50+ Messages / Page

  Team DelBene · [email protected]
October 24, 2023 at 8:52 PM

What’s happening in October (besides GOP chaos)

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, We could spend this email writing about the clown show that is the GOP conference right now: how their political games are hurting everyday Americans, making our country less safe, and inching us closer to an economic crisis and government…
  Suzan DelBene (personal) · [email protected]
October 21, 2023 at 6:08 PM

This is ridiculous

Suzan DelBene for Congress It would be comical if it wasn’t so devastating This is ridiculous, John. It’s been over two weeks, and Republicans still cannot get their act together to elect their next House speaker. Honestly, it would be comical if it wasn’t so devastating for our nation…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
October 20, 2023 at 5:16 PM

Never thought I’d wholeheartedly agree with a Republican

Suzan DelBene for Congress   Rush an immediate donation to my campaign to help Democrats take back the House, elect Hakeem Jeffries as speaker, and get back to work for everyday Americans >> If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donatio…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
October 19, 2023 at 9:37 PM

It's not even close

Suzan DelBene for Congress The difference between Democratic and Republican leadership couldn't be clearer. Want to stay up to date with Team DelBene? You can sign up for text alert…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
October 16, 2023 at 9:49 PM

Still waiting...

Suzan DelBene for Congress The GOP dysfunction has made our country less safe, demoralized the American people, and brought us closer to a shutdown. Hi John, It’s been nearly two weeks and Republicans still cannot agree on who will be the next Speaker of the House. Democrats are …
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
October 13, 2023 at 6:05 PM

This isn’t how it’s supposed to work, John

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, Republicans brought our nation within three hours of a government shutdown, and now Congress has just one month to come up with a deal to avert the next one. Instead of working to fix the problems our country faces, the House Republicans are in …
  Reily 🐾 · [email protected]
October 2, 2023 at 10:13 PM


Suzan DelBene for Congress Allllllll my besties on #TeamSoozin were 😄😜😃🥳😊 this weekend and I think that only means ONE THING ‼️ I was being the BESTEST doggo and everyone was SO PROUD OF MEEEEEEEE and i get as many treatsies and snugglez i want… JUST KIDDINGGGG. The big news is that…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
October 1, 2023 at 2:01 AM

Open this

Suzan DelBene for Congress If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: $5 →   $10 →   $25 → $50 →   $100 →   Other → ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Suzan (personal) Date: Saturda…
  Suzan (personal) · [email protected]
September 30, 2023 at 2:44 PM

Don't tune this out

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hey John — our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline is at midnight, and as of right now, we still haven't hit our $50,000 goal. From reproductive rights to the economy, extremist Republicans in the House have been playing political games with the lives of our…
  Finance Team via DelBeneforCongress.com · [email protected]
September 28, 2023 at 9:53 PM

Help Suzan put an end to GOP obstructionism

Suzan DelBene for Congress John — Our FEC end-of-quarter deadline is in just a few days, and we set a MASSIVE fundraising goal so Suzan has what it takes to take back our House majority and finally put an end to GOP obstructionism. Here's where we're at: Chip in $5 ahead…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
September 26, 2023 at 3:29 PM

Pure unbridled chaos

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, you’ve been to the circus, right? Sometimes, you get the good circus, where every act goes off without a hitch. Other times, you’re waiting for the clown to feed the ringmaster to the lions. Well, Matt Gaetz and MAGA Republicans are hell-bent o…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
September 21, 2023 at 8:19 PM

John, check out this month’s #DelBeneDownload

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, This month is an explicit reminder of just how important it is for Democrats to retake our House majority next November. Last week, Kevin McCarthy decided to cave to the outrageous demands of the most extreme members of his party to launc…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
September 19, 2023 at 8:15 PM

Today is the PERFECT day to check your voter registration

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, Are you sick and tired of the GOP circus? Fed up with Kevin McCarthy and his Chaos Caucus as they hold our government, economy, and millions of working people hostage to appease their MAGA base? So are we. Today is National Voter Registration …
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
September 14, 2023 at 8:39 PM

Did you see Suzan’s last email?

