50+ Messages / Page

  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
February 29, 2020 at 10:39 PM

Re: stand with me now

Van Hollen for Senate Every day we are seeing alarming new developments that threaten our institutions and undermine the rule of law. As Chris said yesterday, Trump is now openly purging officials for “disloyalty”. If we allow him another term, the damage to our country will only get worse.Don…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
February 29, 2020 at 2:18 PM

ruthless and reckless

Van Hollen for Senate Reminiscent of the chilling moves of a budding autocrat, President Trump is now openly purging anyone willing to stand up to him. First he fired the civil servants that testified to the truth during the impeachment inquiry. Now he has removed the acting Director of Nation…
  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
February 26, 2020 at 9:24 PM

what matters to you?

Van Hollen for Senate This is a critical moment in American history. We need to protect our democracy against the relentless assault waged by the Trump administration and his co-conspirators in the Senate, led by Mitch McConnell. With the November election just around the corner, we wanted to …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
February 20, 2020 at 8:39 PM

the road to tyranny

Van Hollen for Senate President Trump’s interference with the Department of Justice presents a grave threat to the rule of law. His corrupt actions to enable his convicted criminal friends to escape justice make a mockery of our legal system — which requires independence, impartiality and fair…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
February 13, 2020 at 3:08 PM

Trump's dangerous budget

Van Hollen for Senate When Donald Trump ran for President, he promised he wouldn’t cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — he lied. His 2020 budget slashes at least $24 billion from Social Security, $478 billion from Medicare, and $920 billion from Medicaid. Trump needs these devastating…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
February 6, 2020 at 9:00 PM

it's up to us

Van Hollen for Senate Yesterday was a dark day for our country. Trump’s acquittal by the Senate despite overwhelming evidence leaves a permanent scar on our democracy.Pitch in to fight back. There is little doubt that Trump plans to use this moment to be even more divisive and destructive. We …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
February 5, 2020 at 7:38 PM

misleading statements and outright lies

Van Hollen for Senate If you tuned out Trump's speech last night, I don't blame you. He disgraced the occasion by turning the State of the Union address into one of his campaign rallies. Trump never misses an opportunity to divide the country and yesterday was no exception. He believes the str…
  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 31, 2020 at 4:15 PM

Trump vs. the First Amendment

Van Hollen for Senate     The Trump administration has a disturbing habit of attacking freedom of the press. Last week, Secretary Pompeo stormed out of an interview with NPR after he received questions he didn’t like about Ukraine. It’s one thing to disagree politically; it’s another to thr…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 30, 2020 at 7:20 PM

Bolton wants to testify; he should be able to do so.

Van Hollen for Senate Former Trump National Security Advisor, John Bolton, is publicly asking to be called as a witness in President Trump’s impeachment trial. Bolton has information that speaks directly to the foundation of Trump’s defense that he didn’t withhold congressionally approved aid …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 28, 2020 at 6:44 PM

BREAKING: Trump attacks me

Van Hollen for Senate I'm not afraid to take on Trump. And I'll go on Fox News because all Americans deserve to hear the truth. But we have to be ready for Republicans to hit back.Will you rush a donation now to help us defend against Trump and GOP attacks? The President was complaining beca…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
January 17, 2020 at 4:39 PM

The weight of history

President Trump betrayed the public trust and his oath to the Constitution. Van Hollen for Senate Friends, With each passing day the evidence keeps piling up that President Trump betrayed the public trust and his oath to the Constitution. Last month I requested that the non-partisan GAO, the fe…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
July 31, 2019 at 5:20 PM

the real test of patriotism

Van Hollen for SenateProtecting American elections from foreign interference isn't an issue of partisanship     We had a Democratic debate last night and have another tonight. However, on one thing there is no debate: it’s a fact that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections and is planning …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
July 28, 2019 at 10:56 PM

stand against the Racist in Chief

Van Hollen for SenateElijah Cummings has faced down and defeated racist bullies like Trump with courage and integrity     This is not the first time in his life that Elijah Cummings has faced down racist bullies. He had to do that many times growing up. But this is the first time that the r…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
July 24, 2019 at 9:52 PM

Mueller's bottom line

Van Hollen for SenateAfter today's Mueller hearing no American should have any doubt that our democracy is under threat.     At today’s hearing, Americans clearly and definitively heard from Special Counsel Robert Mueller on 2 critical points: 1. Contrary to the claims from President Trump …
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
July 23, 2019 at 5:09 PM

President Trump's assault on American values

Van Hollen for SenateTrump's racist attacks against four American Congresswomen reveals once again that he is a threat to the core values and principles of our country.     I remember that historic night on November 4th, 2008, when Barack Obama delivered one of the most profoundly moving po…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
July 15, 2019 at 8:34 PM

Republican complicity

Van Hollen for SenateWe need to come together and collectively demand the GOP stand up to Trump's bigotry.     For years now, the President has used social media to sling attack after attack against those who use their first amendment rights to speak against his hate and bigotry—and this we…
  Team Van Hollen · [email protected]
June 30, 2019 at 10:31 PM

so much is at stake

Van Hollen for SenateTrump has worked tirelessly to undermine the Affordable Care Act and supported measures that increase costs     Chris’ official FEC filing deadline is tonight at midnight. With our democracy under attack, and Mitch McConnell refusing to move forward with Chris’ bipartis…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
June 30, 2019 at 3:05 PM

we need to fight back

Van Hollen for SenateTrump has worked tirelessly to undermine the Affordable Care Act and supported measures that increase costs     President Trump’s comments this week about health care are an attempt to rewrite history. From the beginning of his term, Trump has worked tirelessly to under…
  Chris Van Hollen · [email protected]
June 29, 2019 at 12:24 PM

Trump wants to destroy the ACA

Van Hollen for SenateTrump has worked tirelessly to undermine the Affordable Care Act and supported measures that increase costs     President Trump’s comments this week about health care are an attempt to rewrite history. From the beginning of his term, Trump has worked tirelessly to under…