50+ Messages / Page

  Heather R. Higgins · [email protected]
April 16, 2020 at 5:10 PM


#InThisTogether Independent Women’s Forum is “in the room,” helping influence some of the top policy proposals, pieces of legislation, regulatory reforms, and legal Hi Friend,   As Americans, no challenge is too great, no hardship is too tough. And with COVI…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
April 16, 2020 at 12:29 AM

Weekly Capsule: NY doctor beats virus and returns to frontline, Labor unions shamefully use pandemic, 5 things to know about stimulus checks, 5G truth

Weekly Capsule: NY doctor beats virus and returns to frontline, Labor unions shamefully use pandemic, 5 things to know about stimulus checks, 5G truth In today’s crisis, governors from both parties have exemplified strong leadership. They know their residents and their state’s needs better t…
  Ashley MacLeay · [email protected]
April 15, 2020 at 3:59 PM

Book Club Announcement: Special Appearance

Book Club Announcement: Special Appearance We are very excited to announce that former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley will be making a special appearance at our inaugural #IWFReads Book Club event #IWFReads Book Club Exclusive Opportunity:  Special Appearance   …
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
April 13, 2020 at 4:01 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Leaundrea Manning

Champion Women Profiles  |  Leaundrea Manning On the road with Leaundrea Manning. Truckers are our new heroes. Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Leaundrea Manning, who drives a truck and is working through the coronavirus crisis, i…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
April 8, 2020 at 10:12 PM

Weekly Capsule: Dr. Birx on China's missing data, Pelosi eyes new rescue bill, Media's COVID-19 agenda, Families feeling vulnerable + book club invite

Weekly Capsule: Dr. Birx on China's missing data, Pelosi eyes new rescue bill, Media's COVID-19 agenda, Families feeling vulnerable + book club invite According to some reports, crime has increased across the nation with stay-at-home orders most likely to blame. …
  Ashley MacLeay · [email protected]
April 6, 2020 at 7:36 PM

What we’re reading:

What we’re reading: During this time of uncertainty and change, Independent Women’s Forum understands the need to stay connected. That's why we created a book club. Hi Friend,   During this time of uncertainty and change, Independent Women’s Forum understand…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
April 1, 2020 at 11:29 PM

Weekly Capsule: Don't be fooled by this statistic, COVID-19 busting state budgets, Crisis forces many to rethink civil value, Reusable bags + weddings

Weekly Capsule: Don't be fooled by this statistic, COVID-19 busting state budgets, Crisis forces many to rethink civil value, Reusable bags + weddings The USA will be better off than some other countries, especially if we succeed in reducing demand for services by slowing the spread of COVID…
  Independent Women’s Forum · [email protected]
March 31, 2020 at 6:59 PM

Good news (+ special offer)

Good news (+ special offer) We created these products just for you… just as you are… Independent: Defined. Hi Friend,   We could all use some good news right now…  Independent Women’s Forum is excited to announce the launch of our inaugural online store… fe…
  Heather R. Higgins · [email protected]
March 26, 2020 at 10:07 PM

Just look around

Just look around Just pause and look around right now. Yes, times are hard and uncertain. But you will see the best of humanity and what America is made of. Hi Friend,   Just pause and look around right now. Despite these hard and uncertain times, you will s…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
March 25, 2020 at 8:15 PM

Weekly Capsule: Dem grab-bag coronavirus bill, Commitments to workers during COVID-19, Stranded students' SAT/ACT alternative + spike in gun sales

Weekly Capsule: Dem grab-bag coronavirus bill, Commitments to workers during COVID-19, Stranded students' SAT/ACT alternative + spike in gun sales Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrats choose pork over people in their coronavirus counterproposal bill. In the 1,000+ page behemoth of a bill is... …
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
March 18, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Weekly Capsule: Proper containment response, #InThisTogether campaign launch, COVID-19 aid bill, Claiming victimhood hurts women + more

Weekly Capsule: Proper containment response, #InThisTogether campaign launch, COVID-19 aid bill, Claiming victimhood hurts women + more Everyone at Independent Women’s Forum hopes that this update finds you healthy and safe. Like you, we are troubled by these uncertain, tough times.... …
  Carrie Lukas · [email protected]
March 17, 2020 at 1:10 AM

Coronavirus heroes

Coronavirus heroes IWF invites you to inspire us with more stories and pictures that show the thoughtfulness and ingenuity of heroes around the country. Hi Friend,   There’s a lot of grim news out there.  Americans face a time of uncertainty and unprecedent…
  Patrice Onwuka · [email protected]
March 13, 2020 at 9:36 PM

Because the government got in the way.

