50+ Messages / Page

  Tony Perkins · [email protected]
June 7, 2023 at 11:32 PM

BREAKING NEWS: The SPLC is at it again! Sign the petition today.

Alert This time, they're targeting parents. June 7, 2023 Dear John, In what seems to be a never-ending saga of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) targeting those who stand up against the Left's agenda, the radical organization has begun to target parental r…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
June 7, 2023 at 12:59 PM

Congress Hears from Experts on Gender Transition Harms to Minors

Washington Stand June 7, 2023 Congress Hears from Experts on Gender Transition Harms to Minors by Joshua Arnold Medical experts and detransitioners met members of Congress at the Capitol Monday to discuss the lifelong damage America's gender transition i…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
June 7, 2023 at 11:08 AM

Bible Reading: Nehemiah 3-4

Bible Reading June 7, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Nehemiah 3-4 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) What was the strategic benefit of having people build the part of the wall in front of their own house? 2) When enemies threate…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
June 6, 2023 at 1:06 PM

10 Things for Christians to Remember during Pride Month

Washington Stand June 6, 2023 10 Things for Christians to Remember during Pride Month by Joseph Backholm How do we think soberly, act biblically, and maintain our joy as we wade through this month-long celebration of sin? Here are a few things to remembe…
  Tony Perkins · [email protected]
June 6, 2023 at 11:22 AM

Join the challenge! Be a persistent wall builder.

FRC Limited-time $1 Million matching opportunity. Dear John, For 40 years, Family Research Council's mission has been to rebuild the foundations of faith, family, and freedom for our nation. But rebuilding America's spiritual footing requires persistence in the face of oppositio…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
June 6, 2023 at 8:31 AM

Bible Reading: Nehemiah 2

Bible Reading June 6, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Nehemiah 2 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) How did the people respond to Nehemiah's challenge to rebuild the walls, which had the backing of the Persian king and was marked…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
June 5, 2023 at 1:15 PM

Bible Reading: Nehemiah 1

Bible Reading June 5, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Nehemiah 1 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) What was Nehemiah's response to his brother Hanani's report of the sad situation of the broken-down walls back in Jerusalem? He …
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
June 5, 2023 at 1:05 PM

Woke Brands Back Off Pride Month as American Fury Grows

Washington Stand June 5, 2023 Woke Brands Back Off Pride Month as American Fury Grows by Suzanne Bowdey For most CEOs, Pride Month couldn't have come at a more inopportune time. As companies like Target, Bud Light, and others desperately try to control t…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
June 3, 2023 at 8:08 AM

Bible Reading: Ezra 9-10

Bible Reading June 3, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Ezra 9-10 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) When Ezra arrived, what great sin had the people committed for which he was deeply grieved and pleaded with the Lord in intercesso…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
June 2, 2023 at 1:19 PM

Transgender Surgery Leaves People Lonelier, Depressed: Study by Transgender Surgery Dept. Chair

Washington Stand June 2, 2023 Transgender Surgery Leaves People Lonelier, Depressed: Study by Transgender Surgery Dept. Chair by Ben Johnson The head of a facility that carries out so-called "gender-affirming care" has published a study confirming that t…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
June 2, 2023 at 8:06 AM

Bible Reading: Ezra 7-8

Bible Reading June 2, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Ezra 7-8 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) What habits did Ezra the scribe set his heart to that would be good for us all to follow (see 7:10)? Study the Law of the Lord Do …
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
June 1, 2023 at 12:46 PM

PSA: June Is Life Month, Not Pride Month

Washington Stand June 1, 2023 PSA: June Is Life Month, Not Pride Month by Owen Strachan All June long, corporations and cultural institutions practically trip over themselves to promote their involvement in Pride Month, putting many Christians (or people…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
June 1, 2023 at 8:07 AM

Bible Reading: Esther 7-10

Bible Reading June 1, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Esther 7-10 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) What did Queen Esther ask of the king when he offered her as much as half his kingdom (7:3-4)? A house at the Beach and the Mou…
  Tony Perkins · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 9:00 PM

Petition Reminder: Encourage Sen. McConnell to Support Sen. Tuberville!

