50+ Messages / Page

  Serve America · [email protected]
January 26, 2021 at 11:34 PM

FW: Join our effort to stop the Sedition Caucus

  John, Seth just launched an effort to defeat the so-called “Sedition Caucus” next year, and the response so far has been powerful. Many of you stepped up and joined our effort to defend democracy and hold the Sedition Caucus accountable at the ballot box. But we need to keep thi…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
January 25, 2021 at 4:22 PM

We must defeat Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and the Sedition Caucus

  John, Serve America is devoted to supporting a new generation of service-oriented leaders who will put people over politics. In general, we raise for our candidates, rather than against their opponents. But today, I’m doing something a little different—I’m launching an effort …
  Serve America · [email protected]
January 23, 2021 at 5:38 PM

President Biden’s first day

  John, President Biden wasted no time getting to work yesterday after being sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. In the first few hours of his administration, President Biden took action to begin reversing the damage done by Donald Trump and put America back on …
  Moulton HQ · [email protected]
January 20, 2021 at 6:34 PM

A new day for America

  John, The past four years have put our country through some difficult and trying times. The extraordinary change in leadership today brings hope for our future. Today, the best of America is on full display; poets, artists, musicians, and the crowning achievement of American d…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
January 19, 2021 at 10:37 PM

Join us in standing with Joe Biden and democracy

  John, January 6, 2021 was a dark day for America. The insurrection that day was painful and scary and indicative of something deeply sick within the Republican Party. The last few months following the November elections have been difficult, too. We’re confronting a wave of dis…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
January 18, 2021 at 4:43 PM

Dr. King

  John, With the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just two days away, celebrating Dr. King’s extraordinary life and legacy today feels especially symbolic. The looming transition is not just a transition of power; it is a return to dignity in the White House. It is a …
  Moulton HQ · [email protected]
January 14, 2021 at 11:46 PM

We’re calling on McConnell to step up

  John, all eyes are on the Senate as Mitch McConnell considers whether or not they will conduct a speedy trial and convict Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection. Recent reports have indicated that McConnell might actually vote to convict Trump in the Senate after Trump show…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
January 13, 2021 at 9:32 PM

The Senate MUST finish the job

  John, The House just impeached Donald Trump for the second time—a unique feat in the history of our politics. Now, the Senate must finish the job by voting to convict the President. We’ve seen the consequences of the Senate failing to find the courage to do their jobs. Less …
  Marie Harf · [email protected]
January 12, 2021 at 9:44 PM

FW: Trump must be removed from office immediately

    John, I’ve known Seth for a while now, and one thing that’s clear is how much he values public service. That’s how he sees his role in Congress and how he saw his time in the United States Marine Corps—as commitments to serving something greater than himself. He reveres our …
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
January 11, 2021 at 9:41 PM

Trump must be removed from office immediately

  Sign the petition: All federal officials with the Constitutional power to remove Trump from office must do so immediately. John, Last week, our democracy was violently attacked from within. Drunk on conspiracy theories peddled by Republicans and egged on by Donald Trump, a mo…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
January 9, 2021 at 4:30 PM

What a week in America

  What a week it has been for our country, John. After a stunning double-victory in Georgia’s senate races, Democrats took control of the U.S. Senate. That means Democrats control both chambers of Congress and paves the way for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to get straight to work …
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
January 7, 2021 at 12:02 AM

Seth: Congress must immediately impeach and remove the President for the safety of our nation

  First and foremost: If you are in D.C., we hope that you are safe. Please reach out to us on Twitter @sethmoulton if there’s anything we can do to help. John, Today, our nation was attacked by domestic terrorists with the goal of undermining our democracy. The will of American…
  Serve America · [email protected]
January 5, 2021 at 4:03 PM

This one’s for all the marbles

  John, today is the big day. Control of the U.S. Senate will be decided in today’s runoff elections in Georgia—and right now, we’re working around the clock to make sure we’re successful. Over 3 million people have already cast early ballots, and the polls are looking pretty good…
  Serve America · [email protected]
January 5, 2021 at 12:05 AM


  John, BIG NEWS: A recent poll from the Mellman Group shows Democratic candidates Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff running ahead of Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue: Georgia Poll Warnock (D): 50% Loeffler (R): 47% Ossoff (D): 50% Perdue (R): 47% With less than 2…
  Serve America · [email protected]
January 4, 2021 at 7:17 PM

Another perfect phone call?

