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Hi John,
I am very grateful to have won my race - but more and more, it's looking impressive, considering how the election was stolen from the president! You and I must fight this
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The fraud in Arizona is overwhelming. This I saw, as I attended the recent hearing in Arizona on the fraud and heard the evidence for myself!
This was NOT a fair election - and the current publicized count does NOT reflect the will of Arizonans!
I was there. I saw the evidence presented of the votes being suppressed and even switched. I was lucky enough to have a front row seat, and I will fight for the voices of Arizonans!
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I am going to the Arizona State Senate because I am a fighter. And if you can't fight now, when the integrity of our elections are on the line, when CAN you fight?
I support my colleagues in the Arizona legislature who are calling for a special session to award Arizona's electoral votes, as the Constitution provides.
One of my new top priorities while in the Arizona Senate will be to stop election fraud and to toughen penalties for election fraud and conspiracy to commit election fraud. We cannot let this travesty go unpunished! If you are leading a movement to defraud voters the penalty should be VERY severe.
The globalists are trying to steal this election, with a foreign-based company counting the votes and Democrats committing fraud counting them! We will not let them steal this election!
This week we will hear from the Maricopa Board of Supervisors on whether we can audit the tabulation machines. We will also hear about several Arizona lawsuits as well as a Pennsylvania lawsuit that is before the United States Supreme Court. Going to be a big week!
I can help stop this. There's a fight going on for Arizona right now - and I am joining the battle. I will fight, just as justice demands and as you expect me to. Will you help me?
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The RINOs and the liberals want this to go away - but we can't let it. This election is too important!
Help me send them a message
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- and I will be in a strong position to "true the Arizona vote"!
Thank you and God bless you.
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator-Elect
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
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2700 S. Woodlands Village Blvd, Ste 300-242
Flagstaff AZ 86001
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