50+ Messages / Page

  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
April 8, 2022 at 7:16 PM

We can’t stop extremists without you

Will you just take 3 minutes? Hi, John – your feedback is crucial to saving democracy right now! Let me explain: Last week, we launched our 2022 RepresentUs Member Survey to use input from our movement to design effective campaigns to protect and strengthen elections. Today, our…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
March 28, 2022 at 9:23 PM

Victory! Democracy update for John

We fought partisan gerrymandering – and won!      
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
March 25, 2022 at 6:37 PM

John: Will you take this strategy survey?

Your feedback is essential to saving our elections >> John, 2022 is shaping up to be a pivotal year in our fight to save free elections – and we need your help to design the most impactful campaigns.  With elections under attack, we need to play both offense and defense. Ri…
  Amanda Pustz, Represent.Us · [email protected]
March 8, 2022 at 9:04 PM

Our deadline to save fair elections is approaching

NationBuilder “You rigged my ******* election, you **** piece of ****.” John: The situation in Wisconsin is dire: “You rigged my ******* election, you **** piece of ****. We’re going to try you and we’re going to ****** convict your piece of **** ***, and we’re gonna hang you.” - Th…
  Amanda Pustz, Represent.Us · [email protected]
March 4, 2022 at 8:04 PM

What’s happening in Wisconsin should terrify everyone

NationBuilder Well-funded groups are targeting and harassing local election administrators John, what’s happening in Wisconsin should terrify all of America: Well-funded authoritarian groups are attempting to seize control of Wisconsin’s elections. They’re barraging election offici…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
February 21, 2022 at 10:04 PM

Mobilized, organized, and ready to fight

Fuel the fight for ranked choice voting in states across America >> John: RepresentUs is fighting to pass ranked choice voting in cities and states across the country. But a recent poll found that almost 50% of Americans don’t have a strong understanding of ranked choice vot…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
January 27, 2022 at 9:33 PM

Take back democracy in 2022

NationBuilder The democracy movement is firing on all cylinders, John >>      
  Joshua Graham Lynn · [email protected]
January 26, 2022 at 9:52 PM

Save the Date: American Democracy Summit 2022!

Join us in LA, John!      
  Jen Johnson · [email protected]
January 25, 2022 at 10:12 PM

RSVP: Join us this Thursday, John

What’s next for our democracy, John? Hi John,  Just wanted to make sure you caught my invite to this Thursday’s Strategy Call. The U.S. Senate let America down by failing to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. But the pro-democracy movement is still moving full steam ahea…
  Jen Johnson · [email protected]
January 20, 2022 at 3:42 AM

Bad news, John.

Join us as we move forward together in this fight. John, I have bad news. Tonight the Senate failed to reform the filibuster – blocking the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act from passing for now. The fact that Congress couldn't work together to pass an incredibly popular bill t…
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
January 19, 2022 at 6:13 PM

CALL NOW: Tell your senators to stay on the floor

John’s action needed on the 'Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act' Here’s the latest, John: This week the U.S. Senate began debate on the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act – the most consequential democracy reform bill we’ve seen in over 60 years.  But it will only pass if lawmake…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
January 14, 2022 at 9:15 PM

Quick timeline update, John

Quick update John – Majority Leader Schumer has delayed debate on the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act due to Sen. Brian Schatz testing positive for COVID-19 and a snowstorm expected to hit D.C. this weekend.  The U.S. Senate is now planning to begin debate on the Freedom to Vo…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
January 13, 2022 at 10:24 PM

Happening now: The Freedom to Vote Act advances in the Senate

In an unpredictable turn of events, the Freedom to Vote Act is now being debated on the Senate floor. BREAKING: Senator Schumer just used a rare Senate procedure to force debate on the Freedom to Vote Act. John – In an unusual turn of events, the newly-named Freedom to Vote: Jo…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
January 12, 2022 at 6:13 PM

