50+ Messages / Page

  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 27, 2023 at 9:37 PM

Just $3 →

Every dollar you invest helps us power the victories of climate champions in the upcoming elections and power the strength of the climate movement.   John, Jane Fonda here. Your $3 investment may not seem like much compared to the millions spent by the fossil fuel industry ev…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
September 26, 2023 at 8:31 PM

Double your grassroots power!

This is a great opportunity for you to double your impact and help us support even more climate champions!   John, We’re reaching out with an important message: Our crucial September fundraising deadline is just 4 days away, and we need your support to reach our $15,000 fundra…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 25, 2023 at 8:55 PM

Starting off the week strong

Our crucial FEC fundraising deadline is just 5 days away, and I need your support to reach our $15,000 fundraising goal.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. Our crucial FEC fundraising deadline is just 5 days away, and I need your support to reach our $15,000 fundraising goal. Wi…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 24, 2023 at 6:56 PM

Checking In:

With your support, we can send our elected officials a resounding message that climate action is our top priority and it must be theirs too.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I know you get a lot of emails from me and our team. I won’t take up too much of your time, but I have an …
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
September 21, 2023 at 9:42 PM

Before the weekend

You are an essential member of our movement as we grow our program to fight to secure a livable future.   John, Our September fundraising goal is right around the corner, and your investment in the Jane Fonda Climate PAC will make a huge difference in our fight to defeat Big Oi…
  JANE FONDA · [email protected]
September 21, 2023 at 6:35 PM

Our relationship

My team and I want to ensure that this relationship honors your time and respects your input.   Hi, Jane Fonda here. I know that you probably receive all sorts of emails selling you products or asking for your support in one way or another. I know that can be overwhelming at tim…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 21, 2023 at 1:21 AM

Do you have 10 seconds?

The fossil fuel industry is pouring in millions of dollars to keep their allies in elected office, and we need to fight back.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. The fossil fuel industry is pouring in millions of dollars to keep their allies in elected office, and we need to fight ba…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 20, 2023 at 9:07 PM

Newsom is right

Governor Newsom understands that the climate crisis is actually a fossil fuels crisis.   FIGHT BACK John, Jane Fonda here. I wanted to take a moment between events at Climate Week to share some big news with you, and express gratitude to California Governor Gav…
  Jane via Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
September 20, 2023 at 6:53 PM

Your priorities matter to me, John

As we head into the next chapter of our work, we would be so grateful to hear from you!   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. As we continue our work to elect climate champions up and down the ballot, our team needs to make some consequential decisions about our priorities, our strateg…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 19, 2023 at 9:37 PM


Your $11 investment will make a huge difference as we gear up to implement our ambitious plan.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. Our FEC fundraising deadline is just 11 days away, and we need your help to reach our must-hit $15,000 quarterly fundraising goal. Will you contribute $1…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 19, 2023 at 6:46 PM

I have something to tell you, John

I wanted to take a moment to explain why your support matters to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC and the candidates we support.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I wanted to take a moment to explain why your support matters to the Jane Fonda Climate PAC and the candidates we support. …
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 18, 2023 at 9:35 PM

power of mobilization

Thank you for helping spread the message, participating on virtual calls, and showing up to tell the President what we expect of him!   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. Yesterday, over 75,000 people took to the streets for the March to End Fossil Fuels in New York. It’s truly inspi…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 17, 2023 at 2:35 PM

a quick message for you:

Every dollar you invest has an immediate impact as we fight to free our government from the fossil fuel industry’s stranglehold.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I don’t want to take up too much of your time on this busy day, but I wouldn’t reach out if it wasn’t important. As w…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 14, 2023 at 9:46 PM

Another Thursday

Your investment on a regular Thursday like this one helps us build the resources we need to fight back against Big Oil.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. It might seem like just another regular Thursday to you and me, but the fossil fuel industry is spending thousands of dollars eve…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
September 13, 2023 at 8:06 PM

Here’s what President Biden said:

President Biden recently called climate change “an existential threat, more frightening than nuclear war” facing humanity.   CONTRIBUTE John, Did you see this? President Biden recently called climate change “an existential threat, more frightening than nuclear w…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
September 12, 2023 at 9:47 PM

Why we need climate action →

"Climate change-fueled heat waves swept the world this summer" –Axios   CONTRIBUTE $5 CONTRIBUTE $10 CONTRIBUTE $25 CONTRIBUTE $50 OTHER AMOUNT     Paid for by Jane Fonda Climate P…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 11, 2023 at 10:42 PM

we’re up against Big Oil →

When we combine our grassroots strength, our impact is amplified as we fight back against Big Oil.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I’m reaching out to let you know what we’re up against: The fossil fuel industry is spending millions of dollars in races across the country to make s…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 10, 2023 at 7:50 PM

just $5

Your generous $5 contributions added up and helped us support climate champions in crucial races across the country last year and lead them to victories.   John, $5 may not seem like a lot of money compared to the millions spent by the fossil fuel industry every year to line t…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 9, 2023 at 8:34 PM

I’m inspired

You are an essential member of our movement as we fight to secure a livable future.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. My team at the Jane Fonda Climate PAC and I recently held our annual retreat, and I wanted to share some things with you. We had an incredibly successful first year…
  Sarah via Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
September 8, 2023 at 9:52 PM

Nice to meet you, John!

