50+ Messages / Page

  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
November 6, 2022 at 6:57 PM

This is a really short email

Hi friend, I wouldn't be reaching out unless I absolutely had to. Election Day is just two days away, and this race is coming down to the wire. Your support is instrumental to us winning on Tuesday. Without it, we won't be able to reach voters in the last 48 hours — and make sure everyone knows abo…
  Jonathan Rothschild, Former Mayor of Tucson · [email protected]
November 4, 2022 at 9:20 PM

Sounding the alarm

Hi — Jonathan Rothschild here, the former Mayor of Tucson. I've known Kirsten Engel for years. I've seen her dedication firsthand, and I know there's no better person to fight for our environment or our working families.  Here's the problem: Kirsten is up against Kevin McCarthy's handpicked candid…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
November 4, 2022 at 5:05 PM

Before midnight!!

This is the single most important weekend of our whole campaign, friend.  This is the LAST WEEKEND BEFORE THE ELECTION. Voting ends on Tuesday, and we need to reach as many people as possible before then. We can win this thing. But it's going to take a ton of work to counteract all of the money pou…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
November 3, 2022 at 6:45 PM

Clearing up the lies from Kirsten's opponent

For months, Republicans have been accusing Kirsten of not caring about public safety. They're lying. Kirsten has a long and proven track record of supporting law enforcement and investing in safer streets. She's even been endorsed by the Pima County Sheriff, Chris Nanos. Conservative dark money PA…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
November 2, 2022 at 10:15 PM

make or break

In August, my campaign was identified as one of the most important races in the whole country. Since then, my campaign has been outspent **4 to 1** by Republican dark money groups. If we can't make up the difference, my campaign will be in jeopardy. Will you chip in now to help?We've managed to st…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
November 1, 2022 at 11:10 PM

Friend, thank you.

I truly cannot say this enough, friend: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!Because of your support, we were able to hit our fundraising goal for October! I know you're getting messages from all sides right now... But this is truly one of the MOST COMPETITIVE and IMPORTANT seats in Congress.  Every bit…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 31, 2022 at 10:55 PM

Trick or treat! 🎃👻

Hi friend — happy Halloween! I hope you and your loved ones have a fun, safe, spooky night planned. I'm reaching out because my last fundraising deadline before the election is at midnight — and we still haven't hit our goal.  I don't need to tell you how terrifying my opponent is: he supports an …
  Team Engel · [email protected]
October 31, 2022 at 5:40 PM

Last minute costume inspiration 👻

Friend, happy Halloween!  We thought we should send along some last minute costume inspiration, courtesy of Kirsten's dogs: Admittedly, Zeus and Gracie don't make very scary Halloween monsters. But what is terrifying is that in a little over a week, Juan Ciscomani might be elected to Congress. Cis…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
October 30, 2022 at 8:55 PM


Our last fundraising deadline before the election is tomorrow, friend! We're so close to hitting our fundraising goal — you can help us cross the finish line by chipping in now >> Kirsten's opponent was handpicked by Kevin McCarthy, which means we can count on him to: ☑️ Support a nationwide…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 30, 2022 at 4:50 PM

FWD: Will you help me keep my ad on air?

Election Day is almost here, friend, and we're all hands on deck.  My opponent is an extremist who would put the GOP's agenda over Arizona values. We need to make sure voters in AZ-06 know this, which is why my team put together our new ad. We've set an ambitious fundraising goal for October, but i…
  EngelforArizona.com · [email protected]
October 29, 2022 at 9:30 PM

We'll keep this quick — because we're running out of time

Friend, our last fundraising deadline is in TWO DAYS and Election Day is in just ten days. We're almost at the finish line — but we need your help before we get there.  This is a people-powered campaign. Will you help us defeat Kirsten's radical Republican opponent by rushing just $10 now? These l…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 29, 2022 at 5:15 PM

Kevin McCarthy's handpicked candidate

Kevin McCarthy's PAC and the National Republican Congressional Committee are putting hundreds of thousands of dollars behind Juan Ciscomani.  Why? It's because Ciscomani is Kevin McCarthy's handpicked candidate. He begged him to run. And he will do everything he can to get him elected.  This is wh…
  Engel HQ · [email protected]
October 28, 2022 at 7:35 PM

hanging in the balance

FIRST: The conservative majority on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade — ending 50 years of protection for abortion rights. THEN: A near-total abortion ban originating from 1864 took effect in Arizona.  NOW: Kirsten Engel is in a statistical tie with her anti-abortion opponent — in a seat tha…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 27, 2022 at 4:45 PM

