50+ Messages / Page

  Heather D. · [email protected]
May 25, 2022 at 5:05 PM

ACTION: Patriot Act 2.0 on the move

Patriot, Campaign for Liberty Executive Director John McCardell warned you in an email just yesterday about the dangers of H.R. 350 -- the "Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act" -- and how the Senate could move quickly on this bill. Well, Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, plans to fil…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 24, 2022 at 7:34 PM

To Biden and Congress, You’re the “Threat”

Patriot, As the Biden administration flails about incoherently – wrecking the American economy, tearing our social fabric, and crippling our foreign relations diplomatically and militarily – it’s no surprise they’re only escalating their rhetoric of fear and hatred toward their political o…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 22, 2022 at 6:05 PM

Biden Abuses the Dead

Patriot, A homicidal maniac plowed his car through a crowd of innocent people at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin on November 21, 2021, killing six people (four of whom were grandmothers) and brutally injuring sixty-two others. Nine were admitted to the hospital in critical condit…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 19, 2022 at 6:20 PM

Your voice matters

Patriot, Did you see my email below? Globalist backers of the Great Reset agenda, including right here in the United States of America, are chomping at the bit to push through the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty. They want to deprive individuals around the world of civil…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 18, 2022 at 7:33 PM

The Quiet Implementation of Vaccine Passports

Patriot, Last week, Campaign for Liberty sounded the alarm about an impending international treaty whereby the World Health Organization (WHO) is positioning itself to take total control of global “pandemic management.” They want to deprive individuals around the world of civil liberties…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 16, 2022 at 7:55 PM

Tell Congress: Put America First!

Patriot, Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) heroically forced a delay on a $40 billion spending bill that would escalate the war in Ukraine into a possible world war, further increase food and energy prices to American consumers, and waste U.S. taxpayer money while our own citizens can’t …
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
May 15, 2022 at 6:05 PM

Bill Gates’ Scheme to Gut the Constitution: The GERM!

Patriot, Billionaire Bill Gates has proposed creating a cadre of “experts” under the World Health Organization to monitor sovereign nations and decide when they need to suspend people’s civil liberties. As Campaign for Liberty Executive Director John McCardell wrote to you just the other…
  John at Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 12, 2022 at 5:00 PM

Defeat the WHO Treaty Now

“The Senate, by making treaties may destroy your liberty and laws for [lack] of responsibility. They may make the most ruinous treaties; and yet there is no punishment for them.” --Patrick Henry Patriot, While the country has been distracted by the Supreme Court and war in Ukraine, the Unit…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 10, 2022 at 8:28 PM

The Coming Food Shortage

Patriot, The outbreak of Covid proved just how fragile our food supply could be, when grocery store shelves across America emptied as panicked citizens filled their pantries. It should have been a wake-up call for Congress. A healthy free-market society doesn’t experience food shortages, …
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 7, 2022 at 6:02 PM

There is a Deep State. The Federal Reserve is a central organ.

, This week, another video surfaced of Joe Biden’s new disinformation czar, Nina Jankowicz, in which she referred to the Deep State and, of course, denied its existence. It’s another example of why Nina Jankowicz is totally unfit for the job that shouldn’t even exist. Everyone knows th…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
May 5, 2022 at 3:45 PM

Ministry of Truth Becomes Ministry of Damage Control

Patriot, The blowback against the Department of Homeland Security’s so-called “Disinformation Governance Board” a.k.a. “Ministry of Truth,” gets better and better. Yesterday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas took responsibility for picking Nina Jankowicz to lead the new dis…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 3, 2022 at 9:15 PM

STOP the Ministry of Disinformation

Patriot, You can’t make this headline up: “DHS Chief Claims Worry About New ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ Is Due To ‘Misinformation’.” That’s right: The disinformation boss claims information about the disinformation board is disinformation. You and I can stop this now, and I’ll ge…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
May 1, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Orwell saw it coming

Patriot, It finally happened. Last week, Joe Biden’s Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas revealed they have created a Ministry of Truth. The Ministry of Truth was one of the four government ministries in George Orwell’s dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
April 28, 2022 at 5:09 PM

The Globalist "Great Reset" Is Marching On Our Shores

“Now is the time for a ‘great reset.’ Every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. We need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” -Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum Dear Patriot, You should truly be terrified. The global elites want to usher in a “Great Reset” and transform…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
April 27, 2022 at 8:54 PM

Congress to Declare War On ... YOU?!

