50+ Messages / Page

  FrankenForIowa.com · [email protected]
April 20, 2022 at 11:12 PM

we don’t want to take our ads down

Hello, FIRST: The Des Moines Register released a poll showing Chuck Grassley’s approval rating is lower than it’s EVER been. THEN: Admiral Mike Franken raised over $1.8 million from 45,000 grassroots donors like you to turn Iowa blue and protect our Democratic Senate majority. AND NOW: …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 20, 2022 at 6:03 PM

I'm honored to be endorsed by Alexander Vindman

Hello, Retired Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is the epitome of courage and integrity. I am honored to have earned his endorsement. After Vindman overheard Donald Trump try to extort Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, he wasn’t afraid to tell the American public what happened. He testifie…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 20, 2022 at 1:01 PM

the Tucker Carlson show

Hello, As bombs began raining down on Ukrainian cities, Donald Trump called into Fox News to blame – you guessed it – Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. As Russian tanks began pouring over the Ukrainian border, Fox News host Laura Ingraham had the gall to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 19, 2022 at 11:00 PM

$32,692 a day

Hello, This morning, we started running our first TV ad against Chuck Grassley. I know Election Day might feel a long way away, but if we’re going to win, I need to introduce myself to voters now – before Mitch McConnell’s Super PACs begin attacking me and lying about who I am and what …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM

WATCH: Our first TV ad

Hello, Our values are being put to the test. Putin versus Ukraine. The Big Lie. Republican attacks on democracy, education, and voting rights. Threats to health care. ‘Culture wars’ against women’s reproductive rights and LGBTQ kids. Unwavering allegiance to the Mar-a-Lago demagogue. Th…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 19, 2022 at 1:01 PM

attacked for serving in the military

Hello, When Donald Trump was elected, I submitted my request to retire from the U.S. Navy after nearly 4 decades of military service. I never expected I’d one day run for office, but I felt called to continue to serve in whatever way was most meaningful. People told me to prepare myself…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 18, 2022 at 11:01 PM

allow me to explain

Hello, In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a donation to my campaign against Chuck Grassley and help me protect our Democratic Senate majority. But before I do, let me explain why your donation to turn Iowa’s Senate seat blue is so important right now. I am a hard target for a GOP…
  FrankenForIowa.com · [email protected]
April 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM

we OUTRAISED Grassley?!

Hello, Last quarter, Admiral Mike Franken OUTRAISED his Republican opponent Chuck Grassley with donations from people. But when you add in the hundreds of thousands of dollars of corporate PAC money Grassley also took… we got slightly beat. Chuck Grassley has taken almost $1.7 million i…
  MSNBC UPDATE (via FrankenforIowa.com) · [email protected]
April 18, 2022 at 1:02 PM

Claire McCaskill

Hello, Former Senator Claire McCaskill just issued a dire warning on MSNBC: Senate Democrats must URGENTLY act on voting rights – now. Republicans tried to steal the election in 2020, even encouraging an armed insurrection at the capitol. Since then, they’ve been gerrymandering distric…
  Alexander Vindman Endorsement Alert (via FrankenForIowa.com) · [email protected]
April 17, 2022 at 11:26 PM

"We need to elect Admiral Mike Franken"

Hello, There is incredible news in the campaign against Chuck Grassley: FIRST: Three-star Admiral Mike Franken announced he was running for Senate against Chuck Grassley in Iowa, giving Democrats our best chance ever to send him packing. THEN: Poll after poll showed Grassley’s approval…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 17, 2022 at 6:21 PM

what it means to be a Democrat

Hello, Growing up in rural Iowa, I thought we were well-to-do because we had a piano, a well-used sewing machine, a big garden, and a flag pole. Our house was small, one bathroom, for a family of ten. I was surprised to know that not every family struggled with affording the $7 meal tic…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 17, 2022 at 1:00 PM

Trump committed federal crimes

Hello, A federal judge finally said what we’ve all known for years: Donald J. Trump “more likely than not” committed serious federal crimes, calling the events leading up to January 6th an attempted “coup.” The only word missing from the judge’s ruling: “Treason” When Donald Trump was e…
  Blue Senate 2022 · [email protected]
April 16, 2022 at 11:43 PM

we urgently need your help

Hello, We urgently need your help. We have an opportunity this November to defeat Chuck Grassley and guarantee Democrats hold onto our Senate majority for another two years. Admiral Mike Franken is running against Chuck Grassley in Iowa, and the latest poll from the Des Moines Register …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM


