50+ Messages / Page

  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
December 15, 2023 at 6:17 PM

I read your responses. Here are some I'd like to share:

Friends - We recently sent out an email asking a simple question. Do you think life in America is better today than it was 50 years ago? The response was rather extraordinary. As of today we have received almost 10,000 written responses – almost all of them very thoughtful. 78% of respondents s…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
December 8, 2023 at 5:35 PM

Can you take a few minutes and tell me if you believe life for people like you is better or worse than it was 50 years ago? We're hoping for a lot of responses today. Thanks. - B

Dear Friends, Today in America, it will not surprise you to hear, the people at the top have never had it so good. The top 1% now own more wealth than the bottom 92% and the 50 wealthiest Americans own more wealth than the bottom half of American society — 165 million people. So yes, life has …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
December 1, 2023 at 4:52 PM

Change is coming. The question is: what kind of change will it be?

Friends - Change is coming to America. The question is whether it will be an authoritarian Trump type change, which thrives on hatred and divides us up based on the color of our skin, where we were born and our sexual orientation. Or, will that change bring us together around an agenda which pr…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
November 27, 2023 at 3:20 PM

there is a lot going around in the world right now.

it is critical we bring the world together NOW to address this existential threat. Friends - Everyone knows there is a lot going around in the world right now. The situation in Israel and Gaza is horrific and brutal. Russia's outrageous invasion of Ukraine continues. Authoritarianism is on the…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
November 22, 2023 at 3:25 PM

Justice for the Palestinians and Security for Israel

Friends - Please read my op-ed in today’s New York Times about addressing the conflict between Israel and Palestine in a way that brings justice for Palestinians and security for Israel. - Bernie Justice for Palestinians and Security for Israel By Bernie SandersNov. 22, 2023 There have bee…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
November 21, 2023 at 3:51 PM

The greed of the pharmaceutical industry is out of control

Friends - Today, all across the world, millions of people are suffering and dying simply because they cannot afford the medicine they need. The greed of the pharmaceutical industry is out of control. Too often pharmaceutical companies don't produce medicines for people in poor countries simply …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
November 19, 2023 at 6:54 PM

Gaza is a humanitarian disaster. No more aid to Israel without strong conditions.

The horrific war in the mid-east continues. Here is a statement I released yesterday with my thoughts about a constructive path forward. Friends - The horrific war in the mid-east continues. Here is a statement I released yesterday with my thoughts about a constructive path forward. Gaza is a hu…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
November 2, 2023 at 2:28 PM

Gaza needs a humanitarian pause. Then we need a vision of where we go from here.

Friends - The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is dire and getting worse by the minute. The US Congress must join many in the international community in demanding a humanitarian pause, now, so that sufficient supplies – food, water, medicine, fuel — can reach the people of Gaza. Please read my lates…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
October 30, 2023 at 5:22 PM


A victory that will resonate all across the economy Friends - At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, when real inflation accounted for wages for the average worker are lower today than they were 50 years ago, the UAW has won an extraordinary victory not only for their own members but…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
October 22, 2023 at 12:30 PM

If Democrats are serious about winning elections

If Democrats are serious about winning elections and addressing the major crises that we face… Friends - If Democrats are serious about winning elections and addressing the major crises that we face, they must embrace the working class of this country in a way which hasn’t been done in almost 60…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
October 19, 2023 at 10:04 PM


I wish I could tell you that I had some magic solution, or five-point plan to resolve this never-ending crisis. “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”- Mahatma Gandhi Friends - There have been five wars fought between Israel and its neighbors in the last fifteen years. Over…
  Bernard Sanders · [email protected]
October 11, 2023 at 5:06 PM

It's Bernie Sanders. I am writing to ask you to make a $27 contribution (or whatever you can afford) and I'll send you my new book "It's OK to be Angry About Capitalism." It's a good book. - Bernie

Make a donation of $27 — or whatever you can afford today — and we will get you a copy of my latest book, It's OK To Be Angry About Capitalism. Friends — I’ve recently written a best-selling book entitled, "It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism." It’s a good book. It’s an important book. It deal…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
October 6, 2023 at 6:17 PM


Friends - Today, in a number of states across the country, more than 75,000 health care workers at Kaiser Permanente are out on strike as part of their fight for better staffing ratios, working conditions, pay and benefits. These workers are pharmacists, nurses, lab technicians, and other heal…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
September 26, 2023 at 4:06 PM

Sign my petition: It is time for the Senate to save lives by making primary health care more accessible and affordable in this country

