to enjoy your Easte…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
April 1, 2020 at 12:15 AM

A Message from Pete Stauber

On Saturday, I participated in tele-conventions with three Basic Political Operating Units (BPOUs) Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Dear John, On Saturday, I participated in tele-conventions with three Basic Political Operatin…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
March 18, 2020 at 10:45 PM

We will weather this storm.

As Congress continues its work to take on the coronavirus known as COVID-19, it is essential to remember   John, As Congress continues its work to take on the coronavirus known as COVID-19, it is essential to remember that this is a ti…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
March 6, 2020 at 1:55 AM

Supreme Court Justices Under Attack!

If you haven’t heard the news, yesterday afternoon, the Senate Democratic Leader threatened two Supreme Court Justices in front of a crowded mob   John, If you haven’t yet heard the news, yesterday afternoon, the Senate Democratic Lead…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
March 4, 2020 at 12:45 AM

Show VP Pence we have his back!

I am excited to share that our friends Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence are visiting our great state of Minnesota I am excited to share that our friends, Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
March 3, 2020 at 12:45 AM

WATCH: Be sure to cast your Super Tuesday vote tomorrow!

I voted in February, but I'm encouraging you to remember to vote for President Trump tomorrow I voted in February, but I'm encouraging you to remember to vote for President Trump tomorrow in Minnesota's primary. America’s e…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
February 29, 2020 at 5:30 PM

Please help me preserve the Minnesota way of life in Washington

I look forward to continuing to serve our community by fighting for you in Congress. Pete Stauber for Congress John, Nobody likes a Saturday email, so I’ll make this quick.  If you haven’t had a chance to support our campaign’s February fundraising deadline, there’s still time to contribute be…
  Team Stauber · [email protected]
February 28, 2020 at 4:55 PM

FWD: The Radical Left's Agenda

We are still 50 donations away from our fundraising goal for the month of February, and our deadline is TOMORROW   John, We are still 50 donations away from our fundraising goal for the month of February, and our deadline is TOMORROW. …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
February 27, 2020 at 4:15 PM

The Radical Left's Agenda

As February comes to an end, we have a critical fundraising deadline to hit by the 29th   John, As February comes to an end, we have a critical fundraising deadline to hit by the 29th. In a moment, I’m going to ask for your help. But f…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
February 24, 2020 at 4:50 PM

Entering the On-Ramp

  Don’t Forget Precinct Caucuses Tomorrow Night! Dear fellow Republican and friend,As you may know, tomorrow evening is Precinct Caucus Night in Minnesota! At 7 pm, Minnesota Republicans will gather with their neighbo…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
February 24, 2020 at 12:45 AM

Blue Collar Boom

My Partners in the Blue-Collar Boom Fighting for our way of life isn’t just a campaign slogan, it’s my daily compass. I was humbled and honored last week to receive the endorsement from International Union of Operatin…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
February 10, 2020 at 12:45 AM

‘Nancy the Ripper’

Nancy’s Nonsense is Out of Touch with Our Way of Life Last week, the President shared with Congress and the American people during his State of the Union address his vision for our great nation, highlighting policies …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
February 5, 2020 at 3:35 AM

What did you think?

  John, I just left the U.S. Capitol after watching the President deliver his State of the Union address tonight.   While Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are still running the impeachment circus, I think you share my mission of fighting …
  Team Stauber · [email protected]
January 30, 2020 at 9:05 PM

Can we count on you in 2020?

Do you want to help ensure Pete Stauber gets reelected? Are you already a member of Team Stauber but want to do more?   John, Do you want to help ensure Pete Stauber gets reelected? Are you already a member of Team Stauber but want to …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
January 27, 2020 at 7:30 PM

Campaign update!

  John, I can't express to you how humbled I was last week by the incredible turnouts at all four of #OurWayofLifeTour stops launching my re-election campaign. So just in case you weren't able to be there, I wanted to send you some hi…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
January 27, 2020 at 12:45 AM

Our Way of Life Tour

Seventy. Six. Years. Wow! I was just sharing with Jodi the other day how hard it is to believe I have already been in Congress for more than a year. We had that conversation Monday as we embarked on a four-stop “Our W…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
January 22, 2020 at 7:45 PM

It's not too late

  John, This week, the Senate kicked off the impeachment trial. As Nancy Pelosi's partisan charade continues, there is one thing we must keep in mind: our country should have never gotten here to begin with!   Leading Democrats promis…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
January 15, 2020 at 8:35 PM

Are you surprised?

  John, Last night, national Democrats debated in Iowa a socialist agenda that raises taxes, increases the size of government, and takes away personal freedoms from Americans. Today, Washington Democrats are following that up by conti…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
January 13, 2020 at 4:00 PM

I’m new here

Keep the American Economy Moving For months, Nancy Pelosi’s Congress has been preoccupied with partisan impeachment circuses and sideshows. Now, as we look to a new year, politicians and pundits are claiming we won’t be …
  Team Stauber · [email protected]
January 9, 2020 at 9:05 PM

New year & all new gear!