"Birds of a feather" is NOT a good thing

This year, Arizona has a slate of ultra-radical Republicans running for office.  Kari Lake, who is running for Governor, is an election denier who has threatened to reject the results of her race.   Blake Masters, who is running for Senate, has said he would put an end to Social Security and Medic…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
October 26, 2022 at 8:47 PM

This race could be decided by just a couple votes

We've got five days until our October fundraising deadline — our last (and most important!) deadline before the election. Will you rush a donation to help us hit our fundraising goal? If you haven't chipped in yet, there has never been a more pressing time >> Here are five reasons why Kirsten…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 25, 2022 at 7:30 PM

Will you help me keep my ad on air?

With the election right around the corner, getting my message out has never been more important.  My team just released a brand new ad telling voters about my opponent's extremism. The only issue? Thanks to dark money groups, ads supporting my opponent are dominating the airwaves.  You can watch th…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
October 23, 2022 at 6:45 PM


We've got less than three weeks until the election, and we're not kidding when we day every day (and every dollar!) makes a difference. Kirsten and her opponent are in a virtual tie, but thanks to Republican dark money, we're getting outspent 4:1.  Here's what that means: Republicans see a chance t…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 22, 2022 at 6:11 PM

She has no place in Arizona, friend

Kari Lake is now refusing to say whether she'll accept the results of her election.   We should all be horrified by this. Refusing to accept the results of an election is a direct attack on our democracy.  To make matters worse, my opponent has continued to dodge questions about election conspirac…
  Ted Lieu for Congress · [email protected]
October 21, 2022 at 5:15 PM

Every dollar counts

Dear friend,  I'm not going to sugarcoat it: We're in a fight for our future, and holding our majority is no small job. That's why I'm committed to supporting Democrats in tight races across the country, including my friend Kirsten Engel. Hers is one of the tightest races in the country — and Kevin…
  Engel HQ · [email protected]
October 20, 2022 at 8:10 PM

Did you catch this on MSNBC?

MSNBC is now calling out Kirsten's opponent for his refusal to answer voters' questions about abortion bans.  You can watch the clip from MSNBC by clicking here, and then help us defeat Juan Ciscomani by chipping in >> Early voting has started in Arizona, friend, and with reproductive rights …
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 19, 2022 at 10:50 PM

Friend, are you ready to vote?

We're officially 20 days out from the election, friend!  There's a reason Republican dark money groups are pouring millions of dollars into this district. This is a pivotal race, and control of the House (and the future of reproductive rights in Arizona!) hinges on it.  I'm in a statistical tie wit…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
October 18, 2022 at 5:10 PM

Got questions about AZ's abortion ban? So do we.

Abortion is a top issue for voters in AZ-06. But when someone asked Kirsten's opponent about his stance on abortion bans, this was his response: When Kirsten saw how AZ public schools were being underfunded, she knew she had to take action. She ran for office and spent years working to support publi…
  Kirsten HQ · [email protected]
October 17, 2022 at 7:50 PM


Kirsten Engel is running in one of the most competitive — and important — races in the country. Friend, we're reaching out to make sure you are in the loop with what's going on. FIRST: Polling showed that Kirsten was ahead of her opponent by two points. THEN: Kevin McCarthy's Super PAC started spen…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 15, 2022 at 6:55 PM

Your impact

Early voting has started in Arizona, friend, which means your support is more important than ever. Will you help keep this seat blue and protect our House majority by chipping in? I know I have the experience to have a big impact for folks in AZ-06.It's not just that I dedicated my career to protec…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 14, 2022 at 5:45 PM

Fwd: What we're worried about

I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important, friend.  Last week, I reached out because my campaign is getting outspent 4:1 in AZ-06. Kevin McCarthy's Super PAC is pouring millions into keeping their ads on air, and with early voting officially started, this could cause big problems for my campaign.…
  Engel HQ · [email protected]
October 13, 2022 at 5:01 PM