Friends - Our current health care system is broken. Despite spending almost twice as much per capita as any other country, an unsustainable $13,000 per year, 85 million Americans are either uninsured or underinsured; over 60,000 die each year because they can’t get to a doctor when they need to…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
September 22, 2023 at 5:15 PM

United Auto Workers

Friends - There was once a time, decades ago, when union auto jobs were considered the gold standard for blue collar workers in this country. Sadly, that is no longer the case. There was once a time when this country had a strong middle class. Sadly, that is no longer the case. Today there are…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
September 12, 2023 at 3:39 PM

Morally grotesque and growing inequality

The UAW members will be fighting not only for themselves but against a corporate culture of arrogance, cruelty and selfishness causing massive and unnecessary pain for the majority of working families throughout the country. Friends - There has been a morally grotesque and growing inequality occ…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
September 4, 2023 at 5:41 PM

Labor Day (please read)

Needless to say, changes that benefit the working class of our country are not going to be easily handed over by the corporate elite. They have to be fought for - and won. Friends - In the history of this country, real, significant change has never happened from the top-down. It always happens …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
August 29, 2023 at 8:06 PM

How does the Republican Party have more support from the working class than Democrats?

The Republican Party, which wants more tax breaks for the rich and cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, opposes pro-union legislation, and denies the reality of climate change, now has more support from the working class of this country than Democrats. The Republican Party, which wan…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
August 25, 2023 at 6:14 PM

If you are feeling anxious, confused, or angry — you are not alone.

This Saturday, Bernie will be delivering a speech on "the Agenda Americans Need" at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. Please subscribe to his YouTube channel to be alerted when it begins. In this unprecedented moment in American history we, as progressives, are engaged in many struggles. W…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
August 21, 2023 at 5:04 PM

The U.S. and China must unite to fight the climate crisis, not each other

Cooperation is not only in the best interests of all countries, but is absolutely necessary for the survival of the planet Friends - The latest report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is very clear and it is very foreboding. If the entire planet, led by t…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
August 8, 2023 at 4:14 PM

Enclosed: my op-ed on climate change (please read)

While we organize for bold climate action, we must reach out to all Americans. Friends - Unless there is a major increase in global consciousness around climate change, the planet we will leave our kids and future generations will be increasingly unhealthy and uninhabitable. Arizona has had a re…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
July 31, 2023 at 7:14 PM

Climate Change >>

Whether we like it or not, we are all in this together. Look around: Over the last few days, nearly 2/3 of the population of the United States of America was living under either a flood warning, watch, or a heat advisory. Temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean are the highest ever recorded. Wildfir…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
July 24, 2023 at 3:11 PM

Writing today to ask you to read my latest op-ed in the Guardian on our nation's bloated $886 billion military budget, and to add your name to my petition opposing it. Thanks. - B

As a nation, the time is long overdue for fundamental changes to our national priorities Friends - Turn on the TV and you're sure to hear my colleagues express deep concern about the national debt. Taking on climate change? Can't afford it. Medicare for All? Too expensive. Tuition-free college? …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
July 19, 2023 at 9:38 PM

Where do we go from here?

To my mind, there is nothing more important than bringing working people together in the fight against corporate greed and oligarchy. Friends - Earlier this week, President Biden and I held a discussion in the White House on a very important topic – the state of the labor movement in our country…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
July 10, 2023 at 11:15 PM

RSVP to join me, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and our nation's leading environmentalists this Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. ET for an important livestream discussion on the climate crisis and where our movement goes from here. Thanks. - B

Join me this Wednesday, July 12 at 8:00 p.m. ET Friends - Every day and in every part of the world, we are seeing the devastating effect climate change is having on our planet. The truth is that if we are going to leave behind a planet that is healthy and habitable for our children and our gran…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
July 7, 2023 at 2:38 PM

I'm writing today to ask you to please read my op-ed in today's Guardian about the need for bold, immediate action to address climate change. This is important. Thanks. - B

If there is not bold, immediate action to address the climate crisis, the quality of life that we are leaving our kids is very much in question Friends - Please read my op-ed in today's Guardian about the need for bold, immediate action to address climate change. Because if we do not, the qualit…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
June 30, 2023 at 8:02 PM

Student debt forgiveness

If right-wing Supreme Court justices want to make public policy they should quit the Supreme Court and run for political office. Sisters and Brothers - Earlier today, the Supreme Court voted to overturn a Biden Administration program forgiving up to $20,000 of student debt per-person in this cou…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
June 27, 2023 at 1:50 PM

Enclosed: My latest op-ed for Fox News on the greed of the pharmaceutical companies

Please take a moment to read a recent op-ed that I wrote for Fox News. Friends - There is a lot of discussion in the media today about how "divided" our nation is. And in many cases, that is absolutely true. There is significant disagreement on issues like immigration, gay rights, abortion, and …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
June 21, 2023 at 2:43 PM


Friends - Today in America, it will not surprise you to hear that the deck is stacked against working people trying to form a union. And as union popularity in this country climbs and more and more people try to form a union to improve their standard of living, they are facing fierce and illeg…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
June 16, 2023 at 4:01 PM

The top pharmaceutical companies made over $112 billion last year, while 1 in 4 Americans can't afford the drugs they need to stay healthy or alive. It is time to end the greed of the drug companies.

