50+ Messages / Page

  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
June 13, 2022 at 5:06 PM

Did you hear what Mike Lindell said?

Did you hear what Mike Lindell said? He is making waves Hi John,   I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I am so excited to tell you some big news! Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow and a legend in election integrity, endorsed me! Come join Mike in supportin…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
June 7, 2022 at 10:00 PM

Gosar leads stampede of endorsements for Wendy!

Gosar leads stampede of endorsements for Wendy! Patriots line up behind me Hi John,   I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I have a big update for you on election integrity. I have good news for my re-election! Several folks have endorsed my re-elect bi…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
June 3, 2022 at 12:00 AM

True the Vote briefing: What you need to know

True the Vote briefing: What you need to know This just got real Hi John,   I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I have a big update for you on election integrity. Will you help me continue to fight for election integrity in the AZ Senate? Here in Arizo…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
May 31, 2022 at 3:26 PM

One more front in election integrity fight

One more front in election integrity fight Let's talk about primaries Hi John,   I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I am fighting to clean up our elections! In among the new developments in the fight for election integrity- and new arrests in Arizona …
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
May 30, 2022 at 1:31 PM

Memorial Day

Memorial Day Honoring the fallen Hi John,   I am truly grateful for and inspired by the brave heroes who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, freedom and their brothers and sisters to their right and left. They stopped tyranny and allowed fo…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
May 27, 2022 at 12:12 AM

Breaking news: Finally, arrests!

Breaking news: Finally, arrests! 2000 mules getting busted Hi John,   For a year and a half, I've been waiting to see perp walks for the steal of the 2020 election.  Finally, we got some! We can't let up now- now we have to press for justice for the sto…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
May 23, 2022 at 3:01 PM

They’ve come for Elon now

They’ve come for Elon now No more cancel culture Hi John,   This Leftist Cancel Culture has gone too far.  They came for me, because they didn't like what I said. I was ringing the bells of the Swamp I guess.  They came for Sandy Smith and Madison Cawth…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
May 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Don't let the party choose the nominee

Don't let the party choose the nominee Be suspicious Hi John,   Have you noticed that when the Swamp wants someone to win the primary, the party ALWAYS puts its thumb down on the scales? The only way to stop that is by winning!  I'm Arizona Senator Wend…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
May 7, 2022 at 1:10 AM

Ultra MAGA Extremists?

Ultra MAGA Extremists? The left is hitting us Hi John,   "It's a MAGA agenda all right. Let me tell you about this ultra-MAGA agenda -- it's extreme, as most MAGA things are," Biden said from the White House, referencing Trump's "Make America Great Again"…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
May 2, 2022 at 10:00 PM

The Swamp attacks those it fears

The Swamp attacks those it fears First me, then Cawthorn Hi John,   You know, I found out an important lesson this year.  I found out that if you want to challenge the Swamp, and you want to disrupt their power, they will fight back- and sometimes be dir…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 27, 2022 at 9:00 PM

The freedom to question is at stake

The freedom to question is at stake This is essential Hi John,   There's been a lot of discussion this week about Elon Musk buying Twitter. On behalf of the America First movement Elon, thank you! Someone needed to take Twitter and restore free speech th…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 24, 2022 at 4:00 PM

Want to know who was responsible?

Want to know who was responsible? It was shown this week Hi John,   I get questions all the time from concerned patriots, who want to know why Arizona hasn't decertified our electors yet.  After all, we have so much evidence. The audit turned up signific…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 20, 2022 at 6:01 PM

Heck no Brno!

Heck no Brno! Trump showed us the cost of weakness Hi John,   We gave him so much. The Arizona Senate did the nation's first ever forensic audit.  We had reams of data, proof of fraud, we pinpointed the perps, we handed him the case on a silver platter.…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 17, 2022 at 8:29 PM

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ So important Hi John,   He is risen! The resurrection of Christ changed everything forever. In these times of uncertainty, Jesus Christ's resurrection illustrates life over death and victory from the grave for all who beli…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

The "True Battleground State"

The "True Battleground State" We must save Arizona Hi John,   Arizona is where it's at right now. Ground zero.  It's where the border chaos is erupting. It's the only state to do a forensic audit of 2020. And we have major elections in 2022- including MY…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 12, 2022 at 6:01 PM

"There is no way this election can remain certified"

"There is no way this election can remain certified" Decertify! Hi John,   You HAVE to read this. I couldn't have said it any better myself.  I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I want to show you a letter written by Capt. Seth Keshel. It is the right …
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 8, 2022 at 8:01 PM

Breaking: AG's report is out

Breaking: AG's report is out Unbelievable! Hi John,   I wonder whether we have done enough to show the fraud that was perpetrated in the 2020 election in Arizona.  I thought the first-in-the-nation forensic audit in Maricopa County would have been enough…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 5, 2022 at 11:01 PM

13,000 illegals voting in Maricopa

13,000 illegals voting in Maricopa Many types of fraud Hi John,   Lately, I've heard a lot of folks wondering if Arizona has actually done anything about our faulty elections.  We have done so much- and we have more to do.  I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rog…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
April 1, 2022 at 12:58 AM

Until midnight

Until midnight Big deadline Hi John,   I am fighting hard for audits, decertification and the border wall in Arizona. But I have until the deadline tonight to raise the remaining $11k needed for my end of quarter reelection goal. Will you chip in $5, $15,…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
March 31, 2022 at 7:58 PM

No more fraud machines!