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, We just wanted to make sure you saw Suzan’s last email. She’s pretty busy right now, fighting hard in Congress to keep our government open and functioning for all of us. While she takes on Kevin McCarthy and his MAGA allies in Congress, we’re makin…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
September 12, 2023 at 9:50 PM

The Republican Party is making a mess of our democracy

Suzan DelBene for Congress John, I’m not going to lie, I am exasperated. Congress has just weeks to come up with a deal to avoid a government shutdown — an unconscionable outcome that would devastate millions of working families and our economy. But instead, Kevin McCarthy shamefu…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
September 7, 2023 at 6:25 PM

Happy back-to-school season!! 🍎

Suzan DelBene for Congress It’s back-to-school season, John!!! ✏️📚🎒 Lesson plans are prepared, classrooms are equipped with books and learning materials, and school halls are filled with the chatter of young minds ready for another school year of growth and opportunity. Suzan has…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
September 5, 2023 at 8:45 PM

I'll keep this short

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, I’ll keep this short so you can get back to your day. I just got off the phone with our finance team, and it looks like, thanks to your generous support, we surpassed our end-of-month fundraising goal! Thank you endlessly to everyone who stepp…
  Suzan · [email protected]
August 31, 2023 at 9:50 PM

$1 at a time

Suzan DelBene for Congress There are just a few hours left until our final end-of-month fundraising deadline before Congress reconvenes in September. While Kevin McCarthy is busy raising millions from MAGA PACs and ultra-wealthy donors, we are building a grassroots movement $1 at a ti…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
August 29, 2023 at 11:47 PM

The "priorities" of Kevin McCarthy

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John — Congress is preparing to reconvene next week, and let’s be honest, we’re not holding our breath that Kevin McCarthy and his MAGA allies are ready to actually govern. In fact, we already have a glimpse of what they have in store: As ou…
  Reily 🐾 · [email protected]
August 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM

Guess what today is!!!!

Suzan DelBene for Congress BESTIES... omg omg guess waaaaaat!!?? 😍😍😍 It’s just the bestest day E V E R …becuz today is national ME day! Well, i guess it’s national 🐕 day, but sooozin knows i’m the goodest and bestest doggo around and i just cant wait to go to the park and eat all …
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
August 23, 2023 at 8:27 PM

Your DelBene Download

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John, This month we celebrate several anniversaries reminding us that, with a little grit and determination, real progress is possible. This month is the one-year anniversary of President Joe Biden signing "The Inflation Reduction Act,” a sweepi…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
August 18, 2023 at 6:03 PM

Thinking back to my first election

Suzan DelBene for Congress John — I will never forget the first time I cast my first vote. I stepped into the booth at my local polling place, enthusiastically drew the curtain, and proudly made my voice heard in the 1980 presidential election. I thought about the generations of …
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
August 14, 2023 at 10:04 PM

Kevin McCarthy is shelling out millions

Suzan DelBene for Congress John, in case you missed it, Kevin McCarthy and his extremist allies know they're in trouble. They’re shelling out millions in blue states — including right here in Washington state — to try and hold their slim Republican majority in the House. Ru…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
August 9, 2023 at 8:51 PM

Circling back

Suzan DelBene for Congress John – Did you catch this email from Suzan? We wanted to make sure you saw it because the fight for free and fair elections is only going to get harder. Almost 60 years later, our hard-fought rights are under attack from bad actors in the Republican pa…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
August 7, 2023 at 7:27 PM

It’s time to expand the Voting Rights Act

Suzan DelBene for Congress John – The Voting Rights Act, born out of the struggle of the civil rights movement, is a testament to the enduring spirit of democracy. But it didn’t come easy. Civil rights activists and organizers fought bravely and boldly—often in the face of horrif…
  Suzan Delbene · [email protected]
August 3, 2023 at 12:02 AM