  John, Yesterday, the Washington Post broke a bombshell story with an audiotape of Donald Trump calling Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to pressure him to “find” 11,780 votes that don’t exist to swing Georgia’s electoral votes to Trump. Not only did Trump bizarrel…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
January 4, 2021 at 3:56 PM

Seth was just sworn into Congress

  John, Yesterday, Seth was sworn into the 117th Congress after winning re-election in Massachusetts’ 6th Congressional District by a decisive margin. Throughout the tumultuous years of Donald Trump, and as we have dealt with the daily tragedies of this COVID-19 pandemic, Seth h…
  Serve America · [email protected]
January 1, 2021 at 2:38 PM

Happy New Year

  John, From Seth and the entire Serve America team, we wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! Though we can’t gather with our friends and family, we hope you’re finding joy in this moment. We survived this very difficult year together and accomplished a lot in the face of extraor…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 30, 2020 at 11:39 PM

Closing out the year

  John, This is the last time we’ll ask for your help before the end of the year. We’re making great progress on our $10,000 grassroots fundraising goal—but we’re still coming up short and we have less than 48 hours to close the gap. With $3,845 left to go in order to hit our go…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
December 29, 2020 at 3:35 PM

The stakes

  John, It’s hard to know what 2021 will bring—but we know the stakes will be high. We’ll still be battling COVID-19 and working to make sure that American workers and families are front and center in the minds of Congress as we help legislate our way out of a battered economy. …
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
December 28, 2020 at 6:26 PM

FW: Before the end of the year

  John, Before the new year, I wanted to make sure you saw this message from my Serve America team. It’s true that Republican strategists and super PACs have already begun their work to try and take the House back in 2022. And, depending on what happens in Georgia, we will either…
  Team Moulton · [email protected]
December 23, 2020 at 2:27 PM

Join Seth: Military Monday Phonebank for Ossoff & Warnock

  John, Everything is riding on Georgia. We need you to help Georgia Democrats elect Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock to the Senate. If we don’t succeed, Mitch McConnell remains as Senate Majority Leader and continues to obstruct any meaningful action to help Americans wh…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 22, 2020 at 11:06 PM

Before the end of the year

  John, Thank you for everything you’ve done for Serve America during this challenging and strange year. We rolled with the punches and couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve done together to support incredible leaders running for or already serving in Congress. Though we are all…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 19, 2020 at 4:32 PM

The Georgia election is almost over

  John, Did you know that over 1 million Georgians have already cast their vote in the critical Senate runoff elections? We’re running out of time to make sure that Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock pull ahead in their races, so today we’re setting up a goal of build…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 14, 2020 at 11:05 PM

Today is the start of EARLY VOTING in Georgia

  John, As of today, voters in Georgia can make their voices heard in the critical Senate runoff elections. That means we’re running out of time to make sure Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock pull ahead in their races. Will you rush a contribution to Ossoff and Warnock today b…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 10, 2020 at 11:29 PM

Will you add your name to stand up to AG Paxton?

  John, Joe Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. The margin is large and the mandate is clear. Yet, Donald Trump and a handful of his biggest enablers are still dragging their feet on acknowledging Biden as the president-elect. Even worse, …
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 9, 2020 at 11:01 PM

Can you join Seth Moulton, Tom Carper, Mazie Hirono and Gary Peters next week?

  John, Seth Moulton will be joined by Senators Tom Carper, Mazie Hirono, & Gary Peters for a great event next Wednesday to raise money for the Georgia Senate runoff elections. Gary Peters and Tom Carper are both Navy Veterans, and Senator Hirono serves on the Senate Armed Se…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 8, 2020 at 10:33 PM

David Perdue didn’t even bother to show up

  John, On Sunday night, the four candidates in the runoff races for U.S. Senate in Georgia kicked off their first debate—but Republican David Perdue didn’t even bother to show up. It’s clear that Perdue’s expensive consultants (including veteran GOP strategist Karl Rove) have a…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 7, 2020 at 6:28 PM

Trump was just in Georgia

  John, Trump just held one of his super-spreader rallies in Georgia over the weekend where he went on a nearly two-hour rant spewing false claims about the 2020 election and using fear to attack Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock. We’re pretty used to Trump’s rants at this poi…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 4, 2020 at 7:21 PM

Democrats may be poised to lose the House in 2022 (need support)

  John, We had a lot to celebrate after beating Donald Trump and helping lead many of our endorsed House and Senate candidates to victory in 2020. But, John, it’s no secret that we lost more House races than expected this year. In fact, our margin in the House is razor thin with…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 3, 2020 at 11:47 PM

Rev. Raphael Warnock needs our support

  John, At this moment, Rev. Raphael Warnock is in the political fight of his life. In the critical Georgia Senate race, The Washington Post has said Warnock will determine whether Democrats are able to secure Senate control. But, John, Warnock urgently needs our help. With jus…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 2, 2020 at 10:55 PM

How we can stop Mitch McConnell

  John, Earlier this year, few people thought that Democrats could win statewide in Georgia. In fact, in the final weeks of the presidential campaign, few were predicting that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were headed toward victory in Georgia. Yet, here we are. The Biden-Harris t…
  Serve America · [email protected]
December 1, 2020 at 5:18 PM

Thank you

  John, It means so much to have you on this team. In a sea of political organizations you could choose to support, you chose Serve America—and we couldn’t be more grateful. As you know, we’re already starting to think seriously about 2022 and how, with your help, we can make th…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 30, 2020 at 11:13 PM


  John, After the long holiday weekend, we pulled up the fundraising numbers this morning and realized we’re only 37 donations away from hitting our first end-of-month goal since the November elections. As you know, our generous supporters (that’s you!) are the lifeblood of Serv…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
November 26, 2020 at 3:56 PM