Sisters and Brothers - It may shock you to learn, but there was once a time when the inventors of life-saving drugs were not first obsessed with making huge sums of money, but were instead obsessed with making people well. Dr. Jonas Salk, who invented the vaccine for polio, could have chosen …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
June 13, 2023 at 3:02 PM

I'm writing today to ask you to read my latest op-ed in the Guardian and, if you can, to contribute toward our movement's efforts elevating the issues important to working people. It's very important that we're in this together. Thanks. - B

Friends - Today in America, 40 percent of parents report being either extremely or very worried that their child is struggling with anxiety or depression. And they are right to be worried. I hope you'll take a moment to read my op-ed in the Guardian about a major mental health crisis we are fac…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
June 6, 2023 at 10:05 PM

Our minimum wage tour (photos enclosed)

Sisters and Brothers - Thank you very much for your support in enabling our campaign to hold great rallies across the South to demand that the starvation minimum wage of $7.25 per hour be raised to a living wage of $17 per hour. The rallies were held in Durham, NC, Nashville, TN, and Charlesto…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
June 2, 2023 at 2:48 PM

Why I voted NO on the debt ceiling deal

Sisters and Brothers - Let’s be clear. The original debt ceiling legislation that Republicans passed in the House would have, over a 10-year period, decimated the already inadequate social safety net of our country and made savage cuts to programs that working families, the children, the sick, …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
May 31, 2023 at 3:38 PM

I am writing to ask you to contribute $2.70 before I hit the road this week for a minimum wage tour. It's very important that we continue organizing our movement nationwide. Any amount you can give will make a difference. Thanks. - B

Sisters and Brothers - Washington DC, with its lobbyists, campaign contributors, and powerful special interests, is the last place in the world to know what’s going on in the lives of working families or to bring about the structural reforms our society needs. If we want to bring about real cha…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
May 25, 2023 at 11:06 PM

No. Now is not the time to cave in to GOP hostage takers on the debt ceiling. Now is the time for President Biden to use the 14th Amendment to prevent an economic catastrophe and protect programs for working people. Add your name to my petition if you agree.

Sisters and Brothers - I thought it was important for readers of Fox News to get a different perspective on the debt ceiling crisis from what they often receive. Yes. There are alternatives to the right-wing approach of slashing desperately needed programs for the elderly, the children, the sic…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
May 21, 2023 at 10:04 PM

This is a long email about the debt ceiling, and why I am calling on President Biden to exercise his authority under the 14th Amendment to protect crucial programs for working families and prevent a global economic catastrophe. Please add your name to join me in this effort.

Dear Sisters and Brothers - No doubt you are hearing a lot of discussion about the national debt ceiling crisis. What’s going on? Well, it appears that extreme right-wing Republicans are not only prepared to undermine American democracy by refusing to accept election results, but now they are …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
May 18, 2023 at 2:04 PM

I'm introducing Medicare for All legislation this week, and today I am asking you to add your name to my petition to show that our movement is united on this issue. This is important. Thanks. - B

Sisters and Brothers - The function of a rational and humane health care system is to provide quality care for all as a human right. Yet in America today, our health care system is designed to make tens of billions of dollars every year for the insurance companies and the drug companies while …
  BernieSanders.com · [email protected]
May 16, 2023 at 11:00 AM

Philadelphia → Can Helen Gym count on your vote for Mayor today?

