50+ Messages / Page

  Amanda Nichols, Communications Director, Our Revolution · [email protected]
July 9, 2023 at 3:15 PM

FWD: Joe Biden: We can’t wait

John, Did you see Barbara’s email on Friday? Her story is incredible and I’m so happy she agreed to share it with you. Volunteers like her — and supporters like you — are what make our work at Our Rev possible. If you have a minute right now, we’d be so grateful if you could chip in and h…
  Barbara K, Our Rev Volunteer, San Antonio, TX · [email protected]
July 7, 2023 at 8:02 PM

I’m in serious debt—like millions of Americans

John,I am a lifelong Democratic voter from Texas and I have a message for the President. Right now I am forced to choose between paying off nearly $200,000 in student loans vs. supporting my aging parents and even putting a roof over my head. I am a volunteer with Our Revolution because I…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
July 6, 2023 at 11:14 PM

Student debt fight isn’t over - join our live call with Ro Khanna

John, Breaking news of the Supreme Court striking down student debt relief was a gut punch, but it has only galvanized our movement. Biden can still Cancel Student Debt, and Our Revolution is organizing with US Rep. Ro Khanna and mobilizing our student debt leaders around the country t…
  Joseph Geevarghese, Executive Director @ Our Revolution · [email protected]
July 5, 2023 at 11:37 PM

midyear check in

John,At the start of the year, we told you about our inside-out plan to keep fighting injustices and corporate-built inequity. Our goals are to organize the grassroots to 1) advance progressive policies 2) elect more allies, and 3) grow our influence in the party.I’m reporting back halfwa…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
July 1, 2023 at 3:43 PM

RSVP! Student debt town hall with Ro Khanna

John, Breaking news of the Supreme Court striking down student debt relief was a gut punch, but it has only galvanized our movement. Biden can still Cancel Student Debt, and Our Revolution is organizing with US Rep. Ro Khanna and mobilizing our student debt leaders around the country t…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 30, 2023 at 10:22 PM

Get your Bernie fighter sticker!

John,We all know Bernie will never give up the fight, and neither will we! As Chairman of the HELP Committee, Bernie has been going rounds with Big Pharma execs and union-busters like Jeff Bezos, and Our Revolution is proud to be in his corner. Pitch in $10 (or $5 recurring) to help us …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 30, 2023 at 4:38 PM

BREAKING: Student debt relief overturned by Supreme Court

John,Today’s Supreme Court decision is a slap in the face for the 40 million Americans who are being financially victimized by Wall Street’s predatory student loan schemes. But President Biden doesn’t have to let the pro-corporate majority on the Court get the last word. That’s why Our …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 29, 2023 at 7:13 PM

BREAKING: Affirmative Action is over

John,The Supreme Court just overturned Affirmative Action, ignoring the blindingly obvious harms and injustices caused by racism in America. With rulings coming on access to abortion pills and student debt relief, this corrupt court is doing lasting damage. A series of high-profile co…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 29, 2023 at 1:53 PM

our concrete plan to defeat fascism

John,As right-wing fascism grows and the election season gets closer, there is enormous pressure from corporate interests on Joe Biden to move to the right. He's already doing it, and if he keeps going, the results will be so catastrophic that we could lose our democracy altogether. T…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 28, 2023 at 9:51 PM

the way to fight fascism is to deliver for working people

John,As right-wing fascism grows and the election season gets closer, there is enormous pressure from corporate interests on Joe Biden to move to the right. He's already doing it, and if he keeps going, the results will be so catastrophic that we could lose our democracy altogether. T…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 27, 2023 at 5:27 PM

we defeat fascism by making democracy work

John,Rightwing fascism is on the rise, Donald Trump has been indicted for espionage, and Republicans are using state governments as a laboratory to try new schemes to suppress votes and consolidate corporate power. Sadly, corporate Democrats are aiding and abetting the radical right as t…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 26, 2023 at 10:34 PM

Bernie launches investigation into Amazon’s “dangerous and illegal” practices

John, Amazon's record with workers is shameful, and Bernie Sanders is using his power as the chairman of the HELP Committee to launch a long-needed investigation into their illegal exploitation of workers! One survey of an Amazon facility showed that 74% of Amazon workers skip going to …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 24, 2023 at 4:46 PM

NEWS: Major campaigns on student debt, medical debt, drug prices, and more!

