Mission Statement Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ) is a national network that builds collective power by advancing the rights of workers through unions, work...

9 Messages

  Kim Bobo · [email protected]
December 31, 2021 at 3:41 PM

A Message from Kim Bobo regarding IWJ

Dear John, Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ), the organization I helped found in 1996 and then devoted the next 18 years of my life to, will officially close at the end of the year. Despite continued great work by many of the affiliated workers’ centers and faith-labor groups, and a heroic…
  Julian Medrano · [email protected]
September 12, 2019 at 4:36 PM

FW: Cool Down: Protect Workers from Heat Stress!

Interfaith Workers Justice Email Dear John. Labor Day may have passed, but summer isn’t over for the workers still laboring in 95+degree heat. It’s not too late for you to support these workers by telling your Representative to support the Asuncion Valdivia Heat Illness …
  Julian Medrano · [email protected]
September 5, 2019 at 2:02 PM

Cool Down: Protect Workers from Heat Stress!

Interfaith Workers Justice Email Tell your Representatives to endorse sensible heat protections TODAY!!! Dear John, It’s time to cool things down for workers. Eighteen of the last nineteen hottest years on record have occurred since 2001 and this year is on…
  Jeanette Smith and Nora Morales · [email protected]
September 2, 2019 at 12:02 PM

Dorian, an unwanted Labor Day guest & his effect on workers

Interfaith Workers Justice Email Time to put the Labor back in Labor Day Dear John, As Florida braces for another major hurricane that may make landfall on Labor Day and has already devasted the Bahamas, Nora and I have been reflecting on the effects that cl…
  Julian Medrano · [email protected]
July 12, 2019 at 12:01 PM

You can change people's lives today!

Interfaith Workers Justice Email IT'S TIME TO GIVE WORKING PEOPLE A RAISE! Dear John,  It has been 10 years since Congress raised the minimum wage. That’s the longest period in history – since it was implemented in 1938 – without an increase. Million…
  Interfaith Worker Justice · [email protected]
July 11, 2019 at 8:07 AM

We can't do this alone

Dear John, None of us can win worker justice by ourselves. We face formidable obstacles: a President bent on destroying labor rights, multinational corporations trying to squeeze profit out of the most vulnerable in our world, and ever more people working in…
  Jeremy Orr | Interfaith Worker Justice · [email protected]
July 5, 2019 at 8:10 AM

Protection For All

Interfaith Workers Justice Email John— President Trump has made crystal clear that he is willing to terrorize undocumented immigrants everywhere as a means to maintain his popularity with his base. That's right: Trump is ready to torment millions of families with the threat of detention and…
  Interfaith Worker Justice · [email protected]
July 3, 2019 at 8:09 AM

Never miss a worker justice update

Interfaith Workers Justice Email Dear John, As you may have noticed, we usually only send out email when there's an urgent action alert, breaking news, or an upcoming event in your area. But beyond the urgent alerts, IWJ and our affiliates are organizing for justice every day. Many of our su…
  Interfaith Worker Justice · [email protected]
July 1, 2019 at 8:12 AM


Interfaith Workers Justice Email Dear John, Thanks for signing up to receive email updates and action alerts from Interfaith Worker Justice. For more than twenty years, IWJ has been a leader at the intersection of faith and labor. We have more than 60 affiliated worker centers and faith and …