50+ Messages / Page

  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
September 30, 2020 at 7:34 PM

The stakes are too high for us to fall short

  John, I’m counting on you to help us hit our goal. But first, let me tell you why that’s so important. September 30th marks one of the most important days for any campaign because it is the deadline day for the third and final FEC fundraising quarter before the election. After…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 29, 2020 at 9:42 PM

9/30–10/3: Serve America Action Plan

  John, We can’t afford to lose in November. We need to win, and win big. But even if Biden wins the Electoral College with overwhelming margins, Democratic majorities in the House and Senate will be critical for his administration to build back better in 2021. That means Democ…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
September 29, 2020 at 3:23 PM

The biggest deadline of the year is tomorrow

  John, our FINAL FEC end-of-quarter fundraising deadline before Election Day is TOMORROW. Your support has never been more important. We know that our opponent is going to throw everything at us in the final weeks of this campaign, and we can’t afford to get complacent. We’ll us…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
September 28, 2020 at 10:04 PM

Amy Coney Barrett

  Well, John, it’s now official. Amy Coney Barrett is Donald Trump’s choice to be the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. With just weeks to go until Election Day, and early voting already underway, it’s outrageous that Senate Republicans are going to try to rush the nomination of a …
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
September 25, 2020 at 8:05 PM

Our last end of quarter goal before the election

  John,  On Wednesday at midnight, the deadline hits for the end of the third quarter—the last full quarter before Election Day. It’s the most critical deadline of the cycle for three reasons: We will finalize our campaign budgets for the general election Pundits, reporters, and…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 23, 2020 at 3:34 PM

BREAKING: We just endorsed two new candidates!

  John, We are proud to endorse two new military veterans in critical races this November—one for the House of Representatives and one for the U.S. Senate! Pam Keith, running to represent Florida’s 18th Congressional District, is a former U.S. Navy JAG officer. If elected, Keit…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 22, 2020 at 11:18 PM

Do you have a plan to vote?

  John, There are officially 42 days until voting in the 2020 Election ends. Between now and then, we need to make sure that as many Democrats as possible have a plan to vote. So will you take our 1-minute survey to let us know if you have a plan to vote? Take Survey Look, Joh…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 21, 2020 at 9:09 PM

Help us take back the Senate

  John, In-person early voting in Arizona, Kentucky, and North Carolina starts in just three weeks and Amy McGrath, Mark Kelly, and Cal Cunningham need your help more than ever. These campaigns need your support right now if they’re going to make the most of it and bank enough vo…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 21, 2020 at 2:08 PM

9/21-9/26: Serve America Action Plan

  John, Serve America’s mission is to elect a new generation of service-minded leaders who will put people over politics. That only happens when people like you take action. We’ve lined up some events and hope you can join us for one! These are all virtual actions, so anyone can…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
September 19, 2020 at 1:43 PM

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  John,  I am deeply saddened by the profound loss America experienced last night. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the legal, cultural, and feminist icon, was a champion of justice and a representation of the very best of America. Her grit and integrity will continue to inspire us fo…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 18, 2020 at 10:10 PM

BREAKING: Cameron Webb’s race has been upgraded to “Toss Up”

  John, Our endorsed candidate Cameron Webb, who is running in Virginia’s 5th District, has just had his race upgraded to “Toss Up” by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. John, this is huge. It’s the kind of momentum that can push a candidate over the finish line when we’re th…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 16, 2020 at 10:35 PM


  John,  We just wanted to take a second to say thank you for all your generous support. Our team looked at our September fundraising report, and because of you, we’re right on track to have a knockout quarter. And it couldn’t come at a better time because this is the last full f…
  Marie Harf, Serve America · [email protected]
September 15, 2020 at 5:03 PM

Not looking good

  John,  Yesterday we set a goal of raising $10,000 by midnight tonight and so far we’ve only had a few donations come in. Can you rush a donation to help us close the gap by midnight? Election Day is just 49 days away, and we can’t afford to be missing goals like these right now…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 9, 2020 at 10:36 PM

