50+ Messages / Page

  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
January 10, 2024 at 9:52 PM

why I’m running

It’s now been a few months since we launched this campaign, but I wanted to remind all of you why I’m running for Governor of Virginia and what’s at stake next year.   John, It’s now been a few months since we launched this campaign, but I wanted to remind all of you why I’m r…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
January 9, 2024 at 9:32 PM

results-driven leader

During Abigail’s time in Congress, she’s been focused on progress. If there’s one thing that Virginians know, it’s that she’s results-driven and delivers on her promises to our community.   John, During Abigail’s time in Congress, she’s been focused on progress. If there’s one …
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
January 8, 2024 at 7:41 PM

2024 Campaign Survey

With 2024 here and preparations for the 2025 election underway, we wanted to reach out to our network of supporters to learn more about your most important issues.   John, With 2024 here and preparations for the 2025 election underway, we wanted to reach out to our network of s…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
January 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

protecting our rights in Virginia

These attacks on choice have no place in Virginia. We have to protect reproductive rights for every Virginian in 2025.   John, Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, lawmakers throughout the country have introduced and passed dangerous legislation to restrict women’s reproducti…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
January 6, 2024 at 5:59 PM

re: January 6, 2021

As I write this email to you, many extreme politicians are seeking to divide the American people, sow distrust in our elections, and destroy the very foundations of our democratic institutions.   John, Our democracy remains under attack. As I write this email to you, many extr…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
January 5, 2024 at 5:15 PM

Become a Founding Donor Today!

As we head into 2024 and start making preparations for the 2025 election, your support is crucial to our success.   John, As we head into 2024 and start making preparations for the 2025 election, your support is crucial to our success. We know from past elections that this race…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
January 4, 2024 at 8:10 PM

Thank You!!

I can assure you — we feel your support for this campaign, and I’m lucky to have you along for the ride as we inch closer to 2025!   John, I wanted to take a moment to thank you sincerely for all your support over the past year. The end of December marked one of our most cruci…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
January 1, 2024 at 12:35 AM

Before I sign off

I know my team has been in touch a few times (read: many times!), and before I sign off for the evening, I wanted to ask for your help.   John, Tonight, I’m spending time with my husband, Adam, and our three daughters. As a family, we’ll talk about the year that was, our hopes…
  Whitney Holt · [email protected]
December 31, 2023 at 3:20 PM

real quick

Our 2023 fundraising deadline is tonight at midnight, and this is Abigail’s first report as a candidate for Governor of Virginia.   John, You’re probably getting ready for New Year’s Eve and hopefully spending some time with friends and family, so I’ll keep this brief. Our 2023 fundraisi…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
December 30, 2023 at 9:37 PM

grassroots donors

Every single contribution we receive sends a powerful message. This campaign for Governor of Virginia is built by thousands of supporters who believe in Abigail’s message, vision, and record of results.   John, We only have until tomorrow at midnight to hit our grassroots dono…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 29, 2023 at 11:17 PM

before we say goodbye to 2023

I am tremendously grateful for the support our campaign has received from thousands of supporters across Virginia and beyond.   John, Virginians sent an important message in November 2023 when we flipped our House of Delegates and held our State Senate, and we have built on tha…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
December 29, 2023 at 2:26 PM

Stock up before the new year!

We’re excited to unveil our new store with the latest Abigail Spanberger for Governor merch.   John, Have you heard the exciting news? Our official store is now live on our website → VISIT THE STORE As our campaign continues to grow, we want to ensure that o…
  Whitney Holt · [email protected]
December 28, 2023 at 9:26 PM

the first report in our Governor's race

As you probably know, grassroots contributions have always been the backbone of our campaigns, and this race is going to be no different.   John, Recently, Abigail and I sat down to discuss our budget and fundraising plan for her campaign to serve as Governor of Virginia. As yo…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 27, 2023 at 8:45 PM

You are the secret to our success

We’re only 4 days away from our final 2023 filing deadline for this campaign. This moment is our first major deadline since I launched my campaign for Governor, and soon our numbers will go public for everyone to see.   John, We’re only 4 days away from our final 2023 filing d…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 23, 2023 at 7:17 PM

From our family to yours!

From our family to yours, we wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!   John, From our family to yours, we wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I couldn’t be more grateful for my loving family, an exceptional team t…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 22, 2023 at 6:46 PM

re: EMILY’s List’s endorsement for Governor of Virginia

I’m proud to announce that I received EMILY’s List’s endorsement for Governor of Virginia.   John, I have some exciting news to share with you: I’m proud to announce that I received EMILY’s List’s endorsement for Governor of Virginia. As a lawmaker, I’ve seen the dange…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 21, 2023 at 9:43 PM

re: 10 days

A successful fundraising month not only ensures we can put together a winning campaign, it has a deeper meaning to me. It’s confirmation that we have a devoted coalition of supporters in our corner.   John, I know you’ve received a lot of emails from me and my team over the las…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
December 20, 2023 at 7:35 PM

Shh... it’s a secret!

