50+ Messages / Page

  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
December 31, 2021 at 6:29 PM

John, we must be able to compete on equal terms

John,Our end-of-year fundraising drive is very important for the PPC’s finances. Last year, we raised about $300,000 in three days. As of now, with about 12 hours left, we’re up to almost $200,000. We’re in good shape financially. We have no debt. We will finish the year with a small surplus. W…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
December 30, 2021 at 6:33 PM

John, what is freedom worth for you?

John,It’s not an overstatement. Our fundamental rights and freedoms are being systematically destroyed. It’s not enough to just denounce it on social media. We need to protest, resist, organize. There are only a few organizations across the country that are pushing back against this tyranny. Th…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
December 29, 2021 at 5:31 PM

John, Canada needs the PPC, and the PPC needs you

John,The year is almost over. One thing has become clearer than ever in 2021: Without the PPC, there would be no real opposition to Justin Trudeau in Ottawa and to the madness that is taken over our country. There would be no opposition to covid authoritarianism. There would be no opposition to…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
December 18, 2021 at 1:47 PM

John, there is no real opposition in Ottawa

John,I held a press conference yesterday in Ottawa to look back at the parliamentary session that just ended. My main conclusion? Nothing has changed since the election. It’s clearer than ever that there is no real opposition in Ottawa on any of the major issues that our country is facing. Both…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
December 10, 2021 at 4:03 PM

John, I’m not worried about the Omicron variant

John,Two weeks ago, news came out that a new covid variant originating in South Africa, Omicron, was spreading around the world. So far, there is no indication it causes more severe disease, the opposite seems to be the case. Establishment politicians and the media nonetheless jumped on this st…
  Daniel Tyrie - Executive Director · [email protected]
December 5, 2021 at 6:00 PM

The Results Are In!

A memo from People’s Party of Canada National Headquarters John   It’s the moment we have all been waiting for... The People's Party of Canada is proud to announce the results of our first-ever leadership review! With 15454 votes cast and a voter participation rate of 57.5%, Max received overwh…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
December 3, 2021 at 5:42 PM

John, the radical trans lobby is after our kids

John,This week, the House of commons unanimously adopted a bill banning conversion therapy. I agree with parts of it. No one should be forced to undergo any therapy to change their sexuality. Gays, lesbians and trans people must be respected and enjoy the same rights as every other Canadian. On…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
November 19, 2021 at 10:10 PM

John, we’re sticking to our guns

John,Who said this week that Erin O’Toole “flip flopped on policies within the same week, the same day, and even within the same sentence” since he was elected Conservative leader? That he “ran an election campaign nearly indistinguishable from Trudeau’s Liberals?” That Canadian voters could se…
  People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
November 13, 2021 at 5:00 PM

Our online store is relaunching!

John,   Everything looks better in purple, right?   We are proud to announce that we are re-launching our online merch store via Shopify!   The last year has been hectic at HQ, as we got the party ready for the recent snap election. Something that fell through the cracks was the supply of merch…
  Daniel Tyrie - Executive Director · [email protected]
November 9, 2021 at 12:00 AM

Leadership Review

A memo from People’s Party of Canada National Headquarters John,   I hope you have been well!   Since the election, PPC HQ has zeroed in on several projects to expand our movement and reach more Canadians who love and support freedom.   Before we move forward on these critical projects to get t…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
November 6, 2021 at 8:42 PM

John, the climate has always changed

John,The media are full of apocalyptic news again. 30,000 politicians, bureaucrats and activists are meeting in Glasgow to supposedly save the planet and humanity from climate change. Almost everything they say is based on lies. Yes, the climate is changing as it always has. But there are no mo…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
October 29, 2021 at 6:37 PM

John, we’re fighting against covid measures

John,People have asked me why is the PPC not challenging authoritarian covid measures in court. There are many excellent organizations that are specializing in legal challenges, like the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms and the Constitutional Rights Centre. These organizations have th…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
October 22, 2021 at 7:38 PM

John, Trudeau’s inflation tax is rising

John,I’m sure you’ve been noticing it for months already. Whenever you go to the grocery store, you come out having spent more than the last time. And some of the things you wanted to buy are not even available anymore. It’s Trudeau’s hidden inflation tax. And it keeps rising. This week, Statis…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
October 11, 2021 at 5:08 PM

John, let’s be grateful

John,There are many reasons to feel unhappy with the current situation in Canada and the world. And it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. We should not despair however. There are also many reasons to be grateful on this Thanksgiving Day. Our country is at peace. Despite the crazy economic p…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 23, 2021 at 8:54 PM

John, we did it!