Patriot, From the outset, the Biden regime made clear it would be directing the full force of the federal government against anyone who opposes the administration’s agenda. It began with suppressing demonstrators opposed to Joe Biden’s inauguration. While there is no doubt that those w…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
April 24, 2022 at 6:05 PM

The Blame Game

Patriot, The White House’s recent effort to label gas prices and skyrocketing price inflation as “Putin’s price hike” was so absurd, even the normally sympathetic mass media had to mock it. The White House takes zero blame and essentially claimed Vladimir Putin controls prices in America.…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
April 21, 2022 at 9:09 PM

Stop the Surveillance State Currency

Patriot, All across the world we're witnessing the implementation of "central bank digital currency" (CBDC) – money that can track everything you buy and sell, and can be stolen by the government with a mere click. China already has a "digital yuan." Nigeria calls their CBDC the "eNaira.…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
April 19, 2022 at 8:54 PM

My Letter to Congress: Will You Co-Sign?

Patriot, On Joe Biden’s order, the Federal Reserve is scrambling to implement a “digital currency” scheme where the government would have total surveillance and control over how you spend your money – and Congress has taken no action to stop them yet. But there is a bill – H.R. 6415 – th…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
April 16, 2022 at 3:01 PM

Happy Easter

Dear Patriot, In any other “normal” year, many of us would be gathering with family and friends this weekend to celebrate the Easter holiday. But just like the past two years, this is anything but a normal year. Back in 1916, the Irish chose Easter as a time to rise up against British o…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
April 14, 2022 at 5:40 PM

RINOs and Their Enablers

Patriot, Republicans talk a good game when it comes to gun rights, but the moment they think we aren’t looking, many of them are all too happy to vote against the Second Amendment. Last month, Congress passed a law to deputize your local police as ATF agents and fund criminal investigati…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
April 12, 2022 at 9:12 PM

Screams from Shanghai

Patriot, This week, the world heard the screams of 25 million people in Shanghai, imprisoned in concrete apartments, sick and starving. Some people have been completely barred from leaving their homes to get supplies for more than two weeks. No one is allowed to leave their residential com…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
April 11, 2022 at 9:29 PM

Stop Biden’s War on Gun Rights

Patriot, Today, not only did Joe Biden announce he is nominating anti-gun fanatic Steve Dettelbach to head the ATF, but he also announced federal regulations aimed at banning law-abiding Americans from making legal firearms at home, while also expanding the federal government’s illegally-k…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
April 10, 2022 at 6:02 PM

Biden to Nominate Anti-Gun Fanatic to Head ATF

Patriot, You probably read about or saw the footage of Joe Biden at a White House party last week, wandering aimlessly and shunned by everyone in the room. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is an empty vessel. But he’s a vessel for the Washington establishment – the Deep State – and he follows o…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
April 7, 2022 at 9:24 PM

Your Congressman's Inaction

Patriot, Perhaps the most dangerous and damaging aspect of the mass media is its ability to shape the public mindset on what is normal and what is deranged. We saw this two years ago, when in an instant, the mass media was able to persuade the public that a nationwide lockdown was a legi…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
April 5, 2022 at 6:04 PM

The Covid Cover-Up

Patriot, Last week, the media reported some explosive information on the cover-up of the origin of Covid-19 – and named names. Kristian Andersen – an Anthony Fauci confidant who has received research grants worth millions from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases dir…
  John McCardell · [email protected]
April 3, 2022 at 7:04 PM

