50+ Messages / Page

  Canada’s NDP Team · [email protected]
August 31, 2022 at 9:31 PM

On se bat pour vous - pas pour les riches entreprises. // For people — not corporations.

On se bat pour vous - pas pour les riches entreprises. // For people — not corporations. Bonjour,  Nous croyons fermement que le gouvernement doit être au service des gens, et non des riches entreprises.  C'est pourquoi nous utilisons notre pouvoir au Parlement pour obtenir des résu…
  Jesse Calvert · [email protected]
August 31, 2022 at 6:41 PM

Il vous reste moins de 12h pour soutenir nos efforts cet automne. // Less than 12 hours left to back our fight this fall

Nous utilisons la force de notre mouvement populaire pour lutter contre les profits des grandes entreprises. // We are using the power of our grassroots movement to fight big corporate greed Il vous reste moins de 12h pour soutenir nos efforts cet automne. // Less than 12 hours left to back our fig…
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
August 23, 2022 at 4:06 PM

1 personne sur 5 // 1 in 5

Il y a clairement des gagnants et des perdants dans cette crise d’abordabilité et trop de politiciens ne veulent pas que ça change. // There are clear winners and losers in this affordability crisis. 1 personne sur 5 // 1 in 5 Chère amie,Cher ami,  Une personne sur cinq a de la misèr…
  Canada's NDP · [email protected]
August 6, 2022 at 2:32 PM

Dernières nouvelles : De l'aide pour payer vos factures // The Latest: Help to pay your bills

Travailler pour les gens, pas pour les ultra-riches // Working for the people, not the ultra-rich Dernières nouvelles : De l'aide pour payer vos factures // The Latest: Help to pay your bills New Democratic Party of Canada300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J91-866-525-2555 You …
  Samuel Fortin-Pouliot · [email protected]
August 5, 2022 at 5:03 PM

On se voit dimanche // See you Sunday!

Viens célébrer la Fierté avec Jagmeet et moi ce dimanche à Montréal // Come celebrate Pride with Jagmeet and me this Sunday in Montreal On se voit dimanche // See you Sunday! Salut! Je m'appelle Samuel et je ferai partie du contingent de néo-démocrates qui marcheront ave Jagmeet dans …
  Canada’s NDP Team · [email protected]
August 4, 2022 at 10:03 PM

Date limite pour le sondage sur l’inflation : CE SOIR 💸 // Inflation survey deadline TONIGHT 💸

Nous avons encore besoin de vos commentaires ! // We still need your feedback! Date limite pour le sondage sur l’inflation : CE SOIR 💸 // Inflation survey deadline TONIGHT 💸 Bonjour, Loyer, hypothèque, épicerie, essence — les coûts augmentent pour tout. Chaque jour, il y a un nouveau…
  Sussanne Skidmore · [email protected]
August 2, 2022 at 11:03 PM

Nous sommes à votre écoute // We’re listening

Dites-nous comment l'augmentation du coût de la vie vous affecte. // Tell us how the rising cost of living is affecting you. Nous sommes à votre écoute // We’re listening Bonjour, Sachez que si la hausse du coût de la vie vous affecte, vous n'êtes pas seul·e. Je passe beaucoup de temp…
  L’équipe du NPD au Québec · [email protected]
August 2, 2022 at 7:32 PM

Jagmeet débarque à Montréal // Jagmeet is coming to Montreal

Le 7 août, venez célébrer l'amour, la diversité et l'inclusion dans le cadre du défilé de la fierté. // On August 7th, come celebrate love, diversity and inclusion at the Pride. Jagmeet débarque à Montréal // Jagmeet is coming to Montreal Chères et chers néo-démocrates,       Le dima…
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
July 7, 2022 at 10:10 PM

Merci beaucoup! // Thank you so much!