It's time to cast your vote for Helen Gym in Philadelphia's mayoral election! Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. FIND MY POLLING PLACE Friends - Today is Election Day in Philadelphia! Can Bernie count on you to cast your vote for Helen Gym for Mayor of Philadelphia? Use this link to…
  BernieSanders.com · [email protected]
May 15, 2023 at 5:01 PM

Vote for Helen Gym for Mayor in tomorrow's primary:

Friends - Tomorrow is Election Day in Philadelphia! Can Bernie count on you to cast your vote for Helen Gym for Mayor of Philadelphia? Use this link to find your nearest polling location and make a plan to vote for Helen Gym in tomorrow's mayoral election in Philadelphia. All polling places wi…
  BernieSanders.com · [email protected]
May 13, 2023 at 2:01 PM

Your last chance to RSVP to join Bernie, Helen Gym and AOC tomorrow

friends - We're quickly approaching tomorrow's event in Philadelphia with Bernie, Helen Gym and AOC. So we wanted to reach out one more time to give you a final opportunity to RSVP. Will you sign up right now to say you'll join Bernie, Helen Gym and AOC tomorrow for a rally in Philadelphia? Th…
  BernieSanders.com · [email protected]
May 11, 2023 at 2:01 PM

Got plans on Sunday? Join Bernie, Helen Gym and AOC for a rally in Philadelphia:

Hey there — did you hear the news? Bernie is joining a rally with Helen Gym and AOC in Philadelphia this Sunday, and he is hoping he can count on you to attend. Here are all the details: Rally with Senator Bernie Sanders, Helen Gym and AOC Sunday, May 14 Doors open at 4:00 p.m. Event starts …
  BernieSanders.com · [email protected]
May 9, 2023 at 10:01 PM

[PHILADELPHIA] You're invited to join Bernie and Helen Gym for a rally this Sunday!

We wanted you to be one of the first to know: Bernie's headed to Philadelphia this Sunday to join a rally with Helen Gym to get out the vote ahead of her mayoral election — and you're invited! Can you add your RSVP today? Here's everything you need to know: Rally with Senator Bernie Sanders an…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
May 4, 2023 at 3:50 PM

Moving to a 32-hour work week with no loss of pay is not a radical idea. Add your name if you agree.

Sisters and Brothers - At a time of extraordinary technological changes and major increases in worker productivity, we must make sure that all of our people are benefitting – not just those at the top. Yet in America today, working people are working longer hours for lower wages while the billi…
  BernieSanders.com · [email protected]
May 3, 2023 at 7:23 PM

PHILADELPHIA: Bernie just endorsed Helen Gym for mayor — can you make your plan to vote in this month's primary?

If elected, Helen will be a mayor for ALL Philadelphians, not just the wealthy and well-connected. Friends - Ballots are already being cast in Philadelphia's mayoral primary election, and we're reaching out to Bernie supporters across the city to make sure Helen Gym can count on your vote. In-…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
April 17, 2023 at 5:07 PM

I'm writing to ask you to read my op-ed in the Guardian and, if you can afford it, to contribute toward our movement's efforts to fight for an agenda that works for all of our people, not just the 1%. It's very important that we're in this together. Thanks. - B

Sisters and Brothers - At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, Congress must finally have the courage to stand up for working families. One of the ways we can do that is by raising the minimum wage to a living wage. That's what I discuss in an op-ed published by the Guardian today, a…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
April 6, 2023 at 6:53 PM

Two HUGE victories for our movement

Here's why Janet Protasiewicz and Brandon Johnson's victories this week are so important: Sisters and Brothers - The Establishment has told us over and over again that our movement is weak, is in decline, and can’t accomplish much. Really? Progressives in the Midwest on Tuesday, with strong nati…
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
March 20, 2023 at 10:42 PM

Let me briefly tell you what I am trying to do as the new Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP)

Sisters and Brothers - I fully appreciate that the number of crises facing our country and the world now can seem overwhelming. Frankly, there is a reason as to why we are now experiencing a major mental health crisis. The anxieties and fears that people feel are real. The UN has told us that …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
March 15, 2023 at 9:28 PM

Silicon Valley Bank

Sisters and Brothers - In America today, if you're a wealthy vulture capitalist with over $250,000 in uninsured deposits at a loosely-regulated bank, the federal government will guarantee that your money is safe in a weekend. If you’re a struggling working person with no health insurance and …
  Bernie Sanders · [email protected]
March 5, 2023 at 4:35 PM

Sign my petition – it's time to pass the PRO Act to protect every worker's right to form a union

Sisters and Brothers - In America today, people are sick and tired of the unprecedented corporate greed and illegal union busting that is taking place throughout this country. They are sick and tired of the massive levels of income and wealth inequality, and the fact that CEOs of large corpora…
  BernieSanders.com · [email protected]
February 28, 2023 at 4:25 PM

Thought you might like to see this: Bernie Sanders is right about capitalism

Friends - CNN recently released an op-ed called "Bernie Sanders is right about capitalism" and we wanted to share an excerpt of it with you today. In the richest country in the history of the world we need strong policies to ensure that every man, woman and child has a decent standard of livin…