Ron Paul's Warning

Patriot, Did you see Dr. Paul's email this week warning about what will happen if we fail to hold our leaders accountable for their horrific assault on our liberties under the pretext of "public health?" Washington politicians want us to move on and forget nothing happened... but the fact…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
March 31, 2022 at 7:11 PM

How We’ll All Pay for Biden’s Tax Hikes

Patriot, The mass media is lying about the tax hikes in Joe Biden’s proposed 2023 budget, parroting the administration’s disingenuous claim that it’s just a big tax hike “on billionaires.” The Biden budget actually contains 36 different tax increases totaling $2.5 trillion, many of which…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 30, 2022 at 9:50 PM

Help Me Decide, Patriot

Patriot, Do you remember how rapidly the American political establishment pivoted on Covid policies? It started in swing states like Michigan, Colorado, and Pennsylvania being among the first Democrat-led states to loosen COVID-19 restrictions. And then, just over a month ago, when th…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 29, 2022 at 6:35 PM

Covid Tyranny Isn’t Over. It’s Just on Hold for the Election.

, After almost two years of brutal lockdowns, unhealthy mask mandates, and state-sponsored vaccine-based bigotry, state and local governments across America are finally beginning to back off. Not because they were “following the science” – they never were – but because the polls showed A…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 27, 2022 at 5:00 PM

End the Fed and Get More Doritos

Patriot, I’ve been warning about the Federal Reserve for many years. The Fed is the root cause of price inflation, which is now skyrocketing and destroying our national prosperity. And as I warn in my newest column, the only thing that has held back a collapse of the dollar has been the d…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
March 24, 2022 at 7:16 PM

They need to hear from you!

Patriot, The statists are marching forward with plans to create a new “digital dollar” that would give the federal government total control over your money. But there is legislation to stop them and prohibit the Fed from issuing a “digital dollar” counterfeit cryptocurrency, H.R. 6415. Yo…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 22, 2022 at 6:27 PM

We Need Less of the Fed

Patriot, On Joe Biden’s order, the Fed is scrambling to implement a “digital currency” scheme where the government would have total surveillance and control over how you spend your money – and Congress has taken no action to stop them yet. But there is a bill – H.R. 6415 – that would ma…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
March 21, 2022 at 9:11 PM

Legislation to Stop the FED's Digital Currency Scheme Needs Cosponsors!

Patriot, For years, Dr. Paul and Campaign for Liberty have warned you about the dangers of a “cashless” society. We sounded the alarm several years ago when the Federal Reserve started talking about a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Now, the Biden regime has ordered the Federal R…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 20, 2022 at 6:07 PM

It's all about power

  Patriot, Every day, the headlines scream of more attempts by the elite globalists and statists to chip away at our liberties and freedom.   Just last week we saw the House and Senate ram through a 2,741-page budget bill -- $1.5 TRILLION worth of pork and waste that covers only the last si…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 17, 2022 at 7:53 PM

The manual for globalists

  “Now is the time for a ‘great reset.’ Every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. We need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” -Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum Dear Patriot, You should truly be terrified. The global elites want to usher in a “Great Reset” and transform…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
March 15, 2022 at 8:44 PM

Is the Biden Regime Really As Incompetent As They Seem?

  Patriot, Between the confused ramblings of both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, it’s easy to conclude our nation is being run by puppets who don’t have a clue what they are doing. But you have to realize the globalist agenda behind them – the banks, the military-i…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 12, 2022 at 6:03 PM

The Great Reset: Biden Steps on the Gas

Patriot, As we predicted, the Biden administration is stepping on the gas to accelerate its plan to implement a national "digital currency" – barreling toward what little of our financial privacy remains standing. They're afraid of competing cryptocurrencies, and there's no question a Ch…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
March 10, 2022 at 8:55 PM

Biden Scrambles to Usher in the Great Reset

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” -Henry Kissinger Patriot, Our battle against a cashless society where every financial transaction you make is controlled by government forc…
  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty · [email protected]
March 8, 2022 at 9:47 PM

How Much More Inflation Can Americans Take?

