50+ Messages / Page

  NJ-11 RACE UPDATE · [email protected]
March 21, 2020 at 6:43 PM

Update on our race:

What happens at the end of the month →     We have a quick weekend update -- the first FEC end-of-quarter deadline of 2020 is coming up soon. Will you chip in before then? Any amount makes a huge difference. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your do…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
March 20, 2020 at 7:45 PM

These local charities need our help

Please consider contributing if you can.     As you know, our day-to-day lives have been transformed by the coronavirus outbreak over the course of the past few weeks. We’ve had to change our behaviors and routines in order to take care of ourselves and others. Children are home fr…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
March 19, 2020 at 3:43 PM

Washington Republicans are scared of us

THIS is how much the National GOP is spending →     This could be bad for us -- Washington Republicans are planning an unprecedented $4 million “blue-state invasion,” and our race is on their list of targets. The first FEC deadline of the election year is coming up fast, and we…
  Elizabeth Davis · [email protected]
March 18, 2020 at 5:43 PM

not the email I wanted to send

but I have to tell you this →     BREAKING: Trump’s campaign is planning to pour money and staffers into New Jersey CONTRIBUTE NOW TO FORTIFY OUR CAMPAIGN A top GOP official said the new push is designed to “send House Democrats packing” -- they are talking about Mikie. …
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
March 18, 2020 at 12:31 AM

VIDEO: Update from Mikie on coronavirus

What Mikie's doing to keep our communities healthy →     Like many of us, Mikie has worked from home the past few days -- with four kids in the house no less -- and wanted to update everyone with the latest information about the coronavirus. Watch Mikie’s video message M…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
March 16, 2020 at 4:16 PM

An update from Mikie HQ:

A lot has changed in recent days and we want to quickly touch base.     First off, we hope you are well. A lot has changed in recent days. The safety and well-being of New Jerseyans remains our highest priority. To that end, we have postponed all of our large in-person events i…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
March 11, 2020 at 11:34 PM

COVID-19 Update (coronavirus)

A few reminders to keep you and your loved ones healthy:     Hi, everyone, On Monday, Gov. Phil Murphy issued a State of Emergency here in New Jersey in response to coronavirus (COVID-19). While risk still remains low, I urge New Jersey residents and those across the country to ta…
  Elizabeth Davis, Campaign Manager · [email protected]
March 6, 2020 at 8:31 PM

my first ask

I'm Mikie's campaign manager, and I need to ask you a favor.     Hey, I’m Elizabeth, Mikie’s new campaign manager, and I want to share few things about myself: I’m the proud owner of a very sweet cat. I’ve honed my backgammon skills over the years. I’ve been working to elect …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
March 3, 2020 at 1:45 PM

Please, don't forget

about the House     It’s here -- today is Super Tuesday. Americans all over the country are casting their ballots, and while I know the presidential race is dominating the national conversation right now, we can’t lose focus of the House. Because that’s exactly what Washin…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
March 1, 2020 at 12:03 AM

Hi, I know it's late

but I just got word →     I know it’s late and this is the second time you’ve heard from me today, but we’re so close . CHIP IN BEFORE CRITICAL DEADLINE → I know this team has what it takes to win a tough race. After all, this is the team that drove us to a victory in 20…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 29, 2020 at 4:20 PM

my GOP hand-picked opponent:

a BIG update in our race →     House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy endorsed our opponent and gave her the full financial support of the Washington Republican establishment. I’ll be honest -- we’re in for a fight. Will you chip in before midnight tonight to help me fight ba…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 28, 2020 at 10:04 PM

McConnell + our opponent

What you need to know →     Our Republican opponent’s lobbying shop raised over $250,000 for Mitch McConnell’s campaign arm this month. Honestly, we’re not surprised -- our opponent, Rosemary Becchi has the full support of the Washington Republicans who have spent millions atta…
  CHRIS CHRISTIE ALERT [Mikie Sherrill for Congress] · [email protected]
February 28, 2020 at 5:36 PM

