50+ Messages / Page

  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 21, 2020 at 12:05 PM

56 percent of voters more worried about health threat than economic threat from the pandemic

56 percent of voters more worried about health threat than economic threat from the pandemic   August 21, 2020: Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters are more worried about the health threat from the coronavirus pandemic rather than the economic threat. A …
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 21, 2020 at 9:36 AM

North Dakotans to decide election, redistricting changes in November

North Dakotans to decide election, redistricting changes in November A North Dakota amendment that would establish ranked-choice voting + looks at both major parties’ conventions   Welcome to the Friday, August 21, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you star…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 20, 2020 at 2:41 PM

Kamala Harris becomes first Black, Asian American woman to become major party’s VP nominee

Kamala Harris becomes first Black, Asian American woman to become major party’s VP nominee Trump will speak in Biden’s hometown   August 20, 2020: Kamala Harris became the first Black and Asian American woman to accept a major party’s vice presidential nomin…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 20, 2020 at 12:01 PM

25 percent of voters believe Obamacare improved U.S. healthcare

25 percent of voters believe Obamacare improved U.S. healthcare   August 20, 2020: Twenty-five percent (25%) of voters believe the U.S. healthcare system was broken before Obamacare and is working much better today. However, a Texas Public Policy Found…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 20, 2020 at 9:47 AM

Coloradans to vote on decreasing state income tax

Coloradans to vote on decreasing state income tax A Colorado ballot measure to reduce the state’s flat income tax + Aug. 18 local election results   Welcome to the Thursday, Aug. 20, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Initiative to decr…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 19, 2020 at 2:55 PM

Trump campaign sues New Jersey over mail-in ballots

Trump campaign sues New Jersey over mail-in ballots Democrats formally nominate Biden for president   August 19, 2020: The Trump campaign sued New Jersey for its mail-in ballot plan. Delegates to the Democratic National Convention formally nominated Joe Bide…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 19, 2020 at 12:04 PM

53% of voters have confidence in public health officials

53% of voters have confidence in public health officials   August 19, 2020: Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters nationwide are at least somewhat confident that public health officials understand the coronavirus and what policies are needed to overcome…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 19, 2020 at 9:37 AM

Scott Franklin defeats incumbent Rep. Ross Spano (R) in FL-15

Scott Franklin defeats incumbent Rep. Ross Spano (R) in FL-15 The initial election results from last night + a look at federal aid to states   Welcome to the Wednesday, Aug. 19, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Scott Franklin defeats i…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 18, 2020 at 2:48 PM

DNC keynote address will feature 17 young party leaders

DNC keynote address will feature 17 young party leaders Trump ad questions Biden’s mental acuity   August 18, 2020: The Demoocratic National Convention continues Tuesday with a keynote address featuring 17 speakers. Donald Trump released a digital ad that que…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 18, 2020 at 12:03 PM

40 years have passed since the last meaningful political convention

40 years have passed since the last meaningful political convention   August 18, 2020: The last meaningful convention moment was 40 years ago. In 1980, Senator Ted Kennedy was challenging incumbent President Jimmy Carter for the Democratic nomination. …
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 18, 2020 at 9:34 AM

Women's suffrage at 100 years - a look at statewide ballot measures

Women's suffrage at 100 years - a look at statewide ballot measures The history of state ballot measures regarding women’s suffrage   The history of state ballot measures on women's suffrage Today is the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 17, 2020 at 2:40 PM

Democratic National Convention begins with speeches from Sanders, Michelle Obama

Democratic National Convention begins with speeches from Sanders, Michelle Obama Trump campaign launches seven-figure digital ad campaign   August 17, 2020: The Democratic National Convention begins on Monday with speeches from Bernie Sanders, John Kasich, Mic…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 17, 2020 at 12:02 PM

15 percent of U.S. companies in China plan to move operations out of China

15 percent of U.S. companies in China plan to move operations out of China   August 17, 2020: Fifteen percent (15%) of U.S. companies in China plan to move operations out of China. That includes 4% who plan on moving operations to the United States and…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 17, 2020 at 9:37 AM