John,In 2019, it was said that the People’s Party of Canada would fade away and be forgotten. But that didn’t happen, because this is not just a political party. It’s a movement. And this movement is just getting started. Although we did not elect anyone on Monday, we have much to celebrate. Ov…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 20, 2021 at 5:53 PM

John, time to make history!

John,It's Election Day! It’s rare that you have the opportunity to send a very clear and powerful message to the political establishment.You have it now if you vote PPC. Don’t waste it!For those who live in Saskatoon or in surrounding areas, you are invited to the official PPC Election Night Ra…
  People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 20, 2021 at 10:01 AM

Concerned about mask exemptions while voting? Just print this!

John, It has come to our attention that many of our supporters are concerned about whether they will be allowed to vote if they are not vaccinated or exempt from wearing a mask.  Despite some posts circulating social media stating otherwise, we would like to remind everyone that they will still…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 19, 2021 at 7:20 PM

John, we’re the real opposition

John,If polls are to be believed, Canadians will elect a minority government tomorrow. Whether it’s headed by the LibCons or the ConLibs, we’re going to have a weak government and probably another election in two years. The only important question is: Will there be any strong opposition to the …
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 18, 2021 at 9:03 PM

John, this is the last stretch

John,This weekend, many people who don’t follow politics closely will finally think about who they should vote for on Monday. It’s important that they hear the PPC’s message. Do you have friends, colleagues, or family members who are really fed up with covid restrictions? Send them our covid po…
  People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 17, 2021 at 10:00 PM

Our Democracy Depends On You!

John, Click here to sign up as a scrutineer TODAY!   This election will be one of the most important elections in Canadian History. Our freedom, our livelihoods, and Canada’s future are at stake. You have the ability to ensure this election is fair and transparent. You can do so by signing up a…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 17, 2021 at 8:49 PM

John, Conservatives cannot be trusted!

John,Did Jason Kenney learn the art of flip flopping from his pal Erin O’Toole? Two months ago he said: “We’ve been very clear from the beginning that we will not facilitate or accept vaccine passports.” This week he announced that Alberta will impose one. He said last year it was illegal and i…
  People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 14, 2021 at 12:38 PM

Can YOU Stand On Guard As A Scrutineer?

John -- Election day is fast approaching! Monday, September 20th marks the day that many Canadians will go to the polls to cast their ballots. Now is the time for PPC supporters to take action and stand as scrutineers to observe the ballot counting process. Scrutineers play an essential role in…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 11, 2021 at 9:28 PM

Phony leaders’ debates, real momentum

John,Did you watch the leaders’ debates this week? If not, you didn’t miss anything! The five leaders agreed on almost everything. They all want more government spending, more federal intrusions in provincial jurisdictions, and less freedom for Canadians. They attacked each other on their super…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 6, 2021 at 4:30 PM

John, we have two weeks to flatten the lies

John,If anyone still had any doubt that Erin O’Toole is just another Liberal, his U-turns of the past few days should have cleared things up. O’Toole ran as a “true blue” conservative during the CPC leadership race. But his mask fell as soon as he became leader. He flip-flopped on opposing Trud…
  People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 4, 2021 at 12:31 AM

We will not be silenced.

