50+ Messages / Page

  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
February 25, 2023 at 1:44 PM

Would Medicaid expansion improve healthcare in Mississippi? – update from your favorite think tank

Would Medicaid expansion improve healthcare in Mississippi? – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Ever since the 2010 Affordable Care Act, states have been able to enroll low income Americans on…
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
February 22, 2023 at 4:59 PM

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Lawmakers are moving at full speed through the session. It is imperative that Mississippians stay up to date with what is going on during the legi…
  Aaron Rice · [email protected]
February 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Get tickets to the Women's Bill of Rights Luncheon

Get tickets to the Women's Bill of Rights Luncheon View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   We're just a little under two weeks away from our Women's Bill of Rights luncheon.    Radical "woke" ideologues are damaging single-sex spaces, …
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
February 18, 2023 at 1:45 PM

Fixing Jackson – update from your favorite think tank

Fixing Jackson – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Mississippi’s legislature has focused a lot on Jackson this session.    A bill that could have helped create more Charter Schools died in com…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
February 16, 2023 at 5:29 PM

Would you like to join me for lunch two weeks today?

Would you like to join me for lunch two weeks today? View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   You might have read about radical ‘woke' ideologues insisting that being a woman is a subjective state unrelated to biology.  Crazy, right?   …
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
February 15, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature View this email in your browser Dear Jack, We are OFFICIALLY halfway through the Legislative Session!  As the session moves forward, proposed bills are dwindling down as the Legislature de…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
February 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM

How to defend the free market in the 21st century

How to defend the free market in the 21st century View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   The free market is in retreat around the world.  We might like to think of America as a land of limited government.  In reality, there has been a…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
February 11, 2023 at 1:44 PM

Sarah Huckabee Sanders shows how it should be done – update from Mississippi’s free market think tank

Sarah Huckabee Sanders shows how it should be done – update from Mississippi’s free market think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   After President Biden’s State of the Union Address, Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Repu…
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
February 8, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature View this email in your browser Dear Jack, The legislature continues to move at full speed, debating hundreds of bills in both chambers. Tomorrow is the deadline for floor action on general…
  Anika R. Page · [email protected]
February 6, 2023 at 6:14 PM

A Women's Bill of Rights Luncheon

A Women's Bill of Rights Luncheon View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Riley Gaines is one of America's top female swimmers and a 12X American champion.  She will be speaking in Jackson, and I wondered if you might like to come and…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
February 4, 2023 at 1:44 PM

When big business goes ‘woke’ – update from your favorite think tank

When big business goes ‘woke’ – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Why do some firms go ‘woke’?  Disney recently got embroiled in a row about transgender identity in kindergartens.  Why would a…
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
February 1, 2023 at 5:19 PM

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Yesterday was the first deadline day in the Mississippi Legislature. For any general bill to potentially become law, it had to pass out of its ori…
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
January 30, 2023 at 6:06 PM

A Women's Bill of Rights Luncheon

A Women's Bill of Rights Luncheon View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Radical ‘woke’ ideologues are trying to redefine womanhood as a subjective state unrelated to biology. This has real implications and needs to be stopped.  Come…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
January 28, 2023 at 1:45 PM

What happened to school choice in our state?

What happened to school choice in our state? View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Ten years ago, amid much fanfare, Mississippi’s state legislature passed a law to allow Charter Schools.  A decade later, what do we have to show for …
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
January 25, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature View this email in your browser Dear Jack, The legislature has less than a week for committees to report general bills and constitutional amendments in their original chamber. In order to m…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
January 23, 2023 at 6:24 PM

Mississippi Healthcare Lunch

Mississippi Healthcare Lunch View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Mississippi has some of the worst health outcomes in America.  Too many people in our state struggle to find affordable care. Come to this lunch and listen to Dr. Le…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
January 21, 2023 at 1:44 PM

Medicaid expansion - a solution looking for a problem

Medicaid expansion - a solution looking for a problem View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Rural hospitals in Mississippi are in crisis, we are told. Unless they receive more money, some may close, apparently.    According to those …
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
January 18, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature View this email in your browser Dear Jack, We are almost three full weeks into the 2023 Legislative Session, and it has been nothing short of eventful.  While many believed this year's ses…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
January 14, 2023 at 1:44 PM