Before the Senate meets next Monday, John

Why next Monday is so crucial >> Wanted to make sure you caught this, John. The U.S. Senate is just days away from a crucial vote on whether to reform the filibuster to make way for the Freedom to Vote Act.  If we can move enough senators to reform the filibuster, we’ll have…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
January 6, 2022 at 6:15 PM

Here’s how we can redefine this day

NationBuilder Together we can turn this day from a stain on our democracy to a day of action to protect it. John, Today marks one year since insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, exposing how close America is to the brink of total political collapse. While insurrectionists failed t…
  Elisa Ortiz, RepresentUs · [email protected]
December 23, 2021 at 2:45 PM

INSIDE: Our 2022 campaigns

Anti-corruption ballot measures and legislation across America, John >> Hi, John –  I’m Elisa Ortiz, the Policy and Political Chief of Staff here at RepresentUs. I lead the team of state and local policy experts that has racked up 129 victories in the last ten years. We’re a…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
December 18, 2021 at 7:42 PM

What we’re hearing from Senator Manchin

Sources say we’re getting closer, John I’ve got a quick update for you, John – Congress just left Washington for the rest of the year without passing the Freedom to Vote Act. But we have reason to be more optimistic than ever about the chances for this bill in January.  Senator Ma…
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
December 17, 2021 at 9:42 PM

[For John] Here’s the status on the Freedom to Vote Act

we’re getting ready for two different scenarios John – I know you’re waiting for news on the Freedom to Vote Act, just like all Americans who care about democracy. Right now, Senator Manchin is in talks with his colleagues about reforming the filibuster, and we’re doing everythin…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
December 11, 2021 at 2:32 PM

Off to a rocky start

I just got word from our political team, John >> John – I just got a briefing from our political team on what's coming in 2022, and I’m worried: We’re expecting an avalanche of gerrymandered districts and an attempt by anti-democratic forces to take over local election boar…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
December 9, 2021 at 3:13 PM

BREAKING: NBA Launches #TeamDemocracy

Steph Curry jumps into the fight for voting rights >> Heads up, John!  We only have a few more days before Congress goes on recess – so today, RepresentUs is teaming up with the NBA and superstar Steph Curry to launch a brand new video to mobilize millions of new Americans …
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
December 7, 2021 at 4:31 PM

Crucial Update: Flooding the Senate phone lines >>

here’s what this crucial update means for the Freedom to Vote Act CRUCIAL UPDATE: Majority Leader Chuck Schumer just extended the Senate session, giving us a few more days to pass the Freedom to Vote Act before the end of the year. John – this is promising news. But the Senate has…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
December 2, 2021 at 7:42 PM

Re: 2022

Help us reach our $75,000 year-end goal >> Can you believe it’s almost 2022, John? Neither can we! But sure enough, RepresentUs only has four more weeks to reach our year-end $75,000 fundraising goal.  From threats to the integrity of our democracy to the spectre of rigged e…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
November 30, 2021 at 8:33 PM

It’s their vacation or our democracy

Time is running out, John >> This is our moment, John. The U.S. Senate only has a few weeks to pass the Freedom to Vote Act before they plan to go on recess on December 17th.  If Congress doesn’t fix the filibuster and pass the Freedom to Vote Act before they head home, Amer…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
November 24, 2021 at 7:42 PM

Democracy's defining moment is here:

  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
November 17, 2021 at 7:32 PM

JUST NOW: More than 100 arrests at the White House

The largest 'Freedom to Vote Act’ protest yet, John >> John,  BREAKING: More than 100 patriots - including RepresentUs Federal Reform Director Damon Effingham - were just arrested in front of the White House at a rally urging President Biden to join the push to pass the Free…
  Mark Ruffalo · [email protected]
November 12, 2021 at 4:21 PM

Deadline is tonight to get Electile Dysfunction on TV

Hey there – it's Mark again. Our hilarious spoof ad about Electile Dysfunction has already reached over 3.1 million Americans with our message on how to get more satisfying elections. Now we have a plan to air it on TV, but we need your support to make it happen. That’s why I’m…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
November 10, 2021 at 11:12 PM

