50+ Messages / Page

  Josephine Kalipeni, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
June 17, 2020 at 12:43 AM

A dinner conversation

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateI have invited some friends to join me for a dinner party this Thursday night. And you're invited.           John, I have no good words to express how I am feeling in this moment, so I will skip that. What I can offer is hope that you're finding moments of…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
June 12, 2020 at 10:28 PM

Join us on this journey

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateBuild a future in which all systems of care are truly equitable and honor our individual and collective humanity with us.           Caregiving connects us all. While it’s true that all of us will give or receive care at some point, the reality of how caregi…
  Ai-jen Poo, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
May 29, 2020 at 10:10 PM

Statement from Caring Across Generations regarding violence against Black people and communities

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateStatement from Caring Across Generations regarding violence against Black people and communities           As a campaign that supports caregivers, many of whom are mothers and fathers of Black and brown children, we mourn the loss of George Floyd, Tony McDa…
  Josephine Kalipeni, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
May 14, 2020 at 6:50 PM

Make your call for the HEROES Act

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateThis week, the House Democrats unveiled their latest coronavirus relief package, the HEROES Act. This bill provides trillions of dollars in support -- including much-needed family care and care infras           John, The COVID-19 crisis is ongoing and urge…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
May 10, 2020 at 5:21 PM

Moms deserve more than thanks + flowers

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateTake the #RosieChallenge in solidarity with moms this Mother's Day.           John, did you see Ai-jen’s #RosieChallenge selfie? Have you taken the #RosieChallenge yet? It’s an easy way to support the moms — and all the women across the country who have be…
  Ai-jen Poo, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
May 7, 2020 at 4:18 PM

John, the Riveter?

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateFighting for #CareForAll.           John, The COVID-19 crisis has shown the world something that you and I have always known: caregiving is essential work. So today, we’re doing something special to stand with the incredible women whose work caring for ou…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
April 26, 2020 at 7:10 PM

"Who is Caring for Us?" #CareForAll Town Hall starts at 4 PM Eastern!

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateTune in at 4 PM Eastern / 1 PM Pacific as experts, caregivers and organizers ask, "Who is Caring for Us?" Folks want to connect and feel a sense of community and that's just what we've got planned. It           It’s almost here, John! The “Who is Caring for…
  Bobbie Sackman for Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
April 25, 2020 at 8:03 PM

TOMORROW: "Who is Caring for Us?" #CareForAll Town Hall

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateYou're invited to join Caring Across Generations' virtual Town Hall tomorrow at 4 PM Eastern, 1 PM Pacific -- to hear from and build community with caregivers around the country.           John, I’m Bobbie Sackman, a member of the New York Caring Majority …
  Ai-jen Poo, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
April 24, 2020 at 7:30 PM

Join me at the #CareForAll Town Hall this Sunday

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateYou're invited to join our virtual Town Hall this Sunday at 4 PM Eastern, 1 PM Pacific -- to hear from and build community with caregivers around the country. Here's who else will be there:           John, I’m so excited for Caring Across Generations’ “Who…
  Namatie Mansaray, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
April 21, 2020 at 7:40 PM

LAST CHANCE TO SIGN: Support Care For All

Hi John — We're going to send our letter to Congressional leadership tomorrow, and I noticed that your name isn't on it yet. We're demanding that Congress focus on supporting essential workers and caregivers, and it would be great to have your support, John. Will you add your name? Please take a…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
April 20, 2020 at 10:52 PM

Join us Sunday for the "Who is Caring for Us?" Town Hall

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateYou're invited to join our virtual Town Hall this Sunday at 4 PM Eastern, 1 PM Pacific -- to hear from and build community with caregivers around the country. Titled "Who is Caring for Us?" this Town           John, As the COVID-19 crisis continues to turn…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
April 16, 2020 at 10:48 PM

SIGN NOW: Support Care For All

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateAll essential workers, especially family caregivers and domestic workers, deserve protections and benefits. We need #CareForAll.           John, This crisis has made some things exceptionally clear: The frontlines start in our homes. Care work is essential…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
April 9, 2020 at 2:47 PM