John, check out this month’s #DelBeneDownload

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hello – We kicked off last month by uplifting President Biden’s historic $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law. Infrastructure is the hallmark of a thriving society. And that’s exactly why I championed the bipartisan infrastructure bill that …
  Reily · [email protected]
August 1, 2023 at 11:08 PM

You’re the bestest

Suzan DelBene for Congress BESTIES HEYYYYY 🥰 so there was sumthing abt a end of month deadline but SOOZIN said WE MET THE GOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL this is all thnx to you hooman pals - soozin cares so much abt making sure u can go to a doctor when u r 🤧and your 🧒 can be SAFE at 🏫 …
  Suzan · [email protected]
July 31, 2023 at 7:20 PM

So close

Suzan DelBene for Congress Our end-of-month fundraising deadline is just in a few hours and we are $2591 short of goal. We are counting on this team for your grassroots support. Can I count on you to pitch in? Here’s the donation link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2307_email_delb…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
July 28, 2023 at 9:42 PM

We have three days to make it happen

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hey John – We just wanted to bump up our email from the other day since the latest numbers are in and...we're still a bit short. The good news is that it's not that much, we only have $6,278 left until we reach our end-of-month goal. The bad news is, w…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
July 27, 2023 at 7:20 PM

Here’s where we stand >>

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hi John – We’ll keep this simple. We have a very big fundraising deadline to meet before the end of the month and we need your help to close the gap. Right now, here’s where things stand:   Suzan is hard at work in the House, striving to pass …
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
July 25, 2023 at 8:32 PM

We'll be honest - this is concerning

Suzan DelBene for Congress John – Did you see this?   Grassroots donors are critical heading into one of the most important and consequential elections ever in 2024. We can't let Republicans erase all of our hard-won progress. Everything we want and need to accomplish f…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
July 20, 2023 at 4:43 PM

Ban assault weapons. Enforce background checks. End the violence.

Suzan DelBene for Congress John, Enough is enough. The onslaught of tragedies we've seen in communities across the country this year – and for more than two decades – should be more than enough reason for us to take action and put policies in place that will help prevent mass sho…
  Melissa Plummer · [email protected]
July 14, 2023 at 8:39 PM

Please take a look

Suzan DelBene for Congress Did you catch our email from the other day, John? I wanted to make sure you saw this, because there is simply too much on the line heading into the next election, and Suzan is going to need your help to prepare for the road ahead. Suzan’s job in Congress…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
July 13, 2023 at 8:03 PM

Chaos Caucus inaction

Suzan DelBene for Congress John – we’re more than half a year into Kevin McCarthy’s tenure as speaker, and his Chaos Caucus is proving themselves to be as dysfunctional as they are extreme. Seven months in power, and the only thing we've seen are political stunts, heated arguments…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
July 10, 2023 at 11:05 PM

We’re fighting FOR you and they’re fighting AGAINST you

Suzan DelBene for Congress John, we need you to see this: Despite having no part in passing President Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law, Republicans are now celebrating this milestone achievement. This is hypocrisy plain and simple. At every turn, the GO…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
July 6, 2023 at 11:38 PM

It’s clear – the GOP is making our country worse

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hey John, We’ve seen enough – the GOP is actively threatening to hold our country hostage by refusing to do their jobs. Americans are tired of the Republicans’ failed attempts at leadership, and soon we’ll have an opportunity to stop them in the…
  Suzan · [email protected]
July 1, 2023 at 2:00 AM

$1 is enough

Suzan DelBene for Congress Our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline is just in a few hours and we are $4591 short of goal. We are counting on this team for your grassroots support. Can I count on you to pitch in? Here’s the donation link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2306_email_del…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
June 30, 2023 at 9:51 PM

Extremism and chaos

Suzan DelBene for Congress In a CNN town hall, former Vice President, and now Republican presidential hopeful, Mike Pence stated that he believes in “the deterrent of law.” That in order to better deter mass shooters, we don’t need responsible gun reforms, but rather to shorten the…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
June 29, 2023 at 10:48 PM