John, Next week, Party Leaders will descend on the National Capital Region to take part in the Federal Leaders’ Debates organized by a government-appointed agency. All except one. As you are probably already aware, PPC Leader Maxime Bernier was unjustly excluded from these debates.  The PPC is …
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
September 2, 2021 at 9:26 PM

John, here's the PPC Newsletter – September 2, 2021

John,Voting day is less than three weeks away and we’re proud to announce that the People’s Party has 312 candidates representing it! As a result of the snap election call, our small but incredibly hard-working team scrambled to vet, interview, and onboard hundreds of candidates across the cou…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 29, 2021 at 8:02 PM

John, the media pretend we don’t exist!

John,Two years ago, the establishment media tried to paint us as a racist and white supremacist party. We now know that all these lies and smear jobs were fed by a professional dirt thrower paid by the Conservative Party, Warren Kinsella. In this campaign, they changed tack. They just pretend w…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 26, 2021 at 9:33 PM

John, check out our covid policy!

John,This morning, at a campaign stop in Quebec City with area candidates, I announced the PPC’s policy about covid. Of course, I have been talking about this for 18 months and you probably already know what the PPC’s stance is. But it’s now explained here on our website in the same clear and a…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 25, 2021 at 9:46 PM

John, the establishment will have egg on their face!

John,We had an awesome first ten days of campaigning! Our team at HQ has been working countless hours to vet and approve candidates. And here’s the result: We now have approved candidates in 330 ridings out of 338! People are flocking to volunteer. We’ve seen a marked uptick in the level of org…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 21, 2021 at 8:52 PM

John, the establishment doesn’t want you to hear about the PPC!

John,The Leaders’ Debates Commission announced today that they are not inviting me to participate in the English and French debates. I was disappointed, but not surprised. The criteria to be included was that PPC support in polls must average 4% over the past two weeks. Several polls unveiled i…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 16, 2021 at 7:05 PM

John, the campaign has started!

John,The next five weeks will be crucial for the future of our country. Canadians will decide if they want to live under a medical tyranny, in a surveillance and police state, or go back to living in a free country. I started my campaign yesterday with a press conference in Ottawa. You can read…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 14, 2021 at 8:28 PM

John, our rights and freedoms are under threat

John,I’m in Montreal this afternoon demonstrating with thousands of other freedom fighters against vaccine passports and other authoritarian covid measures. Eighteen months after “just two weeks to flatten the curve,” these attacks on our rights and freedoms continue. Trudeau just announced tha…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 11, 2021 at 1:10 PM

People's Newsletter - PPC Financial Statement 2020

John, The People’s Party of Canada recently filed its 2020 audited financial report with Elections Canada, in accordance with regulations. That report covers the 12-month period between January 1 and December 31, 2020. We would like to highlight the main items in this report so that you aware …
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 7, 2021 at 2:50 PM

John, now is the time!

John,It seems certain that Justin Trudeau will call an election in the coming days or weeks. If you support the PPC and want our candidates to succeed, NOW is the time to do something about it! We need more resources to pay for added staff, travel, ad campaigns, vetting of candidates, media rel…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 6, 2021 at 2:02 PM

LAST REMINDER | We need strong candidates. Apply TODAY!

John,An election is on the horizon and our PPC team is hard at work getting the Party election ready! We are well on our way and our candidates across the country are already ramping up their campaigns!We still have a lot of work to do however to get the Party ready for the prospect of a snap e…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
August 1, 2021 at 5:17 PM

REMINDER | We need strong candidates. Apply TODAY!

John,An election is on the horizon and our PPC team is hard at work getting the Party election ready! We are well on our way and our candidates across the country are already ramping up their campaigns!We still have a lot of work to do however to get the Party ready for the prospect of a snap e…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
July 30, 2021 at 8:33 PM

John, when will the covid nightmare stop?

John,It started with a 2-week lockdown “to flatten the curve.” Our incompetent governments then let thousands of seniors die in nursing homes. But that did not stop them from experimenting with more inefficient and disastrous measures. More lockdowns, quarantines, mask mandates, curfews, busine…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
July 23, 2021 at 10:15 PM

John, we’re preparing an ad campaign

John,I’ve been on the road all week in beautiful British Columbia. I’m now in Alberta and will be touring northern Ontario next week. You can check this page on our website to be sure not to miss coming events in your area. Everywhere I go, I meet enthusiastic PPC supporters. But also lots of p…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
July 17, 2021 at 9:13 PM

John, elections are coming and we need to be ready!