Louis DeJoy must be held accountable

  John,  Last week, the Washington Post published a bombshell report explaining Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s shady and illegal donation scheme to help Donald Trump and the Republican Party. According to the Washington Post, DeJoy pressured his employees at the U.S. Postal Ser…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
September 7, 2020 at 2:54 PM

Join me in thanking our incredible workforce on Labor Day

  John,  Labor Day parades and summer cookouts were cancelled this year due to COVID-19, but we still have plenty of reason to celebrate. American workers—especially our essential workers—carried us through some of the most challenging months of our lives. In fact, they will cont…
  Serve America · [email protected]
September 3, 2020 at 10:07 PM

Democratic momentum is surging

  John,  Democratic momentum is surging right now. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just raised a staggering $365 million for Democrats nationwide in August -- an all-time record fundraising haul. The Democratic National Convention had more viewers than Trump’s RNC. And polling show…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
September 2, 2020 at 1:01 PM

Thank you (we won!)

  John,  We did it! We won the primary, and I’m officially the Democratic nominee for Massachusetts’ 6th Congressional District. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This win was only possible because of the continuous, generous support of people like you. During a pandemic, wi…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
August 29, 2020 at 4:03 PM

A direct ask ahead of my primary on Tuesday

  John,  My primary election is on Tuesday and I need your help, but first let me tell you why: I want to continue my work in Congress speaking up for our communities, supporting our veterans, battling the mental health and opioid crises, and working towards common-sense solutio…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 28, 2020 at 2:47 PM

What’s at risk

  John,  We’ll keep this short. Your help is needed. Seth’s primary election is just days away, and we have thousands of voters left to contact. Will you join us at one of our upcoming virtual get-out-the-vote actions? Team Moulton - Get Out the Vote Actions Saturday, August 29…
  Caroline, Finance Director for Seth Moulton · [email protected]
August 25, 2020 at 9:44 PM

Personally asking for your help

  John,  I’m Seth’s Finance Director, and I wanted to check in to ask for your help. We’re just 7 days away from Sth’s primary on September 1st, and we just set a last-minute goal of raising $10,000. As Finance Director, my job is to make sure we have the resources we need to run…
  Matt, Seth's Campaign Manager · [email protected]
August 24, 2020 at 7:14 PM

An evening with Seth and Councillor Eileen Duff

  John,  We’re just a week away from the Massachusetts primary on September 1st, and Seth wants a chance to talk directly with you before then. This Thursday, Seth will be joined by Governor’s Council Member Eileen Duff, along with all of his supporters and volunteers from across…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 21, 2020 at 8:56 PM

Support Joe Biden by splitting a contribution with us

  John,  Last night, Joe Biden accepted the Democratic nomination for president and gave a powerful speech after what has been an incredible week for the Democratic Party. Will you stand with Joe’s campaign by splitting a contribution between Biden for President and Team Moulton?…
  Serve America · [email protected]
August 20, 2020 at 9:23 PM

Last night

  Wow John, did you watch the convention last night? Speaker Pelosi reminded us yet again why she is so good at holding President Trump accountable at every turn. Imagine what she could do if Democrats take the Senate this year. President Obama was at his best—issuing a blisterin…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 18, 2020 at 11:31 PM

Today’s USPS rally

  John,  Thank you to everyone who came out to our USPS rally today outside of the Thomas P. Costin Jr. Post Office Building location in Lynn. In response to intense public pressure from engaged citizens like you, Trump’s appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced he would…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 15, 2020 at 7:31 PM

Tonight’s deadline

  John,  We’ll keep this quick. Donald Trump is already the most corrupt president in history—but it’s clear we haven’t seen the worst of it yet. He’s going to do everything within his power to bring our national mail service to heel and that means we need to get our people out …
  Serve America · [email protected]
August 14, 2020 at 9:36 PM