National embarrassment

Friend, Kirsten's opponent is now getting national attention — but not the good kind.   Yesterday, The New York Times posted an article exposing how Republicans are dodging questions on abortion, and they used Juan Ciscomani as a prime example. …
  MarkKelly.com · [email protected]
October 12, 2022 at 8:16 PM

Sorry to be so direct but we need your help

We NEED to make sure our message is reaching voters. Friend — can you please split a $20 donation between our people-powered campaign and Kirsten Engel today? Sorry to be so direct, but our October fundraising deadline is coming up quickly and Early Voting begins TODAY.  Arizonans will begin castin…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
October 8, 2022 at 5:11 PM

This is a really short email

Friend, we only have one month left until Election Day.  Kirsten's opponent supports an abortion ban without exceptions. He'll be a rubberstamp for the Republican agenda in Congress, and we can't risk him winning. That means we have to make every day between now and November 8th count.  Kirsten has…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 6, 2022 at 5:32 PM


Here's a scary number: in the last month, my campaign has been outspent 4:1.  But even with all that money on the other side, I'm STILL neck and neck with my opponent. That's because Arizonans are fed up with extremist Republicans who only care about serving themselves — and they know that's exactl…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
October 5, 2022 at 9:16 PM

TREND WATCH: Republicans running away from tough questions

🏃‍♂️ A voter tried to ask Juan Ciscomani about abortion bans. He made an excuse and walked away. 🏃‍♂️ Kirsten was scheduled to have the only televised debate in AZ-06 with Juan Ciscomani. He dropped out a week before.  🏃‍♂️ Juan Ciscomani has been asked time and time against about election conspira…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 3, 2022 at 9:12 PM

You're one of the first people to see this, friend

My daughter, Helene, has some VERY good questions about the extreme and dangerous views of Arizona Republicans. We figured voters in AZ-06 do too — so we made an ad to give some answers. Our new ad is about to go on air, friend, and I wanted to make sure you were one of the first to see it!  My daug…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
October 1, 2022 at 6:16 PM

Friend, we couldn't do this without you!

Hi friend,  First of all, thank you. You're a crucial part of my campaign for Congress, and I'm really grateful for your support. We just wrapped up our end-of-quarter fundraising period. This was a really important deadline since it's the last time our financial reports will come out before the e…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
September 30, 2022 at 6:46 PM

My opponent is hiding from the truth

Radical Republicans like Ciscomani are out of touch with Arizona. Will you help me defeat him by chipping in to my campaign's victory fund before our midnight deadline? Voters deserve to hear from the people who want to represent them — but my opponent is refusing to speak. Juan Ciscomani dropped o…
  Sean Patrick Maloney, DCCC Chairman · [email protected]
September 30, 2022 at 3:31 PM

Personal note for you

For the DCCC, nothing is more important than protecting our House majority this fall, friend. That's why we've been carefully tracking races across the country. Now, I can confidently say that Kirsten Engel is running in one of the most important (and competitive) races. Kirsten's last end-of-quar…
  Engel HQ · [email protected]
September 29, 2022 at 6:56 PM

What are you running from, Ciscomani?

Yesterday, Juan Ciscomani got caught on camera running away from a question about abortion bans. Look. If you can't answer basic questions from voters about your policies, your policies are bad.   Kirsten Engel has always been and will continue to be unapologetically pro-choice.  Ciscomani, on the …
  Congressman Hakeem Jeffries · [email protected]
September 29, 2022 at 4:16 PM

Please don't ignore this message

The future of Congress hinges on this race... Hi friend,  I'm taking 15 minutes out of my day to write you because I know Kirsten Engel's campaign is in one of the MOST important races in the country.   If she loses, we'll lose control of the House — and Republicans will be able to push their anti-a…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
September 28, 2022 at 8:16 PM

This is a really important endorsement

Arizona now has a near-total abortion ban in place. It's a law originating from 1864 (before we were even a state!) and it doesn't make any exceptions for rape or incest. We HAVE to come together and fight for our rights. That's why I'm so excited to announce that I have officially been endorsed by…
  Paul Begala · [email protected]
September 27, 2022 at 6:46 PM

Friend, this Democrat needs our help...