John,It’s almost certain an election will be called in a few weeks. Canadians in every region of the country need to hear the PPC message. That’s why I’m on the road again. I arrived in beautiful British Columbia yesterday and will be touring the province for several days before heading off to …
  Max Bernier · [email protected]
July 16, 2021 at 10:31 PM

John, will you stand with me?

John, I am excited to announce that the People’s Party of Canada has formally launched the second phase of our candidate selection process for the 44th General Election! Over the last 5 months, our small staff has been busy at work administering the first phase of candidate selection. I am prou…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
July 9, 2021 at 10:18 PM

John, let’s preserve Canada’s diverse cultures

John,On Canada Day last week, we celebrated our history, our common heritage and our values as a united people occupying a huge landmass. But also the many cultures and identities that make us unique in the world and are worth preserving. The culture of Newfoundland is very different from that …
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
July 2, 2021 at 8:21 PM

John, attacks against our freedoms are intensifying daily

John,Yesterday, the People’s Party was the only party celebrating Canada Day on Parliament Hill. Today, we’re still the only party fighting lockdowns, censorship, and identity politics. The only party openly and forcefully defending our freedoms and Canadian identity against the constants attac…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
June 18, 2021 at 7:40 PM

John, I was interviewed by Tucker Carlson!

John,Earlier this week, I made an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s nightly news show on Fox News, which is watched by millions of viewers in the US but also in Canada. Click this link to watch if you haven’t yet! Tucker invited me onto his show to discuss my wrongful arrest in Manitoba last weeke…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
June 11, 2021 at 9:25 PM

John, Free Max!

John,Our Leader Maxime Bernier was arrested in Manitoba today! After the first stop on his “Mad Max Manitoba Tour” in the small town of Niverville, he had been fined and threatened with arrest. Just an hour later, RCMP officers arrested him outside the village of St-Pierre-Jolys, where he had j…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
June 10, 2021 at 7:45 PM

John, I’m on the road

John,This week, I attended a Freedom Rally in Waterloo, and another one in Edmonton. I held meetings with candidates and association executives in Calgary and Red Deer. I had time to briefly meet supporters during a stopover in Vancouver. Everywhere I spread the same message: No more lockdowns.…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
May 29, 2021 at 1:16 PM

John, we need to reach more Canadians with the PPC’s message!

John,There is a lot of speculation about a general election coming next fall. The People’s Party is gearing up for it. We have already chosen over 100 candidates across the country. You will hear more about them soon. I have been criss-crossing the country for weeks to attend Freedom Rallies an…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
May 20, 2021 at 4:28 PM

John, help Max regain his seat in Beauce

John,I have some exciting news to share with you. I am working with my team of volunteers in Beauce to be ready for the next elections. Our defeat in Beauce last year was a discouraging upset. We’re going to make sure that doesn’t repeat in the next general election. It’s going to take everythi…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
May 12, 2021 at 6:27 PM

John, I was fined for attending a political protest!

John,Over the weekend I was touring Saskatchewan standing up for our rights and freedoms against the ongoing sanitary tyranny that we’ve been living under for more than a year. I addressed crowds of patriotic Canadians with my friends Mark Friesen and Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson. And how did the …
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
April 30, 2021 at 8:17 PM

John, these censorship bills cannot be allowed to pass!

John,I never thought they would go this far, but here we are. The Trudeau Liberals want to give themselves far-reaching new powers to censor the internet! Bill C-10 was described this week by commentators as a “full-blown assault on free expression.” If passed, it would subject the whole Canadi…
  Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada · [email protected]
April 16, 2021 at 9:02 PM

John, All the Other Parties Want a Carbon Tax!

John,It’s official! The People’s Party is now the only federal party opposed to a carbon tax! Erin O’Toole had pledged during his leadership campaign to repeal Trudeau’s carbon tax and never implement one if elected. But he flip flopped again yesterday. We know by now that his word means nothin…