11 Messages

  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
September 15, 2024 at 3:54 PM

😳 “This is a Joke, Right?”

Read the latest SOSAZ Weekly Education Report! "This is a Joke, Right?" We only wish it were.   🌍 Flat earthers spark controversy: This week, an ESA voucher Facebook group sparked fierce debate when a voucher parent asked about using voucher funds to purchase Flat Earth “curriculum.” As Mary Jo Pit…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
September 12, 2024 at 12:00 AM


Hi John! It’s 8 weeks before the election and less than 4 weeks before ballots are mailed out, so of course EVERY weekend is a special weekend. But this one is near and dear to our hearts because we are prioritizing local school bond and override campaigns. These hyper local campaigns often don’t ha…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
September 8, 2024 at 5:16 PM

🙌SOSAZ Claps Back at Supt. Horne

Read the latest SOSAZ Weekly Education Report! SOSAZ Claps Back at Supt. Horne 🔥 This week, we published an OpEd clap back to Superintendent Horne’s lies about the voucher program. Check out the full piece in the AZ Mirror, and read some highlights below:  “Tom Horne, our state’s Republican superin…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
September 7, 2024 at 3:04 PM

DON’T MISS: Book Talk Events with SOSAZ

Hi John!We are so thrilled to be bringing TWO incredible book talk events to you in September.  Weds, September 18th in Tempe at 7pm (in person): Join SOSAZ in an engaging conversation with Professor Josh Cowen, author of the new book, "The Privateers," which lays bare the dangers of education priva…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
September 2, 2024 at 2:14 PM

Join the Fight for Public Education!

It's a fight we can and will win  Dear John, We’re fighting for strong community public schools for every child in Arizona - regardless of zip code, background, or status — and we’re so glad you’re with us!   We’d love to tell you our story. Our team of co-founders and statewide network of thousands…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
September 1, 2024 at 3:01 PM

AZ's Voucher-Funded Dune Buggy Boondoggle

Read the latest SOSAZ Weekly Education Report! AZ’s Voucher-Funded Dune Buggy Boondoggle 🙄 On Monday, the State Board of Ed (SBE) was asked to uphold a parent’s appeal to use state voucher money to purchase 3 dune buggies for their 3 children on the ESA voucher program, “citing her children’s need …
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
August 28, 2024 at 2:15 PM

Welcome to our community of public education supporters

Let's look at some factsDear John, We’re so glad you’re on our team of tens of thousands of public education advocates across Arizona!   Being an education advocate can look different for every person — from posting on social media, talking to friends and family, and learning how to write emails and…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
August 28, 2024 at 12:00 AM

TOMORROW — SOSAZ Game Night! 🔥🏆🎲

We'd love to see you!Hi John!Our Virtual Game Night is tomorrow Wednesday, August 28th at 5:30pm! We really hope you’ll pick a team and join in on the fun, games, and prizes — and help us win in November! We have 50 participants and are hoping for 100, so join a team and get in on the fun.    Regist…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
August 25, 2024 at 4:16 PM

Public Education is on the Ballot Nov. 5th

Read the latest SOSAZ Weekly Education Report! SOSAZ Public Educationis on the Ballot Nov. 5 72 days! We have 10 short weekends to make the case to Arizona voters to vote for many key issues — the state legislature, school board races, school bond & override funding measures, AZ Supreme Court j…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
August 24, 2024 at 3:01 PM

*NEW* Text to Win for Public Schools!

Make a difference from your couchHi John!New to volunteering during an election — or a seasoned pro who needs a quick refresher? Join Save Our Schools Arizona for our 6-part #Vote4PublicEd Volunteer Training Series!  First up – Text to Win!! Make a Difference from Your Couch will be held this Sunday…
  Save Our Schools Arizona · [email protected]
August 23, 2024 at 2:11 PM

We're so glad you're here!

Welcome to our community saving public education in Arizona Dear John,  Welcome! We are so glad you connected with Save Our Schools Arizona. We are a statewide, grassroots movement of parents, teachers, retirees, business leaders, and neighbors fighting for strong community public schools for every …