Votre aide rend possible le travail de cet été. // Your help makes this summer’s work possible. Merci beaucoup! // Thank you so much! Bonjour, Nous avons clôturé notre campagne de financement du deuxième trimestre et je tenais à vous remercier personnellement.  Des personnes comme vou…
  NDP Quebec Team · [email protected]
June 27, 2022 at 11:04 PM

It’s still the right time // C’est encore le bon moment

It’s still the right time // C’est encore le bon moment New Democratic Party of Canada300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J91-866-525-2555 You are subscribed as: [email protected] Unsubscribe
  NDP Quebec Team · [email protected]
June 19, 2022 at 2:04 PM

A gift for Father's Day // Un cadeau pour la fête des pères

It's Jagmeet's first Father's Day and we want to surprise him // C’est la première fête des pères de Jagmeet, joignez-vous au mouvement. A gift for Father's Day // Un cadeau pour la fête des pères Dear John,    Today is Jagmeet's first father's day and w…
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
June 17, 2022 at 8:04 PM

$2000/month is not affordable housing // 2000$/mois ce n’est pas abordable

Developers are getting rich on the backs of people paying too much for their rent. //Des promoteurs s’enrichissent sur le dos des gens qui payent trop cher pour leur loyer. $2000/month is not affordable housing // 2000$/mois ce n’est pas abordable Friend…
  L’équipe du NPD · [email protected]
June 15, 2022 at 11:04 PM

Gains for Quebecers // Des gains pour les Québécoises et Québécois

You are the strength of our movement // Vous êtes la force de ce mouvement Gains for Quebecers // Des gains pour les Québécoises et Québécois Hi,      Jagmeet has received dozens of heartfelt stories like Myriam's (below!) via text message. That's just …
  L’équipe du NPD · [email protected]
June 9, 2022 at 11:02 PM

L’équipe Libéral-Conservateur // The Liberal-Conservative team

Les conservateurs et les libéraux n’aident pas les gens, ils préfèrent les pétrolièresà // Conservatives and Liberals help big oil — not you. L’équipe Libéral-Conservateur // The Liberal-Conservative team Bonjour,   La semaine dernière, un vote clé au P…
  Alexandre Boulerice · [email protected]
June 5, 2022 at 2:00 PM

Action collective et transformatrice // Collective and bold action

C’est ce dont nous avons besoin pour faire face aux changements climatiques // That’s what we need to face climate change Action collective et transformatrice // Collective and bold action Bonjour,   À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de l'environneme…
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
June 2, 2022 at 8:59 PM

Vous faites partie de ce mouvement // You are part of this movement

Le décompte est commencé, nous avons 30 jours pour grossir le mouvement // The countdown has begun, we have 30 days to grow the movement Vous faites partie de ce mouvement // You are part of this movement Bonjour,     Nous avons 30 jours pour clore notr…
  Alexandre Boulerice · [email protected]
May 18, 2022 at 12:00 AM

Billions for whom? For the Big Oil companies // Des milliards pour qui ? Pour les pétrolières.

It’s time to change that! // Il est temps de changer ça! Billions for whom? For the Big Oil companies // Des milliards pour qui ? Pour les pétrolières. Bonjour,    Savez-vous pourquoi les pétrolières font des milliards de profits?    Non seulement ces …
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
April 14, 2022 at 11:32 PM

Thank you, John // Merci pour cette excellente fin de trimestre

Your contributions will help New Democrats secure even more wins for people. // Vos contributions aideront les néo-démocrates à obtenir encore plus de victoires pour les gens. Thank you, John // Merci pour cette excellente fin de trimestre John,   Last …
  Rosane Doré Lefebvre · [email protected]
April 1, 2022 at 12:03 AM

Let's end this in style // Finissons ça en beauté

I'm counting on you - There are only a few hours left. // Je compte sur vous - Il ne reste que quelques heures. Let's end this in style // Finissons ça en beauté Hi John,   I'm counting on you to finish this first quarter on a high note.   Your contribu…
  Samuel Fortin-Pouliot · [email protected]
March 31, 2022 at 7:33 PM

You are the actors of change // Vous êtes des artisan·es du changement

You are the actors of change // Vous êtes des artisan·es du changement Today is your last opportunity to donate before the end of the first quarter.    As an NDP organizer in Quebec, what I hear from people like you is that they want the NDP to change …
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
March 29, 2022 at 11:32 PM

A collective project is possible. // Un project collectif, oui c’est possible.

The old parties want you to believe that it is not possible to change things. But that is not true. // Les vieux partis veulent vous faire croire que ce n’est pas possible de changer les choses. Mais ce n’est pas vrai. A collective project is possible. // Un project collectif, oui c’est possible. …
  Ève Péclet · [email protected]
March 25, 2022 at 7:06 PM

It is possible to make a difference: how? // Il est possible de faire changer les choses : comment ?