Because the government got in the way. Why are so many Americans chasing work, rather than chasing their dreams? Because the government got in the way. Hi Friend,   Why are so many Americans chasing work, rather than chasing their dreams? Because the govern…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
March 11, 2020 at 7:59 PM

Weekly Capsule: CDC's lowballing coronavius numbers, NY plastic bag ban, Bloomberg gets armed protection but you don't, Nikki Haley defends capitalism

Weekly Capsule: CDC's lowballing coronavius numbers, NY plastic bag ban, Bloomberg gets armed protection but you don't, Nikki Haley defends capitalism The CDC is America’s lead agency for expertise and guidance on the coronavirus, so the CDC website is where you’d look for up-to-the-minute d…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
March 9, 2020 at 9:42 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Judith Bowman

Champion Women Profiles  |  Judith Bowman She has an important message for everybody who wants to see a restoration of civility. Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Judith Bowman, who specializes in teaching business etiquette and fo…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
March 5, 2020 at 1:59 AM

Weekly Capsule: A new setback for AB 5, Politicization of coronavirus, Liberals not likely to befriend conservatives, Federal Judge's timely warning

Weekly Capsule: A new setback for AB 5, Politicization of coronavirus, Liberals not likely to befriend conservatives, Federal Judge's timely warning Even by the standards of today, the politicized reaction to coronavirus is disgusting. Sen. Schumer and Pelosi statements were filled with ranc…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
February 27, 2020 at 12:02 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Kimberly Reed

Champion Women Profiles  |  Kimberly Reed We know you will enjoy meeting this great granddaughter of a West Virginia miner, who is steeped in conservative thought and has the toughness of her Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Kimb…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
February 26, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Weekly Capsule: Justice Sotomayor's public jab at her colleagues, The 2020 black vote is up for grabs, Socialism quiz, $2 million glorified bike rack

Weekly Capsule: Justice Sotomayor's public jab at her colleagues, The 2020 black vote is up for grabs, Socialism quiz, $2 million glorified bike rack Not only is Justice Sotomayor’s statement a highly unusual public jab at her colleagues, it is also demonstrably false. …
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 7:01 PM

Weekly Capsule: Democrats' minimum wage proposals need a reality check, Do love and marriage matter, Virginia stiffens job licensing regulations

Weekly Capsule: Democrats' minimum wage proposals need a reality check, Do love and marriage matter, Virginia stiffens job licensing regulations The New York Times published one of its all-time silliest stories the other day, but it was on a deadly serious subject: the coronavirus. …
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 12:09 AM

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote | Therese A. Jenkins

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote  |  Therese A. Jenkins Saved Women’s Suffrage in Wyoming To commemorate the upcoming hundredth anniversary of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote, Independen…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
February 12, 2020 at 3:16 PM

Weekly Capsule: Democrats want to roll back "9-5" workday, Taylor Swift needs to calm down, Medicare for All could mean doctors for none

Weekly Capsule: Democrats want to roll back "9-5" workday, Taylor Swift needs to calm down, Medicare for All could mean doctors for none It seems there is often bad blood between many in Hollywood and those working to politically represent the American people, especially on the right. …
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
February 11, 2020 at 7:17 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Magatte Wade

Champion Women Profiles  |  Magatte Wade Champion of Free Markets for Africa Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Senegalese-born entrepreneur and free-markets advocate Magatte Wade is the latest in our popular series of Champion Wome…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
February 5, 2020 at 6:47 PM

Weekly Capsule: Congress pushes anti-worker act, Bloomberg Super Bowl ad omits important details, Ending fracking would hurt U.S. economy...

Weekly Capsule: Congress pushes anti-worker act, Bloomberg Super Bowl ad omits important details, Ending fracking would hurt U.S. economy... Leftist members of Congress are busy pushing a federal bill that will eliminate flexible work nationwide: Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. …
  Patrice Onwuka · [email protected]
February 1, 2020 at 12:36 PM

Have occupational licensing requirements affected you?