The local police-related measures of 2020

The local police-related measures of 2020 Today's Brew briefs you on the police-related local measures set to appear on the November ballot + tomorrow’s statewide elections   Welcome to the Monday, Aug. 17, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your …
  Ballotpedia's State and Local Tap · info@ballotpedia.org
August 15, 2020 at 12:13 PM

How state ballot measures shaped women’s suffrage movement 100 years ago

How state ballot measures shaped women’s suffrage movement 100 years ago 34 states have orders requiring mask wearing Check out this week's top stories in state and local politics! Want more? Don't forget, you can click to link below to go to the full versi…
  Ballotpedia's Federal Tap · info@ballotpedia.org
August 15, 2020 at 12:11 PM

Biden selects Harris as running mate

Biden selects Harris as running mate August 18th marks the 100th Anniversary of women’s suffrage amendment Welcome to the weekend! We've compiled this week's top stories in federal politics. Want more? Click below to go to the full version online. Read the f…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 14, 2020 at 7:42 PM

ICYMI: Top stories from the week

ICYMI: Top stories from the week A weekly shot of this week's most viewed stories from Ballotpedia's Daily Brew. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Each week, we bring you a collection of the most viewed stories from The Daily Brew, condense…
  Jerrick Adams · jerrick@ballotpedia.org
August 14, 2020 at 5:09 PM

Automatic paycheck dues deductions lawsuit filed

Automatic paycheck dues deductions lawsuit filed Pennsylvania employee sues AFSCME Council 13 over deductions Welcome to Union Station, our weekly newsletter that keeps you abreast of the legislation, national trends, and public debate surrounding public-…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 14, 2020 at 2:57 PM

Trump opposes additional USPS funding, universal mail-in ballots

Trump opposes additional USPS funding, universal mail-in ballots Bloomberg will speak at the Democratic National Convention   August 14, 2020: Donald Trump said universal mail-in voting would not be possible without additional funding for the USPS, which he s…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 14, 2020 at 12:03 PM

5,377 fewer deaths now attributed to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom

5,377 fewer deaths now attributed to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom   August 14, 2020: The total number of people who have died from COVID-19 in the United Kingdom (UK) has declined by 5,377.[1] How can the total number of deaths decline? The answer hi…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 14, 2020 at 9:36 AM

97% of state legislative incumbents have advanced to the general election

97% of state legislative incumbents have advanced to the general election How state legislators have fared in primaries so far in 2020 + previews the GOP primary in Florida’s 3rd District   Welcome to the Friday, August 14, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as…
  Jerrick Adams · jerrick@ballotpedia.org
August 13, 2020 at 4:33 PM

Nevada to mail ballots to all voters ahead of Nov. 3 general election

Nevada to mail ballots to all voters ahead of Nov. 3 general election The state enacted a bill modifying election procedures during declared states of emergency    Sponsored by Probolsky Research Welcome to The Ballot Bulletin, where we track development…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 13, 2020 at 2:51 PM

Biden raises $26 million, doubles single-day fundraising record

Biden raises $26 million, doubles single-day fundraising record Trump will campaign in battleground states during Democratic convention   August 13, 2020: Joe Biden raised $26 million in the 24 hours after announcing Kamala Harris was his running mate. Donal…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 13, 2020 at 12:04 PM

59 years ago today construction of the Berlin Wall began

59 years ago today construction of the Berlin Wall began   August 13, 2020: On August 13, 1961—59 years ago today—the East German government began construction of the Berlin Wall.[1] While the stated purpose of the wall was to keep foreigners from ent…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 13, 2020 at 9:35 AM

Marijuana ballot measure certified for November ballot in Arizona

Marijuana ballot measure certified for November ballot in Arizona A marijuana legalization initiative in Arizona + introducing a new weekly feature on presidential stances   Welcome to the Thursday, Aug. 13, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your …
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 12, 2020 at 2:55 PM

Biden picks Harris as vice presidential running mate

Biden picks Harris as vice presidential running mate Biden, Trump win final presidential primaries in Connecticut   August 12, 2020: Joe Biden selected Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. Biden and Donald Trump won the final presidential primaries of the…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 12, 2020 at 12:04 PM