Jagmeet fights for the environment, not for the oil companies // Jagmeet se bat pour l’environnement, pas pour les grandes pétrolières It is possible to make a difference: how? // Il est possible de faire changer les choses : comment ? John,   Did you j…
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
March 23, 2022 at 10:03 PM

We only have 2 weeks // Nous avons juste 2 semaines

The deadline is coming up fast, and we need your help. // La date limite arrive rapidement, et nous avons besoin de votre aide.     We only have 2 weeks  // Nous avons juste 2 semaines    John,    Are you tired of the pandemic? So are we.      As we ente…
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
March 22, 2022 at 6:05 PM

I want you to hear this from me // Je veux que vous l’entendiez de ma part

None of this is possible without you, John. I want you to hear this from me // Je veux que vous l’entendiez de ma part John,    I got into politics to help people. That has always been my goal.     The last two years have been incredibly hard for Canadi…
  Ève Péclet · [email protected]
March 18, 2022 at 5:03 PM

How to better protect the St. Lawrence River? // Mieux protéger le fleuve Saint-Laurent: comment?

How to better protect the St. Lawrence River? // Mieux protéger le fleuve Saint-Laurent: comment? Bonjour, Chaque année, la population descend dans les rues pour demander plus d'action climatique de leurs gouvernements. Alors, pourquoi voit-on toujours …
  Rosane Doré Lefebvre · [email protected]
March 8, 2022 at 3:06 PM

Too quiet? Too angry? Too bad. // Trop silencieuses? Trop en colères? Tant pis.

Support women leaders today. // Soutenez les femmes leaders aujourd'hui.   Bonjour,   Ce n'est pas facile d'être une femme en politique. Nous sommes soumises à des normes impossibles à respecter. Trop douces. Trop froides. Trop fortes. Trop silencieuses.   Tant …
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
July 2, 2020 at 8:49 PM

Just wanted to say thanks, John

Just wanted to say thanks, {first-name} I just shared these results with Jagmeet… // John In just the last two weeks, over 5,000 Canadians made a donation to the NDP. That’s incredible, John — and beyond what we’d hoped for. I just got off the…
  NDP · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 11:47 PM

URGENT: Waiting on you

URGENT: Waiting on you Time is running out to show your support. // John, time is running out to donate before tonight’s Q2 deadline. Get $5, or whatever you can, in before midnight: ndp.ca/Q2deadline (It takes less than two minutes to…
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 6:42 PM

Please do this before midnight:

Please do this before midnight: It’s your last chance to contribute before the Q2 deadline. // John — Tonight is our quarterly fundraising deadline and it’ll affect the work we do for months. Whatever we have in the bank will either help or h…
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 2:11 PM


Hey What would happen if every person reading this took action? // John — If every person reading this email chips in just two dollars, we’ll close the fundraising gap with the other parties. Why is that important? We’ve made huge strides tog…
  Jesse Calvert · [email protected]
June 29, 2020 at 10:10 PM

I've got you covered

I’ve got you covered The deadline is tomorrow at midnight // John — Tomorrow’s deadline really snuck up on me. Yikes! Just took a quick look at the numbers and we’re still short. Maybe it snuck up on you, too, John. But don’t worry — I’ve got …
  NDP · [email protected]
June 29, 2020 at 1:49 PM

✅ or ❌ - you decide

✅ or ❌ - you decide Do what you can to help — and together, we can deliver results. // ndp.ca/Q2deadline You are subscribed as: : [email protected] | Update profile | Unsubscribe Cliquez ici si vous préférez…
  Charlie Angus · [email protected]
June 28, 2020 at 4:08 PM

Tax the super rich

Tax the super rich Seriously. // John — This month’s PBO report showed that the richest 1% of Canadians have more than 25% of the country’s wealth. That’s about 3 trillion dollars between them. THREE TRILLION. That stinks — and it’s why we ne…
  Jesse Calvert · [email protected]
June 26, 2020 at 12:14 PM

The two numbers I have my eye on

he two numbers I have my eye on This is what I’m focused on ahead of the June 30th fundraising deadline // John — When we’re facing down a fundraising deadline like this one, I keep a close eye on two key numbers: 1 — How many new donors are …
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
June 25, 2020 at 8:10 PM

Our defining feature

Our defining feature We can do incredible things when we work together. // John — When we work together, we can do incredible things. That’s what gives me hope and keeps me going. That’s how we secured the emergency benefit for Canadians durin…
  NDP · [email protected]
June 24, 2020 at 10:14 PM

Let us know...