INSIDER NEWS FROM THE FRONTLINES OF THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION HEADLINES: Bernie vs. Big Pharma | Medical Debt Team | Bernie Takes on Amazon | Chicago Action to Raise the Wage | Virginia Victories | & MORE! ★ ★ ★SUMMER OF ACTION Summer is in full swing, and things are heating up…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 23, 2023 at 7:10 PM

Bernie needs to hear your experiences with high drug prices

John, Chairman Bernie Sanders is doing something most politicians are too scared to do — taking on the enormous political power of Big Pharma! He's using his power as chairman of the HELP committee to block all healthcare nominees until Joe Biden proposes a strategy to "lower the outrag…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 22, 2023 at 8:49 PM

Stand with Bernie as he takes on Amazon!

John, Amazon's record with workers is shameful, and Bernie Sanders is using his power as the chairman of the HELP Committee to launch a long-needed investigation into their illegal exploitation of workers! One survey of an Amazon facility showed that 74% of Amazon workers skip going to …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 22, 2023 at 4:40 PM

major campaign to end medical debt

John, the fight to end medical debt is heating up right now, and you can make an impact. Our work to expose the role of hospitals in the medical debt crisis is paying off! A recent New York Times story and a new report by Human Rights Watch are opening many eyes to how “charity” hospita…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 21, 2023 at 8:20 PM

Ohio's democracy under rightwing attack

John,Republican extremists are trying to lock in their unpopular policies and guarantee they win the 2024 election by passing laws to suppress as many voters as possible. Ohio's far-right legislature has already passed draconian laws to restrict reproductive freedom. Now they are calling…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 20, 2023 at 7:34 PM

Virginia could become a fascist-controlled state if we don't win today

John,If Republicans win just one Senate seat in Virginia, the state will have a fascist majority willing and able to crush voting rights, persecute the LGBTQIA+ community, take away abortion access, ban books, and more. That's why it's so important we turn out as many voters as possible …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 20, 2023 at 2:18 PM

Trump wants to destroy the justice system and become our dictator

John,After finally being indicted for stealing national security secrets, Donald Trump and his surrogates aren't hiding their fascist ambitions to take over the country and seize total power — pledging to purge the justice department and threatening violence if Trump is held accountable f…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 15, 2023 at 7:10 PM

please take our quick student debt survey

John, Are you or someone you love one of the 45 million Americans anxiously awaiting clarity on their student loan payments? If so, we want to hear from you. Let us know how student debt impacts your life or the lives of your friends and family by taking our quick survey here! The fact …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 14, 2023 at 11:19 PM

Bernie is holding Big Pharma accountable, and they hate it

John,Big Pharma funds more than two-thirds of Congress, and they’re furious that Bernie Sanders — our founder who can’t be bought — just put his foot down on their greed. As Chair of the HELP Committee, Bernie Sanders is using his power to block all health nominees until President Bide…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 13, 2023 at 7:26 PM

BREAKING: Chairman Sanders leveraging power for drug price cuts

John, BREAKING NEWS! Bernie Sanders goes to battle for lower drug prices Chairman Sanders is putting his foot down and using his power as head of the HELP committee to block all Department of Health and Human Services nominees until the Biden administration puts forward a clear strategy …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 10, 2023 at 4:16 PM

NEWS! Taking action for climate, higher wages, and more

INSIDER NEWS FROM THE FRONTLINES OF THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION HEADLINES: Climate Chaos & the Dirty Deal | Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline | Rally to Raise the Wage + Tips on Top | Critical Virginia Elections | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★A cloud of heavy smoke hangs in the air from …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 10, 2023 at 1:10 AM

act now to help safeguard abortion access in the South

John,We need to ACT NOW to stop an authoritarian takeover of Virginia — and the rollback of women’s reproductive rights — on June 20th. That's why Our Revolution is going all-out to prevent right wing GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin from picking up the ONE seat he needs to take control of the st…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 9, 2023 at 10:41 PM