Hello, Right now, Ukrainians are bravely defending their country with Iowa-made weapons. Russian armored columns are getting stopped in their tracks with American Javelin missiles – crucial parts of which are made right here in Iowa. But if it were up to Donald Trump, Ukraine would be o…
  ENDORSEMENT ALERT · [email protected]
April 16, 2022 at 1:01 PM

Alexander Vindman just endorsed!

Hello, We have incredible news: Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman just endorsed Admiral Mike Franken to help him defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue! You probably know Lt. Col. Vindman from when he bravely testified to Congress during Trump’s first impeachment hearings after he…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 16, 2022 at 12:00 AM

just 5 hours left

Hello, Fundraising is the worst part of running for elected office. But if we’re going to go up against Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell’s Super PACs and actually win, I need grassroots donors like you in this fight with me. There are just 5 hours until the most important mid-month de…
  Iowa Senate Update · [email protected]
April 15, 2022 at 6:43 PM

we have huge news

Hello, GOOD NEWS: The latest gold standard Des Moines Register polling shows just 27% of Iowa voters want to reelect Chuck Grassley this November, and Grassley’s approval ratings are the lowest they’ve EVER been! BAD NEWS: Corporate PACs and special interests have given Grassley million…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 15, 2022 at 1:01 PM

one seat puts McConnell back in charge

Hello, When you’re up against Chuck Grassley and Senate control is on the line, you need to raise a lot of money in order to run a winning campaign against Mitch McConnell’s Super PACs. That’s exactly the spot I find myself in. But with just 16 hours until our most important mid-month d…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 15, 2022 at 12:52 AM

before tomorrow night

Hello, In just over 24 hours, I’m facing my most important mid-month deadline of the campaign. After tomorrow night, everyone will see how much our people-powered campaign has raised to retire Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue. But right now, we’re still short of our $250,000 goal, so I…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 14, 2022 at 6:44 PM

photos of my mom and dad

Hello, My mother worked alongside my dad in Lebanon Farm Shop well into their 70s. They refused assistance from their many children even after they lost their life savings in the Savings and Loan debacle of the 1980s. My mom in coveralls, petite as she was, handing tools to my dad is an…
  Jordan Franken · [email protected]
April 14, 2022 at 1:01 PM

my husband Michael

Hello everyone, My husband Michael and I had the privilege of serving our nation together for almost three decades. Different schools, new doctors, different commute, pack up and unpack, good-byes to old friends and hellos to new neighbors — we moved from state-to-state and overseas. I…
  Iowa Polling Update · [email protected]
April 14, 2022 at 12:17 AM

Grassley’s approval the LOWEST it’s ever been!

Hello, The Des Moines Register is the gold standard of polling in Iowa. And their latest polling shows two INCREDIBLE numbers for Democrats: Just 27% of likely Iowa voters say they want to reelect Republican Chuck Grassley in this year’s midterm election. Chuck Grassley’s approval rat…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 13, 2022 at 6:01 PM

Facebook took down Chuck Grassley's ad

Hello, Facebook just took down Chuck Grassley’s ads against us – but not before they were seen by tens of thousands of people and targeted over one million: This is what we’re up against. Chuck Grassley is running ads so misleading that they’re being taken down – but they were still ru…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 13, 2022 at 1:02 PM

you ever heard the term “tracker?"

