50+ Messages / Page

  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
May 5, 2020 at 3:00 PM

Campuses are closed, but our work is no less urgent

We, like many other organizations and businesses, are shifting our plans in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. However, we are continuing to make your voice heard in all levels of government on the need to secure our nation’s schools, improve mental health screening and support programs, and ensure …
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
April 30, 2020 at 2:42 PM

The latest from Stand with Parkland

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, school districts across the nation have closed and many will not reopen for the remainder of the academic year. During this difficult time, Stand with Parkland remains dedicated to ensuring students and staff have the resources they need to stay safe both in t…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
March 31, 2020 at 3:07 PM

March update from Stand with Parkland

We hope this message finds you and your family in good health. Like many of you, we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic’s spread across the United States. We encourage everyone to stay informed and practice good public health precautions as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. …
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
February 29, 2020 at 12:30 PM

A big month for our school safety movement

This month, our founding families mourned the loss of our loved ones and the nation commemorated the 17 lives drastically cut short on February 14, 2018. But it was also a month of action, as Stand with Parkland – The National Association of Families for Safe Schools worked to launch and share cri…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
February 14, 2020 at 5:01 PM

In memory of those we lost

As the families of the Parkland shooting deceased victims we ask all parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, and children in our American family to help prevent this senseless violence. We need to come together to do something about it.   Stay connected with Stand with Pa…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
February 13, 2020 at 1:30 PM

How you can support us two years after the Parkland tragedy

Dear supporters, Tomorrow marks two years since the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In the wake of this senseless violence, we banded together to do something about violence in our schools so that no other families have to experience the pain that we have…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
February 11, 2020 at 3:41 PM

Announcing the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse

Dear supporters, Stand with Parkland is excited to share the new Federal School Safety Clearinghouse of best practices to help deter violence on our nation’s school campuses. SchoolSafety.gov will be an invaluable tool to help those responsible for keeping students and staff safe in schools e…
  Tony Montalto, Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 5:04 PM

Looking ahead to 2020

Dear supporters, As we close out 2019, I wanted to take a moment to thank you personally for the support you have shown us this year. We have been able to make progress on the national, state, and local levels but there is still so much work to do to keep students and staff safe at school. We…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
December 30, 2019 at 1:30 PM

Our work this year

Dear supporters, When we launched Stand with Parkland, our mission was to ensure that no other families have to experience the pain that we have had to endure. We could not predict that this work would take us around the nation – from the White House in Washington, D.C. to Chicago, IL and Los…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
December 28, 2019 at 4:57 PM

As we approach the end of the year

Dear supporters, Thank you for all the support you have shown us this year. We have had a successful and meaningful year advocating for public safety reforms that will improve the safety of America's children and staff at schools, improve mental health support, and promote responsible firearm…
  Tony Montalto, Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
December 4, 2019 at 12:01 AM

Fwd: Today is Giving Tuesday. Will you support Stand with Parkland?

Hello, We are truly overwhelmed by the support you have shown us today. We have received hundreds of Giving Tuesday gifts from every corner of the country. With your help, we will build consensus in our communities and across our country regarding the changes we can make today to protect our k…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
December 3, 2019 at 1:30 PM

Today is Giving Tuesday. Will you support Stand with Parkland?

Dear supporter, Today is Giving Tuesday, an international day of charitable giving where anyone, anywhere can make a difference. Giving Tuesday has grown into a movement to fund and support work that will make the world a better place, and Stand with Parkland – the National Association of Fam…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
November 26, 2019 at 8:21 PM

Looking for your support ahead of the end of year

Dear supporter, With the end of the year fast approaching, we are thankful for your support of Stand with Parkland – The National Association of Families for Safe Schools. It has been a busy year. Here are a few key highlights: We attended the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Hearing …
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
November 19, 2019 at 7:35 PM

Can you take a moment to contact your elected officials about school safety legislation?

Hi there, Introduced earlier this year, the EAGLES Act hopes to help prevent future school shootings by expanding the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center with a greater focus on school violence prevention. The National Threat Assessment Center has been essential to thwarti…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
October 31, 2019 at 3:31 PM

What we’ve been up to this fall

Dear supporters, Stand with Parkland has continued to engage elected leaders on both sides of the aisle with our bipartisan message of school safety. We have been busy in Washington, D.C. advocating for critical legislation that would keep America’s staff and students safe at school. After th…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
October 1, 2019 at 6:52 PM

Five Questions Every Family Should Ask to Ensure School Safety

Dear supporters, Stand with Parkland - The National Association of Families for Safe Schools has released a series of five questions that families need to ask to ensure their children’s safety as the school year begins. We envision these questions to be a starting point for an extended conver…
  StandWithParkland.org · [email protected]
September 3, 2019 at 2:24 PM

The latest from Stand with Parkland

Dear friends, Tragedy struck our nation again last month in El Paso, Texas; Dayton, Ohio; and Gilroy, California. And just this weekend, another act of violence took the lives of seven around Odessa and Midland, Texas. Stand with Parkland – The National Association of Families for Safe School…
  StandWithParkland.org · [email protected]
August 1, 2019 at 1:08 PM

The latest from Stand with Parkland

Friends, July was a busy month for Stand with Parkland - The National Association of Families for Safe Schools. Last week, Stand with Parkland members appeared before a U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Founding members Tom Hoyer and Max Schachter spoke to t…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
July 24, 2019 at 3:12 PM

New legislation to keep students and staff safe at school

Dear friend, Legislation was introduced earlier this month aimed at helping to prevent future school shootings by expanding the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center with a greater focus on school violence prevention. The National Threat Assessment Center has been essential …
  Eddie Mauro [PRESS] via EddieMauro.com · [email protected]
July 12, 2019 at 3:57 PM

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Statement from U.S. Senate Candidate (IA) Eddie Mauro Calling on Secretary of Labor Acosta to Resign or be Fired by President Trump

Statement from U.S. Senate Candidate Eddie Mauro Call on Secretary Acosta to Resign On July 9th, I called on Senator Joni Ernst to join me in calling on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign. Senator Ernst failed to show the leadership that Iowans and the Country deserve…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
July 5, 2019 at 3:32 PM

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to fight for school safety reforms

Dear friend -- With Congress poised for action, we have an unprecedented opportunity to push for change. There is attention and interest on both sides of the aisle for true reforms that will make America’s students and staff safer at school. Now, we need to turn our momentum into action. Will…
  Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
July 1, 2019 at 5:01 PM

Stay up-to-date with our work

Dear Friend -- When we founded Stand with Parkland, we knew the work would be difficult. But we are not afraid of doing the hard, necessary work of making our schools safer. Both Republicans and Democrats are equally affected by this problem. It is an American tragedy. Fixing the problems req…
  Tony Montalto, Stand with Parkland · [email protected]
June 28, 2019 at 5:00 PM

Thank you for standing with Parkland

Dear friend -- My name is Tony Montalto and I am the President of Stand with Parkland - the National Association of Families for Safe Schools. I am also the father of Gina Rose Montalto, a talented, smart, and beautiful 14 year old freshman. Sadly, she was a victim of the mass shooting at the…