Huge response

John,  Our hilarious new spoof ad about Electile Dysfunction has been out for less than 24 hours and millions of people have already seen it! Now Twitter users are breaking down our door to get this ad on TV and make sure every American knows how the Freedom to Vote Act can save …
  Mark Ruffalo · [email protected]
November 10, 2021 at 1:42 PM

WATCH: We found the cure to Electile Dysfunction

Okay, John … I never thought I’d tell anyone this – but the time for hiding is over. I have Electile Dysfunction. The symptoms keep piling up. My democracy is flaccid, my political system impotent – and my politicians are completely unable to perform their most basic duty to the …
  Gerry’s Partisan Pizza, RepresentUs · [email protected]
November 8, 2021 at 11:12 PM

6 states. So. Many. Pizzas

Think pizza has nothing to do with politics, John? Boy are you wrong. My name is Gerry, of Gerry’s Partisan Pizza – and I despise gerrymandering. I saw how politicians were preparing to redraw voting districts and rig elections for the next decade, and I wasn’t going to stand ar…
  RepresentUs · [email protected]
November 4, 2021 at 4:22 PM

We never get tired of winning, John

This week's victories »      
  Josh Silver · [email protected]
November 3, 2021 at 2:30 PM

Now: I’m with the King family in front of the White House

Hi John, Today, I’m protesting in front of the White House with Martin Luther King Jr.’s family and youth leaders from all over America to demand action from President Biden to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and save our democracy. For this to work, we need everyone to amplify toda…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
November 1, 2021 at 10:06 PM

Protesting outside the White House to save democracy

Let me explain: RepresentUs is turning up the heat this week, John. Let me explain: This Wednesday, RepresentUs co-founder Josh Silver is joining Yolanda King – Martin Luther King Jr.’s granddaughter and youth activist – and other democracy leaders to demonstrate in front of the W…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
October 26, 2021 at 4:42 PM

Announcing Gerry’s Partisan Pizza

Gerrymandering allows politicians to pick their voters and Gerry’s gets to decide who gets delicious free pizza. John – Which of these two words gets your attention? 1. Gerrymandering 2. Pizza If you’re like most of America, you hate rigged elections, but pizza is what pulled y…
  Erin Lehman, RepresentUs West Virginia Organizer · [email protected]
October 24, 2021 at 4:04 PM

How we're planning to get Manchin's attention

Halfway there: here’s the inside scoop on our progress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act Hello John, My name is Erin. I’m a proud West Virginian organizer and I've been working all year with RepresentUs to push Senator Manchin to pass the Freedom to Vote Act. When the Senate block…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
October 23, 2021 at 12:32 PM

This Monday: How we pass the ‘Freedom to Vote Act’

Here’s the latest, John. Earlier this week: Obstructionist senators filibustered the Freedom to Vote Act, stopping the Senate from even debating this once-in-a-generation bill to save our democracy. This is outrageous, but the fight’s not over yet.  Join us on Monday, October 25t…
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
October 20, 2021 at 8:06 PM

BREAKING: the Freedom to Vote Act just got filibustered, here’s how we pass it

[details inside] help fund our campaign demanding Senator Joe Manchin fix the filibuster to pass the Freedom to Vote Act: BREAKING: SENATE OBSTRUCTIONISTS FILIBUSTER THE FREEDOM TO VOTE ACT John: we’re asking for your donation to fund our massive West Virginia pressure campaign d…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
October 15, 2021 at 7:04 PM

OPEN LETTER: Will you join and tell the Senate to allow debate

Our Senate insiders tell us that Senator Manchin has been working to build bipartisan support… but he needs our help >> Just Announced: Senator Schumer intends to bring the Freedom to Vote Act to the Senate floor on Monday – but obstructionists are threatening to stop the Se…
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
October 6, 2021 at 3:04 PM