No more fraud machines! Done so much, so much yet to do Hi John,   We have done SO much together. We have enacted dozens of election integrity bills.  We have audited Maricopa County. We have a nationwide petition of state legislators to decertify frau…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
March 29, 2022 at 11:02 PM

It's official!

It's official! I'm on the ballot! Hi John,   Your favorite State Senator is on the ballot for the 2022 elections! I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, the nationwide advocate for election integrity.  We This election, the Swamp is coming for me- so I will n…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
March 25, 2022 at 8:03 PM

The fight isn't over

The fight isn't over We need to persevere Hi John,   No perp walks. No decertification. A special election for Maricopa Attorney.  We have come so far on election integrity. But the key actions on correcting the fraud from 2020 remain. We have unfinished…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
March 22, 2022 at 11:11 PM

Time to push for perp walks in AZ!

Time to push for perp walks in AZ! We have evidence Hi John,   Time's up. We legislators did the hard work, collected the evidence and handed it to the Attorney General.  Now we need to push for RESULTS. The country expects it. I'm Arizona Senator Wendy…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
March 19, 2022 at 4:11 PM

Look around the country

Look around the country Election integrity is dominating Hi John,   I have endorsed many candidates around the country- good patriots who are passionate as I am to audit the vote and correct the error of 2020.  But have you noticed how well they are doin…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
February 23, 2021 at 12:32 AM

Don't back down. NEVER back down.

Don't back down. NEVER back down. Hi John,   This is 2021 in America.   Fraudulent Joe Biden is President.   Arizona is under siege... from illegal migrant caravans trying to cross the border, from drug-peddling gangs, from far-Left radicals from out of state, from George Soros. …
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
February 14, 2021 at 10:43 PM

Protect our monuments!

Protect our monuments! Hi John,   As an activist, I hated seeing Antifa destroy our historical monuments, just as they sought to destroy America itself. Now I need your help as we fight back, protecting our history and protecting America!   I am proud to support our history and h…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
February 8, 2021 at 9:59 PM

No more fraud elections!

No more fraud elections! Hi John,   As a State Senator, I've been busy keeping promises and making things happen. I'm working to make sure we never have fraudulent elections in Arizona again! Now I need your help to finish the job and make Arizona fraud-free!   There's so much go…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
February 1, 2021 at 2:05 PM

The REAL heartbeat of America

The REAL heartbeat of America Hi John,   As a sitting Arizona State Senator, I am committed to fulfilling my promises and fighting back against Joe Biden, our "Fraudulent-Elect".   The first battlefield is for the unborn. I need your help so I can make Arizona a state that defend…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
January 25, 2021 at 3:08 PM

Fight the Fraudulent-Elect. Here's how

Fight the Fraudulent-Elect. Here's how Hi John,   I am now a SITTING STATE SENATOR in Arizona, on the front lines for America. Joe Biden, our "Fraudulent-Elect", may be working on taking away our rights. Now I need your help to fight back and make Arizona the "tip of the spear"! …
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
January 19, 2021 at 3:05 PM

Biden will legalize 11 million illegal aliens!

Biden will legalize 11 million illegal aliens! Hi John,   I believe in President Trump's America First agenda. Now I need your help as Biden wants to flood our country with illegal immigrants!   Arizona has suffered so greatly under the waves of illegal immigrants and all the cha…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
January 11, 2021 at 8:27 PM

They're purging patriots!

They're purging patriots! Hi John,   I have never been shy about speaking up for what I believe in. Now I need your help as the Tech Oligarchs take away our voice!   The one thing I proved this year, was that it pays off to stand for the truth. I am still doing so, even as I hav…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 31, 2020 at 8:13 PM

Last Day in 2020 to Stop the Steal

Last Day in 2020 to Stop the Steal Hi John,   During my campaign and after winning, I have tried to stand for the truth.... even when I got attacked for it. Help me fight for the truth against the Left and the media !   The one thing I proved this year, was that it pays off to st…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 29, 2020 at 4:02 PM

Finishing this year the way I started - standing up for what's right!

Finishing this year the way I started - standing up for what's right! Hi John,   During my campaign and after winning, I have tried to stand for the truth.... even when I got attacked for it. Help me fight for the truth against the Left and the media !   The one thing I proved th…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 23, 2020 at 4:11 AM

Wishing You & Yours a Very Merry Christmas

Wishing You & Yours a Very Merry Christmas Hi John,   A very Merry Christmas to all of you my friends and supporters who been so wonderful over this past year. We must remember the reason we celebrate Christmas and the sacrifice made for the redemption of mankind. We can on…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 18, 2020 at 5:01 PM

Congress should step in and fix it!