Alerts May 31, 2023 Dear John, When Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced last summer that the Department of Defense (DOD) would pursue a radical new policy to dramatically expand abortion in our nation's military, Senator Tuberville decided to take …
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 12:49 PM

Chick-fil-A Has Been Woke for Years. You Just Didn't Want to Believe It.

Washington Stand May 31, 2023 Chick-fil-A Has Been Woke for Years. You Just Didn't Want to Believe It. by Suzanne Bowdey When the rest of the world lost its corporate marbles, conservatives liked to think that there was one place that would never let the…
  FRC Action · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 12:02 PM

School teacher fired for marriage beliefs – It’s time for Congress to act!

Dear John, Ever since Obergefell, targeted attacks against Americans who believe in man-woman marriage have been becoming more frequent with every passing year. Now that Congress has voted to redefine marriage, the number of these cases is sure to rise.  Will you contact Delegate Norton now and u…
  Tony Perkins · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 1:04 AM

Can we rebuild the walls? Limited time to make 2X the impact!

FRC $1 Million Matching Opportunity Dear John, Our great nation was founded with such hope and promise and blessed with abundant resources. But today, America stands at a point of crisis. Daily headlines tell the story of a troubled and divided nation with an uncertain future: …
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 30, 2023 at 4:27 PM

Most Churchgoers Are Optimistic, Take Pride in Their Church: Poll

Washington Stand May 30, 2023 Most Churchgoers Are Optimistic, Take Pride in Their Church: Poll by Ben Johnson Although U.S. church attendance has fallen to historic lows, the faithful still congregating have found a new source of optimism and pride in A…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 30, 2023 at 8:07 AM

Bible Reading: Esther 1-3

Bible Reading May 30, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Esther 1-3 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) What was Esther's Hebrew name (see 2:5-7)? Hadassah Hannah Harley None of the above 2) When Mordecai refused to bow in honor of…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 29, 2023 at 8:07 AM

Bible Reading: Zechariah 14

Bible Reading May 29, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Zechariah 14 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) Who will again stand on the Mount of Olives in the end times (see v. 4-5; Rev. 16:18-21)? Moses Elijah Messiah None of the abo…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 28, 2023 at 8:11 AM

Sunday Reflections: May 22 - 27

Bible Reading May 28, 2023 This week's Stand on the Word readings: Zechariah 1-3 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Zechariah 4-7 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Zechariah 8; Ezra 5 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Ezra 6 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Zechariah 9-11 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Zechariah 12-13 ESV | NKJV | …
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 27, 2023 at 8:09 AM

Bible Reading: Zechariah 12-13

Bible Reading May 27, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Zechariah 12-13 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) When will the Messianic prophecy in 12:10 be fulfilled (see Rev. 1:7)? First Coming of Messiah Second Coming of Messiah Thi…
  Tony Perkins · [email protected]
May 27, 2023 at 2:04 AM

Tell Target to Stop Targeting Our Children!

Alert Sign the petition today. May 26, 2023 Dear John, This month, retail giant Target, reached a new level of evil with their 2023 "PRIDE" collection. For years, Target has sold exclusive merchandise and apparel for "pride" month, but this year, they have gone …
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 26, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Econ Expert on the GOP's Debt Ceiling Hand: 'We're Holding Four Aces'

Washington Stand May 26, 2023 Econ Expert on the GOP's Debt Ceiling Hand: 'We're Holding Four Aces' by Suzanne Bowdey When members of Congress started boarding their flights home Thursday, not one of them knew how long they'd be gone. The possibility of …
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 26, 2023 at 1:07 PM

Bible Reading: Zechariah 9-11

Bible Reading May 26, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Zechariah 9-11 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) How did the prophet Zechariah describe the first coming of Messiah (see 9:9; Matt. 21:1-5)? Powerful riding a white horse Hu…
  New at FRC · [email protected]
May 26, 2023 at 1:02 AM

Nehemiah: Rebuilding a Nation

E-Ad Email Order your copy of Tony's new book today! Family Research Council801 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 200011-800/225-4008 | Contact FRC Privacy | Unsubscribe
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 25, 2023 at 5:41 PM