Resources for you

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateThe caregiving community has been sharing tips and advice and resources online, and we want to make sure you have access to all of it.           John, This crisis has upended the way we care for each other. Caregivers are facing new challenges as social di…
  Sade Dozan, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
March 24, 2020 at 7:28 PM

Re: How are you doing? We want to hear your story

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateThe single most effective thing you can do to convince a lawmaker to pass meaningful supports for family caregivers is sharing your personal experiences. We know that our stories make caregiving real           John — Since we sent this email yesterday, thi…
  Sade Dozan, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
March 23, 2020 at 9:15 PM

How are you doing? We want to hear your experiences

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateThe single most effective thing you can do to convince a lawmaker to pass meaningful supports for family caregivers is sharing your personal experiences. We know that our stories make caregiving real           John, Congress’s newest package of COVID-19 pa…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
March 20, 2020 at 9:33 PM

How we take care of each other

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateWe're joining our friends NDWA to raise $4 million to provide direct, immediate financial support for in-home care workers, nannies, and house cleaners who are navigating this emergency without a safe           John, The last few weeks have been especially…
  Josephine Kalipeni, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
March 16, 2020 at 7:03 PM

Tell the Senate: Pass coronavirus supports NOW

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateDuring this crisis, we need to ensure that those on the frontlines are supported. That especially means family caregivers and care workers!           John, During this crisis, we need to ensure that those on the frontlines are supported. That especially me…
  Charlotte Dodge, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
March 6, 2020 at 12:39 AM

Caregiving and coronavirus

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateIn times of crisis, like a natural disaster or a pandemic, it's often older people, people with disabilities and the people who care for them who are most vulnerable and impacted.           John, My mom is a hospice nurse, and she’s starting to worry about…
  Antonia Madian, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
February 27, 2020 at 8:48 PM

This Month at Caring Across: Visible and Valued

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateHow do we help people believe they deserve dignity and peace of mind?       Dear Friends and Allies, At last week’s National Domestic Workers’ Alliance Dignity Unity Power Summit in Las Vegas, Representative Pramila Jayapal said, “When you think about a bi…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 9:44 PM

Add your name to the Universal Family Care pledge

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateUniversal Family Care is designed for families, for caregivers, for people who need care, and for care workers. Will you sign the pledge to show your support for UFC today?           John, Results are in from the January 2020 Caring Majority Survey, and on…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
February 10, 2020 at 11:46 PM

Tell your Senator: Protect Medicaid

John, I wanted to make sure you saw yesterday's note from Josie about a proposed change to Medicaid which could mean caregiving families lose access to services. This is especially important now, as the budget released today by the Trump Administration calls for more than $150 billion in cuts to …
  Josephine Kalipeni, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
February 9, 2020 at 8:08 PM

Take Action: Protect Medicaid

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateA new change to Medicaid could mean that millions of people who need LTSS coverage have less support. Tell your elected officials to speak out against this change today!           John, The Trump Administration announced a big policy change last week that …
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
January 14, 2020 at 4:47 PM

John: Last chance to take the Caring Majority Survey

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateWe're looking to hear from even more Caring Across members by next Monday, January 20. Will you be one of them?           John, Caring Across Generations is already taking on a lot of important work in 2020. As we finalize our 2020 plans, we wanted to be …
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 7:09 PM

Help us start 2020 strong

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateThank you for your support through the last year. The campaign to change how we value care and caregiving celebrated some big wins, and we're excited to have you with us as we go into a new year.           John, Happy New Year! Thank you for your support t…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
December 30, 2019 at 6:13 PM

What your support made possible in 2019

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateSix highlights from 2019 give us reason to expect big things in 2020.           John, If you make a habit of watching the news, you know 2019 was hard for lots of folks. But for Caring Across Generations -- and we hope for you, too -- the campaign to value…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
December 18, 2019 at 7:15 PM

2019 Caring Majority Survey: Action Required

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateWe're looking to hear from 500 members of the Caring Majority by next Monday, December 23. Will you be one of them?           John, Caring Across Generations is gearing up for a lot of important work in 2020. As we build our plans for the next year, we wa…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
December 9, 2019 at 3:15 PM

Surprise! A thank you gift for John!