The Republican refuseniks were right – Mississippi’s favorite think tank

The Republican refuseniks were right – Mississippi’s favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   What a farce! Having won a narrow majority in the US House of Representatives back in November, last week the Republicans …
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
January 11, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature

Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   The 2023 Legislative Session has begun! It's been a little over a week since the state legislature gaveled in, and hundreds of bills have already…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
January 7, 2023 at 1:44 PM

What should we expect from our lawmakers? – update from Mississippi’s favorite think tank

What should we expect from our lawmakers? – update from Mississippi’s favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Kevin McCarthy was expecting to be elected House Speaker in Washington this week. So far things haven’t w…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
December 31, 2022 at 1:44 PM

A Responsible Budget for Mississippi – update from your favorite think tank

A Responsible Budget for Mississippi – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   In 2022 Mississippi made significant tax cuts, reducing the state income tax from around 7 percent to a flat 4 percent.…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
December 29, 2022 at 4:00 PM

Highlights of 2022 – end of year update from Mississippi’s free market think tank

Highlights of 2022 – end of year update from Mississippi’s free market think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   The Mississippi Center for Public Policy had a great year advancing the cause of low taxes, limited government an…
  Cal Wells · [email protected]
December 24, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Merry Christmas – and some great news!

Merry Christmas – and some great news! View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Merry Christmas from the Mississippi Center for Public Policy! As Chairman of the Board, I wanted to share with you some wonderful end of the year news. Al…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
December 17, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Why we should be upbeat about Mississippi – update from your favorite think tank

Why we should be upbeat about Mississippi – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   We all know how much the media misrepresents Mississippi. They’ve been doing it for years.   Mississippi, they lov…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
December 10, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Tide turning against ‘woke’ corporations – update from your favorite think tank

Tide turning against ‘woke’ corporations – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   This week giant fund manager, Vanguard, quit the net zero climate alliance, a group set up to impose a ‘woke’ polit…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
December 3, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Why does Mississippi’s media talk our state down? – update from your favorite think tank

Why does Mississippi’s media talk our state down? – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   I am often surprised at the way Mississippi’s progressive media loves talking down our state.   Take the r…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
November 26, 2022 at 1:44 PM

The next generation of leaders in our state – update from your favorite think tank

The next generation of leaders in our state – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   In recent years, left-wing ideologues have been elected to office in states like California, Oregon, New York an…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
November 19, 2022 at 1:44 PM

A Conservative Platform for Mississippi – update from your favorite think tank

A Conservative Platform for Mississippi – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Mississippi has elected self-identified “conservatives” to state-wide offices for years. On behalf of our state’s ov…
  Aaron Rice · [email protected]
November 16, 2022 at 4:00 PM

MJI Fights to Protect the Right to Life in Mississippi

MJI Fights to Protect the Right to Life in Mississippi View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   The Mississippi Justice Institute (MJI) filed a lawsuit on Monday that seeks to establish that the Mississippi Constitution does not protect…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
November 12, 2022 at 1:44 PM

What to make of the mid-terms? – update from your favorite think tank

What to make of the mid-terms? – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   How frustrating….  This week’s mid-term election results saw the conservative movement make slow progress, but nothing like w…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
November 5, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Mississippi rapper: “Why I’m now conservative” - Update from your favorite think tank

Mississippi rapper: “Why I’m now conservative” - Update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Listen to one of Mississippi’s leading rappers, Topher, explain how he became a conservative.  …
  Anika Page · [email protected]
November 1, 2022 at 4:29 PM

Mississippi Leadership Academy launches!