44 percent of COVID deaths were nursing home residents

44 percent of COVID deaths were nursing home residents   August 12, 2020: In 43 states where data is available, 44% of COVID deaths are reported to have been among nursing home residents. However, the true number may be higher. The Associated Press rep…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 12, 2020 at 9:34 AM

34 states have statewide mask mandates

34 states have statewide mask mandates Today's Brew brings you initial results from last night’s elections + the status of statewide mask mandates in each state   Welcome to the Wednesday, Aug. 12, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Thir…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 11, 2020 at 2:23 PM

Biden finishes interviews with VP finalists

Biden finishes interviews with VP finalists Trump will accept Republican nomination at White House or Gettysburg   August 11, 2020: Joe Biden has finished interviewing all the finalists for vice presidential nominee. Donald Trump said he will accept the Repu…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 11, 2020 at 12:04 PM

6 point lead for Joe Biden with 12 weeks to go

6 point lead for Joe Biden with 12 weeks to go   August 11, 2020: The Real Clear Politics (RCP) polling average shows that Joe Biden has a six-percentage point lead over Donald Trump with 12 weeks to go until Election Day.[1] Given all that has gone on…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 11, 2020 at 9:35 AM

Next week: The centennial of women’s suffrage in the U.S.

Next week: The centennial of women’s suffrage in the U.S. Today's Brew highlights the upcoming centennial of women’s suffrage + Washington, D.C.’s ballot measure ending criminalization of psilocybin mushrooms   Welcome to the Tuesday, August 11, Brew. Here’s what…
  Sara Reynolds · sara.r@ballotpedia.org
August 10, 2020 at 7:38 PM

Bold Justice: Taking a look at Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue

Bold Justice: Taking a look at Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue Alexander Hamilton may have thought them the least dangerous branch, but we at Ballotpedia think federal courts are the most exciting! Welcome to the August 10 edition of Bold Ju…
  Caitlin Styrsky · caitlin@ballotpedia.org
August 10, 2020 at 4:47 PM

Checks and Balances: The REINS Act in the Senate, An important ruling from the Wisconsin Supreme Court

Checks and Balances: The REINS Act in the Senate, An important ruling from the Wisconsin Supreme Court The US Senate discusses the REINs Act, the WI Supreme Court changes administrative processes, and the Kansas School Board blocks a governor's order. The…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 10, 2020 at 2:53 PM

Trump signs four executive actions on coronavirus economic relief

Trump signs four executive actions on coronavirus economic relief Dems launch Blue Texas PAC seeking to flip state   August 10, 2020: Donald Trump signed four executive actions on Saturday for coronavirus economic relief. Several Democratic operatives and ac…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 10, 2020 at 12:03 PM

31 U.S. House races rated as Toss-Ups

31 U.S. House races rated as Toss-Ups   August 10, 2020: Real Clear Politics (RCP) rates 31 U.S. House Races as Toss-Ups in Election 2020. Fourteen races lean towards the Democrats while 14 others lean Republican.[1] Those competitive races account for…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 10, 2020 at 9:33 AM

Voters to decide primaries in four more states Aug. 11

Voters to decide primaries in four more states Aug. 11  August 11 primaries + reviews campaign finance information from Oklahoma’s Medicaid expansion ballot measure   Welcome to the Monday, August 10, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: V…
  Ballotpedia's State and Local Tap · info@ballotpedia.org
August 8, 2020 at 11:42 AM

Missouri voters approve Medicaid expansion

Missouri voters approve Medicaid expansion Six states issue mask mandates for public schools Primary elections and COVID-19 updates make up this week's highlights of The State and Local Tap. As always, find a complete review of the week and preview of the we…
  Ballotpedia's Federal Tap · info@ballotpedia.org
August 8, 2020 at 11:37 AM

Marshall, Hagerty win Republican U.S. Senate primaries in Kansas, Tennessee

Marshall, Hagerty win Republican U.S. Senate primaries in Kansas, Tennessee Connecticut to hold final 2020 presidential primary Welcome to the weekend! Check out the highlights from this week below. For a more thorough account of the week, click through to r…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 7, 2020 at 8:37 PM

ICYMI: Top stories from the week

ICYMI: Top stories from the week A weekly shot of this week's most viewed stories from Ballotpedia's Daily Brew. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Each week, we bring you a collection of the most viewed stories from The Daily Brew, condense…
  Jerrick Adams · jerrick@ballotpedia.org
August 7, 2020 at 6:33 PM

How is 2020's legislative activity shaping up?