'They're Forced to Celebrate It': Parents of Girls Losing to Boys Speak Out

Washington Stand May 25, 2023 'They're Forced to Celebrate It': Parents of Girls Losing to Boys Speak Out by Suzanne Bowdey "How do you not understand that's unfair?" It's a question parents across the country are asking, as more and more of their daught…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 25, 2023 at 8:08 AM

Bible Reading: Ezra 6

Bible Reading May 25, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Ezra 6 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) To whom did Ezra credit with motivating the people to finish the rebuilding of the Temple (see v.14)? Zerubbabel and Joshua Haggai a…
  FRC Action · [email protected]
May 25, 2023 at 12:36 AM

Confirmed Speaker: Dr. Ben Carson | Pray Vote Stand Summit

Confirmed Speaker: Dr. Ben Carson | Pray Vote Stand Summit Hurry! Only one more week for $50 off + Free Gift FRC Action: 801 G Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 P: 202/393-2100 or 877/372-2808 W: frcaction.org unsubscribeYou are subscribed as [email protected] Contributions to FRC A…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 24, 2023 at 5:25 PM

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Tells Adults How to Discuss Sex with Teens Behind Parents' Backs

Washington Stand May 24, 2023 EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Tells Adults How to Discuss Sex with Teens Behind Parents' Backs by Ben Johnson As part of its month-long focus on adolescent health, the Biden administration is promoting a document that tells Planned…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 24, 2023 at 12:47 PM

Bible Reading: Zechariah 8; Ezra 5

Bible Reading May 24, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Zechariah 8; Ezra 5 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) In the future, what will people from various nations ask of the Jews (see Zech. 8:20-23)? 2) With the work on the Temple…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 23, 2023 at 6:09 PM

Democrat Asks Biden to Send Illegal Immigrants to Every Town in America

Washington Stand May 23, 2023 Democrat Asks Biden to Send Illegal Immigrants to Every Town in America by Ben Johnson Republicans and one of the nation's most prominent Democrats agree on one issue: America's open border with Mexico has created a humanita…
  Tony Perkins · [email protected]
May 23, 2023 at 5:02 PM

We must equip believers to be salt and light!

FRC Help FRC prepare for the next 40 years. Dear John, As Family Research Council celebrates its 40th Anniversary, we are actively preparing for the next 40 years to accelerate our influence and turn the tide in America. Here's how -- together -- we can make a lasting impact... …
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 23, 2023 at 8:08 AM

Bible Reading: Zechariah 4-7

Bible Reading May 23, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Zechariah 4-7 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) What was God's message to Zerubbabel in 4:6? Not by might Nor by power But by my Spirit All of the above 2) What was the mes…
  FRC Action · [email protected]
May 22, 2023 at 8:11 PM

The Senate just voted to confirm SPLC radical Nancy Abudu to the federal bench. See how your senators voted!

Dear John, We’ve told you about Nancy Abudu, a Biden judicial nominee to the federal bench who has a clear record of leftist activism. On May 18th, the Senate voted to confirm Abudu to be a U.S. Circuit Court judge for the Eleventh Circuit with a vote of 49-47. Regrettably, Abudu will now preside…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 22, 2023 at 6:50 PM

PERKINS: Biden's Abortion Obsession Could Crater Space Command's HQ

Washington Stand May 22, 2023 PERKINS: Biden's Abortion Obsession Could Crater Space Command's HQ by Tony Perkins "Does not compute." That catchphrase from the 1960s show "Lost in Space" certainly captures the Biden administration's decision-making of la…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 22, 2023 at 8:09 AM

Bible Reading: Zechariah 1-3

Bible Reading May 22, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Zechariah 1-3 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) When Zechariah the prophet called the people to repentance, what was the promise from God (see 1:2-3)? 2) What did God show Ze…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 21, 2023 at 8:08 AM

Sunday Reflections: May 15 - 20

Bible Reading May 21, 2023 This week's Stand on the Word readings: Daniel 8 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Daniel 9 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Daniel 10 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Daniel 11 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Daniel 12; Ezra 4 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Haggai 1-2 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Q…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 20, 2023 at 8:07 AM