Have occupational licensing requirements affected you? Have you experienced any challenges or hurdles to secure a job-related license? If so, how did it affect you and your loved ones? IWF has a nationwide Hi Friend,   Independent Women’s Forum is running a nationwide sear…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
January 30, 2020 at 12:08 AM

Weekly Capsule: Colleges deny due process in sexual assault cases, San Fran restaurants issue climate change surcharge, Angry father confronts Warren

Weekly Capsule: Colleges deny due process in sexual assault cases, San Fran restaurants issue climate change surcharge, Angry father confronts Warren Tuition bloat has caused tuition to rise at one university from $3,520 to $7,694; a professor suggests that "excessive spending" is the cause.…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
January 27, 2020 at 9:06 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Nina Rees

Champion Women Profiles  |  Nina Rees Knows from Personal Experience Why Charter Schools Matter  Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Nina Shokraii Rees, president of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, is the latest in …
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
January 23, 2020 at 1:01 AM

Weekly Capsule: New ERA policy focus, Californians speak out against AB5, New York Public Library cancels women event, Women's March limps into town

Weekly Capsule: New ERA policy focus, Californians speak out against AB5, New York Public Library cancels women event, Women's March limps into town Our founders warned against using impeachment to resolve policy and political disagreements—that’s what elections are for. Read about this and …
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
January 17, 2020 at 7:57 PM

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote | Frances Willard

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote  |  Frances Willard A mobilizer of ordinary women in the movement for women’s suffrage. To commemorate the upcoming hundredth anniversary of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted wome…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
January 15, 2020 at 7:49 PM

Weekly Capsule: Elizabeth Warren's gun hypocrisy, New law hurts freelancers, Move to ban discount shops, Time gives parents Soleimani talking points

Weekly Capsule: Elizabeth Warren's gun hypocrisy, New law hurts freelancers, Move to ban discount shops, Time gives parents Soleimani talking points Female Iranian Olympic medalist deflects over "lies" and "injustice:" "I am one of the millions of oppressed women in Iran who they have been p…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
January 8, 2020 at 10:01 PM

Weekly Capsule: Nikki Haley on Soleimani strike, DeVos changes campus sexual assault policies, Charitable giving under attack, ERA is back, + More

Weekly Capsule: Nikki Haley on Soleimani strike, DeVos changes campus sexual assault policies, Charitable giving under attack, ERA is back, + More Left is trying to resurrect the Equal Rights Amendment, ACLU demands tampons in men's rooms, Truth about attack on gig workers, Title IX due proc…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
December 24, 2019 at 2:24 PM

A wish from Independent Women's Forum

A wish from Independent Women's Forum Thank you for your generous support of our efforts to improve the lives of Americans   Copyright © Independent Women's Forum, All rights res…
  Tammy Bruce · [email protected]
December 19, 2019 at 9:48 PM

You deserve to know.

You deserve to know. Have you ever noticed the detailed breakdown of prices and services on medical bills you receive AFTER you get care? Have you ever wondered why you Hi Friend,     Have you ever noticed the detailed breakdown of prices and services on medical bills you …
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
December 19, 2019 at 1:14 PM

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote | Sojourner Truth

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote  |  Sojourner Truth A distinctive voice to the movement for women’s suffrage. To commemorate the upcoming hundredth anniversary of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the righ…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
December 18, 2019 at 10:29 PM

Weekly Capsule: The real price of health care, Peloton outrage should be redirected, Ranked-choice voting threatens elections, Forgiving college loans

Weekly Capsule: The real price of health care, Peloton outrage should be redirected, Ranked-choice voting threatens elections, Forgiving college loans You deserve to know the real price of health care BEFORE you get care, just as you would with any other service or product. You deserve to kn…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
December 16, 2019 at 10:25 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith

Champion Women Profiles  |  Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith First woman elected to Senate from Mississippi Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, the first woman elected to Congress from the state of Mississippi, is t…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
December 12, 2019 at 2:26 AM

Weekly Capsule: Charitable giving grinches, Grammy winner's political shade at the Kennedy Center Honors, New parental leave plan is bipartisan

Weekly Capsule: Charitable giving grinches, Grammy winner's political shade at the Kennedy Center Honors, New parental leave plan is bipartisan America's impressive charitable spirit is under threat from grinches—including Elizabeth Warren—who would reduce and discourage private giving. …
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
December 4, 2019 at 3:02 PM

Weekly Capsule: Melania rises above unfair treatment, Hong Kong gives thanks to America, Warren's Electoral College promise, Women thrive in franchise

Weekly Capsule: Melania rises above unfair treatment, Hong Kong gives thanks to America, Warren's Electoral College promise, Women thrive in franchise SNL actor discovers political correctness isn’t funny, Big govt hurts access to paid leave, WaPo slams Melania's coat + Meet a Ukrainian capi…
  Carrie Lukas · [email protected]
December 3, 2019 at 8:30 PM

3 reasons to give before midnight:

3 reasons to give before midnight: You’ve heard from Claudia, Jennifer, and Patrice. But I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that the Giving Tuesday deadline for Independent... URGENT DEADLINE: Tonight at 11:59 p.m. Hi Friend, You’ve …
  Patrice Onwuka · [email protected]
December 3, 2019 at 2:16 AM

