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Hi John,
I am now a SITTING STATE SENATOR in Arizona, on the front lines for America. Joe Biden, our "Fraudulent-Elect", may be working on taking away our rights. Now I need your help to fight back and make Arizona the "tip of the spear"
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Evidence is coming out. The Arizona Senate is already working on exposing the fraud of the 2020 election and preventing it for the future:
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We will not sit by and let this fraud Biden persecute us amid his fake call for "unity". We know he stole this and we will show it.
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We in Arizona will step up and counter every crazy policy Biden puts forward. I have already submitted 20 bills to fulfill my America First promises!
My bills will improve election integrity, take care of our veterans, help small businesses, protect the 2nd Amendment, protect our history and so much more.
You see, I learned from President Trump. He was someone who did what he said he would do, and kept his promises. That's what I'm doing too!
I intend to secure Arizona's border, Biden or no Biden. President Trump gave us a great head start on securing the border. We need to keep his work going!
I'm not messing around. We will fight the Fraudulent-Elect and all his bad policies! We can also guarantee he doesn't steal Arizona again. Will you stand with me?
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I'm not spineless. I'm not a sellout. I fight, and I will use all the tools in my power to fight for Arizona, fight for America, and fight for YOU! I'm also fighting the Fake News media, and I need you to stand with me now
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Help me send a message
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to Biden - America will fight his fraudulent Presidency!
Thank you and God bless you.
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator-Elect
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
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2700 S. Woodlands Village Blvd, Ste 300-242
Flagstaff AZ 86001
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