I wanted to take a moment to tell you a little about myself.   Hi John, I’m Sarah Lane, Jane Fonda Climate PAC’s new Executive Director. I wanted to take a moment to tell you a little about myself. I’m the daughter of two civil rights activists from the South. My mom worked o…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
September 7, 2023 at 9:06 PM

A personal note from Jane Fonda:

Jane read all your heartwarming messages and wrote a quick note to share what your support for the Jane Fonda Climate PAC.   John, Jane read all your heartwarming messages and wrote a quick note to share what your support for the Jane Fonda Climate PAC means to her and the clima…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 5, 2023 at 9:16 PM


We surpassed our August fundraising goal thanks to your overwhelming support.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I wanted to reach out to say thank you for your generous support of the Jane Fonda Climate PAC. We surpassed our August fundraising goal thanks to your overwhelming supp…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 1, 2023 at 7:18 PM

Exciting opportunity!

Aaron Regunberg is a remarkable candidate running for Congress in Rhode Island’s 1st District, facing an important primary on Tuesday, September 5!   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I’m reaching out with an exciting opportunity to phone bank for our endorsed Rhode Island climate ch…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
September 1, 2023 at 12:10 AM

I’ll keep this short

Every dollar you invest helps us support climate champions up and down the ballot.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I’m sure you’ve heard from our team a lot this week, so I’ll keep this short. Our August fundraising deadline is only a few hours away, and we’re just $567 away from …
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
August 31, 2023 at 4:25 PM

⏰ Our August Deadline ⏰

We can end the era of fossil fuels by electing climate champions at every level of government in 2023, and beyond.   John, Our August fundraising deadline is tonight at midnight, and we’re only $5,632 away from hitting our $10,000 August fundraising goal. We need your support.…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
August 30, 2023 at 8:36 PM

even $1

Support for climate action has never been this strong, and we cannot let up in this crucial moment.   John, Our August fundraising deadline is tomorrow, and we need your support to reach our $10,000 fundraising goal. Even $1 makes a huge impact as we fight to defeat the fossil …
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 29, 2023 at 10:24 PM

Big Oil vs. Us

Every day, I’m proud to be a part of this movement as we do the most important work of our lifetime.   This fight is personal, John, and we all have a stake in this movement. I’ve been a fierce advocate for climate action for more than a decade and witnessed the fossil fuel in…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 28, 2023 at 9:16 PM

This email is three sentences

We’re in the most important fight of our lifetime to defeat the fossil fuel industry and ensure a livable future on our planet.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. $3 may not seem like a lot of money compared to the millions spent by the fossil fuel industry every year to destroy our…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 27, 2023 at 7:17 PM

what we’re up against:

When we combine our grassroots strength, our impact is amplified as we fight back against Big Oil.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I’m reaching out to let you know what we’re up against: The fossil fuel industry is spending millions of dollars in races across the country to make s…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 24, 2023 at 10:34 PM

A historic ruling

This ruling should send a clear message - everyone has the right to clean air, clean water and an environment where they can flourish.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. In a groundbreaking decision, a judge in Montana ruled in favor of young climate activists who accused the state elected …
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 23, 2023 at 7:37 PM

three reasons →

Every dollar you invest in the Jane Fonda Climate PAC has an immediate impact in the decisions we make, and we cannot do it without you.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. If you’re reading this, it’s likely you receive a lot of emails from us. I wanted to take a moment to explain w…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 22, 2023 at 10:44 PM

Arizona heat records

In climate-vulnerable states like Arizona, the extreme heatwave last month pushed the limits of survival.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. States across the United States have been through extreme heat stress during the peak of the summer. But some records are not meant to be broke…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
August 21, 2023 at 8:55 PM

Send Jane a message!

YOU are a big part of the movement in our fight to protect our planet and Jane wants to hear from you!   John, We are grateful for your support and we’ve accomplished so much by having you on our side. At the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, we are building a movement to demand climat…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 20, 2023 at 6:40 PM

average contribution →

Your average contribution makes a huge difference in our fight against fossil fuel giants who spend millions of dollars every year to extend their political influence.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I’m reaching out with a quick update: Our average contribution this year is $22.9…
  Wenonah Hauter · [email protected]
August 17, 2023 at 9:40 PM

We are living in a climate emergency

July will be recorded as the planet’s hottest month ever.   Hi John, July will be recorded as the planet’s hottest month ever. If we don’t address this climate emergency, the heat is here to stay unless we see urgent federal action from the Biden administration. We no longer …
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
August 16, 2023 at 10:44 PM

Did you see what President Biden said?