Hello, Have you ever heard the term “tracker?” I know I hadn’t until I decided to run for office. “Trackers” are what political campaign staff call what are essentially professional stalkers. They’re paid by Republican Super PACs and dark money organizations to follow you around with a …
  FrankenForIowa.com · [email protected]
April 12, 2022 at 11:01 PM

just refreshed ActBlue

Hello, After a poll from the Des Moines Register showed just 27% of Iowa voters want to re-elect Chuck Grassley, we set a goal to raise $250,000 before our critical mid-month fundraising deadline to help Admiral Mike Franken take the lead in the race. But we’ve been refreshing and refre…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 12, 2022 at 6:12 PM

emailing to ask for $5 to defeat Chuck Grassley

Hello, I am emailing you today to ask you to give $5 to help me defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic majority in the Senate. Here’s why: I am running in one of the most important Senate races in the country. Control of the Senate is at stake here in Iowa. Bu…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 12, 2022 at 1:02 PM

Tucker Carlson

Hello, As bombs began raining down on Ukrainian cities, Donald Trump called into Fox News to blame – you guessed it – Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. As Russian tanks began pouring over the Ukrainian border, Fox News host Laura Ingraham had the gall to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 11, 2022 at 11:36 PM

a Super PAC attacked my military service

Hello, When Donald Trump was elected, I submitted my request to retire from the U.S. Navy after nearly 4 decades of military service. I never expected I’d one day run for office, but I felt called to continue to serve in whatever way was most meaningful. People told me to prepare myself…
  Iowa Polling Update · [email protected]
April 11, 2022 at 1:02 PM


Hello, There is incredible new polling in Democrat Mike Franken’s Iowa Senate race against Republican Chuck Grassley. FIRST: A poll showed that only 27% of Iowa voters want to reelect Republican Chuck Grassley in this year’s midterm elections. THEN: Admiral Mike Franken jumped into the …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 11, 2022 at 12:03 AM

please will you let me explain?

Hello, In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a donation to my campaign against Chuck Grassley and help me protect our Democratic Senate majority. But before I do, let me explain why your donation to turn Iowa’s Senate seat blue is so important right now. I am a hard target for a GOP…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 10, 2022 at 6:01 PM

Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO

Hello, I was a three-star admiral, but when Donald Trump was elected, I voted with my feet and retired after 36 years in the U.S. Navy. Life is about choices, and I was not going to work for a demagogue such as Trump. Because here’s something you won’t hear anyone on Fox ‘Entertainment’…
  MSNBC ALERT (via FrankenforIowa.com) · [email protected]
April 10, 2022 at 1:01 PM

Senator Claire McCaskill

Hello, Former Senator Claire McCaskill just issued a dire warning on MSNBC: Senate Democrats must URGENTLY act on voting rights – now. Republicans tried to steal the election in 2020, even encouraging an armed insurrection at the capitol. Since then, they’ve been gerrymandering distric…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 9, 2022 at 11:19 PM

people like me aren’t supposed to run and win

Hello, Growing up in rural Iowa, I thought we were well-to-do because we had a piano, a well-used sewing machine, a big garden, and a flag pole. Our house was small, one bathroom, for a family of ten. I was surprised to know that not every family struggled with affording the $7 meal tic…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 9, 2022 at 6:01 PM

Trump was impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine

Hello, I am old enough to recall when Donald Trump was first impeached for holding military aid to Ukrainian President Zelensky hostage: ‘You either begin an investigation into Joe Biden or you won’t get the Javelin missiles Congress authorized.’ I’m also old enough to remember when my …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 9, 2022 at 1:02 PM

I showed my respect for Trump with my feet

Hello, It was Ben Franklin who, when asked what form of government the constitutional convention had produced, said: “A republic, if you can keep it.” Donald Trump’s election sealed the deal for me to retire after nearly 4 decades in the U.S. Navy. Having been in uniform for every Presi…
  FrankenForIowa.com · [email protected]
April 8, 2022 at 11:16 PM

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman just endorsed!!!

Hello, There is incredible news in the campaign against Chuck Grassley: FIRST: Three-star Admiral Mike Franken announced he was running for Senate against Chuck Grassley in Iowa, giving Democrats our best chance ever to send him packing. THEN: Poll after poll showed Grassley’s approval…
  Blue Senate 2022 · [email protected]
April 8, 2022 at 6:01 PM

$3.7 million

Hello, 27% That’s the percentage of Iowa voters that told the highly-respected Des Moines Register they wanted to reelect Republican Senator Chuck Grassley in their latest poll. $3,710,491 That’s how much Chuck Grassley has in his campaign war chest right now thanks to corporate PACs an…
  Endorsement Alert · [email protected]
April 8, 2022 at 1:01 PM

BREAKING: Lt. Col Alexander Vindman endorses Admiral Mike Franken!