Patriot, Gas prices are telling the true story. Food prices are telling the true story. Home and auto prices are telling the true story. And the true story is so undeniably bad, even the mass media admits that inflation is skyrocketing, and its effects are devastating. These are the sym…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 6, 2022 at 6:35 PM

The Coming Financial Police State

Patriot, For years, I’ve been warning the Fed is dead serious about creating Central Bank Digital Currency. In 2020, a Washington, D.C. Swamp lobbying front called the “Digital Dollar Project” demanded and got hearings in both houses of Congress. Joe Biden campaigned on supporting the Fe…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
March 3, 2022 at 8:54 PM

The Coming Financial Police State

Patriot, For years, I’ve been warning the Fed is dead serious about creating Central Bank Digital Currency. In 2020, a Washington, D.C. Swamp lobbying front called the “Digital Dollar Project” demanded and got hearings in both houses of Congress. Joe Biden campaigned on supporting the Fe…
  John McCardell · [email protected]
March 1, 2022 at 10:18 PM

De-Banking Goes International

Patriot, Just last week, the world watched in horror as the Canadian government announced it would freeze the bank accounts of peaceful protesters and their supporters and effectively prohibit them from using the financial system. This week, governments in America and many European countrie…
  John McCardell · [email protected]
February 26, 2022 at 6:02 PM

And the winners are ...

  Patriot, On a weekend when the world waits nervously to see how our government responds to the war between Russia and Ukraine, we just want to reflect and sincerely thank all of you who have supported Campaign for Liberty and our important mission. We are pleased to announce the winner…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
February 24, 2022 at 8:37 PM

The War on Dissent Isn’t Over. It’s Escalating.

Patriot, Yesterday, Justin Trudeau revoked the Emergencies Act, just two days after his allies in the Canadian Parliament voted to extend it. What changed? The Prime Minister’s political future. Facing a torrent of outrage from citizens, the press, and other countries, Trudeau saw the w…
  Ron Paul's C4L · [email protected]
February 22, 2022 at 10:27 PM

If Trudeau Can Freeze Innocent People's Bank Accounts, Joe Biden Can Too

  Patriot, “It could never happen in America.” We say this when we hear about atrocities in corrupt Third World countries like Libya or Burundi. But what we are witnessing, right now, in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s newly-minted dictatorship of Canada – militarized police horses tramp…
  Ron Paul's C4L · [email protected]
February 20, 2022 at 7:18 PM

It’s time to stand up!

  Patriot, He invoked “emergency powers.” He froze the bank accounts of peaceful protesters and those who contributed money, food, or other essentials to them. He called them “fringe,” “terrorists,” and “white supremacists.” It makes one think this is happening in Castro’s Cuba or even mo…
  John McCardell · [email protected]
February 17, 2022 at 9:25 PM

The Government "Experts" Are Con Artists

  Patriot, More and more, the government’s so-called “experts” on Covid policy are being caught telling a series of impossible lies. This week, a journalist with a hidden camera caught an FDA Executive Officer for its Countermeasures Initiatives, Christopher Cole, admitting their plan is…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
February 16, 2022 at 6:01 PM

Biden Starting the Dumbest War of All Time

  Patriot, The United States has made a great many foreign policy blunders over the years. We fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union in Vietnam, only to be defeated by the Viet Cong. We fought the Taliban in Afghanistan for twenty years, only for Joe Biden to surrender 83 billion dol…
  John McCardell · [email protected]
February 15, 2022 at 10:50 PM

FWD: The Regime’s Most Ridiculous Lie Yet

  Dear Patriot, These days, the Biden administration and Congress are pivoting and back-pedaling at a rapid pace on everything from spying on Americans to war in the Ukraine to mask mandates. And the pressure you are putting on them is making a difference! Be sure to read Dr. Paul's email be…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
February 13, 2022 at 7:35 PM

Liberty Strikes Back!

Patriot, In case you missed them, I want to share my two most recent columns with you, both of which highlight two incredible movements to restore liberty right now. The first, published on January 31, is a salute to the heroic truckers who are breaking the brutal regime in Canada and spar…