Biden has the power to cancel student debt

John, 45 million Americans are anxiously awaiting clarity on their student loan payments, causing lots of sleepless nights and avoidable stress. A condition in the debt-ceiling negotiations will end the student loan payment pause on August 30, and the Supreme Court could overturn studen…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 8, 2023 at 5:24 PM

the climate crisis is here, and we aren't ready

John,As smoke produces dangerous air quality on the east coast, it's more apparent than ever that the climate crisis is here, and there will be hell to pay for our society's greedy refusal to confront reality. President Biden has failed to take needed action, approving more drilling perm…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 4, 2023 at 4:54 PM

fighting fascism state by state

John,Republican fascism is the greatest threat to our safety, and Our Revolution is doing everything possible to stop it before it leads to unimaginable pain. That means standing up to weaponized hatred at both a federal and state level, and on June 20th, we have a chance to reverse the …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
June 1, 2023 at 7:41 PM

our allies in the Senate have a plan to stop the worst parts of the Dirty Deal

John,President Biden's debt ceiling deal with a group of fascist Republicans willing to hold our economy at gunpoint would fast-track Joe Manchin's dirty deal -- even though it's incredibly unpopular with everybody except the energy companies who will profit. The deal also cruelly attac…
  Joseph Geevarghese, Executive Director · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 11:41 PM

we can defeat American fascism if we stand together

John, time is running out, so I'll get right to the point. Our first end-of-month deadline since launching our Fight Fascism Fund is tonight at midnight, and we're still short $6,531 from reaching our launch goal. With corporate power teaming up with extreme politicians to crush democra…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 5:23 PM

TAKE ACTION: Stop this dirty debt deal

John, By reaching an agreement with Republicans, President Biden will be rewarding economic terrorists for holding a gun to the head of the American economy. This disastrous debt ceiling deal would fast-track Joe Manchin’s dirty deal and other fossil fuel projects, make it harder for sen…
  Paco Fabián · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 2:54 PM

Ending medical debt is crucial to stopping America's fast decline into a fascist oligarchy

John, did you see the team's message about our new campaign to end medical debt? Medical debt is one of the key ways our corporate masters crush democracy and keep the public desperate and controllable, and we need to fight back with everything we have. That's why we, and the 100 millio…
  Paco Fabián · [email protected]
May 30, 2023 at 9:49 PM

how medical debt enables fascism

John, did you see the team's message about our new campaign to end medical debt? Medical debt is one of the key ways our corporate masters crush democracy and keep the public desperate and controllable, and we need to fight back with everything we have. That's why we, and the 100 millio…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 30, 2023 at 6:00 PM

fascism requires a desperate population, and medical debt achieves that outcome

John,A key aspect of fascism is to keep the population powerless and indebted to the ruling class, and that's exactly the function of medical debt in our society. 100 million Americans suffer from Medical Debt, a figure unmatched in the developed world that destroys financial futures and…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 30, 2023 at 2:10 PM

the dirty deal keeps coming back, like some sort of fascist zombie

John,Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign Chair, John Podesta and corporate Republicans are pressuring Joe Biden into expanding fossil fuel extraction by signing off on Joe Manchin's dirty deal. Even though Our Revolution helped kill Manchin's bill 3 times, it's like a corporate-financed zom…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 28, 2023 at 4:00 PM

No Labels is spending $70 million to help Trump win

John,No Labels is a fake bipartisan group that pretends to be “centrist” while pushing deeply unpopular policies designed to rob the middle-class and enrich large corporations and billionaires. Their fascist Republican funders have committed $70 million so far to help get a third party …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 27, 2023 at 4:17 PM

NEWS! Keith Ellison on George Floyd, police reform, and more

INSIDER NEWS FROM THE FRONTLINES OF THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION HEADLINES: Medicare for All Rally | Keith Ellison: George Floyd Murder | OR Activist Attacked by GOP Rep | Regunberg for Congress (RI-1) | Beckles for CA State Senate | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is the country’s l…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 26, 2023 at 9:08 PM

Republican fascists are trying to break our economy

John,As soon as June 1, America could default for the first time in history and trigger an economic catastrophe – all because fascist Republicans are refusing to do their duty and pay for spending they already authorized unless Joe Biden agrees to horrific budget cuts. Bernie Sanders wa…
  Amanda Nichols · [email protected]
May 26, 2023 at 5:17 PM

help us fight American fascism before it’s too late

John, did you see our message about how Bernie Sanders predicted last November that Republicans would hold our economy hostage by refusing to raise the debt ceiling. The establishment failed to listen, and now we are only days away from the potential collapse of the American economy – as…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 25, 2023 at 8:29 PM

why we’re launching our Fight Fascism Fund

John,As soon as June 1, America could default for the first time in history and trigger an economic catastrophe – all because fascist Republicans are refusing to do their duty and pay for spending they already authorized unless Joe Biden agrees to horrific budget cuts. Bernie Sanders wa…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 24, 2023 at 2:40 PM