Hello, We have an incredible announcement to share: Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman just endorsed Admiral Mike Franken to help him defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue! You probably know Lt. Col. Vindman from when he bravely testified to Congress during Trump’s first impeachme…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 8, 2022 at 12:01 AM

Trump and Grassley sided with Putin for 4 years

Hello, I happen to know a few genuine heroes. In my book, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is the definition of today's hero. Do not forget: This is the same President Zelensky who Donald Trump tried to withhold Javelin missiles from unless Zelensky opened a fake investigation int…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 7, 2022 at 8:01 PM

Javelin missiles

Hello, Right now, Ukrainians are bravely defending their country with Iowa-made weapons. Russian armored columns are getting stopped in their tracks with American Javelin missiles – crucial parts of which are made right here in Iowa. But if it were up to Donald Trump, Ukraine would be o…
  Admiral's Report · [email protected]
April 7, 2022 at 4:02 PM

All Hands On Deck

Hello,  I’m just stepping away for a second to update you on what has been an extremely exciting and productive week for the campaign and full of great news. First, I want to welcome aboard our new staff members who recently joined the campaign. We were happy to announce State Represent…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 7, 2022 at 12:01 PM

Donald Trump committed serious crimes

Hello, A federal judge finally said what we’ve all known for years: Donald J. Trump “more likely than not” committed serious federal crimes, calling the events leading up to January 6th an attempted “coup.” The only word missing from the judge’s ruling: “Treason” When Donald Trump was e…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 6, 2022 at 11:01 PM

Clarence Thomas must resign

Hello, This is very simple: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas did not recuse himself from a decision to provide his wife’s text messages to the January 6th committee. In fact, Clarence Thomas was the only Justice on the Supreme Court AGAINST providing his wife’s messages to the Janu…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 6, 2022 at 6:04 PM

huge announcement

Hello, I have absolutely terrific news. After March 31st, we are required by federal law to file a report showing how much our campaign raised in the first three months of the year. Today, we filed that report, and I’m proud to announce that we raised $1.4 MILLION to defeat Chuck Grassl…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 6, 2022 at 1:02 PM

Putin is a war criminal

Hello, The images coming out of Ukraine are horrific. Innocent civilians shot dead in the streets. Mass graves. Entire cities leveled to the ground. Horrific, but expected. There is only one word to describe what the Russian army has done: Criminal. I was a three-star admiral in the U.S…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 5, 2022 at 11:01 PM

Grassley can’t even muster the courage

Hello, The United States has reportedly offered to help President Zelensky evacuate from Ukraine. He's declined, telling officials: "I need ammunition, not a ride." But it’s not just President Zelensky. Across the entire country, everyday Ukrainians are standing up to fight against Russ…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 5, 2022 at 6:01 PM

photos: (mom and dad)

Hello, My mother worked alongside my dad in Lebanon Farm Shop well into their 70s. They refused assistance from their many children even after they lost their life savings in the Savings and Loan debacle of the 1980s. My mom in coveralls, petite as she was, handing tools to my dad is an…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 5, 2022 at 1:01 PM

imagine what Putin must be thinking

Hello, The courage we are seeing from President Zelensky is not the kind of instantaneous courage used to charge an enemy or the self-promoting false courage of Trumpian showmanship. Zelensky’s courage is that of thought-through deliberation, choosing to sacrifice oneself to protect oth…
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 4, 2022 at 11:01 PM

Fox News' new fake scandal

Hello, Have you ever heard the term “tracker?” I know I hadn’t until I decided to run for office. “Trackers” are what political campaign staff call what are essentially professional stalkers. They’re paid by Republican Super PACs and dark money organizations to follow you around with a …
  Admiral Mike Franken · [email protected]
April 4, 2022 at 6:02 PM

Russian is airing Tucker Carlson

Hello, Russian state media is now airing clips from Fox News of people like Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson praising Vladimir Putin. When I was an admiral in the U.S. Navy and the commander of all U.S. forces in East Africa, I requested that Fox News be turned off in the mess halls duri…