Congress should step in and fix it! Hi John,   I am not going to sit down and accept the steal! I'm joining other fellow Arizona legislators in trying to fight this. Help me fight for the truth!   In addition to holding hearings on election fraud, other members of the AZ legislat…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 14, 2020 at 6:47 PM


#StopTheSteal Hi John,   I am glad my district was not in Maricopa County - or I may have suffered from lax election practices just like the president did. Now we have to fix this so we count the legal votes and toss the illegal ones! Fight this battle with me!   You may have see…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 11, 2020 at 4:57 PM

Audit Maricopa County

Audit Maricopa County Hi John,   I am glad my district was not in Maricopa County - or I may have suffered from lax election practices just like the president did. Now we have to fix this so we count the legal votes and toss the illegal ones! Fight this battle with me!   You may …
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 7, 2020 at 2:21 PM

Big Week This Week

Big Week This Week Hi John,   I am very grateful to have won my race - but more and more, it's looking impressive, considering how the election was stolen from the president! You and I must fight this!   The fraud in Arizona is overwhelming. This I saw, as I attended the recent h…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
December 2, 2020 at 11:53 PM

This election was stolen!

This election was stolen! Hi John,   I am very grateful to have won my race- but more and more, it's looking impressive, considering how the election was stolen from the president! You and I must fight this!   The fraud in Arizona is overwhelming. This I saw, as I attended the re…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 26, 2020 at 12:06 AM

So Grateful!

So Grateful! Hi John,   Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. We are grateful to our military for keeping us free and for putting themselves in harm's way for our nation. They are not able to be home with family for the holidays. I am also grateful to the voters of LD6 fo…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 25, 2020 at 5:18 PM

Our Secretary of State is Horrible

Our Secretary of State is Horrible Hi John,   I want to thank you again for your tremendous support in helping me win my race, by double digits, and adding a margin of over 11,500 votes to help the president's numbers in Arizona. You, my fellow patriot, are the best!   I am ferve…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 20, 2020 at 9:11 PM

Count every LEGAL vote!

Count every LEGAL vote! Hi John,   I want to thank you again for your tremendous support in helping me win my race, by double digits, and adding a margin of over 11,500 votes to help the president's numbers in Arizona. You, my fellow patriot, are the best!   I am fervent in my su…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 12, 2020 at 4:07 PM

We did it - Thank you!

We did it - Thank you! Hi John,   We did it! I want to thank you all so much!    Despite all of the millions of dollars in Soros and Bloomberg money that came in to try and buy this state senate seat we still crushed them - won by over 11,500 votes and nearly 10% of the vote!   …
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 3, 2020 at 2:31 AM

Amazing Support and Last Email

Amazing Support and Last Email Hi John,   We are gaining major momentum in these closing days. I just received the coveted endorsement of Justice Tom Tso, the first Supreme Court Justice of the Navajo Nation! Then I received the endorsement of Gila County Sheriff Adam Shepherd. A…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 10:01 PM


ANOTHER ENDORSEMENT! #Surging Hi John,   I'm sad to report that I'm still over $3,000 short on my goal, that I must hit by midnight, for a crucial GOTV effort. Can you help me?   This is Wendy Rogers, the Republican nominee for Arizona Senate. Every vote counts in my race, one of…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 7:58 PM

URGENT - Big Endorsement

URGENT - Big Endorsement Hi John,   The tightest state senate race in the country will come down to Get Out The Vote efforts- and I need a little more! Can you help?   This is Wendy Rogers, the Republican nominee for Arizona Senate. I'm in a VERY close fight against a Soros-funde…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 5:16 PM

Help us win, I am not messing around

Help us win, I am not messing around Hi John,   The far-Left is betting everything on my district- this is it!   This is Wendy Rogers, the Republican nominee for Arizona Senate. I'm in a VERY close fight against a Soros-funded extremist Liberal and I need your support to win!  T…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 5:01 AM


VOTE IN PERSON, THIS IS RAZOR CLOSE Hi John,   The far-Left is betting everything on my district- this is it!   This is Wendy Rogers, the Republican nominee for Arizona Senate. I'm in a VERY close fight against a Soros-funded extremist Liberal and I need your support to win!  Th…
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 12:10 AM

Less than 72 hours

Less than 72 hours Hi John, With election day coming on Tuesday, tomorrow is our big get out the vote push. I need to raise just $4,000 to hit our goal for this effort. There are still over 20,000 Republicans who have not voted who should be voting. I want to reach them tomorrow. Please …
  Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers · [email protected]
October 31, 2020 at 10:13 PM

Status Report -HOT

Status Report -HOT Hi John, We have raised nearly $2,500 today. I still need to raise $3,500 by midnight tonight. If just 35 people contribute $100 or 14 people give $250 we will make it! Will you contribute right now? I am reaching voters to help turn them out for me, President Trump, …