In a recent interview with The Weather Channel, President Biden called climate change an “existential threat” facing humanity.   John, Did you see this? In a recent interview with The Weather Channel, President Biden called climate change an “existential threat” facing humanity. The…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 16, 2023 at 2:16 PM

what big oil doesn’t know

We are fighting back by electing climate champions at every level of government because we know our future is on the line.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. Big Oil corporations are spending millions of dollars against climate champions in crucial races across the country and on lob…
  Wenonah Hauter · [email protected]
August 15, 2023 at 7:20 PM

🆘 Biden: Declare a climate emergency

The climate crisis requires bold leadership NOW, not tomorrow.   Hi John, Corporate greed and inaction by our elected leaders are destroying the climate and endangering people across the planet. The devastation we’re seeing in Maui is heartbreaking, and unfortunately this unfolding t…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 13, 2023 at 7:46 PM

$5 →

Your generous $5 contributions added up and helped us support climate champions in crucial races across the country last year and lead them to victories.   John, $5 may not seem like a lot of money compared to the millions spent by the fossil fuel industry every year to line t…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
August 11, 2023 at 9:40 PM

What’s happening in Hawaii →

The climate crisis continues to wreak havoc on communities and planet-warming fossil fuels are the root of the problem.   BREAKING NEWS: Hawaii declares State Of Emergency as hurricane winds drive wildfires in Maui John, Hawaii declares a state of emergency in the wake of …
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 10, 2023 at 9:03 PM

A special virtual fundraiser!

Please join the Jane Fonda Climate PAC in supporting Aaron, a remarkable candidate running for Congress in Rhode Island.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I’m excited to personally invite you to a special virtual fundraiser for our Rhode Island Climate Champion Aaron Regunberg on M…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
August 9, 2023 at 9:21 PM

re: our priorities survey

We would like to hear what your priorities are as we gear up to make decisions for the upcoming months.   John, We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss our priorities survey. As we’re over halfway through the year, we would like to hear what your priorities are as we gear up to make deci…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
August 8, 2023 at 9:21 PM

What the headlines are saying:

Join our movement to fight back against climate change!   CONTRIBUTE $5 CONTRIBUTE $10 CONTRIBUTE $25 CONTRIBUTE $50 OTHER AMOUNT     Paid for by Jane Fonda Climate PAC, not authorized by any cand…
  Dan Rowe · [email protected]
August 7, 2023 at 11:06 PM

we want to hear from you, John

Because our work is only possible because of your support, we would love to hear from you.   John, Hi, it’s Dan with the Jane Fonda Climate PAC. We’re over halfway through 2023, and everyone on our team is grateful for your ongoing support. The work we do to elect true climat…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
August 3, 2023 at 9:44 PM

Thank you

We surpassed our July fundraising goal thanks to your overwhelming support. ❤️   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I wanted to reach out to say thank you for your generous support of the Jane Fonda Climate PAC. We surpassed our July fundraising goal thanks to your overwhelming suppor…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
July 31, 2023 at 10:11 PM

midnight tonight

Every dollar you invest helps us support climate champions up and down the ballot and end Big Oil’s decades-long influence on our political system.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I’m sure you’ve heard from my team a lot this week, so I’ll keep this short. Our July fundraising dea…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
July 31, 2023 at 3:49 PM


Our July fundraising deadline is tonight at midnight and we need your support to reach our crucial $5,000 July fundraising goal.   TODAY: OUR JULY FUNDRAISING DEADLINE Will you contribute $10 today to help us reach our goal? CONTRIBUTE John, Ou…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
July 30, 2023 at 7:22 PM

a short message:

Our July fundraising deadline is tomorrow and I need your help.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I hate to bother you on a Sunday, but I wouldn’t ask if this wasn’t important. Our July fundraising deadline is tomorrow, and I need your help. Will you contribute $10 today to help u…
  Jane Fonda Climate PAC · [email protected]
July 29, 2023 at 8:13 PM

we can’t fall behind now

The fight to protect our planet doesn’t stop and we need your continued support to keep up our strong momentum.   John, We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss Jane’s important message about the summer slump. July is a slow month for fundraising, John. But the fight to protect our planet…
  Jane Fonda · [email protected]
July 28, 2023 at 8:46 PM

re: our summer slump

I know that summer is a busy time for everyone, and it looks like our grassroots fundraising is seeing a downward trend.   John, Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I know that summer is a busy time for everyone, and it looks like our grassroots fundraising is seeing a downward trend. This…