50+ Messages / Page

  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
October 4, 2021 at 8:27 PM

Keeping Up The Fight: PM Weekly Memo for Monday, October 4, 2021

The battle is still on to Build Back Better!! See the report we released last week and more about how you can get involved in this week’s memo. Dear Friend,   ‘What do we want? A Caring Economy! Medicare expansion and lower Rx prices! More good j…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
September 30, 2021 at 4:03 PM

URGENT: Congress is voting NOW in the battle to Build Back Better

Take a minute to tell Congress: Support the Build Back Better Agenda: They should represent us, not PhRMA and corporate America Dear Friend,   There’s a lot riding on the actions of the U.S. House and Senate right now. That’s why we need to contac…
  Yves at Progressive Maryland · [email protected]
September 28, 2021 at 4:00 PM

Throwdown Thursday: Tuesday Edition? Text for Environmental Justice TONIGHT @ 6!

We're holding TWO textbanks this week. One today and part two on Thursday. We hope to see you there! Good afternoon!   This week is special for our regular voter contact events. Throwdown Thursday is making TWO appearances this week. TONIGHT, we'l…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
September 27, 2021 at 9:18 PM

Let’s Build Back Better: PM Weekly Memo for Monday, September 27, 2021

Congress is back and we are stepping up the Build Back Better campaign! Read about our press conference this morning with Congressman Brown plus more on the reconciliation bill battle in this week's memo. Dear Friend,   Congress is back and we are…
  Yves from Progressive Maryland · [email protected]
September 21, 2021 at 2:17 PM

Join Throwdown Thursday to Text for Enviornmental Justice. Again!

Last week’s phonebank was awesome. In case you missed it, we hope you’ll join us this Thursday at 6pm for another fun and engaging voter outreach event! Hi Friend!   Last week’s phonebank to recruit for the Welcome Back Congress Rally was incredi…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
September 20, 2021 at 9:47 PM

Welcome Back Congress: PM Weekly Memo for Monday, September 20, 2021

Congress is officially back in session and we have actions for you to take every single day this week to ensure that Biden's Build Back Better plan passes as strong as it can be! Learn more about this fight plus the importance of the MAT Act and more in this week's memo. …
  Progressive Maryland · [email protected]
September 17, 2021 at 9:01 PM

The Late Summer COVID Surge in Maryland: Statewide Community Forum on Sept 28th

 Dear  Friend    The delta variant has been hitting us hard these past few months. As you know the number of cases, transmission rates, and hospitalizations have all risen after having declined during the spring and early summer. We’re in another…
  DaJuan at Progressive Maryland · [email protected]
September 16, 2021 at 2:00 PM

A Necessary Conversation on Police Reform.

Join the Justice Task Force on Wednesday, September 22nd at 6 pm for an important Town Hall discussing Anton’s Law. Dear ,   Good Afternoon - I hope this email finds you well. I’m DaJuan, the new Progressive Mar…
  Sean Dobson, PM Board President · [email protected]
September 15, 2021 at 2:03 PM

Del. Moon will be at the New Era Friend-and-Fundraiser on Saturday! Will you?

Come and hear from State Delegate David Moon this weekend at my the New Era PAC Party. Dear Friend,   As President of the Board of Progressive Maryland, it is my pleasure to invite you to a friend-and-fundraiser for PM’s New Era PAC, which will he…
  Yves from Progressive Maryland · [email protected]
September 14, 2021 at 1:00 PM

ICYMI: Throwdown Thursday's off like a Rocket! 😎

Last week’s phonebank was awesome. In case you missed it, we hope you’ll join us this Thursday at 6pm for another fun and engaging voter outreach event! Hi Friend!   Last week, we held a very eventful phonebank to gather support for Medicare Expa…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
September 13, 2021 at 9:43 PM

Drug Policy in Crisis: Take Action! PM Weekly Memo for Monday, September 13, 2021

The overdose crisis has reached new levels of harm and devastation in our country and communities. Learn more and take action in this week's memo. Dear Friend,   The overdose crisis has reached new levels of harm and devastation in our country and…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
September 11, 2021 at 4:00 PM

Let’s Pass a Budget that Supports Care, Climate and Citizenship ❤️

Join us Tuesday, September 21 in Washington, D.C. to Welcome Back Congress! Sign up to attend now so we know we'll see you there. Dear Friend, Join us Tuesday, September 21 in Washington, D.C. to Welcome Back Congress! Our federal elected officials need to pass the stro…
  The Progressive Maryland Drug Policy Team · [email protected]
September 10, 2021 at 7:03 PM

Register Now! Stories from the Overdose Crisis

You're Invited to: Stories From the Overdose Crisis We'll be joined by BHRC and Love in the Trenches as well as Delegate Jocelyn Peña-Melnyk and Prince George's County Council Member, the Honorable Calvin Hawkins II. …
  Yves from Progressive Maryland · [email protected]
September 8, 2021 at 1:00 PM

ICYMI: We Launched Throwdown Thursdays! 😎

Last week’s textbank was awesome. In case you missed it, we hope you’ll join us this Thursday (tomorrow) at 6pm for another fun and engaging voter outreach event! Hi Friend!   Last week, we held the very first official Throwdown Thursday event an…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
September 7, 2021 at 8:58 PM

Solidarity, Now More Than Ever: PM Weekly Memo for Tuesday , September 7, 2021

Would you like to support Afghan Refugees coming to our country? Click to learn more about how you can show your support in this week's memo. Dear Friend, L’Shanah Tovah! To all who celebrate Rosh Hashanah, we wish you a happy and healthy new yea…
  The Progressive Maryland Drug Policy Team · [email protected]
September 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Stories from the Overdose Crisis Event Invitation

You're Invited to: Stories From the Overdose Crisis We'll be joined by BHRC and Love in the Trenches as well as Delegate Jocelyn Peña-Melnyk and Prince George's County Council Member, the Honorable Calvin Hawkins II. …
  Christianne Marguerite · [email protected]
September 1, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Throwdown Thursday! 💃 Are You In?

You’re invited to join us tomorrow at 6pm for a virtual, fun and engaging voter outreach event! Hi Friend!   Because of your work helping us advocate for progressive change in the past, I would like to personally invite you to join us for the very…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
August 31, 2021 at 2:13 PM

Hey Friend, want to take social justice action? ✊🏽

We need you in this fight for social justice, join the movement now. Dear Friend, The pandemic and the resulting health and economic crises it has created demand a bold government response, serious investments in our communities, and new solutions to persistent systemic problems. COVID has shown u…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
August 31, 2021 at 2:03 PM

Prioritize shelter -- stop evictions! PM Weekly Memo for Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Choose to prevent evictions and make big gains in health care! They go together. Dear Friend, As the virus resurgence and eviction crisis collide, we see more than ever how neglect of health security and housing security issues intersect (landlor…
  The Progressive Maryland Team · [email protected]
August 28, 2021 at 2:11 PM

Take off with Progressive Maryland, Friend! 🚀

Thank you for getting involved, here’s what supporters like you are doing. Dear Friend, Progressive Maryland, a statewide organization with chapters and members in every part of the state, works on the critical issues of our time: racial, social, economic, healthcare and environmental justice. Day…