What a Dem majority can accomplish

Suzan DelBene for Congress Tomorrow is the last day of the month, so I’m sure your inboxes are full with a lot of political fundraising emails. Thank you for always taking the time to read my message. Hey John, tomorrow is the last day of the month, so I’m sure your inboxes are full…
  Reily 🎾☀️ · [email protected]
June 29, 2023 at 9:22 PM

the sun is shining RIGHT NOW

Suzan DelBene for Congress can you help soozin? i live in the great state of W A S H I N G T O N and you’ve probably seen Twilight (🧛🏻 but #TeamJacob duh) and sure it RAINS SOMETIMES but today the SUN ☀️ is shining and I JUST WANT TO GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY LIKE THIS: o my gawd John … …
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
June 29, 2023 at 2:19 AM

The June #DelBeneDownload is here! 📰

John,  June serves as an important reminder that our work is far from over.  First, some great news regarding voting rights! The Supreme Court recently made a crucial decision that preserves the integrity of the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act. The court established that in Alabama, a state with s…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
June 28, 2023 at 6:46 PM

Cut child poverty by half

Suzan DelBene for Congress The expanded Child Tax Credit was one of the most transformational policies from the American Rescue Plan. We cut child poverty in half, boosted our economy, and helped parents pay rent, put food on the table, and afford other essentials for their kids. T…
  Melissa Plummer · [email protected]
June 27, 2023 at 7:44 PM

The chaos continues

Suzan DelBene for Congress We are almost halfway through 2023 and Suzan is right: “The chaos continues.” The Republican Caucus forgets that Congress has a job to do: to pass legislation that supports America’s children and working families. But time and time again, they…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
June 26, 2023 at 9:13 PM

Proud 🏳️‍🌈

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hey John, yesterday, Team DelBene represented at the Seattle Pride Parade and I could not be prouder to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community at this moment in time. Last year, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe, we got a glimpse…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
June 24, 2023 at 2:05 PM

This day last year

Suzan DelBene for Congress Every so often, our communities share a collective moment of consciousness. Where were you when the Seahawks won the Super Bowl in 2014? Or a much more sobering example, where were you when millions of people faced losing their bodily autonomy on this da…
  Suzan · [email protected]
June 21, 2023 at 8:32 PM

On the heels of a near catastrophic debt default crisis

Suzan DelBene for Congress Hey John, I don’t have time to mince words today. On the heels of the near catastrophic debt default crisis, extremist Republicans are putting together another tax package behind closed doors. What are they hiding? Tax cuts for the wealthy and well-connected…
  Team DelBene · [email protected]
June 20, 2023 at 7:56 PM

Our queer communities are under attack

Suzan DelBene for Congress HAPPY PRIDE John! The first Pride march was held 53 years ago this month to commemorate the anniversary of Stonewall and the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights. Since then, June has been recognized as Pride Month to honor, celebrate, and protect the contribution,…
  Suzan · [email protected]
June 17, 2023 at 2:52 AM

4 sentences

Suzan DelBene for Congress $2743 needed. Straight to the point today – we came up about $2743 short of our June mid-month fundraising goal. Heading into the end of this quarter, we are getting ready to disclose all of our fundraising numbers so far, and we need to show up strong so we ca…
  Melissa Plummer · [email protected]
June 16, 2023 at 3:21 PM

before Suzan's flight

Suzan DelBene for Congress Team DelBene 2023 Issues Survey >> Hey John, I know you hear a lot from us, but it's even more important for Suzan to hear from you. So no frills, just me asking if you can take some time today and fill out a quick survey on what your current concerns an…
  Suzan DelBene · [email protected]
June 15, 2023 at 7:48 PM

Not a mid-month fundraising email

Suzan DelBene for Congress 3 million DREAMers need us. Hey, Today is the mid-month fundraising deadline for most campaigns so I'm sure your inboxes are full, but I'm actually writing to talk about an important anniversary and I hope you'll read on. On June 15, 2012, DACA – Deferre…