This is worrisome:

Chris Christie thinks he can win.     CHIP IN BEFORE CRITICAL DEADLINE → This headline should worry you, because it definitely worries us. Chris Christie and New Jersey Republicans -- like our opponent, Rosemary Becchi -- think they have a real shot at winning in 202…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 27, 2020 at 10:08 PM

what we need to do right now:

There's still time to chip in!     The end-of-month deadline is less than 72 hours away. We know what we need to do, because we’ve done it before. In 2018, our race was one of the most closely watched House races in the country. The polls were close almost the entire duration o…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 27, 2020 at 5:43 PM

One Year of Inaction

We demand action on guns. Now.     I’m furious, and here's why: Yesterday, I got another alert on my phone that a mass shooting took the lives of five innocent Americans. My heart breaks for the victims and their families. I had already planned on writing to you this morning about…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 23, 2020 at 8:03 PM

2 critical races in New Jersey →

Ours is one of them.     New Jersey 101.5: “NJ in national spotlight, pivotal for GOP efforts to win [House] majority”Chip in before the end-of-month deadline → This is urgent: New Jersey is key to determining who will control the House after 2020, and pundits say Republicans h…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 22, 2020 at 6:37 PM

This will cost you thousands:

SALT >>     Team -- As millions of New Jerseyans prepare to file their taxes this year, many will find they owe thousands more dollars than in years past. Before the 2017 Tax Bill, New Jersey families wrote-off an average of $19,162 on state and local taxes. When Washingt…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 6:50 PM

yes, this is about 🍕

This is an important issue, and we want to hear from YOU.     Team, we're wading into a hot-button topic: the best pizza in New Jersey. These are a few of our team’s favorite spots to get a slice in NJ-11: - Franco's — West Caldwell - Enzo — Montclair - Lombardi’s — Cedar Grove - …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 18, 2020 at 12:49 AM

Vote for the best President

    Team -- Happy Presidents Day! Today we honor not a particular president, but the office of the Presidency itself. Since the American Revolution, Presidents have served as role models, visionaries, and moral leaders for the country and the world beyond our borders. To honor th…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 16, 2020 at 5:45 PM

This is bad for NJ families →

Medicaid, Medicare, SNAP, and Social Security are on the chopping block.     The president’s administration just released its budget plan, and I’ll be honest -- it’s bad for New Jersey families. Add Your Name to SAY NO to the President’s Dangerous Budget500 SPOTS LEFT: Sign our pet…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 15, 2020 at 9:33 PM

Here's the truth:

Our new opponent is falsely attacking my record.     Our new opponent is falsely attacking my record. Here’s the truth: I’ve worked across the aisle to get things done for hardworking New Jersey families. Will you chip in before the FEC mid-quarter deadline tonight to continue…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 15, 2020 at 3:26 PM

No room for mistakes

Our opponents are going all in to defeat us.     This is urgent -- we have a big deadline tonight and as of 9 am, we’re coming up short. We can’t let anything go to chance, especially now that a corporate lobbyist with deep ties to big-dollar special interest groups and Washing…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 14, 2020 at 1:00 AM

We just made history!

Women need equal rights under the law once and for all.     We made history today! The House just moved the Equal Rights Amendment forward. I’ll be honest with you -- it’s long overdue. When I was born in 1972, my mother was reassured by the fact that the ERA -- authored by New Je…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 12, 2020 at 2:05 PM

MAJOR step forward! [critical movement on Gateway Project]

This is great news for NJ transit!     Mikie is making good on her promises to hardworking New Jerseyans. ✅ First, Mikie helped advance a bipartisan measure designed to lessen the tax burden created by the SALT deduction cap. ✅ Now, the Portal Bridge Replacement Project - a cr…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
February 9, 2020 at 6:21 PM

What do Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham have in common?