We wouldn’t be here without grassroots support from people like you.   John, Thanks for all you have done and continue to do in support of Abigail’s campaign. Your support makes her work on behalf of our community and the Commonwealth possible. We wouldn’t be here without gra…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 19, 2023 at 8:21 PM

I’ll keep this short

I know that this moment is only the beginning. We have a long road ahead to victory, but we will do it together.   John, Do you have 30 seconds? I promise I’ll keep this short. Already, thousands of Virginians have made clear that they support our message: protecting our righ…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
December 15, 2023 at 9:35 PM

our first deadline

With lots of eyes on this race and our campaign, would-be opponents and National Republicans will be closely watching to see how we do.   John, Abigail Spanberger’s finance team here. We’re mid-way through the month, and while this might sound like just another deadline, it’s …
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 14, 2023 at 9:19 PM

what I said on MSNBC

Last week, I joined MSNBC to discuss Senator Tommy Tuberville’s year-long blockade of military appointments.   John, Last week, I joined MSNBC to discuss Senator Tommy Tuberville’s year-long blockade of military appointments. His political charades have jeopardized our n…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 13, 2023 at 9:26 PM

One month in

It’s been exactly one month since I launched my campaign for Governor of Virginia, and already, my team and I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support.   John, It’s been exactly one month since I launched my campaign for Governor of Virginia, and already, my team and…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 12, 2023 at 11:19 PM

This is just the beginning

Last month’s Virginia elections showed us that voters across the Commonwealth are rejecting Republicans’ extremism and are ready for change.   John, Last month’s Virginia elections showed us that voters across the Commonwealth are rejecting Republicans’ extremism and are ready…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 11, 2023 at 11:04 PM

Our latest endorsement

I’m proud to have received Brady PAC’s endorsement for Governor of Virginia.   John, I have some exciting news: I’m proud to have received Brady PAC’s endorsement for Governor of Virginia. As a lawmaker, I’ve met with survivors of gun violence, as well as the loved ones of v…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 10, 2023 at 6:43 PM

I need your support!

While $3 may not seem like very much, it goes a long way in planning for the future and building out our campaign with critical infrastructure to win this race.   John, It’s Abigail. We’re coming up on the end of the year in just a few weeks, so I am reaching out today to ask f…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
December 7, 2023 at 10:14 PM

We’re thrilled to announce...

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that in addition to all her grassroots support, Abigail has received ringing endorsements from local, state, and federal elected officials from across Virginia!   John, Since Abigail launched her campaign for Governor of Virginia last month, we…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
December 6, 2023 at 8:53 PM

The perfect holiday gift this year

We’re excited to unveil our new store with the latest Abigail Spanberger for Governor merch. And with the holiday season in full swing, what better time to visit our store and fulfill all of your holiday shopping needs!   John, We have very exciting news to share with you: Our…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 5, 2023 at 10:43 PM

Calling all volunteers...

I know from my past races that early organization is the key to a successful race — and effectiveness on the job! We are going to need a lot of volunteers across Virginia over the next two years!   John, As a current Member of Congress and a working mom of three, I’m a planner.…
  Governor Ralph Northam · [email protected]
December 4, 2023 at 8:53 PM

Abigail is the best choice to become the next Governor of Virginia.

As Governor, I saw Abigail’s incredible commitment to her district and Virginia as a whole. I saw an effective leader, and I saw someone who never stopped working to deliver results.   John, My good friend Abigail Spanberger officially announced her candidacy for Governor of Vi…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 1, 2023 at 7:19 PM

Thank you!!

Thanks to your commitment to progress and support for our campaign, we exceeded our November fundraising goal.   John, Thanks to your commitment to progress and support for our campaign, we exceeded our November fundraising goal. I could not be prouder of the community of supp…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
December 1, 2023 at 1:06 AM

Our November Deadline

I launched my campaign just 17 days ago, and every day since then, I have gotten more excited and more determined than ever about the possibilities and progress ahead of us.   John, With our campaign’s first internal fundraising deadline in just a few hours, I wanted to check …
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
November 30, 2023 at 2:51 PM

laying a strong foundation

This is the first month of our campaign, and we’re just hours from our first deadline. We are working to build a strong campaign foundation, and we need your support.   John, Every month, we set internal fundraising benchmarks to keep us on track. This is the first month of our…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 30, 2023 at 1:06 AM

what I learned from you

We received an overwhelming number of responses from people across the Commonwealth, and I learned from all of you that many of the issues that are most important to you are also top priorities for me.   John, Earlier this month, I sent out a survey asking our supporters what i…
  Whitney Holt · [email protected]
November 29, 2023 at 4:04 PM

our first deadline of this campaign

We have a long race ahead of us and need sustained support to run the most robust campaign possible.   NOVEMBER FUNDRAISING DEADLINE: 1 DAY AWAY Will you rush a contribution to support our campaign before the deadline? CONTRIBUTE John, It’s Whit…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 29, 2023 at 12:46 AM