Donald Trump finally told the truth

  Team, Donald Trump finally told the truth yesterday on Fox News when he openly admitted to sabotaging the United States Postal Service with help from his handpicked postmaster general—a blatant effort to suppress the vote of the American people. In recent days, we have learned …
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
August 13, 2020 at 10:42 PM

Kamala Harris

  Team, Joe Biden needs a steady hand next to him at the helm to help navigate the myriad of crises we face both at home and abroad, and Kamala is that leader. In the face of a catastrophic pandemic, record-breaking unemployment, and the ongoing plague of racial injustice, former…
  Serve America · [email protected]
August 12, 2020 at 10:05 PM

Kamala Harris

  Team, Vice President Biden has made an excellent choice in selecting Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. Harris has a record of action on economic justice, equality, health care, climate change, consumer protection, voting rights, and gun violence prevention. There’s not…
  Serve America · [email protected]
August 11, 2020 at 9:12 PM

Today is Election Day!

  Team, Our endorsed candidate Dan Feehan is on the ballot today in Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District and he needs our help to get over the finish line. Can you rush a contribution to him right now? Dan was inspired into service after witnessing the terrorist attacks on the …
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 10, 2020 at 4:40 PM

Tell Trump to stop sabotaging the Postal Service

  John,  No, you’re not imagining it: the mail really has gotten slower. There are widespread reports of delays across the country, but it’s not because of the coronavirus. It’s because Republicans have finally gotten their years-long wish of sabotaging and privatizing the United…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 7, 2020 at 3:01 PM

Help us build a grassroots matching fund

  John,  With the primary election right around the corner, we’re all working around the clock to get the word out about Seth. And with this election falling during the middle of a pandemic, we’ve had to work twice as hard to make sure voters know how to safely cast a ballot on El…
  Serve America · [email protected]
August 6, 2020 at 10:14 PM

Tell Congress: Extend unemployment benefits

  Team, Nearly 30 million Americans are currently collecting unemployment benefits. That’s a staggering 20 percent of our country’s workforce. And last week we learned the economy contracted by a staggering 9.5% from April through June of this year. Thankfully, Congress passed th…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 5, 2020 at 9:13 PM

Now Live: Debate Night!

  John,  Tonight is Debate Night! Seth faced off today against his two primary opponents for the second time ahead of his September 1st primary for the Massachusetts’ 6th District in a conversation recorded on Zoom. It’s scheduled to be posted tonight at 7pm. You can tune in wit…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
August 4, 2020 at 2:03 PM

Thank you

  John,  Thank you for all of your generous support in July. We are heading into this primary in a great position, and it’s all thanks to you. This campaign wouldn’t be possible without people like you, John, and we’re so grateful to have you on the team. We’re going to be worki…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 10:07 PM

Last call before tonight’s deadline

  John,  We’ve been emailing you a ton lately so we’ll keep this brief. Our end-of-July fundraising deadline is just a few short hours away, and we’re only a few donations away from hitting our $12,500 goal. John, can you be the person to put us over the top? Here’s a secure lin…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 4:49 PM

Not looking good

  John,  Did you see Trump’s tweet from yesterday about trying to delay the November election? He knows his poll numbers are cratering and his response to COVID-19 has been a complete failure. That means that Democrats have to win BIG in November to leave him no room to undermin…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 30, 2020 at 10:09 PM

We’re behind, John

  John,  Our July deadline hits tomorrow at midnight and we’re still pretty far from our $12,500 goal. As of right now, we have exactly $9,373 to go. Can you rush a donation of $10 or more right now to get us the rest of the way? As soon as this deadline passes, we will be one m…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
July 29, 2020 at 1:05 PM

Check out our new endorsed candidates

  John, In this time of crisis, with the urgency of the most important election of our lifetimes looming just around the corner, it’s critical that we elect leaders with the character, experience, and principles to help us navigate the path forward. Today we are so excited to ann…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 28, 2020 at 10:49 PM

Asking directly, John

  John,  Before the end of July, we need to ask directly for your help. July has always been a notoriously difficult month to fundraise in, and so things have predictably been a bit slow for us. Despite being less than 100 days out from the November election, we’ve struggled to h…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 24, 2020 at 12:08 AM

Our ads are live!

