From Tyler B. Jones <>
Subject Under the Dome - Your Update from the Legislature
Date February 15, 2023 4:00 PM
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Dear Jack,

We are OFFICIALLY halfway through the Legislative Session!

As the session moves forward, proposed bills are dwindling down as the Legislature decides what key issues need to be taken up before Sine Die.

Here are some pieces of legislation that are still alive and have gained much attention over the last few weeks:

HB 1020 from Rep. Trey Lamar expands this Capitol Complex Improvement District. This would give Capitol Police more jurisdiction, as well as create a court system for the CCID. The judges for this court would be appointed by the Mississippi State Supreme Court.

This bill passed the House floor and has been transferred to the Senate.

SB 2889 from Sen. David Parker establishes the Mississippi Capitol Region Utility Act. This bill would place the long-term control of Jackson water, wastewater and sewer under a nine-member board. Members would be appointed by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, as well as Jackson's mayor.

This bill passed out of the Senate and has been referred to the House Public Utilities committee.

SB 2638 from Sen. Tyler McCaughn would revive the ballot initiative process for Mississippians. This would require 240,000 voter signatures for a ballot initiative, compared to the previous 107,000. It would also give legislators the right to offer alternative measures to an initiative.

This bill passed the Senate floor and has been transferred to the House.

SB 2212 from Sen. Kevin Blackwell extends postpartum Medicaid coverage for up to 12 months. New mothers who are covered under Medicaid would have medical coverage for up to a year, rather than the two months currently provided.

This bill passed the Senate floor and has been transferred to the House.

SB 2079 from Sen. Angela Hill creates the School Safety Guardian Program. This bill would train teachers with concealed carry permits to have firearms on school campuses. This bill aims to help active shooter situations.

This bill passed out of the Senate and has been referred to the House Education and Judiciary A committees.

The first deadline for appropriation and revenue bills is Feb. 22. Any bill that involves tax cuts will have to be discussed by next Wednesday.

I'll send an update next week once those bills have been debated.

Have a good week!
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All the best,

Tyler B. Jones
Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs

PS you can stay up to date with every bill introduced during the session through the 2023 Legislative Tracker ([link removed]) found on our website.

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