Re: John Lewis and his legacy

Call the Senate to pass the ‘John Lewis Voting Rights Act’ >> John – happening today:   The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet at 2pm ET for an important hearing on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.  The bill would reinstate vital voter protections from the V…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
September 30, 2021 at 11:06 PM

Countdown to pass the Freedom to Vote Act

John: Everything RepresentUs members like you have been doing to pass this bill      
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
September 22, 2021 at 1:42 PM

How this will play out

Hi John,  I wanted to update you on the latest in D.C. and let you know what to expect in the coming weeks. Last Tuesday, Senator Manchin helped introduce the Freedom to Vote Act to save our democracy.  In my many years working on Capitol Hill, I have never seen a more comprehens…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
September 19, 2021 at 6:05 PM

Can you join on Tuesday to make calls for the Freedom to Vote Act?

a Senate floor vote is rapidly approaching -- this phonebank is crucial John – we’re so excited: Senator Manchin just released the groundbreaking Freedom to Vote Act this week. It would make Election Day a federal holiday, ban gerrymandering, and put an end to dark money. But wi…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
September 15, 2021 at 2:12 PM

It’s time to get off the mat, John

John, Today we’re launching an inspiring new video starring Lady Liberty as a boxer (yep! seriously), to spread the word about the Freedom to Vote Act before the Senate votes on it next week.  Will you watch and share this timely video to build awareness and support for this fast…
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
September 10, 2021 at 1:42 PM

This Monday, John

John, Wanted to make sure you caught my update from Washington. This Monday, RepresentUs is holding a massive digital day of action to mobilize thousands of Americans and send a clear message to the Senate: Do whatever it takes to save our democracy. Here’s how you can get involv…
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
September 8, 2021 at 8:52 PM

The state of play in Washington

John, Next week, senators will return to D.C. to consider proposals that would fix our democracy. Senators only have a few weeks to get democracy reform over the finish line before dozens of states across America will lock in gerrymandered voting districts for the next ten years.…
  Joe Kabourek, RepresentUs · [email protected]
August 30, 2021 at 8:42 PM

They want to keep us in the dark. We won't let them.

John, Gerrymandering has been a threat to our democracy for nearly a century. But this year, politicians drawing maps behind closed doors have access to more data about you and your neighborhood than ever before. And they now have the computing technology to draw maps so their pa…
  Joe Kabourek, RepresentUs · [email protected]
August 26, 2021 at 9:11 PM


John,Corrupt politicians are so cocky about gerrymandering that while they’re rigging maps in secret, they’re bragging about it to anyone who will listen. Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle just boasted in a speech to donors: “I guarantee you we can draw four Republican congress…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
August 24, 2021 at 10:02 PM

District of Columbia could be the next Wisconsin

John, In closely watched Wisconsin, politicians are refusing to hold a single community hearing to gather input from the public before they lock in new voting maps for the next ten years. What’s happening in Wisconsin is coming to your hometown next. Politicians in District of Co…
  Jen Johnson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
August 20, 2021 at 3:03 PM

Here’s why recess actually might help us

John, The U.S. Senate adjourned for a month-long recess and senators returned to their home states without outlawing gerrymandering or fixing our broken political system. Our job for the next 4 weeks is to make sure senators know that their constituents demand they pass the For t…
  James Jameson, RepresentUs · [email protected]
August 17, 2021 at 3:12 PM

These Americans Aren’t Tired Yet (and neither are we!)

Hi John,Last week, volunteers banded together in nearly 30 cities across America as part of our Democracy Can't Wait Week of Action to amp up the pressure on Congress to pass the For the People Act. From crafting parties to barbeques, petition drives to DIY mobile billboards, vol…
  Damon Effingham, RepresentUs · [email protected]
August 10, 2021 at 10:52 PM

Filibustered again

John,  I wanted to reach out to let you know about some new developments in Washington on the fight to fix our broken democracy. Today, Senate leaders announced that they would be bringing three bills to the floor for a vote as soon as tomorrow — and The For the People Act is one…