Mississippi Leadership Academy launches! View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Liberty needs leaders, and to secure the future of the liberty movement in our state, we have launched the Mississippi Leadership Academy. We held our ina…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
October 29, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Britain: how not to run a country – update from Mississippi’s favorite think tank

Britain: how not to run a country – update from Mississippi’s favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Britain has now had three different Prime Ministers in eight weeks. Boris Johnson was replaced by Liz Truss, who …
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
October 22, 2022 at 12:44 PM

View from Washington DC – update from your favorite think tank

View from Washington DC – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   This week I went to Washington. Whatever you might think about some of the people there, DC it is an impressive capital city.    The…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
October 15, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Progressive dystopia and how to fight back – update from your favorite think tank

Progressive dystopia and how to fight back – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   This week a group of Los Angeles council members hit the headlines when they were secretly recorded discussing re…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
October 8, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Joe Biden’s economic myth – update from your favorite think tank

Joe Biden’s economic myth – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   Joe Biden recently took to twitter to inform us that he was “sick and tired of trickle-down economics”. It is an approach, said th…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
October 1, 2022 at 12:44 PM

How to get more Charter Schools? Update from your favorite think tank

How to get more Charter Schools? Update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Mississippi’s Charter School Authorizer Board did what it does best this week: say “no” to people wanting to set up new Charter…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
September 24, 2022 at 12:44 PM

America’s future is heading South – update from your favorite think tank

America’s future is heading South – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis hit the headlines the other week for flying a handful of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vine…
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
September 22, 2022 at 2:29 PM

MCPP wins two top national awards!

MCPP wins two top national awards! View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Earlier this year, Mississippi cut the state income tax, giving 1.1 million Mississippi workers a tax break. The Mississippi Center for Public Policy has now rec…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
September 17, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Economic gloom? Things could be worse, we could be Europe or China – update from your favorite think tank

Economic gloom? Things could be worse, we could be Europe or China – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, First the Fed underestimated the risk of inflation. US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, a…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
September 10, 2022 at 12:44 PM

The Queen & America - an update from your favorite think tank

The Queen & America - an update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, I was sorry to hear that the Queen died this week.  She sat on the throne since 1952, when Harry Truman was in the White House.   …
  Tyler B. Jones · [email protected]
September 1, 2022 at 3:00 PM

Spotlight: Mississippi Fat Cat Report receives immense coverage

Spotlight: Mississippi Fat Cat Report receives immense coverage View this email in your browser Mississippi Fat Cat Report receives immense coverage The Mississippi Center for Public Policy released its 2nd an…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
August 31, 2022 at 12:59 PM

Why no water in Jackson?

Why no water in Jackson? View this email in your browser Dear Jack,   An American city of 150,000 people is without running water.  Pumps at the main water treatment plant in Jackson, Mississippi failed this week.  Low water pressure means …
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
August 27, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Mississippi Fat Cats get fatter – update from your favorite think tank

Mississippi Fat Cats get fatter – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Mississippi might be one of the poorest states in America, but we manage to produce plenty of overpaid officials - and these …
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
August 20, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Mississippi’s next generation – update from your favorite think tank

Mississippi’s next generation – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Do you know someone that might be interested in taking part in the Mississippi Leadership Academy?    This new initiative aims…
  Michelle Brodsky · [email protected]
August 17, 2022 at 3:00 PM

Spotlight: Weekly focus on the special interests holding back our state

Spotlight: Weekly focus on the special interests holding back our state View this email in your browser Combat climate change? It could be time to privatize orphaned oil wells The Inflation Reduction Act has j…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
August 13, 2022 at 12:44 PM

The corruption of American capitalism – update from your favorite think tank

The corruption of American capitalism – update from your favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Fifty one years ago this week, Richard Nixon made the most consequential decision of his presidency – and it had nothin…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
August 6, 2022 at 12:44 PM

Renewing America – update from Mississippi’s favorite think tank

Renewing America – update from Mississippi’s favorite think tank View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Many young Americans are being taught contempt for their own country. Progressive professors encourage students to believe that Ame…
  Douglas Carswell · [email protected]
August 4, 2022 at 3:00 PM

24 hours to help Mississippi win!

24 hours to help Mississippi win! View this email in your browser Dear Jack, Mississippi’s favorite think tank has made it as a finalist for a State Policy Network award.  Voting to decide the winner closes tomorrow – and the results could…