This Thanksgiving is different

  John, This is the first Thanksgiving in my life I don’t want to spend with my wonderful, loving parents. I made it clear they were uninvited because the risk is too great. But I’m also thankful they are alive and well (though lonely). For over 250,000 American families, the em…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 24, 2020 at 10:52 PM

If we win in Georgia, we beat Mitch McConnell

  John, This month, we flipped Senate seats in Arizona and Colorado thanks to Democrats like you who stepped up—and now we have the chance to do it again by electing Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the Georgia runoffs. If we can win both of these races, we can deliver a Democr…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 18, 2020 at 9:02 PM

Georgia is ours to win

  John, Just a few weeks ago, we saw how important each and every vote really is. The margins of victory in several states in the Electoral College were just a few thousand votes—a reminder of why Democrats need to focus on turning out our voters in every election. That’s why we…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 17, 2020 at 10:54 PM

Mike Pence is headed to Georgia

  John, Everyone is talking about the Georgia Senate runoffs and we’ve already seen millions of dollars flood into the state. Here’s a snapshot of what’s going on: Mitch McConnell and his Super PACs are committing everything they have to keep Georgia’s two Senate seats red. La…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 16, 2020 at 11:19 PM

Doing our part for Jon Ossoff

  John, Jon Ossoff is running in one of Georgia’s critical runoff Senate races—and the road to Senate control hinges on beating Jon’s extremist opponent, Sen. David Perdue. The race is going to be tough because Mitch McConnell is terrified about losing Perdue’s seat. He knows th…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 13, 2020 at 8:05 PM

Georgia needs you

  John, Because of fired-up supporters like you, Democrats were able to push Jon Ossoff’s critical race in Georgia into a runoff election. But his race and the fight for Senate control is far from over. The efforts of thousands of grassroots Democrats have helped send a powerful…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 12, 2020 at 4:35 PM

All eyes are on Georgia

  John, With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their way to the White House, we have plenty to celebrate. But the truth is if we don’t flip the Senate, it will be hard for the Biden-Harris administration to advance their vision through legislation. We already know that Mitch McConne…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
November 7, 2020 at 5:16 PM

We did it - thank you

  John, If you’re like most Democrats I know, you’ve been dreaming of this moment since November 9, 2016. You’ve probably also been working, organizing, and fighting for this moment. Because of you, and tens of millions of Americans across the country who said “enough was enough…
  Matt Chilliak · [email protected]
November 4, 2020 at 8:45 PM

Count every vote

  John, Today, hundreds of Protect the Results demonstrations across the United States are taking place, calling for the democratic process to be allowed to take course. Tens of thousands of concerned citizens, if not more, are expected to participate. There are many of these dem…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
November 4, 2020 at 3:43 PM

Thank you

  John, I am honored to have earned another term to represent the North Shore and Merrimack Valley in Congress. As Congress continues to confront a deadly pandemic and repair the damage done in four years of assault by the President on our fundamental American values, the work a…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 3, 2020 at 12:49 PM

Today is Election Day

  John, Today is Election Day! This is the most important election of our lifetimes, so if you haven’t already voted, make sure you get it done as soon as you can today. There are only a few hours left to make our voices heard, show up, and win BIG. You can find a list of poll…
  Serve America · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 7:27 PM

Go vote!

  John, The big day is almost here and the most important thing we can do right now is vote — and make sure everyone we know votes too. If you haven’t voted yet and you live in a state where you can still vote early, go do it today! If you’re planning to vote tomorrow on Electio…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
November 1, 2020 at 8:48 PM

Right on our doorstep

  John, Massachusetts is one of the most reliably Democratic states in the nation, and that’s something to be proud about. But right on our doorstep, in New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District, my friend and colleague Rep. Chris Pappas is in a tight race. Chris sits on the Ho…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
October 31, 2020 at 8:01 PM

Final deadline of this election

  John, Tonight at midnight is the final fundraising deadline of the election, and believe it or not, last-minute resources can make all the difference for our endorsed candidates who are still reaching out to voters. We’re trying to raise $10,000 by midnight tonight, but we’re …
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
October 30, 2020 at 2:24 PM

Control of the Senate hangs in the balance

  John, Earlier this year, nobody was talking about the possibility of Democrats winning the Senate in November. But things have changed. Mitch McConnell has admitted he could lose the Senate this year. Lindsey Graham has admitted the same thing. Even Ted Cruz thinks they coul…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
October 29, 2020 at 9:58 PM

Five days to go

  John, I know that my team and I email you a lot, but we set a final fundraising goal of $10,000 to hit by the end of October and we’re relying on you to help us reach it. An extra $10,000 goes a long way right now when there are still voters who haven’t made their voices heard…
  Seth Moulton · [email protected]
October 28, 2020 at 11:57 PM

Magic money

  John, Near the end of every election, campaigns experience a big fundraising boost. It’s no secret that as we get closer and closer to Election Day, more and more voters start to tune in. And in typical election cycles, this results in a surge of online donations. Some call thi…