  John, We are starting 2020 off on the right foot and you can too with some brand new Team Stauber merchandise from our online store!   We have all the essentials you need to gear up for this winter weather while wearing your support…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 10:30 PM

8, 7, 6, 5...

  John,   I wanted to reach out personally to ask, one final time, that you contribute a few dollars to support our campaign. When the clock strikes midnight, we have to close the books on 2019. If there's any way you can, please consider d…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 10:00 PM

Still not there...

I wanted to give you an update on how our December fundraising goal is going so far!   John, I wanted to give you an update on how our December fundraising goal is going so far!   As you can see, we are making incredible prog…
  Team Stauber · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 5:30 PM

Still not there...

  John,   The countdown is on.   If you haven't yet contributed to support Pete, now is the time. We need you to get involved with this campaign to bring much-needed change for this nation and help Pete to keep fighting for our way of life.…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 30, 2019 at 3:45 PM

Minnesota conservatives PLEASE READ

  John, Having won Minnesota’s 8th district in 2018, I know what it takes to flip a long-held Democrat seat.   And let me tell you: Michelle Fischbach has what it takes -- she will win the 7th district in November 2020.   Not only mus…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 27, 2019 at 9:30 PM

New Year, New Congress

  John, I hope you and your family had a wonderful and very merry Christmas!   As the year comes to a close- and what a year it’s been, I am looking forward to so much in 2020. I am looking forward to the opportunity to continue to fi…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 24, 2019 at 1:15 AM

Pausing for what matters most

Last week was an extraordinary week in Congress. Faith, Family, and Freedom Last week was an extraordinary week in Congress. Sadly, the House voted in strictly partisan fashion to impeach the President with the sole p…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 19, 2019 at 1:45 AM

Democrats Impeach Trump

  John, It’s official: The House has Impeached our President.   What a sad and shameful day for our nation.   Democrats in Congress have wanted to impeach President Trump ever since he was elected and as a result they have delayed a p…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 9, 2019 at 12:45 AM

Pelosi rejects your vote

While it is not surprising, Speaker Pelosi this week continued her effort to undo the 2016 election or affect the 2020 election by asking Democrat col   Pelosi ignoring the will of the American people While it is not surprising, Speaker Pelo…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
December 5, 2019 at 11:00 PM

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi just ordered articles of impeachment.

  John, Nancy Pelosi just ordered articles of impeachment.   Yet again, my extremist colleagues in Congress continue to fail the American people. They have no proof or evidence that the President has done anything wrong.   While they …
  Sandy · [email protected]
December 1, 2019 at 1:00 AM

Fwd: Black Friday TRIPLE match alert!

We even have our Black Friday deal, maybe the best one that you'll see all day.   John, Sorry for the late Saturday email, but this is too important. We have less than 24 hours left for you to take advantage of an amazing opportunity. …
  Team Stauber · [email protected]
November 29, 2019 at 4:15 PM

Black Friday TRIPLE match alert!

  John, Don't spend it all on Black Friday deals; we need help hitting our November fundraising goal that ends TOMORROW. We even have our own deal, maybe the best one that you'll see all day.   A group of our supporters has agreed to …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
November 27, 2019 at 10:00 PM

Ridiculous anti-mining ploy

Believe me when I say our way of life is under attack.   John, With a pre-determined anti-mining outcome, the Minneapolis Star Tribune produced an editorial that once again shows how they, from their downtown Minneapolis offices, want …
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
November 25, 2019 at 12:45 AM

Hopelessly partisan

As a 23-year police officer, I believe nobody is above the law. Considering the impeachment of a sitting President of the United States is a matter I Impeachment Process is “Hopelessly Partisan”  As a 23-year police o…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
November 21, 2019 at 8:10 PM

Are you with #TeamElise?

  John, Since elected to serve in Washington, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has been working non-stop for the American people. She has proved to be a courageous, strong conservative leader we can trust. Now Democrats, media, and Hollyw…
  Pete Stauber · [email protected]
November 11, 2019 at 3:45 PM

We owe so much

Pete Stauber for Congress Jodi showed me the true meaning of selfless service and what sacrifice and dedication to our society look like.Hello John, On Veterans Day, we put aside our differences and unite as one to honor all those who answered the call to fight for freedom. We stand united in resp…
  Team Stauber · [email protected]
October 31, 2019 at 8:20 PM

Quick favor

Pete Stauber for Congress Pete asked me to check over our fundraising numbers for the monthHello John, I'm writing to ask for a quick favor. Pete asked me to check over our fundraising numbers for the month — and we're not there yet!  Our deadline is midnight tonight, so if you haven't chipped in…