Join me this season of giving

Join me this season of giving There’s something magical about this time of year. It’s not just the sight of pumpkins being replaced by Christmas trees… Hi Friend, There’s something magical about this time of year.  It’s not just the sight of pumpkins being replaced by…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
December 2, 2019 at 4:48 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Maria Semykoz

Champion Women Profiles  |  Maria Semykoz Free-Market Advocate with Skin in the Game Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Maria Semykoz, free-market advocate and Ukrainian-born entrepreneur, is the latest in our popular series of Cham…
  Jennifer C. Braceras · [email protected]
December 1, 2019 at 5:15 PM

What are you thankful for, friend?

What are you thankful for, *|FNAME|*? As Americans, we have much to be thankful for. In addition to family and friends, I am especially grateful for our country’s unique commitment to free Hi Friend, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As Americans, we have much …
  Claudia Rosett · [email protected]
November 28, 2019 at 6:03 PM

Writing from Hong Kong (big announcement)

Writing from Hong Kong (big announcement) I’m writing to you live from Hong Kong. Now, you might wonder what I’m doing here. Hi Friend, I’m writing to you live from Hong Kong. Now, you might wonder what I’m doing here.  Since massive protests for freedom, justice, and…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
November 27, 2019 at 6:34 PM

Weekly Capsule: Thanksgiving quiz, Sen. Ernst is a survivor & champion, Attack on gig economy, Tampons in men's room, Holiday shopping pay day + more

Weekly Capsule: Thanksgiving quiz, Sen. Ernst is a survivor & champion, Attack on gig economy, Tampons in men's room, Holiday shopping pay day + more A real VAWA bill, Protect Uber/Lyft drivers, Black Friday in a strong economy, Facts about antibiotics in meat, Tampons in men's restroom,…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
November 20, 2019 at 3:05 PM

Weekly Capsule: A Hollywood conservative (Kristy Swanson), Take violence against women seriously, Stefanik steps up, Clintons ignore key "Gutsy Women"

Weekly Capsule: A Hollywood conservative (Kristy Swanson), Take violence against women seriously, Stefanik steps up, Clintons ignore key "Gutsy Women" Actor Kristy Swanson receives Resilience Award, New video proves how big gov't hurts women, take action on VAWA, Stefanik's impeachment inqui…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
November 18, 2019 at 9:00 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Corrin Rankin

Champion Women Profiles  |  Corrin Rankin Meet the founder of Legacy Republicans Alliance—which aims to respond the Republican Party’s black membership. Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Corrin Rankin, founder of Legacy Republicans…
  Carrie Lukas · [email protected]
November 18, 2019 at 12:30 PM

Check out the latest IWF+PragerU Collab:

Check out the latest IWF+PragerU Collab: IWF and PragerU just joined forces (again) to release our new video, "How Big Government Hurts Women."  Hi Friend,     IWF and PragerU just joined forces (again) to release our new video, "How Big Government Hurts Women."  This …
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
November 13, 2019 at 5:49 PM

Weekly Capsule: Vogue bashes admin, Free speech more than a legal concept, NPR insults rural voters, Vaping flavor bans, Prepare workers for time off

Weekly Capsule: Vogue bashes admin, Free speech more than a legal concept, NPR insults rural voters, Vaping flavor bans, Prepare workers for time off  Progressive Privilege in Vogue, Stifled free speech, New suffragist profile, Why vaping flavor bans are a bad idea, Helping workers with time…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
November 12, 2019 at 3:43 PM

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote | Julia Ward Howe

Celebrating 100 Years of the Women's Vote  |  Julia Ward Howe Crusader for Extending the Franchise to Women To commemorate the upcoming hundredth anniversary of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote, I…
  Independent Women's Forum · [email protected]
November 6, 2019 at 5:16 PM

Weekly Capsule: Elections without Electoral College, Meet Dr. Erica Komisar, Medicare for All paid for by middle class, Support donor privacy + more

Weekly Capsule: Elections without Electoral College, Meet Dr. Erica Komisar, Medicare for All paid for by middle class, Support donor privacy + more Saving the Electoral College, Who is Erica Komisar, Warren lies about Medicare for All, Learn about why you should support donor privacy, and m…
  Charlotte Hays · [email protected]
November 4, 2019 at 2:33 PM

Champion Women Profiles | Dr. Erica Komisar

Champion Women Profiles  |  Dr. Erica Komisar Meet Dr. Erica Komisar, psychoanalyst and author of the book “Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters.”  Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that Dr. Erica Ko…