SIGNED COPY: Keith Ellison’s new book

John,Last night, Keith Ellison joined us on our LIVE national call to discuss his new book detailing his role in convicting former police officer Derrick Chauvin for murdering George Floyd, Break the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police Violence. Keith told us he is so grateful for everythi…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 23, 2023 at 7:39 PM

your signed copy of Keith Ellison’s book is waiting for you

John,Last night, Keith Ellison joined us on our LIVE national call to discuss his new book detailing his role in convicting former police officer Derrick Chauvin for murdering George Floyd, Break the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police Violence. Keith told us he is so grateful for everythi…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 22, 2023 at 8:01 PM

LIVE Call TONIGHT: Keith Ellison on ending police violence, plus exciting new candidates!

Join our LIVE National Organize-to-Win Call TOPICS: Keith Ellison on Public Safety & Police Violence | Aaron Regunberg for Congress (RI-1) | Jovanka Beckles for CA Senate | OR Activist Assaulted by GOP Rep! | Signed Copies of Keith’s New Book | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ This Monday! …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 21, 2023 at 11:34 PM

Keith Ellison is offering signed books to Our Revolution supporters!

John,Thanks to your support, Our Revolution helped Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison fend off multiple extreme challengers bankrolled by police unions. In that role, he overcame systemic barriers to convict police officer Derek Chauvin for brutally murdering George Floyd. While on…
  Amanda Nichols · [email protected]
May 21, 2023 at 7:47 PM

Keith Ellison is offering you a special deal on a signed copy of his new book!

John, Did you see our message about Keith Ellison offering Our Revolution members a signed copy of his new book: Breaking the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police Violence? The book has a forward from George Floyd’s brother Philonise and is a detailed account of Keith’s work to convict Floy…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 20, 2023 at 3:52 PM

LIVE Call: Keith Ellison on ending police violence, plus exciting new candidates!

Join our LIVE National Organize-to-Win Call TOPICS: Keith Ellison on Public Safety & Police Violence | Aaron Regunberg for Congress (RI-1) | Jovanka Beckles for CA Senate | OR Activist Assaulted by GOP Rep! | Signed Copies of Keith’s New Book | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ This Monday! …
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

a signed copy of Keith Ellison's new book!

John,Thanks to your support, Our Revolution helped Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison fend off multiple extreme challengers bankrolled by police unions. In that role, he overcame systemic barriers to convict police officer Derek Chauvin for brutally murdering George Floyd. While on…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 18, 2023 at 10:57 PM

GOP Rep. Clay Higgins attacks an Our Revolution activist in viral video

John,Our Revolution Howard County MD co-chair, Jake Burdett, was physically assaulted yesterday by Republican Congressman Clay Higgins for daring to ask tough questions to his insurrectionist friends Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar. Instead of arresting Higgins for assaulting a 25-year-ol…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 17, 2023 at 8:27 PM

BREAKING: Bernie just reintroduced Medicare for All

John,Despite being the wealthiest country in the history of the world, America does not guarantee health care to our people. We pay higher drug prices than anywhere worldwide, and 100 million of us suffer from medical debt. That's why Our Revolution rallied today with Bernie Sanders and…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 16, 2023 at 8:55 PM

Election Alert in Philly

John,Today is Election Day in Philadelphia, and Our Revolution, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and more are going all-out to elect union organizer and former teacher Helen Gym. Thanks to our progressive organizing, Helen is ahead in the polls, but the race is very close with lots of undecideds hea…
  Our Revolution · [email protected]
May 16, 2023 at 12:40 AM

Helen Gym is under attack, but we have her back for Philly Mayor

John,With Our Revolution and Bernie Sanders’ endorsed candidate for the Mayor of Philadelphia within striking distance of victory tomorrow, Pennsylvania’s wealthiest man is flooding the airwaves with attack ads in a desperate attempt to stop Helen Gym from winning. We expected nothing le…