How is 2020's legislative activity shaping up? We compare legislative activity on public-sector labor issues Welcome to Union Station, our weekly newsletter that keeps you abreast of the legislation, national trends, and public debate surrounding public-…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 7, 2020 at 2:16 PM

Debate commission rejects Trump campaign request for fourth debate

Debate commission rejects Trump campaign request for fourth debate West discusses status as possible spoiler in Forbes interview   August 7, 2020: The Commission on Presidential Debates rejected the Trump campaign’s request to add a fourth debate or alter th…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 7, 2020 at 12:04 PM

4 weeks from today election 2020 voting begins

4 weeks from today election 2020 voting begins   August 7, 2020: Most political commentary still talks about November 3 as Election Day, but with the advent of early voting, it is more appropriate to talk about an election season. The state of North Ca…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 7, 2020 at 9:31 AM

Minneapolis voters will not decide police department removal charter amendment in Nov.

Minneapolis voters will not decide police department removal charter amendment in Nov. Today's Brew brings you an update on a police department removal charter amendment in Minneapolis + last night’s Tennessee election results   Welcome to the Friday, Aug. 7, Bre…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 6, 2020 at 2:34 PM

Trump and RNC raise $165 million in July, topping Biden and DNC’s $145 million

Trump and RNC raise $165 million in July, topping Biden and DNC’s $145 million Biden will not travel to Milwaukee to accept Dem nomination   August 6, 2020: Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee raised $165 million in July. Joe Biden and other sp…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 6, 2020 at 12:03 PM

75 years ago today the Enola Gay dropped atomic bomb over Hiroshima

75 years ago today the Enola Gay dropped atomic bomb over Hiroshima   August 6, 2020: Seventy-five (75) years ago today, the Enola Gay dropped a five-ton atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. The bombi…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 6, 2020 at 9:36 AM

Trump’s 202 judicial appointments

Trump’s 202 judicial appointments Today's Brew brings you an update on the federal judges Trump has appointed + more Aug. 4 election results   Welcome to the Thursday, Aug. 6, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Trump ties with Clinton fo…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 5, 2020 at 2:52 PM

Biden launches $280 million ad campaign in 15 battlegrounds

Biden launches $280 million ad campaign in 15 battlegrounds Sixth Circuit rules against Hawkins in Ohio ballot access case   August 5, 2020: Joe Biden reserved $280 million in ads that will target Donald Trump on his response to the coronavirus pandemic. The…
  Ballotpedia · info@ballotpedia.org
August 5, 2020 at 12:03 PM

Number of the Day: A look back

Number of the Day: A look back   Good morning! Today we climb aboard the time machine and hop back to this point in time to view some of our past Numbers of the Day: August 5, 2019—83 percent of voters recognize that federal spending has doubled ove…
  Dave Beaudoin, Ballotpedia · dave@ballotpedia.org
August 5, 2020 at 9:37 AM

Marshall wins Kansas’ Republican Senate primary

Marshall wins Kansas’ Republican Senate primary Today's Brew highlights results from some of Tuesday’s primaries + previews Tennessee’s Thursday primaries   Welcome to the Wednesday, August 5, Brew. Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: In Kansas…
  Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing · info@ballotpedia.org
August 4, 2020 at 2:41 PM

Trump pledges to sue Nevada over universal mail-in ballot law

Trump pledges to sue Nevada over universal mail-in ballot law Biden likely won’t name VP until next week, according to WaPo report   August 4, 2020: Donald Trump said he would sue Nevada over plan to send mail-in ballots to all active voters. Joe Biden likel…