Bible Reading: Haggai 1-2

Bible Reading May 20, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Haggai 1-2 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) Now that more than a decade had passed since God's people had returned to the land and the Temple remained unfinished, how did Ha…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 19, 2023 at 6:12 PM

'Let the Kids Be Kids': DeSantis Signs 5 Bills Rejecting Trans Ideology

Washington Stand May 19, 2023 'Let the Kids Be Kids': DeSantis Signs 5 Bills Rejecting Trans Ideology, Protecting Conscience by Joshua Arnold Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed five bills protecting women and children from the harmful implications …
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 19, 2023 at 8:08 AM

Bible Reading: Daniel 12; Ezra 4

Bible Reading May 19, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Daniel 12; Ezra 4 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) What end-time events are referred to in Dan. 12:1-3? 2) Having returned from exile, what fake offer did the adversaries of…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 18, 2023 at 6:48 PM

Democrats Will Use Deep-State 'Falsehoods' to Win 'Election After Election': Senator

Washington Stand May 18, 2023 Democrats Will Use Deep-State 'Falsehoods' to Win 'Election After Election': Senator by Ben Johnson The Democratic Party has burrowed so deeply into the federal bureaucracy that it conducts "one continuous operation" of disi…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 18, 2023 at 8:08 AM

Bible Reading: Daniel 11

Bible Reading May 18, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Daniel 11 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) From history, we know that part of this prophecy has been fulfilled, but who was the mighty king who died an untimely death with n…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 17, 2023 at 8:07 PM

Durham Report's Deep State Revelations 'Should Shock Every American': Senator

Washington Stand May 17, 2023 Durham Report's Deep State Revelations 'Should Shock Every American': Senator by Ben Johnson Although Americans have known for years that the 2016 Trump campaign did not collude with Russian intelligence, the Durham Report "…
  FRC Action · [email protected]
May 17, 2023 at 7:40 PM

Senate voting TODAY on radical judicial activist, Nancy Abudu!

Dear John, We’ve told you about Nancy Abudu, a Biden judicial nominee to the federal bench who has a clear record of leftist activism. Senate Democrats are doing all that they can to put radical individuals on the Federal bench, disregarding their extreme leftist bias.  Senator Chuck Schumer just…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 17, 2023 at 8:08 AM

Bible Reading: Daniel 10

Bible Reading May 17, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Daniel 10 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) Why was the angelic messenger delayed and how was that rectified (see v. 12-14)? 2) What was the personal message to Daniel (see v…
  Quena Gonzalez · [email protected]
May 16, 2023 at 9:21 PM

BREAKING: Congress acts to protect American children from gender ideology!

Dear John,  A higher percentage of youth today identify as transgender than at any time before in history. A study last year by the pro-LGBT Williams Institute estimated that the number of transgender-identifying youth doubled in just three years.  That’s why I’m so excited to tell you that yeste…
  The Washington Stand · [email protected]
May 16, 2023 at 6:38 PM

As Dems Ignore the Border, Cries of 'Do Something' Grow

Washington Stand May 16, 2023 As Dems Ignore the Border, Cries of 'Do Something' Grow by Suzanne Bowdey Maybe President Joe Biden isn't the only one with cognitive deficits. At a fundraising event in Atlanta Friday, his "border czar," Vice President Kama…
  Tony Perkins · [email protected]
May 16, 2023 at 3:39 PM

40 Years of Making A Difference!

FRC Help FRC prepare for future generations. Dear John, Family Research Council is celebrating its 40th year of advancing faith, family, and freedom. By God's grace and through the prayers and financial provision of countless supporters like you, the Lord has blessed FRC--multip…
  Stand on the Word - FRC · [email protected]
May 16, 2023 at 8:05 AM

Bible Reading: Daniel 9

Bible Reading May 16, 2023 Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today: Daniel 9 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO Reflection Questions: 1) When Daniel searched the prophecies of Jeremiah and realized the exile would last 70 years, he cried out to God for mercy (see v. 3…