We value your support

As we strategize and plan for the future of our campaign, our monthly fundraising objectives are crucial in these discussions.   John, I’m sure you’re receiving many emails from campaigns asking for money during this time of the month, but hopefully, I can provide some context …
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
November 28, 2023 at 2:45 PM

the path to victory starts now

However, even though the 2025 Election seems far away, the path to victory starts now.   John, We're sure you’ve heard from our campaign a lot these last several weeks since Abigail officially launched her campaign for Governor of Virginia. However, even though the 2025 Electio…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 27, 2023 at 10:12 PM

I need your support

While $3 may not seem like very much, it goes a long way in planning for the future and building out our campaign with critical infrastructure to win this race.   John, It’s Abigail. We’re coming up on the end of the first month of this campaign in just 3 days, so I am reaching…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 22, 2023 at 7:39 PM

So much to be thankful for this year

I have so much to be thankful for this year, and your support has been on my mind ahead of Thanksgiving tomorrow.   John, I have so much to be thankful for this year, and your support has been on my mind ahead of Thanksgiving tomorrow. Since we launched our campaign last week,…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 21, 2023 at 7:30 PM

Reflecting on last week

Our launch made big headlines last week! If you have a moment, take a look at what everyone’s been saying about this race:   John, Our launch made big headlines last week! If you have a moment, take a look at what everyone’s been saying about this race: WATCH THE VID…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
November 17, 2023 at 12:06 AM

Survey Attached for You

In these first days of our campaign, we’ve been overwhelmed with support and positive messages.   John, In these first days of our campaign, we’ve been overwhelmed with support and positive messages. Now, we wanted to reach out to our network of supporters to hear what issues y…
  The Spanberger Girls · [email protected]
November 16, 2023 at 1:06 AM

We are so proud of our mom 🤗

We are so proud of our mom for all the work she has done in Congress! Now that she’s running to be the next Governor of Virginia, we know she is going to make us just as proud.   John, We are so proud of our mom for all the work she has done in Congress! Now that she’s running…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 15, 2023 at 5:36 PM

just $1 will have a huge impact

We want to show the enthusiasm and momentum we already have this early in the race.   John, I will keep this quick. My campaign for Governor of Virginia is working day and night to have a strong launch week. We want to show the enthusiasm and momentum we already have this earl…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
November 15, 2023 at 12:06 AM

Do you support Abigail’s Bid for Governor?

We have been overwhelmed by the wave of support so far for this campaign, but we want to make sure that Abigail’s grassroots network has an opportunity to show their support for this campaign.   John, Abigail is officially running for Governor of Virginia. We know Abigail deli…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 14, 2023 at 5:19 PM

a few thoughts today

Yesterday. I launched my gubernatorial campaign — and I wanted to share a few thoughts after the first 24 hours.   John, Yesterday, I launched my gubernatorial campaign — and I wanted to share a few thoughts after the first 24 hours. When I launched my first campaign back in 2…
  Adam Spanberger · [email protected]
November 14, 2023 at 12:30 AM

▶️ Watch our campaign launch video

This morning, Abigail officially launched her campaign for Governor of Virginia.   John, This morning, Abigail officially launched her campaign for Governor of Virginia. Already, our family has received an outpouring of support and encouragement from people like you. We’re so…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 7:34 PM

It’s official: Abigail is running!

Today, Abigail launched her campaign to become the next Governor of Virginia.     John, Today, Abigail launched her campaign to become the next Governor of Virginia. We don’t win elections overnight, and the path to victory starts now. Would you become a founding donor of Abiga…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 1:35 PM

I’m running for Governor

Let me put the bottom line upfront: I am running for Governor, and I need your support!   John, Let me put the bottom line upfront: I am running for Governor, and I need your support! Now, let me tell you why: Years ago, I swore my first oath to our Constitution. I enthusiasti…
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
November 5, 2023 at 4:21 PM

fall in Virginia

Sure, it would have made for an easier walk to the car, but that’s not the way I operate, not when it comes to picking pumpkins or delivering for Virginians.   John,  I love everything about fall in Virginia, including a family trip to the pumpkin patch! Last month, we went to …
  Abigail Spanberger · [email protected]
October 31, 2023 at 10:46 PM

running to the grocery store for candy? Me too

Our fundraising goals act as a roadmap for building campaign momentum this cycle. We don’t set them arbitrarily – we set them with a clear vision in mind.   John,  This month, our October fundraising deadline lines up with Halloween! As you make last-minute preparations for your…
  Team Spanberger · [email protected]
October 31, 2023 at 5:20 PM

Spooky and scary!

Whether you are dressing up with your kids or handing out candy (Snickers are a Team Spanberger favorite), it’s a great day to embrace all that is spooky and scary.   John,  Happy Halloween from Team Spanberger!  Whether you are dressing up with your kids or handing out candy (…