  John,  We are excited to announce that our first ads are now up and running! We are doing everything we can to get the word out about Seth and make sure everyone knows how to cast their ballot safely. We are confident in Seth and his record, but we can’t get complacent. So, the…
  Serve America · [email protected]
July 22, 2020 at 10:19 PM

Breaking: Five of our races were just upgraded

  Team, The Cook Political Report just upgraded 20 race ratings toward Democratic candidates nationwide, including several of our endorsed challengers and incumbents: Christina Hale’s race for an open seat in Indiana’s 5th District was changed from “Lean Republican” to “Toss-up.…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 21, 2020 at 10:13 PM

It’s crunch time

  John,  On Sunday, we’ll officially be 100 days away from Election Day. And in Massachusetts, early voting for our September 1st Congressional primary is already underway. The most important election in our lifetimes is right around the corner, and we know Republicans are going …
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 20, 2020 at 10:36 PM

Add your name to support Vote by Mail across the country

  John,  The right to vote is fundamental to who we are as Americans—and making sure that right is protected has never been more important. With COVID-19 still raging throughout the country and many Republicans trying to undermine vote by mail programs, we’re going to have to fig…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
July 16, 2020 at 9:44 PM

Tell Betsy DeVos: Make a plan to keep our students and teachers safe

  John,  Earlier this week, Betsy DeVos went on TV and reminded everyone why she’s the worst Education Secretary in American history. While the nation’s teachers scramble to find a safe solution for schooling in the fall, Betsy DeVos went on TV and doubled down on her threat to t…
  Marie Harf, Serve America · [email protected]
July 14, 2020 at 5:26 PM

FW Texas runoffs

  Team, Today is Election Day! But it’s not just any Election Day, John. Today the eyes of the country turn to Texas for the primary runoffs where our endorsed candidates Kim Olson and Pritesh Gandhi are looking to cross the finish line and head into their General Elections to fl…
  Serve America · [email protected]
July 13, 2020 at 5:07 PM

Texas runoffs

  Team, Two of our endorsed candidates are on the ballot tomorrow in Texas’ highly anticipated primary runoff elections. Colonel Kim Olson and Dr. Pritesh Gandhi are both neck and neck in their respective races and need your help. Can you rush a donation to be split between Kim O…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
July 10, 2020 at 2:40 PM

Traitor Trump is Coming

  John,  This weekend, President Trump is coming to New England, and we need all hands on deck to respond. Over the last week, we’ve seen his campaign take a sinister turn, which is saying something even for this president. Trump is banking on the idea that he can pit us against …
  Serve America · [email protected]
July 10, 2020 at 12:06 AM

Dr. Pritesh Gandhi needs our help

  Team, Our endorsed candidate Dr. Pritesh Gandhi is in the heat of a nail-biter, runoff election in Texas’ 10th Congressional District—and Election Day is on Tuesday! Can you rush a last-minute donation to be split between Pritesh and Serve America? Dr. Gandhi is a physician w…
  Serve America · [email protected]
July 8, 2020 at 10:00 PM

All eyes are on Texas

  Rush a donation to Kim Olson and Serve America ahead of her runoff election on Tuesday! Team, All eyes are on Texas as we approach the next round of elections, on Tuesday, July 14th. Next week’s primary runoffs will feature some of the most-watched Congressional races in the co…
  Marie Harf, Serve America · [email protected]
July 7, 2020 at 3:49 PM

FW: Stephanie Schmid needs your help

  Team, Today is Election Day! I wanted to bump our email from yesterday to make sure you saw that our endorsed candidate Stephanie Schmid is on the ballot today in New Jersey’s 4th District—and she needs your help. We’re trying to send 100 donations her way, and as of this morni…