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateYou've given us so much this year, that we're giving something back. Claim your free sticker now!           John, For Giving Tuesday this year, we decided to do something a little different. We want to give you something to thank you for your ongoing suppo…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
December 3, 2019 at 7:25 PM

This Giving Tuesday, a gift for you

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateYou've given us so much this year, that we're giving something back. Claim your free sticker now!           John, Today is Giving Tuesday, and this year, we’re doing something a little different. We want to give you something to thank you for your ongoing …
  Janet Kim, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
November 19, 2019 at 6:39 PM

This Season at Caring Across: Polls, Politics, and Pulling Together

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateWelcome to a jam-packed fall edition of our newsletter.         Dear Friends and Allies,   Welcome to a jam-packed fall edition of our newsletter. It’s been a while, so consider the below a snippet of the latest and most critical updates (we know, it’s s…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
November 18, 2019 at 8:46 PM

We have a winner! Just one more thing...

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateYour votes helped pick a question to ask the candidates. Now, let's submit it to NBC News.           John, Your votes have been coming in all weekend, and we have a winner. With nearly 57% of the vote, the question you want to ask the presidential candida…
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
November 15, 2019 at 10:23 PM

Vote for the ONE question you would ask the candidates

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateIt's your chance to vote on the question we'll submit to the next Presidential debate.           John, Wow! You have a lot of questions. Since we asked you on Wednesday for the caregiving questions you would ask the presidential candidates, dozens of you …
  Beth Shipp, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
November 13, 2019 at 9:03 PM

What's the ONE question you would ask the candidates?

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateWhat caregiving question would you want asked at the next presidential debate?           John, Next week’s Democratic Presidential debate will feature something we haven’t seen in years: An all-female moderating team. Having only women asking questions me…
  Namatie Mansaray, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
September 24, 2019 at 9:15 PM

The Senate is about to vote on paid leave

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplatePlease take a moment to call your Senators and urge them to support the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act.           John, This week, the Senate will take what could be the only paid leave votes this Congress. They’ll consider two motions — one pretty good,…
  Janet Kim, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
September 8, 2019 at 2:18 PM

Why do grandparents love their grandkids so much?

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateCelebrate Grandparents Day today by sharing your story.           John, Share your story → There’s an old joke: Why do grandparents love their grandkids so much? Because at the end of the day, they can give them back. That’s not the case for gran…
  Sarita Gupta, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
September 5, 2019 at 2:36 PM

New Chapters

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateThough endings are hard, there are exciting things on the horizon, both for me and for the campaign.           Dear John, In 2007, when Ai-jen and I first met, little did we know then that in the years to come, we would design and launch Caring Across into…
  Ai-jen Poo, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
August 29, 2019 at 6:05 PM

We need to hear women's voices

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateWill you take 5-10 minutes to add your voice to the largest survey of women ever conducted?           John, Is your gender a leading identity for you? How old were you when you first realized the world treated you differently because you were a woman? Th…
  Kia Smith, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
July 25, 2019 at 4:50 PM

If You're An Amazing Grandparent (or Know One) Open This Email

Blue State Digital Mailing Template           Nana. Abuela. Ma’dear.  Grandpa. Paw Paw. Abuelito.  We talk a lot about making sure the older people we love have the care they need when they need it. But we can’t forget that care often goes both ways. Every day, grandparents show up in our…
  Antonia Madian, Caring Across Generations · [email protected]
July 18, 2019 at 6:59 PM

This Month at Caring Across: Wonk and Wit

Blue State Digital Mailing TemplateWe're taught that care is a family responsibility, and that our institutions don't have a role to play. But when our institutions and leaders fail to support and demonstrate care, they fail us altoget         Dear Friends and Allies, We’re taught that car…
  Janet Kim, Communications Director · [email protected]
June 28, 2019 at 4:03 PM

We're glad you're here!

Welcome to the #CaringMajority,?John! We are so glad to see you here. Hope you will enjoy every email from us. We promise not to spam. You are subscribed at this email:[email protected] You can also join in with the #CaringMajority on our Facebook page, on Twitter, and, if you are taking on the uniq…