Hint: it is bad news for New Jersey     Hi Team, I've been looking at the donor reports of several of the most right-wing Republicans in Congress and noticed something peculiar. All of them have received big donations from Mikie's opponent: corporate lobbyist, Rosemary Becchi. …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 8, 2020 at 10:21 PM

We demand bold action on climate change

    Team, If you watched the State of the Union, you may have noticed that the words “climate change” were never even mentioned. The threat of climate change is real but many Washington Republicans are in denial. We, on the other hand, are advancing legislation in the House to ad…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 6, 2020 at 2:34 PM

5 Reasons We Must Complete the Gateway Tunnel

Inaction is NOT an option.     5 Things You Didn’t Know About The Gateway Tunnel ProjectChip in $5 to support Mikie’s fight to save our infrastructure! 1. Studies show that a collapse or long term closure of the existing tunnels could cause a national recession and cost the eco…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 5, 2020 at 3:30 PM

My team just told me the good news!

And I want to share it with you →     Friends, My team just told me our end of quarter fundraising numbers. Thank you, because honestly, last month was really tough. Our brand-new Republican opponent -- a corporate lobbyist with the full backing of the Washington Republican es…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
February 4, 2020 at 7:59 PM

Why The State of the Union Still Matters

Now is the time to put country first     Tonight is a special night. I will be attending my second State of the Union and before I head down to Capitol Hill I would like to take this opportunity to step back and talk about why I ran for this seat in 2018. Some of the greatest chall…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 2, 2020 at 4:02 PM

Mikie on Bill Maher is a MUST watch!

We're so proud of Mikie.     MIKIE ON REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER:Watch now → On Friday, Mikie got real on Real Time with Bill Maher about the importance of 2020: "I think what we are looking at is the taking back of our democracy. I think the American people have had enough." I…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
February 2, 2020 at 12:15 AM

Mikie on Bill Maher is a MUST watch:

We're so proud of Mikie.     MIKIE ON REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER:Watch now → Yesterday, Mikie got real on Real Time with Bill Maher about the importance of 2020: "I think what we are looking at is the taking back of our democracy. I think the American people have had enough." I…
  Mikie Sherrill for Congress · [email protected]
January 31, 2020 at 11:02 PM

Please read. No time.

DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT TONIGHT     Our deadline is in a matter of minutes, so we’ll be quick. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: The path to the House Majority runs straight through New Jersey’s 11th district. We need to reach our first end-of-month goal of 2020 to defe…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 31, 2020 at 3:42 PM

The 7 Most Important House Races

We're on the list:     Chip in before midnight → We need to talk -- pundits say there are seven races that are key to determining control of the House in 2020, and we are on that list. That’s why Washington Republicans are attacking us like never before. If we’re going to de…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
January 30, 2020 at 9:20 PM

Mikie's opponent means business

This race just got more competitive     We’ll be blunt -- we need you to chip in immediately to Mikie’s re-election campaign and here’s why: FIRST: Washington Republicans cleared the path for Rosemary Becchi -- a corporate lobbyist with deep ties to special interest groups -- t…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 28, 2020 at 11:40 PM

This is not the New Jersey I know

Here's why:     CHIP IN BEFORE TRUMP’S RALLY TONIGHT → I’m reaching out for the second time today, because honestly, I’m concerned. We’re moments away from President Trump taking the stage in New Jersey to tout his record which has hurt NJ families and disrespected NJ va…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 28, 2020 at 7:28 PM

Trump arrives in a few hours

and I need to ask you something     Hi Team, I don’t have much time so I’ll be quick. I’m personally asking you to chip in any amount you can to my re-election campaign, and here’s why: President Trump arrives in New Jersey in a matter of hours for a campaign rally to bolster s…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 27, 2020 at 6:59 PM

Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Friends, Seventy-five years ago today, Allied forces liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp, the site of unspeakable acts of brutality. It is estimated that at least 1 million people were murdered at Auschwitz, and more than 6 million women, children, and men were slaughte…
  Jackie Burns · [email protected]
January 26, 2020 at 10:32 PM

Quick follow-up →

I'll be honest -- this is bad news.     I’m Jackie, Mikie’s communications director, and I need to quickly follow up about the Republican opponent who just jumped in our race. I’ll be honest -- this is bad news. Our new opponent is a corporate lobbyist with deep ties to big-do…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 25, 2020 at 10:18 PM

Need to touch base

before Trump arrives in New Jersey     I want to touch base before President Trump’s campaign rally in New Jersey and explain why your grassroots support is critical: With Trump’s upcoming arrival and a brand-new Republican opponent, the race for NJ-11 has never been more compe…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
January 25, 2020 at 6:22 PM

ALERT: Trump in New Jersey!