Let us know… Are you proud of the work Jagmeet and our team are doing? // Donate $3 or more today: ndp.ca/Q2deadline You are subscribed as: : [email protected] | Update profile | Unsubscribe Cliquez ici si vou…
  Mathieu Vick · [email protected]
March 23, 2020 at 8:23 PM

Appreciate you staying in touch

Appreciate you staying in touch We have to keep the party strong and responsive to Canadians. // Hey — How are you doing, John? I’ve been thinking of you and everyone in our NDP family. I hope you’re taking good care, practicing social distan…
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
March 20, 2020 at 7:00 PM

I've had this marked on my calendar for weeks.

I’ve had this marked on my calendar for weeks. Things look different than they did before — but I still need to share this with you. // John, When I first circled March 31st on my calendar a few weeks ago, things were very different than they…
  NDP · [email protected]
March 11, 2020 at 7:32 PM

$8000 to go

$8000 to go We’re so close! // Donate $3 right now and help us stay on track for 2020! You are subscribed as: : [email protected] | Update profile | Unsubscribe Cliquez ici si vous préférez recevoir…
  Sussanne Skidmore · [email protected]
March 11, 2020 at 1:09 PM

18k left

18k left We have a deadline tonight // John, We’re getting ready for our spring planning meeting tomorrow. As the NDP Treasurer, it’s my job to go through the books and give an update on the numbers before decisions are made. Right now, I’m f…
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
March 10, 2020 at 4:14 PM

I need your help

I need your help We’re making big decisions this week // John, As the National Director of Canada’s NDP, I have the best political job in the country. Our party is growing and reinvigorated - it’s an amazing time to be working in Ottawa. From…
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
March 9, 2020 at 7:13 PM


Determined Our team is determined to make progress on issues that matter // John, Our team is determined to make progress on issues that matter, and we can’t wait until the next election to do it. We put forward a plan that would set pharmacar…
  Jesse Calvert · [email protected]
March 6, 2020 at 5:10 PM

We've got to get cracking

We’ve got to get cracking Here’s what you need to know about our planning session next week: // John, We’ve got a big planning session coming up on Thursday next week, and as a key member of the team, I want you to know where we stand. So I’ll…
  NDP · [email protected]
March 3, 2020 at 11:40 PM

Pharmacare is closer than ever

Pharmacare is closer than ever Tell Justin Trudeau to work with the NDP and make universal pharmacare a reality // You are subscribed as: : [email protected] | Update profile | Unsubscribe Cliquez ici…
  Jagmeet Singh · [email protected]
February 29, 2020 at 2:05 PM

We don't have to wait for pharmacare

We don’t have to wait for pharmacare Help us send a message to Justin Trudeau and the Liberals that people need pharmacare – and they need to work with us so we can get it done. // John, Wherever I go in Canada, people tell me about how hard i…
  Anne McGrath · [email protected]
February 21, 2020 at 1:07 AM

30 seconds, 1 signature, huge step forward

30 seconds, 1 signature, huge step forward We can make a big difference on this, but first we need your voice. // John, We have the chance to finally make universal pharmacare a reality in Canada. Jagmeet Singh and our NDP team are using our f…
  NDP · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 12:08 AM

Respect for Wet'suwet'en

Respect for Wet'suwet'en Tell Justin Trudeau to get to work and meet with Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs // John, The situation on Wet’suwet’en territory has inspired solidarity actions on issues of Indigenous title and constitutional and huma…
  NDP · [email protected]
January 1, 2020 at 1:44 AM


=?utf-8?Q?4...3...2...1...=F0=9F=92=A5?= Before the clock strikes 12 >>> // Chip in! ndp.ca/end-of-year What's the deal with the tax credit? Donations to the NDP are eligible for a generous tax c…
  Sussanne Skidmore · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 11:33 PM

Before 2019 is over

Before 2019 is over Will you pitch in one more time before the end of the year? // John, Tomorrow, it will be my job to crunch the numbers on our end of year fundraising and let our team know whether we can go ahead with our important plans fo…
  Official Support Status (Canada's NDP) · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 6:21 PM


=?utf-8?Q?=E2=8F=B0LAST_UPDATE_OF_2019_=E2=8F=B0?= With only 11 hours left, here’s where you stand, John: // John, With only 11 hours left until our end-of-year deadline, we thought you’d want one last update: Supporter ID: [email protected]