Kirsten Engel has the drive to make real change for Arizona, and the real-life experience to back it up.  In three days, she has the most important fundraising deadline of this whole race. For Democrats to hold onto their House majority, we need Kirsten to win. Can we count on you to become a part …
  Team Engel · [email protected]
September 26, 2022 at 11:10 PM

How to fight AZ's new abortion ban

Hi friend — we'll be really quick.  The Congressional Leadership Fund (aka Kevin McCarthy's PAC) is airing a new attack ad in AZ-06 going after Kirsten. We need your help to hit our fundraising goal so we can fight back >>  On Saturday, an Arizona court ruled that a near-total abortion ban fr…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
September 25, 2022 at 7:20 PM

Five women ready to fight back 🚨💪

Hi friend, If we're going to protect our House majority and prevent a nationwide abortion ban, this is one of the seats we MUST win. But Kirsten is not the only unapologetically powerful, unapologetically pro-choice woman running a frontline race for Congress. Yadira Caraveo, Michelle Vallejo, Brit…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
September 24, 2022 at 9:31 PM

Abortion ban

Yesterday, the Pima County Court handed down a decision that will allow Arizona's 1901 abortion ban to go into effect. It makes no exceptions for rape or incest and it criminalizes nearly ALL ABORTIONS. I'm heartbroken, horrified, and angry. This is going to have devastating consequences for women …
  Congressman Eric Swalwell · [email protected]
September 23, 2022 at 6:32 PM


One week, friend.  There's only one week left before Kirsten Engel's end-of-quarter fundraising deadline. This is her campaign's last chance to flex its strength before Election Day.  Kirsten is one of the DCCC's Red to Blue seats, which means her ultra-competitive race is central to protecting our…
  Engel HQ · [email protected]
September 21, 2022 at 4:37 PM

🚨 Endorsement Alert 🚨

Friend,  We're excited to announce that New Democrat Coalition Action Fund has officially endorsed Kirsten! New Dems are committed to strengthening the US economy and ensuring all Americans have the chance to build great lives for themselves. They know that Kirsten has a track record of taking on t…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
September 19, 2022 at 9:15 PM

Will you join me in pledging to vote?

Friend,  Our right to vote is one of the most important ones we have. We need to make sure we speak up and use our voices whenever we can. So much is on the line this November — including fundamental freedoms like the right to choose.  With less than 50 days until the election, I hope you'll join m…
  Speaker Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
September 17, 2022 at 5:16 PM

This couldn't be more important, friend

Hi friend, it's Nancy Pelosi. I wanted to take a minute out of my day to make sure you've heard about Kirsten Engel.Kirsten is running for Congress in southern Arizona — and her race just got added to the DCCC's Red to Blue program. This means she's one of the BEST chances we have to flip a seat t…
  EngelforArizona.com · [email protected]
September 16, 2022 at 9:16 PM

Kevin McCarthy is targeting this seat

We need your help to fight back! Friend,  Kevin McCarthy's PAC is officially on air with ads attacking Kirsten for supporting the Inflation Reduction Act. Can we count on you to back us by rushing a $25 donation now? Let's get this straight: Kirsten supports capping the cost of insulin at $35, allo…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
September 14, 2022 at 7:36 PM

How to stop a nationwide abortion ban

When SCOTUS struck down the right to an abortion in May, they justified it by calling it a "state's issue." Now, not even six months later, the GOP is introducing a nationwide abortion ban with very few exceptions.  Let's call this what it is: a shameless attack on our most fundamental rights.  I …
  Congressman Adam Schiff · [email protected]
September 13, 2022 at 6:46 PM

Friend, this is personal

Hi friend,  Congressman Adam Schiff here. I'm reaching out because Kirsten Engel needs our help. She's in one of the most competitive races in the country, and Kevin McCarthy's PAC is pouring money into the district to defeat her.  We're at a perilous point in our country's history. Electing leader…
  Kirsten Engel · [email protected]
September 9, 2022 at 5:56 PM

Meet my opponent...

This is what we're up against, friend.  My opponent would let politicians ban abortions — no exceptions. He'd let doctors be locked up for performing abortions. He'd even let them be tried for murder. We need to make sure AZ-06 knows exactly how extreme Juan Ciscomani's views are. My team put toget…
  Team Engel · [email protected]
September 8, 2022 at 5:46 PM


Hey — we're excited to announce that Kirsten has been endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice America!!  Kirsten will always champion the right to choose. Will you make sure she can protect the future of abortion rights in Congress by chipping in now? NARAL does incredible work across the country to promote r…