Will you take action before Tuesday?     Important update: President Trump is coming to New Jersey for a campaign rally in just 72 hours. CHIP IN BEFORE TRUMP’S RALLY → Trump is heading to our state to bolster support for Jeff Van Drew, who betrayed his supporters and switched…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
January 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM

CONFIRMED: Mikie's Republican opponent

corporate tax lobbyist wants to represent NJ-11     BREAKING: Corporate Tax Lobbyist Enters NJ-11 Congressional Race It’s confirmed -- a new Republican opponent entered the race to challenge Mikie in November, and we’ll be honest with you, this is the biggest challenge our camp…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 21, 2020 at 6:34 PM

good news and bad news

    Hi Team -- I have good news and bad news. First, the good news: We’re heading into 2020 with more enthusiasm and grassroots support than ever before! Last quarter more than 93% of our donations were from small dollar contributions. Can you chip in to keep this momentum go…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 18, 2020 at 10:48 PM

100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment

We have the right to vote, but so much work to do.     Three years ago, women all over the country organized and marched for their rights. We built on that movement in 2018, with more than 15,000 New Jerseyans joining together in Morristown, because this is the sad reality: There is…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 16, 2020 at 5:03 PM

Please, we're so close

Only a few hours left!     FIRST DEADLINE OF 2020:Chip in $5 before midnight → Only a few hours left -- we’re so close to reaching our first goal of the election year, but close isn’t going to cut it. Now that it’s officially 2020, Washington Republicans are attacking my recor…
  Brian Derrick · [email protected]
January 15, 2020 at 2:40 PM

Hey, can you do Mikie a favor?

We have the first deadline of 2020 TOMORROW.     FIRST DEADLINE OF 2020:Chip in $5 before tomorrow → I know -- the news has been overwhelming lately. The first step to tackling the biggest issues facing our country is making sure we have the right leaders fighting for our valu…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 13, 2020 at 7:24 PM

RE: Abigail Spanberger

2 of the most competitive races in the country →     When I entered Congress, I instantly found common ground with my friend and colleague, Rep. Abigail Spanberger. (We even live in the same building when we’re in Washington!) Like me, Abigail has served our country multiple ti…
  Mikie Sherrill and Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
January 12, 2020 at 9:55 PM

What we have in common:

    Hi there, it’s Mikie Sherrill and Abigail Spanberger. When we entered Congress, we quickly discovered we had a lot in common: - We both served our country overseas - We both have young children - We both flipped seats essential to taking back the House. - And we even live…
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
January 11, 2020 at 7:34 PM

Women's Reproductive Rights

in danger     Over 200 Members of Congress signed a letter asking the Supreme Court to reconsider and overturn Roe v. Wade. If Republicans retake the House, we will face increasingly dangerous attacks on women’s health. Truthfully, we saw this coming from a mile away. Anti-choice …
  Mikie Sherrill · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 9:54 PM

my last ask:

This is it!     Team, This is our last chance to hit our goal before our final FEC deadline of the year. I am asking you to chip in so we can continue all the important work you sent me to Washington to accomplish. Will you contribute before midnight so we are ready to take o…
  Team Mikie · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 6:29 PM

don't let this all go to waste

What we've been working toward →     Since day one, we knew Washington Republicans would relentlessly attack Mikie. That’s why we’ve diligently worked to build a strong grassroots team that would step up in the most critical moments of our campaign. This is one of those critic…